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Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4

Ministry of Education
Sector: Economic Infrastructure
Sub Sector: Information Technology
Occupation: Hardware and Network Servicing
Level IV
Assessor’s Package
The assessment covers the following units of competence:
1. EIS HNS4 01 0811 Plan and Organize Work
2. EIS HNS4 02 0811 Assist with Policy Development for Client Support
3. EIS HNS4 03 0811 Build Internet Infrastructure
4. EIS HNS4 04 0811 Migrate to New Technology
5. EIS HNS4 05 0811 Determine Maintenance Strategy
6. EIS HNS4 06 0811 Establish Quality Standards
7. EIS HNS4 07 0811 Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
8. EIS HNS4 08 0811 Develop Team and Individuals
9. EIS HNS4 09 0811 Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
10. EIS HNS4 10 1012 Manage Continuous Improvement System

Contents of the Assessor’s Package:

1. Instructions for the competence Assessor
2. Evidence Plan
3. Project Information or Problem
4. Worksheet (If necessary)
5. Demonstration/Observation Checklist
6. Product Evaluation Sheet (If required in the practical project)
7. List of Equipment, Tools and Materials
Methods of Assessment
1 Observation /Demonstration
2 Knowledge assessment ( Oral interview/written)
Nature of assessment:
1. Qualification – based
- All units of core competence are included in different practical projects and
the accompanying Oral interviews (For L1 &2) /written assessment (L3-5)

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-IV V-I

(Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4


Occupation Hardware and Network servicing – Level IV


1. Establish the assessment context and purpose of the assessment
2. Familiarize self with the qualification or units of competence to be assessed
 Assessment context
 Assessor’s guide
 Assessment methods
 Product evaluation sheets
 Time limits
 Evidence to be collected
 Performance Criteria
 Assessment and Certification arrangements
3. Ensure that the Assessment Center complies with the relevant occupational health
and safety requirements as:
 Well lighted and well ventilated assessment room
 Risk areas properly marked
4. Ensure that the following assessment resources are available in the Assessment
 Complete set of safe and functional equipment and tools
 Complete set of supplies and materials
 Assessor’s guide and rating sheets (Assessment Package)
5. Notify candidates of any resources they have to bring during the assessment


1. Check the attendance of the candidates
 Check the candidates registered number
 Instruct candidates to sign on the attendance sheet
 Check accomplished self assessment guide
 Provide overview of the qualification to be assessed refer to (EOS)
2. Orient the candidates (Time allotment is 15 minutes)
 explain the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment
 explain the Qualification or units of competency to be assessed and the
evidence to be collected
 outline the assessment procedures to be undertaken
 assess the needs of the candidates and establish any allowable adjustments in
the assessment procedure
 seek feedback regarding the candidate’s understanding of the occupational
standard/units of competence being assessed, evidence requirements and
assessment process
 make all necessary announcement just before the start of the assessment
 specify the do’s and don’ts inside the assessment room
3. Instruct candidates to accomplish the competency assessment agreement
 Provide the candidates with all materials, tools and equipment required to complete
the tasks. Ensure that all tools should be of the same kind and quality
 Administer the assessment in accordance with the outcome-based assessment

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-IV V-I

(Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4
 Give specific instructions to the candidates clearly and slowly and provide each
candidate with a copy of the Candidate Instructions Guide and Worksheets
 Inform each candidate that s/he has fifteen (15) minutes reading time and the total
time duration for each is indicated in the Project Information.
 Make certain that the candidate fully understands what is expected and knows the
time limits allowed to finish each assessment project.
 Stay at the assessment area during the entire duration of the assessment activity
and observe the candidate perform the tasks.
 Inhibit self from providing any assistance during the assessment or indicate in any
way whether the candidate is or not performing the activity correctly.
 Intervene only for safety reasons
 Implement the evidence gathering process and ensure its validity, reliability,
fairness and flexibility
 Judge the evidence in terms of the four dimensions of competency – task skills,
task management skills, contingency management skills and job/ role environment
 Record details of evidence collected and make judgment about the candidate’s
competence based on the evidence and the relevant standards required of the
units of competence
 Make no alterations/erasures in the Observation Checklist

