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1. Morning Meeting is not a daily ritual that starts the day in TC facility.

a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d. none of the above.
2. TC stands for Therapeutic Care?
a. true
b. false
c. both
d. all the above
3. There are 5 phases of treatment
a. true
b. false
c. both
d. all the above
4. The TC program of bureau of corrections does not help persons deprived of liberty to become productive citizen by
offering various livelihood programs that provides skills and trainings.
a. true
b. false
c. both
d. all the above
5. Is phase II Primary Treatment?
a. true
b false
c. both
d. all the above
6.________ is done when the negative behaviors or infractions to the house rules/norms in the same offenses are done for the
third time or more or for the first-time grave offenses.
a. haircut formation
b. red alerts
c. Haircut
d. none of the above
7.________are sanctions to members who commit repeatedly infractions or violation to the cardinal rules by prohibiting,
disallowing, or limiting an activity or affiliation to a group
a. bans
b. prohibition
c. learning experiences
d none of the above
8.________is an action or activity given to a resident who was subjected to haircut or general meeting who did and infraction
to correct or modify a behavior.
a. Learning Experience
b. task
c. guide
d. none of the above
9. a repeated breach to the cardinal rules necessitates a _____________.
a. meeting
b. general assembly
c. general meeting
d. none of the above
10. What does BST stand for?
a. Behavior social tool
b. behavior society tools
c. behavior shaping tools
d. none
11.________means that anything discussed during counselling sessions is held absolutely private and not to be discussed
a. confidentiality
b. congruence
c. top secret
d. secret files
12. How many participants must be in anger management?
a. 11 to 15
b. 9 to 10
c.15 to 20
d. none of the above
13. How many times and day in a week does men’s group meet?
a. 1 hour once a week
b. 2 hours three times a week
c. 1 day only
d. none of the above
14._______ this is a structured social event where all those involved in an encounter will have ample time to mend fences
with those they have offended or hurt in the past.
a. resolution and commitment
b. socialization
c. exploration
d. procedure
15._________is introduced to provide the residents the opportunity to learn how to reasonably and to put together arguments
in a logical manner.
a. argument
b. communication
c. talk
d. debate
16._________ are activities in TC that provide intellectual stimulation and seek personal involvement among the residents.
a. Seminars
b. spelling bee
c. debate
d. all of the above
17. This activity is held every Saturday as a recreational event purposely to instill fun and entertainment after an intense and
hectic week.
a. Saturday night fun
b. Saturday fun day
c. Saturday night activities
d. none the above
18. How often is a debate in TC held?
a. 1-2 hours/once a month
b.2 hour a day
c.3 hours per week
d.8 hours everyday
19. The first step to heal from emotional abuse:
a. Acknowledge the abuse
b. Engage self-care
c. Set boundaries
d. Know when to seek help
20. In charge of the attendance of the residents in groups, seminars, static, specialized group.
a. kitchen department
b. Expediting team
c. business office department
d, none
21. Assigns and schedule laundry time for every dorm.
a. housekeeping department
b. laundry team
c. staff
d. laundry department
22.___________is any counsel lawyer, except those directly affected by the case those charged with conducting preliminary
investigation or those charged with conducting preliminary investigation or those charged with the prosecution of crimes
a. Court
b. counsel
c. court lawyer
d. Assisting Counsel
23.___________shall include the practice of issuing an “invitation” to a person who is investigated in connection with an
offense he is suspected to have committed,
a. Investigation
b. custodial survey
c. custodial investigation
d. all the above
24. What is Rule 64? In the United Nations standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners?
a. Books
b. food
c. clothing
d. Religion
25. What is Rule 104.In the United Nations standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners?
a. education and recreation
b. work
c. civil prisoner
d. social relations and aftercare
26. What is Rule 22? In the United Nations standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners?
a. clothing
b. personal hygiene
c. food
d. accommodation
27. What is Rule 58? In the United Nations standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoner is about clothing?
a. true
b. false
c. both true and false
d. maybe
28. What is rule 111? Prisoners under arrest or awaiting trial?
a. true
b. false
c. both
d. none of the above
29. What is rule 18 to 21 about hygiene?
a. true
b. false
c both
d. none of the above
30. Natural rights are coffered and protected by the constitution, and which cannot be modified or taken away by the law-
making body.
a. true
b. false
c maybe
d both A and B
31. Human rights are God given rights acknowledged by everybody to be morally good.
a. true
b. false
c. maybe
d both A and B
32. How many basic principles for the treatment of prisoners are there?
33. What does UDHR mean?
a. utility declaration of human rights
b. universal declaration of the human rights
c. universal declaration of human right
d. universal declaration of human rights
34. When was the basic principles for the treatment of prisoners adopted and proclaimed?
a. Jan 30, 2004,
b. December 14 1990
c. July 30 2003
d. September 20 1995
35._______and______ rights are violated through genocide torture and arbitrary arrest.
a. civil and political
b. natural and civil
c. god given rights and civil
d. none of these
36. A state commits human rights violations either ______ or _______.
a. on or over
b. indirectly or on
c. direct or indirectly
d. direct on instantly
37. An act providing assistance and protection for rape victims establishing for the purpose a rape crisis center in every
province and city authorizing the appropriation of funds therefor, and for other purposes.
a. R.A 8505
b. R.A 9090
c. R.A 1080
d. R.A 9870
38. _________a process which involves community of people most affected by the crime which involves restorative
discussion of issues and problems arising from an offense or coincidence which affects community relationship and
a. peace talks
b. conferencing
c. community support
d. restitution
39._________ a community directed process organized by the field office and participated in by the clients.
a. Circle of support
b. society of support
c. community of support
d. community work
40. When was R. A. 8505 created?
a. February 23, 1996,
b. February 25,1998
c. march 8 1997
d. none of these
41.______ is a process through which remorseful offenders accept responsibility for their misconduct particularly to their
victims and to the community
a. restorative justice
b. peaceful justice
c. community justice
d. none of the above
42. Restorative justice is not a process through which remorseful offenders accept responsibility for their misconduct.
a. true
b. false
c. both
d none of the above
43. Restitution is a process upon which the offender accepts accountability for the financial and/or non-financial losses he/she
may have caused
a. true
b. false
c both
d none of the above
44. Community work service is composed of the people most affected by crime
A true.
