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Protocol (school) exam / test week bovenbouw Haarlemmermeer Lyceum 2023-2024


This protocol is for school exam weeks, test weeks and the Central Exam. Please read
this protocol carefully so that you know what is expected of you!

Before the test starts

• Report sick on Zermelo via the general number (023-5631644). In case of
absence during a School Examination or Central Examination always mail
written confirmation from parents to:
• Coats, bags, pencil cases, watches, telephones and other devices are not
allowed in the classroom / PE room. So make sure you have your locker pass
with you to store your belongings.
• In Zermelo you will see where and what time your test starts. The start time on
Zermelo is the start time of the test, make sure you are always present in the
classroom or PE room fifteen minutes before the start time.
• Writing is not allowed with pencil. Drawing graphs or other pictures is allowed
with pencil. Type-ex or correction tape may not be used (just cross out).
• Atlases and BiNaSs will be provided by school. You must bring your own
dictionaries and calculators. Which aids may be used differs per test; this is
always indicated on the front of the test. Dictionaries can be checked at any
time by the invigilator for written text inside. Written text in aids you bring
yourself is not allowed.

During the test

• You may enter the classroom / PE room to take the test up to half an hour after
the test has begun. After this half hour you may not take the test.
• You may only leave the classroom / PE room half an hour after the test has
begun. If you finish earlier, wait until the first half hour is up.
• During the test, the invigilator may not say anything about the contents of the
test. Do not ask questions because the invigilator will not answer them.
• At the end of the test, put the total number of pages to be handed in on the first
• At the end of the test, turn in the following items: assignments, worksheets and
draft materials.
• During the last fifteen minutes of the test, remain seated in the classroom / PE
room. Only when the invigilator indicates, you may leave.

After the test

• Leave the classroom / PE room as quietly and quickly as possible. Be
considerate of other students who may still be working.
• The making up of missed school exams is done during the next catch-up
moment. A resit for another subject is then no longer possible.
• Make up a missed test with your subject teacher.
Protocol (school) exam / test week bovenbouw Haarlemmermeer Lyceum 2023-2024

Extra time and/or laptops

You may make use of extra facilities (and time) when you have a card that states so.
You make all your tests in the regular classroom, so in the same room as your
classmates without extra time. You must always bring your card which states which
facilities apply. The extra time depends on the length of the test:

Test length Extra time

45 minutes 10 minutes
60 minutes 15 minutes
90 minutes 20 minutes
120 minutes or longer 30 minutes

If you want or need to use a laptop, please notify your mentor as soon as possible.

In case of irregularities (cheating, talking, etc.), the invigilator will take the work and
mark it. You will be given the opportunity to finish the test on another piece of paper.
The invigilator will write on the taken work the reason for taking it and then notify the
exam secretary or someone from the school administration of the incident. Afterwards,
the exam secretary and/or someone from the examination board will hear the
candidate (if underage in the presence of a parent/guardian) and make a decision.

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