1. Provide feedback on the outcome of the assessment process. This includes providing
the candidate with:
 clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision
 Give the candidates your feedback on the assessment result.
Feedback should indicate whether the candidate is:
On each of the competencies assessed
 information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by
the assessment
 information on reassessment process, if applicable
2. Prepare the necessary assessment reports
 Record the assessment outcome using the prescribed Observation Checklist
 Make sure the report or rating sheets are properly signed by you and the candidate
 Maintain records of the assessment procedures, evidence collected and
assessment outcome
 Endorse assessment results/outcomes to assessment centre manager
Prepare recommendations for the issuance of national certificate/ certificate of

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-IV V-I

(Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4

Sector Economic Infrastructure
Sub-Sector Information Technology
Occupation : Hardware and Network servicing
Level IV
Appropriate Assessment Method Assessment tool/instrument / written
Units of competence to be assessed: Observation Outcome Knowledge /oral question using interviews,
evaluation Assessment practical exercise /demonstration ,role
(Oral or written) play, simulation
Practical exercise Oral/written
Project 1- Planning maintenance strategy and organizing work
EIS HNS4 01 0811 Plan and Organize Work X X X X
EIS HNS4 04 0811 Migrate to New Technology X
EIS HNS4 05 0811 Determine Maintenance Strategy X
Project 2- Building Internet Infrastucture and Asssit with Policy development.
EIS HNS4 02 0811 Assist with Policy Development for X X X
Client Support
EIS HNS4 03 0811 Build Internet Infrastructure X X X
Generic competencies
EIS HNS4 06 0811 Establish Quality Standards X X
EIS HNS4 07 0811 Utilize Specialized Communication Skills X X
EIS HNS4 08 0811 Develop Team and Individuals X X
EIS HNS4 09 0811 Manage and Maintain Small/Medium X X
Business Operations
EIS HNS4 10 1012 Manage Continuous Improvement X X
NOTE: The OS must be the guide in preparing the plan, considering the various elements of the unit of competence and performance
criteria indicated. Underpinning knowledge and skills must also be considered

Assessor’s package for Hardware and Network Servicing L-IV V-I

(Qualification Based)
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4

Project Information
Given the necessary tools, equipment and information, the candidate is expected to perform
the following Two practical projects.
The assessor should ask oral questions on which s/he is not satisfied by the candidate’s
Assessment Venue: Well Equipped Assessment Centre or real work place
Total Time Allotted for all Projects: 3:00hrs

Project 1:- Planning maintenance strategy and organizing work

Time allotted: 0:30 minutes

This project involves the planning of network implementation and determining strategies in a
manner that can improve the system performance. Assume as network expert in Raya Beer
factory, the factory wants to implement a medium to large network, so as network and
hardware expert, the candidate is expected to plan different activities for the implementation.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS HNS4 01 0811 Plan and Organize Work
2. EIS HNS4 04 0811 Migrate to New Technology
3. EIS HNS4 05 0811 Determine Maintenance Strategy

Instruction: - Under this project the candidate is expected to Plan network implementation
and determine strategies in a manner that can improve the system performance based on
the information given on the table:-

Proposed Proposed Estimated Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed

Hardware location of cost of topology and workstation server security
the network materials its reason operating

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 5
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4

Project 2: - Building Internet Infrastucture and Asssit with Policy development

Time for this project: 2:30 minutes

This project involves the determination of IP address allocation and implementing network
infrastructure. The candidate is expected to allocate IP addresses and implement both
physical and logical network installation and configuration.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS HNS4 02 0811 Assist with Policy Development for Client Support
2. EIS HNS4 03 0811 Build Internet Infrastructure

Instruction: - Under this project the candidate is expected to perform the following two
tasks based on the information provided:-

Task1:-Determine IP Address Allocation

Time allotted: 0:30 minutes

Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected determine the class of a given IP
address, calculate the allocation of addresses in accordance with their broadcast and host

Given Host address =, calculate

 Network address
 Broadcast address
 Host range and
 determine the network class type

Network Class type Network address Broadcast range Host range

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 6
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4

Task2:-Implement Network Infrastructure

Time allotted: 2:00 hours

Instruction: Under this task the candidate is expected prepare the physical installation, set
logical network configuration and security management.