B. false
c. both
d none of the above
45. Rape victim assistance and protection act of 1998 was declared in February 13 1998?
a. true
b false
c. maybe
d none of the above
46. How many phases of treatment are there in therapeutic community modality program by the bureau of jail management
and penology?
b. 3
c. 6
47.______________program represents an effective highly structured environment with defined boundaries, both moral and
a. the peace of mind
b. the therapeutic community
c. community peace
d. peace
48. The internal and external environment is comfortable, clean, and welcoming.
a. physical environment
b. aftercare
c. environment care
d. clean surroundings
49.___________ is an outpatient program that requires clients to report twice a week to outstretch center.
a. re-entry
b. pre-re-entry
c. after care
d none of the above
50. The residents comply with the cardinal and house rules and serve as the _________for their peers with the aim of
correcting erring members.
a. watchdogs
b. guardians
c. guard
d. helper
51. Responsible for carrying-out tasks, duties, and responsibilities of their concerned departments.
a. staff
b. department crew
c. expending team
d. kitchen department
52. Conducts departmental meetings before job function
a. department head
b. kitchen department
c. Expediting team
d. housekeeping department
53. A staff is assigned as a ______ for each department the jail set up is unique as the _______ take on other responsibilities
in addition
a. counselor
b. team
c. assistant
d. maintenance
54. Is a self-help social learning treatment model used for clients with problems of drug abuse and other behavioural
problems such as alcoholism, stealing, and other an-social tendencies.
a) Therapeutic Community
b) Therapeutic Community Modality
c) Therapeutic Modalities
d) Therapeutic Models
55. Refers to instructional programmes for courses that focus on the skills required for a particular job function or trade.
a) Vocation
b) Vocational Skills
c) Vocational Training
d) Survival Skills
56. What does not belong to the three pillars of restorative justice as listed by Howard Zehr?
a) Harms and Needs
b) Obligations
c) Engagements
d) Encounter
57. Help ease the offender’s re-entry into society. Cares that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that you need
for daily life.
a) Restitution
b) Reparation
c) Rehabilitation
d) Counselling
58. A professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals.
a) Restitution
b) Reparation
c) Rehabilitation
d) Counselling
59. The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
a) Specific Deterrence
b) General Deterrence
c) Deterrence
d) Rehabilitation
60. Based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative
thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle. This aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more
positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.
a) Behavior Therapy
b) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
c) Humanistic Therapy
d) Integrative or holistic Therapy
61. A mental health approach that emphasizes the importance of being your true self in order to lead the most fulfilling life.
It's based on the principle that everyone has their own unique way of looking at the world. This view can impact your choices
and actions.
a) Behavior Therapy
b) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
c) Humanistic Therapy
d) Integrative or holistic Therapy
62. An integrative approach grounded in psychosynthesis, focuses on the relationship between mind, body, and spirit,
attempting to understand and address the ways issues in one aspect of a person can lead to concerns in other areas.
a) Behavior Therapy
b) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
c) Humanistic Therapy
d) Integrative or holistic Therapy
63. The restoring to the rightful owner what has been lost or taken aways. Payment for an injury or loss.
a) Restitution
b) Reparation
c) Restoration
d) Rehabilitation
64. A program to assist victims of crime through the criminal justice system.
a) Victim Advocacy Program
b) Rehabilitation Programs
c) Rehabilitative Justice
d) None of these
65. Designed to reduce recidivism among adult oenders by improving their behaviors, skills, mental health, social
functioning and access to education and employment.
a) Victim Advocacy Program
b) Rehabilitation Programs
c) Rehabilitative Justice
d) None of these
66. Recreates missing features, based upon physical or documentary evidence to return a property to its appearance at a
specific point in time.
a) Restitution
b) Reparation
c) Restoration
d) Rehabilitation
67. Views crime primarily as acts that violate criminal laws established by governments.
a) Victim Advocacy Program
b) Rehabilitation Programs
c) Rehabilitative Justice
d) Restorative Justice
68. An environment that helps people get help while helping others. It is a treatment environment the interaction of its
members are designed to be therapeutic within the context of the norms that require each to play the dual role of client
a) Therapeutic Community
b) Therapeutic Community Modality
c) Therapeutic Modalities
d) Therapeutic Models
69. It includes a wide range of counseling techniques and therapy programs which address the psychological problems of
inmates, including suicidal thoughts and feelings of rejection which may lead to disruption of peace and order within the
prison compounds.
a) Work and Livelihood
b) Sports and Recreation
c) Healthcare Service
d) Medical Services
70. By the end of this decade, TC shall have become the corporate culture of the Parole and Probation Administration
permeating its plans, programs, and practices, and confirming its status as a model component of the Philippine Correctional
a) Therapeutic Community Vision
b) Therapeutic Community Mission
c) Therapeutic Community Goal
d) Therapeutic Community Function
71. It is a program of the Parole and Probation Administration (PPA) aimed at generating maximum, effective and efficient
citizen participation and community involvement in the process of client rehabilitation, prevention of crime and the overall
administration of criminal justice.
a) Volunteer
b) Volunteerism
c) Volunteers
d) Volunteers
72. Compensation given for an abuse or injury in transitional justice.
a) Restoration
b) Reparation
c) Restitution
d) Rehabilitation
73. Takes a therapeutic approach that addresses an offender's need for treatment. Victims are central to the process of
resolving a crime.
a) Rehabilitative Justice
b) Restorative Justice
c) Rehabilitation Program
d) Restorative Program
74. What refers to the self-help and mutual help social learning treatment model which utilizes the community as the primary
therapeutic vehicle for behavioral and attitudinal change?
