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1st slide : San Yati

Good afternoon everyone, we are from group 4 and today we are going to present about teenage life.

2nd slide : Zue

My group members are Yati Linn Latt, Wint Phoo Nwe, Zue Thwet San, San Yati Win Tun and Paing

3rd slide : Paing Khant

We will discuss about stereotypes, the teenage brain, life at school, role models, conclusions, and

4th slide : Zue

Precisely, how they think, how they are described inside and outside of school and how different they are
from adults.

5th slide: Julia

Firstly, we will talk about stereotypes. Many adults describe teenagers as lazy or unmotivated, rebellious,
phone-obsessed, lacking responsibility, knowledge or experience, lacking ambition,fashion-obsessed,
emotional and moody.

6th slide: Yati

Secondly, The teenage brain: The teen brain has an amazing ability to adapt and responds to new
experience and situations. Because the teen brain is still developing, teens may respond to stress
differently than adults. Furthermore, ongoing changes in the brain along with physical, emotional, and
social changes, can make teens more likely to experience mental health problems.

7th slide : Julia

Then, we will be discussing about life at school. School is the key to success and a place for teenagers to
find their happiness, make friends and to gain knowledge. Teenagers may think that school are too strict
as they have too many school rules. Also, they have to do too much homework so that might increase
their negativity view on school.
8th slide : San Yati

Next, we will be talking about role models. Role models are person whom teenagers can look up
to and achieve their self-goals like their role models did. And this is the example of role models
that teenagers usually have.

9th slide : Yati

Lastly, we want to conclude by saying that teenagers are not like what you think. They also have
their own worries and problems so adults should at least try to understand them.

10th slide : Paing Khant

Thank you for listening to our presentation on teenage life.

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