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Management Support Systems

 computer-based systems that are supposed to be used by, or at least to support, mid- and

upper-level managers to support decision-makingx

 it includes: management information systems, decision support systems, executive support

and e xpert systems.

Management Information Systems

 a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of an

organization's operations.
 gathers data (i.e. sales analyses, inventory-level reports, and financial
statements) from multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data
to aid in management decision-making

Decision Support Systems

 is an interactive system that collects, displays, and integrates data from multiple sources to
help managers make non-routine decisions.
 uses the summary information, exceptions, patterns, and trends using the analytical models.

Executive Information Systems

 is a decision support system (DSS) that facilitates and supports senior executives’ information
and decision-making needs by providing easy access to important data needed to achieve
strategic goals in an organization.
 it emphasizes graphical displays and easy-to-use user interface

Artificial Intelligence
 is the science of developing computer systems that can mimic human behavior.
 Ever since the term was coined in 1956, AI has always seemed on the verge of being “the
next big thing.”
 IBM’s Deep Blue—a specialized computer with an advanced chess-playing program—
defeated the world’s highest-ranked
 Two AI applications that have been successfully put to commercial use: expert systems and
face-recognition technology

Expert Systems
 A computer program that uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to simulate the
judgment and behavior of a human or an organization that has expert knowledge and
experience in a particular field.
 They’re useful in such diverse areas as medical diagnosis, portfolio management, and credit
Face-Recognition Technology

 is a technology capable of matching a human face from a digital image or a video frame
against a database of faces
 typically employed to authenticate users through ID verification services, works by
pinpointing and measuring facial features from a given image
 Using this technology, a program classifies a person’s face according to the presence/absence
or extent of certain unique features, such as dimpled chins, receding jaws, overbites, and long
or short noses and compare it with the features of the faces within the company database to
find a match.

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