A. Therapeutic Community Modality Program
B. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program
C. Self-directed Therapy Program
D. Individualized Treatment Program
75. The therapeutic community modality program has five phases, the last one is to be in the community. What phase is this
A. Re-entry
B. Aftercare
C. Monitoring phase
D. Reintegration
76. What phase of TCMP involves a series of examinations for physical, social, and psychological status?
A. Diagnosis
B. Orientation
C. Reception
D. Pre-treatment
77. In TCMP, what does a person needs to live a fully functional healthy lifestyle?
A. Strong family support and healthy neighborhood
B. Strong sense of personal and social responsibility
C. A supportive community and functional government
D. Competent education and availability of opportunities
78. In reality, the majority of the people in the Philippines regard correctional institutions as a_________?
A. place of suffering
B. place of retribution
C. place for reformation
D. place for karma
79. Which among the following system embodies the concepts of therapeutic community modality programs in the
A. Katarungang Pambarangay
B. Probation Law
C. Parole System
D. Amicable Settlement
7. Which among the following system embodies the concepts of therapeutic community modality programs in the
A. Probation Law
B. Parole System
C. Juvenile Justice Welfare Act
D. Victim-Offender-Community Mediation
80. The success of the therapeutic community modality program can be tested through the__________.
A. Acceptance of the community
B. Reduction of crime rate
C. Reduction of the rate of recidivism
81. Imprisonment and other measures which result in cutting off an offender from the outside world are afflictive by
the very fact of taking from the person the right to self-determination by depriving him of his liberty. Therefore, the prison
system shall not aggravate the suffering inherent in such a situation. This is the UNSMRTP concept of
A. Reintegration
B. Imprisonment
C. Rehabilitation
D. Reformation
82. Replacing the term “prisoner” with Person Deprived Of Liberty is under ___________.
A. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment Prisoners
B. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
C. Bangkok Rules
D. Beijing Rules
83. The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Treatment Prisoners is also known as?
A. Beijing Rules
B. Tokyo Rules
C. Bangkok Rules
D. Nelson Mandela Rules
84. A country that does not conform to the prison rules set by the UN will be treated by other united nation members as if
such country is_________.
A. An ‘Axis of Evil’
B. A Rogue State
C. A Criminal
D. Observer State
85. What agency pioneered the adoption of therapeutic modality in the treatment and rehabilitation of national prisoners with
drugs and drug abuse-related cases in the Philippines?
A. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
B. Bureau of Corrections
C. Parole and Probation Administration
D. Correctional Institution for Women
86. Who are the first recipients of therapeutic modality in the Philippine Correctional System?
A. Probationers
B. Parolees
C. Drug offenders
D. Juvenile Delinquents
87. The Bucor’s Therapeutic Community Center stands with the principle _____________.
A. Bilangguan man ay Paraiso sa patakaran na makaDiyos at makatao .
B. A healthy environment creates a healthy mind
C. A nation is judged by how it treats its lowest citizens.
D. Walang sinuman ang nabubuhay para sasarilu lamang.
88. At the BUCOR’s, what refers to the treatment and rehabilitation center located within a specific prison facility?
A. Therapeutic Community Center
B. Therapeutic Modality Community
C. Reception and Diagnostics
D. Rehabilitation and Reformation Center
89. What term is used against an offending member of the TC family?
A. Offender
B. Respondent
C. PDLD. Violator
90. At the BJMP, members of the TC Family are termed as residents, while at the BUCOR, it is_______.
A. Receiver
C. Inmate
D. Recipient
91. What refers to the violations of the House rules of the TC family?
A. Violations
B. Infractions
C. Misdemeanor
D. Disturbance
92. Which among the following should be resorted when someone has stolen another resident’s belonging?
A. Talk To
B. Dealt With
C. General Meeting
D. Haircut
93. When a resident has proven his in corrigibility, non-cooperativeness, and arrogance displayed by the frequent
commission of serious offenses, expulsion may be a resort. What expulsion here means?
A. Release of resident
B. Exoneration from the violation
C. Transfer of facility
D. Ostracization and transportation
94. Which among the following is the intended outcome of rehabilitation of PDLs?
A. Restoration of right to liberty
B. Restoration of self-respect
C. Understanding accountability D. Changing his behavior
95. What refers to the act of bringing back an inmate to a sense of justice so that he may livein society without
detriment to it?
A. Reformation
B. Rehabilitation
C. Reintegration
D. Restoration
96. According to Martinson, nothing works when it comes to rehabilitation due to_________________.
A. Lack of community support
B. Lack of funds
C. Improper implementation
D. Unresponsive programs
97. In the Philippines, which among the following could be the primary reason why rehabilitation and reformation
programs are ineffective injails/prisons?
A. Programs are poorly crafted, unresponsive, and were created without scientific basic
B. The approaches, methods, programs, instruments, and facilities are outdated
C. Few staffs internally understand their concepts and accept their essence
D. Lack of research and consideration of the needs and differences of PDLs
98. What is the significance of the payment of civil liability as one of the activities of TCMP on the part of the PDL?
A. It lessens his guilt and calms his conscience
B. It restores his self-respect
C. It enhances his chances of reformation
D. It instills him a sense of accountability
99. What activity of TCMP may be less significant but it may provide some respite from suffering and resentment,
especially during the first months of commitment?