 Install one computer with server software

 Install the other computer with window 7
 Prepare a two meter trunk and fix it with the wall
 Fix a wall outlet to the trunk
 Arrange the cabling and punch the wires to the wall outlet
 Network the server and the work station
 Install active Directory, add DHCP, DNS and Domain Name = “”
 Join to “”
 Create two user accounts “Owner” and “Thief”
 Prohibit/Deny the Thief account access to Control panel
 Connect the DSL and distribute Internet connection
 Assign IP address for each computer
 Share one database only to the Owner account

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 7
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4
Observation Checklist
Candidate’s Name:
Assessor’s Name:
Occupation: Hardware and Networking Service L-IV
Unit of Competency: [EIS HNS4 01 0811 EIS HNS4 02 0811 EIS HNS4 03 0811
EIS HNS4 04 0811 EIS HNS4 05 0811 ]

Date of Assessment:
Time of Assessment:
Instructions for the Assessor
 Observe the candidate.
 Describe the assessment activity and the date on which it was undertaken
 Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate completed each aspects of the activity to the
standard expected in the enterprise.
 Ask the candidate a selection of the questions from the attached list to confirm his/ her
underpinning knowledge.
 Place a tick in the box to show that the candidate answered the questions correctly.
 Complete the feedback sections of the form.
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No
Project 1- Planning maintenance strategy and organizing work
[EIS HNS4 01 0811 EIS HNS4 04 0811 EIS HNS4 05 0811 ]
 Proposed Hardware  
 Proposed location of the network  
 Estimated cost of materials  
 Proposed topology and its reason  
 Proposed workstation  
 Proposed server operating system  
 Proposed security  
Project 2: - Building Internet Infrastucture and Asssit with Policy development
[EIS HNS4 02 0811 EIS HNS4 03 0811]
Task1:- Determine IP Address Allocation [EIS HNS4 03 0811]
 Calculate Network address  
 Calculate Broadcast range  
 Calculate Host range  
 Determine the network class type  
Task2:- Implement Network Infrastructure [EIS HNS4 02 0811 EIS HNS4 03 0811
 Install one computer with server software  
 Install the other computer with window 7  

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 8
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4
 Prepare a 2 meter trunk and fix it with the wall  
 Fix a wall outlet to the trunk  
 Arrange the cabling and punch the wires to the wall outlet  
 Network the server and the work station  
 Install active Directory, add DHCP, DNS and  
Domain Name = “”
 Join to “”  
 Create two user accounts “Owner” and “Thief”  
 Prohibit/Deny the Thief account access to Control panel  
 Connect the DSL and distribute Internet connection  
 Assign IP address for each computer  

 Share one database only to the Owner account  

The candidate’s underpinning Skill was:

Satisfactory  Not satisfactory 

Name and signature of Assessor’s________________________ Date ______________

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 9
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4
Recording Sheet for Oral Questioning

Candidate’s Name:
Occupation Hardware and Network Servicing
Unit of Competency: EIS HNS4 UC (06 0811, 07 0811, 08 0811, 09 0811), 10 0812
Oral/interview questions response
Yes No
Q1. What quality standards do you use to run network implementation  
smoothly and make network performance effective and efficient?
Q2. Assuming you is employed as network technician in a factory. How do you  
communicate with the factory department to resolve networking related
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory  Not satisfactory 
Assessor’s Signature: Date:
Acceptable answers are:
A1. The candidate must provide at least one answer from the given possible answers bellow:
 Follow the 5 s Principles/kaizen/
A2: The candidate must provide at least two answers from the given possible answers bellow:
 Developing communication skill
 Scheduling maintenance periods

Consumable Materials and Supplies (per candidate)

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 10
Occupational Code: EIS HNS 4
No. Items Unit Qty Specification
1 Trunk/cable tray Meter 3 20*45mm thickness
2 Cable Meter 3mete 3meters UTP Cross over
r crimped cables
3 RJ-45 PCs 4 Functional

Equipments, Materials and Supplies (per candidate)

No. Items Unit Qty Specification
1. Computers PCs 2 Minimum Pentium 4, At
least 2GB RAM with NIC
2. Windows Server 2008 Standard PCs 1 Well prepared with no
Edition scratches
3. Windows 7 Home edition/Premium PCs 1 Well prepared with no
4. Compatible Driver CD’s both for the PCs 1 Well prepared with no
Server and Client Computer scratches
5. Switch /Hub PCs 1 Minimum 4 port

6. Cable Tester PCs 1 Functional

7. Crimper PCs 1 Functional

8. Punch tool PCs 1 Functional

9. Wall outlet PCs 1 Functional

10. Grinder PCs 1 Functional

11. Network tool kit Set 1 Functional

Note: Materials and tools may be modified by the Assessor, depending on the actual job
performed, and location & the standard installation practices of the country.

Assessor’s Package for Hard ware and net work servicing L_IV V_I 11

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