A. Community services
B. Sports and physical fitness
C. Vocational and skills training
D. Religious activities
100. Which among the following is the most important component of the TCMP?
A. Programs
B. Big Brother
C. Community
D. Counselor
101. What makes the effectiveness of TCMP at the jail uncertain to PDLs?
A. Insufficient funds and lack of facilities
B. Unpredictable period of commitment of PDLs
C. Incompetent personnel of the TCMP
D. An uncooperative and disengaging attitude of PDL
102. Who among the following is not one of the clients of the therapeutic community modality program?
A. Drug offenders
B. Amnesty grantee
C. Pardonees
D. Probationers
103. Mandela Rules’ concept of imprisonment is primarily for crime prevention, while the classical school of thought is for
A. Rehabilitation
B. Reintegration
C. Deterrence
D. Retribution
104. Which among the following greatly helps the daily life of the PDLs in our country, despite the limitations of the
correctional facilities and being at par with the ideal?
A. Neighborhood culture
B. Accommodating staffs
C. Religious groups
D. Availability of opportunities
105. Which among the following indicates ineffective behavior management in the therapeutic community model of the
A. Residents isolate themselves from others
B. Residents encourage discussions among themselves
C. Residents improve their demeanors and socialization
D. Residents embrace each other’s differences
106. Which among the following is not one of the objectives of behavior management?
A. Use of various shaping tools
B. Institutionalization of shaping tools
C. Understanding the essence of behavioral management
D. Reintegration of residents into the community
107. What refers to the verbal correction regarding an observed behavior of a TC member?
A. Admonition
B. Reprimand
C. Scolding
D. Counseling
108. Which diagram illustrates the hierarchy of behavior shaping tools from the apex to the base?
A. General Meeting – dealt with – pull up – talk to
B. Talk to – pull-up – learning experience –expulsion
C. Learning experience- dealt with – haircut –pull up
D. Expulsion – pull up – dealt with – talk to
109. What does the hierarchy of behavior shaping tools implicates?
A. It serves as a guide to determine what tools should be used for certain infractions
B. The higher the level of the shaping tools, the lesser should it be resorted.
C. It illustrates the severity of the infractions committed by the resident.
D. It illustrates the interventions that could be used towards a resident.
110. Talk to as a behavior shaping tool may be best done through ____________.
A. Communal discussion
B. Friendly counseling
C. Disciplinary action
D. private conversation
111. What behavior shaping tool is intended for recidivists?
A. Dealt with
B. Pull up
C. Learning Experience
D. Talk to
112. What do you think is being developed by learning experience as behavior shaping tools?
A. Humanness
B. Self-esteem
C. Accountability
D. Honesty
113. Learning experience is lifted ______________.
A. Within seven days
B. After seven days
C. Within a month
D. After a month
114. Which among the following is one of the task-oriented learning experiences?
A. Composition of essay
B. Bans
C. Announcements
D. Timekeeping
115. What learning experience causes unpleasant feelings, hence, it is avoided for it may evoke behavioral change in the
A. Bans
B. Timekeeping
C. Cleaning
D. Announcements
116. Who has the authority of giving a learning experience?
A. Warden
B. Big brother
C. Senior resident
D. Disciplinary Board
117. Which among the following is not one of the cardinal rules in BJMP TC?
A. No violence
B. No drugs
C. No procrastination
D. No stealing
118. What could be inferred from the introduction of the therapeutic community modality program into the correctional
systems in the Philippines?
A. Commitment to democracy
B. Implementation of Mandela Rules
C. Compliance with United Nations
D. Understating the purpose of corrections
119. The purpose and justification of a sentence of imprisonment or a similar measure deprivative of liberty is ultimately to
protect society against crime. Thus, the correctional system must assure that offenders will return to society as law-
abiding and productive citizens. This is the UNSMRTP concept of _______________.
A. Reintegration
B. Imprisonment
C. Rehabilitation
D. Reformation
120. Correctional Institutions should utilize all there medical, educational, moral, spiritual, and other forces and forms of
assistance that are appropriate and available, and should seek to apply them according to the individual treatment needs
of the prisoners the UNSMRTP concept of _______?
A. Reintegration
B. Imprisonment
C. Rehabilitation
D. Reformation
121. Sanctions of negative behavior in the TCMP areas much as possible lenient and have more emphasis on
A. the gravity of the violation
B. the Nature of the violation
C. the sense of responsibility
D. teaching and learning
122. Residents in the re-entry phase are expected to be ready to be released into society. Which qualities do you expect the
most from them?
A. Emphatic and sympathetic
B. Religious and community-oriented
C. Adequate self-control and discipline
D. Remorseful and responsible
123. At the jail, despite being in the re-entry phase, the resident may not yet be released. His release is still
dependent on ____________rather than his response to the programs.
A. Their good conduct time allowance
B. Status and disposition of the case
C. Discretion of the warden
D. Length of imprisonment
124. After the release of the resident of the TCMP to the community, he shall be referred to____________ for the
continuance of the program.
A. Barangay Officials
B. Family and Relatives
C. Probation authorities
D. Court and DSWD
125. What could be the ultimate purpose of residents being “watchdogs” for their peers?
A. To report and resolve violations
B. To ascertain the implementation of rules
C. To promote equality and a sense of justice
D. To correct erring members
126. Which among the following popular life quotes may reflect the essence of TCMP?
A. No man is an island
B. Every society has the criminals that it deserves
C. Crime does not pay
D. Society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it
127. In the TCMP, the community serves as a___________ force that motivates the individual to achieve
positive behavior change.
A. dynamic
B. compelling
C. deterrent
D. Powerful
128. Which diagram illustrates the daily routine of PDLs at the jail?
A. Pre-morning meeting—General Meeting—Livelihood activities—Spiritual Enhancement—Lights Off
B. Pre-morning Meeting—Morning Meeting— Assignment to educational/vocational programs—Spiritual
Enhancement—Lights Off
C. Morning Meeting—Talk to—General Meeting—Learning Experience—Lights Off
D. General Meeting—Learning Experience—Educational/Vocation Programs—Recreational Activities—Lights Off
129. A person who was subjected to either hair cut or a general meeting must be referred to the Disciplinary Board for a
A. disciplinary action
B. summary hearing
C. cancellation of visiting privileges
D. learning experience
130. Dealt with is a behavior shaping tool that is friendlier, while haircut is ________.
A. lenient
B. authoritative
C. unfriendly
D. Inhumane
131. Rebecca noticed the untidiness of Pepita’s bed; hence, she called her attention privately. What did Rebecca do?
A. Prying
B. Pull-up
C. Talk-To
D. Dealt With
132. Pepita asked her peers during their morning meeting regarding their messy kitchen that was forgotten by
someone to clean. What is Pepita doing?
A. Prying
B. Pull-up
C. Talk-To
D. Dealt With
133. Which among the following behavior shaping tools promotes honesty?
A. Prying
B. Pull-up C. Talk-To
D. Dealt With
134. Which among the following should primarily guide the community in deciding what behavior shaping tools
should be given to a resident?
A. Hierarchy of Behavior Shaping tools
B. Nature and gravity of the infraction
C. Attitude and character of the violator
D. Responsiveness of the behavior shaping tool
135. Infractions such as attempt to escape from jail necessitates __________.
A. General Meeting
B. Talk to
C. Learning Experience
D. Dealt With
136. The TCMP at the jail recognizes that their residents are psychologically and emotionally challenged. What
school of thought shares the same thought with this belief?
A. Classical school of thought
B. Neo-classical school of thought
C. Positivist School of Thought
D. Biopsychosocial School of Thought
137. What refers to the professional activity of helping individuals enhance or restore their capacity for
psychological, emotional, and social functioning and creating an environment favorable for the attainment of those goals?
A. Case Study
B. Case Work
C. Counseling
D. Dealt With
138. The success of the TCMP significantly relies on the trust between the resident and the facility’s staff. The staff should
then be _____________to earn the trust of the resident.
A. Emphatic
B. Sympathetic
C. Respectful
D. Enthusiastic
139. Earning the trust of the resident is important but more so with maintaining it. Hence, the staff should adhere to
the ___________ of matters during counseling.
A. Privacy
B. Confidentiality
C. Secrecy
D. Promise
140. In the TCMP, which among the following best shows the counselor’s respect for the client?
A. Offering advice
B. Comforting the client
C. Listening in silence
D. Defending the client
141. Which among the following circumstances warrants the breach of confidentiality of matters discussed and
undertaken during counseling?
A. Client expressed resentment of his actions
B. Client expressed plan to ask forgiveness from the victim
C. Client expressed plans of committing suicide
D. Client acknowledges guilt and participation to the offense
142. Which among the following could be are servation for TCMP’s Talk to as behaviour shaping tool?
A. Violator may feel unwanted at the community
B. Violator may think his peers are prying on him
C. The indifferences between residents may create trouble
D. The violator may feel offended and vengeful
143. What refers to a permanent group of peers and leaders that meet regularly while the residents are in
A. Subculture Group
B. Static Group
C. Therapeutic Community
D. Home Group
144. Leila is a new resident at the jail and feels uneasy and suspicious of her peers, especially her bunkmate. Leila
is recommended to bring up the matter during ______.
A. General Meeting
B. Morning Meeting
C. Peer confrontation
D. Secrets
145. What group serves as a “safety valve” within the community that is usually high pressured and structured?
A. Encounter Groups
B. Static Group
C. Peer Confrontation Group
D. Secrets
146. After issues have been confronted, explored, and resolved in the TC, what activity is encouraged to
achieve closure and reaffirm relationships?
A. Amicable Settlement
B. Monitoring
C. Socialization
D. Acquaintance party
147. Before the release of a jail resident to the community, what shall be done as part of the TCMP?
A. Orientation and Debriefing
B. Pre-release interview
C. Medical check up
D. Socialization
148. Which among the following is not one of the TCMP’s intellectual components?
A. Concept of the day
B. Seminars
C. Debates
D. Mind games
149. What refers to the activity that fuels the man to reflect on his goodness as man?
A. Intellectuality
B. Spirituality
C. Retreat
D. Meditation
150. Which among the following may best illustrate the concept of TC’s spirituality and intellectual component?
A. Freudian psychoanalysis
B. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
C. Socrates' concept of Self
D. Aristotle’s principle of moderation
151. Which among the following could be the most difficult challenge for the TCMP’s Spirituality?
A. Not everyone believes in the Supreme Being and does not recognize the golden rule
B. Noisiness and unpleasantness of the environment at jail diminishes opportunities for self-reflection
C. Majority of criminals are non-believers, heartless, guiltless, and are suffering from personality disorders
D. Our society today promotes hedonism, self-love, and materialism rather than self-actualization
152. Generally, how would you describe the TCMP of the BJMP?
A. Idealistic
B. Practical
C. Realistic
D. Feasible
153. The following are the claimants of victim compensation program; except
a. Victims of crime
b. Dependents of homicide victims
c. Victims who were unjustly imprisoned or detained
d. Family of the witness
154. Which among the following phases of the TCMP can be regarded as the most critic alone?
A. Orientation phase because it sets the foundation of the PDL’s reformation
B. Treatment phase because it determines responsiveness of the program
C. Pre -re-entry phase because it excites the PDL’s nearly release hence aggressive
D. Aftercare because he is back to the community where evil thrives
155. How frequent should released residents from the jail are expected to report to an outreach center?
A. Weekly
B. Twice a week
C. Monthly
D. Twice a month
156. What component of the TCMP has a greater impact on the life of the PDL after his release for it will help him become
independent and a functional citizen?
A. Behavior management
B. Emotional and Psychological
C. Intellectual and Spiritual
D. Vocational and Survival Skills
157. Which among the following is not a function of a coordinator?
A. Serves as liaison between a resident and staff
B. A role model
C. Responsible for reporting of job changes
D. Responsible for managing the daily function and activities of the community
158. Rights are to guarantee that people and communities have an access to culture.
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
159. Who among the following are often times assigned as counselors?
A. Warden
B. Assistant Warden
C. Custodial Officers
D. Technical Officers
160. Each resident is given the opportunity to choose and apply which job or position may be given to him as
member of the community. The position given to him maybe change after_______.
A. a month
B. six months
C. a year
D. three months
161. What refers to the specialized group of activity discussing issues to manage temper?
A. Behavioral management
B. Counseling
C. Anger management
D. Secrets
162. In TCMP, what is regarded as the general condition of the TC family as a whole, including incidences, positive
and negative?
A. Behavior
B. Attitude
C. Character
D. Personality
163. What refers to the time period of admitting, denying before coming up with a decision?
A. Consonance
B. Dissonance
C. Anomie
D. Synomie
164. What refers to the lowest position in the TC hierarchy?
A. Coordinator
B. Counselor
C. General worker
D. Expediter
165. Which among the following is the number one problem and challenge for released inmates upon their re-entry?
A. Lack of opportunities
B. Acceptance of the public
C. Financial incapacity
D. Culture shock
166. Which among the following could help the public lessen their stigmatization towards released inmates?
A. Social media campaign featuring success stories of reformed inmates
B. Creation of jobs and opportunities intended for released inmates
C. Include jail/prison visitation as part of the curriculum of students from high school to college
D. Creating a community/association for released inmates
167. Safekeeping of PDLs does not only cover custodial component of the jail/prison but it also includes
A. Provision of their basic needs
B. Incapacitating them from harming others
C. Cutting them from contacts to lawless elements
D. Ensuring their custody behind bars
168. Which among the following is still a problem with regards to the rehabilitation of drug offenders in the
country that lessens voluntariness to such programs?
A. Stigmatization
B. Ignorance
C. Fear of imprisonment
D. Lack of facilities
169. What drug treatment modality views addiction as a symptomatic manifestation of a more complex
psychological problem rooted in an interplay of emotional, social, physical and spiritual values?
A. Multidisciplinary Team Approach
B. Therapeutic Community Approach
C. Hazelden-Minnesota Model
D. Eclectic Approach
170. Which among the following is one of there commended therapeutic activities for drug abuse treatment that
establishes a professional relationship with a patient with the objective of remedying, modifying or retarding existing
symptoms and mediating disturbed patterns of behavior?
A. Counseling
B. Individual therapy
C. Psychotherapy
D. Social reintegration
171. For the Parole and Probation Administration, the foundation of therapeutic community is_____.
A. Retriubutive Justice
B. Restorative Justice
C. Communal Justice
D. Punitive Justice
172. They play a significant role in the implementation of the therapeutic community modality the PPA to its clients
that they serve as a resource individual?
A. Probation Officer
B. Volunteer Probation Aide
C. Probation Administrator
D. Volunteer Probation Assistant
173. Focuses on the relationship between mind, body, and spirit, attempting to understand and address the ways issues in one
aspect of a person can lead to concerns in other areas.
a. Integrative therapy
b. Holistic therapy
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A nor B
174. Refers to the use of punishment for criminal activity intended to discourage a specific individual from re-offending.
a. Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. General Deterrence
d. Any of the above
175. The following are the claimants of victim compensation program; except
a. Victims of crime
b. Dependents of homicide victims
c. Victims who were unjustly imprisoned or detained
d. Family of the witness
176. This form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors
a. Humanistic therapy
b. Integrative therapy
c. Behavior therapy
d. Psychodynamic therapies
177. A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
a. citizen
b. law enforcement officers
c. victim
d. suspect
178. The right to social protection, to an adequate standard of living and to the highest attainable standards of physical and
mental well-being.
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
179. Rights are to guarantee that people and communities have an access to culture.
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
180. All persons have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and no one can be compelled to belong to an
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
181. The act or process of punishing, imposing and/or applying a sanction.
a. Revenge
b. Punishment
c. Counselling
d. Rehabilitation
182. The victim or dependents benefits and awards for a homicidal case is about PHP 10,000. The statement is ___?
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
183. Refers to the range of formal and informal agencies of social control including the law, media, police, and family which,
through their responses towards the deviant, greatly affect deviance outcomes.
a. Society
b. Protection
c. Societal Protection
d. None of the above
184. The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying
that nation or group.
a. Torture
b. Assassin
c. Arbitrary Detention
d. Genocide
185. Discriminating based on traits like race, gender, and sexual orientation in the work setting.
a. the right to education
b. the right to work
c. the rights at work
d. the right to health
186. This aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller
a. Cognitive therapy
b. Behavioral therapy
c. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
d. Any of the Above
187. What right violates forbidding the use of minority/indigenous languages.
a. the right to education
b. protection of and assistance to the family
c. the right to adequate housing
d. the right to participate in cultural life
188. The following are the therapeutic communication techniques; except?
a. Using Silence
b. Accepting
c. Giving Recognition
d. Seeking problem
189. A professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals
a. Revenge
b. Punishment
c. Counselling
d. Rehabilitation
190. This approach focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts by discovering their unconscious
meanings and motivations.
a. Psychoanalysis therapies
b. Psychodynamic therapies
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A nor B
191. What right violates the evicting people by force from their homes.
a. the right to education
b. protection of and assistance to the family
c. the right to adequate housing
d. the right to participate in cultural life
192. The right of everyone to be recognized as a person before the law. It focuses on the legal position of the individual.
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
193. It is also known as psychoanalysis therapies.
a. Psychodynamic therapies
b. Psychomotor therapies
c. Psychoanalytic therapies
d. Psychosocial therapies
194. Segregating students based on disabilities.
a. the right to education
b. the right to work
c. the rights at work
d. the right to health
195. Refers to government-sponsored assistance programs for individuals and families in need, including programs as health
care assistance, food stamps, and unemployment compensation.
a. Rehabilitation Center
b. Health Assistance Desk
c. Welfare
d. Children's Center
196. Refer to that method of correcting sentenced offenders without having to go to prison.
a. Non-institutional Treatment
b. Community-Based Treatment
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A nor B
197. Not paying a sufficient minimum wage violates what rights?
a. the right to education
b. the right to work
c. the rights at work
d. the right to health
198. The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.
a. Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. General Deterrence
d. Any of the above
199. Financial aid by (primarily) governmental institutions or charitable organizations to individuals in need
a. Medical Assistance
b. Burial
c. Emergency Assistance
d. Financial Assistance
200. Citizens of foreign countries are eligible to apply for compensation
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
201. Behavior therapy is a form of therapy seeks to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or healthy behaviors.
The statement is ___?
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
202. Based on the concept that your thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative
thoughts and feelings can trap you in a vicious cycle.
a. Cognitive therapy
b. Behavioral therapy
c. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
d. Any of the Above
203. Under the victim compensation program, when the victim suffered damage or injury or after the victim was released
from imprisonment or detention when was the filing period to provide financial compensation for victims?
a. within 3 months
b. within 6 months
c. within 9 months
d. within 12 months
204. Emphasizes this readiness message in all treatment phases, underlining a strong motivational and relapse prevention
message. Ideally, the institution's treatment program is part of a system that includes community-based services, rather than
disconnected from the community.
a. Institutional Treatment
b. Non-institutional Treatment
c. Community-Based Treatment
d. Both B and C
205. A mental health approach that emphasizes the importance of being your true self in order to lead the most fulfilling life.
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. Humanistic Therapy
206. It's based on the principle that everyone has their own unique way of looking at the world.
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. Humanistic Therapy
207. The Philippines has a victim compensation program to provide financial compensation for victims of violent or personal
crime and unjust imprisonment or detention. The statement is ___?
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
208. Refers to the practice of instilling fear in people in the hopes that such fear will prevent them from committing crimes in
the future.
a. Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. General Deterrence
d. Any of the above
209. It is also known as integrative therapy.
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. Humanistic Therapy
210. A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.
a. rehabilitation
b. reward
c. revenge
d. penalties
211. The arrest and deprivation of liberty of a person outside of the confines of nationally recognized laws or international
a. detention
b. arbitrary detention
c. warrant of arrest
d. citizen's arrest
212. A human rights violation is the disallowance of the freedom of thought and movement to which all humans legally have
a right.
a. Rights
b. Human rights
c. Violation of human rights
d. Benefits of human rights
213. The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying
that nation or group
a. detention
b. arbitrary detention
c. torture
d. genocide
214. These are the way to protect human rights; except
a. Speak up for what you care about.
b. Listen to others' stories.
c. Stay connected with social movements.
d. Stand for discrimination.
215. These are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behavior and are regularly protected in
municipal and international law.
a. Rights
b. Human rights
c. Violation of human rights
d. Benefits of human rights
216. Under the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, the State prohibits the use of torture, force, violence, threat,
intimidation, or any other means which vitiate the free will and mandates the compensation and rehabilitation of victims of
torture or similar practices and their families. The statement is ___?
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
217. Cares that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that you need for daily life. These abilities may be physical,
mental, and/or cognitive (thinking and learning)
a. Rehabilitation
b. Treatment
c. Torture
d. Punishment
218.It helps ease the offender's re entry into society
a. Rehabilitation
b. Treatment
c. Torture
d. Punishment
219. The compensable costs in victim compensation program are the following; except
a. Medical expenses
b. Mental health expenses
c. Social health expenses
d. Lost wages
220. This view can impact your choices and actions.
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. Humanistic Therapy
221. A professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health,
wellness, education, and career goals
a. Counseling
b. Counselling
c. Cancelling
d. Caunseling
222. This aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. None of the Above
223. The goal is to provide inmates with skills that will improve their eligibility for jobs upon release.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
224. Anything paid or done to make up for wrongdoing, or the act of making up for wrongdoing.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
225. Gradually becoming more able to face issues and difficulties is one of the advantages of Psychodynamic therapies. The
statement is ____?
a. Absolutely Correct
b. Partially Correct
c. Absolutely Incorrect
d. Partially Incorrect
226. There are five (5) stages of rehabilitation; pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The
statement is not correct.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. Maybe
227. Process and result of remedying the damage or harm caused by an unlawful act.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
228. Government and private hospitals are also tapped in the implementation of standards pertaining to nutrition and
protective health services for the prison community.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
229. Emphasises autonomy and free will when choosing behaviour.
a. Psychodynamic therapies
b. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
c. Humanistic Approach
d. Integrative therapy
230. These are the benefits of group therapy: I. Groups provide support II. Groups provide a sounding board III. Groups can
propel you forward IV. Groups promote social skills. V. Group therapy costs less than individual counselling VI. Groups
teach you about yourself.
a. I, II & III only
b. IV, V & VI only
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
231. Payment for an injury or loss.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
232. A process through which remorseful offenders accept responsibility for their misconduct, particularly to their victims
and to the community.
a. Restoration
b. Rehabilitation
c. Volunteerism
d. Restorative Justice
233. There are various indoor and outdoor sports activities, programs, tournaments and leagues all year round, to include
basketball, volleyball, billiards, table tennis and chess.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
234. These are the needs of a victim; except
a. service
b. safety
c. information
d. access and support
235. The purpose of reparation is to re-establish the situation that existed before the harm occurred. The statement is ___?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
236. Measures taken by the state to redress gross and systematic violations of human rights law or humanitarian law through
the administration of some form of compensation or restitution to the victims.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
237. Victims are central to the process of resolving a crime.
a. Restorative Justice
b. Rehabilitative Justice
c. Retaliation
d. Restitution
238. Represents an effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries, both, moral and ethical.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
239. The approach aims to find an alternative approach to scientific psychology that concentrates on the subjective
experiences of individuals and its meaning which cannot be studied in experiments.
a. Psychodynamic therapies
b. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
c. Humanistic Approach
d. Integrative therapy
240. It is known as Vocational-Survival Skills.
a. Educational Skills
b. First aid skills
c. Psychomotor
d. Psychological
241. This is accomplished by re-shaping an individual’s behavior and attitudes through the inmates, community working
together to help themselves and each other, restoring self confidence, and preparing them for their reintegration into their
families and friends as productive members of the community.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Moral and Spiritual Program
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Work and Livelihood
242. Focuses on addressing the harm caused by crime while holding the offender responsible for their actions, by providing
an opportunity for the parties directly affected by the crime – victims, offenders and communities – to identify and address
their needs in the aftermath of a crime
a. Restorative Justice
b. Rehabilitative Justice
c. Retaliation
d. Restitution
243. There are different types of restitution; except
a. restitution fines
b. parole revocation fines
c. direct orders
d. none of the above
244. A program to assist victims of crime through the criminal justice system.
a. Victim Advocacy Program
b. Victim Assistance Program
c. Rehabilitation Programs
d. Restorative Justice Programs
245. All inmates are free to observe the rituals of their faith, with orderly conduct supervised by prison authorities.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Moral and Spiritual Program
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Work and Livelihood
246. The primary goal is to foster personal growth.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
247. The restoring to the rightful owner what has been lost or taken away.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
248. One of the steps to heal from emotional abuse is to change the positive thoughts patterns. The statement is ____?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
249. Includes a wide range of counselling techniques and therapy programs which address the psychological problems of
inmates, including suicidal thoughts and feelings of rejection which may lead to disruption of peace and order within the
prison compounds.
a. Sports and recreation
b. Work and livelihood
c. Education and skills training
d. Healthcare service
250. The types of emotional abuse are the following; except
a. Verbal Abuse
b. Physical Abuse
c. Rejections
d. Gaslighting
251. The goal is to provide inmates with skills that will improve their eligibility for jobs upon release.
a. Sports and recreation
b. Work and livelihood
c. Education and skills training
d. Moral and spiritual program
252. It creates obligation to make things right through proactive involvement of victims, ownership of the offender of the
crime and the community in search for solutions which promote repair, reconciliation and reassurance.
a. Restoration
b. Rehabilitation
c. Volunteerism
d. Restorative Justice
253. The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or
a. Restoration
b. Rehabilitation
c. Volunteerism
d. Restorative Justice
254. The counselling topic usually covers; vocational, academic, social and personal. The statement is ___?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
255. Program in prison that helps to give the power of knowledge to inmates.
a. Education Rehabilitation for Inmates
b. Employment Rehabilitation for Inmates
c. Counselling Rehabilitation for Inmates
d. Wellness Rehabilitation for Inmates.
256. Restoring to good condition of something that has been damaged.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
257. These are the services that a victim assistance program; except
a. Emergency services
b. Safety planning
c. Help with shelter
d. None of the above
258. The inmates enjoy sunrise by participating in daily calisthenics
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
259. The Bureau offers a variety of inmate work programs, from agricultural to industrial.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Moral and Spiritual Program
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Work and Livelihood
260. The purpose of the inmate work program is to keep the inmates busy, and to provide them money for their personal
expenses and their families as well as help them acquire livelihood skills, in order that they may become productive citizens
once they are released and assimilated back into the mainstream of society.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Moral and Spiritual Program
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Work and Livelihood
261. The first step to heal from emotional abuse:
a. Acknowledge the abuse
b. Engage self-care
c. Set boundaries
d. Know when to seek help
262. Process and result of remedying the damage or harm caused by an unlawful act.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
263. These seminars/lectures tackle anti-smoke belching campaign, organic farming, waste management, segregation and
a. Community Service
b. Environment and Ecology
c. Client Self-Help Organization
d. Individual and group counselling
264. A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract.
a. rehabilitation
b. reward
c. revenge
d. penalties
265. These are moral principles or norms that describe certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected in
municipal and international law.
a. Rights
b. Human rights
c. Violation of human rights
d. Benefits of human rights
266. The arrest and deprivation of liberty of a person outside of the confines of nationally recognized laws or international
a. detention
b. arbitrary detention
c. warrant of arrest
d. citizen's arrest
267. Known as the therapy that typically occurs between a single patient and a therapist.
a. Therapy
b. Social therapy
c. Conventional therapy
d. Psychological therapy
268. A person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action.
a. citizen
b. law enforcement officers
c. victim
d. suspect
269. The right to social protection, to an adequate standard of living and to the highest attainable standards of physical and
mental well-being.
a. Social and Economic Rights
b. Cultural Rights
c. Civil and Political Rights
d. None of the Above
270.It helps ease the offender's re entry into society
a. Rehabilitation
b. Treatment
c. Torture
d. Punishment
271. This aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller
a. Holistic Therapy
b. Behavioral Therapy
c. Psychodynamic Therapy
d. None of the Above
272. There are five (5) stages of rehabilitation; pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. The
statement is not correct.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Sometimes
d. Maybe
273. Places the victim and the offender at the centre of the process as its main characters, seeking their empowerment and
satisfaction, the reparation of the harm caused, the involvement of the community and the re-establishment of the existing
human relationships.
a. Retribution
. Retributive justice
. Restorative justice
d. Collaborative justice
274. Refers to the practice of instilling fear in people in the hopes that such fear will prevent them from committing crimes in
the future.
a. Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. General Deterrence
d. Any of the above
275. A way of responding to crime, or to other types of wrongdoing, injustice or conflict, that focuses primarily on repairing
the damage caused by the wrongful action and restoring, insofar as possible, the well-being of all those involved.
a. Retribution
b. Retributive justice
c. Restorative justice
d. Collaborative justice
276. These are the basic survival skills: I. Fire. II. Shelter. III. Signaling IV. Food & Water. V. First Aid.
a. I, II, III, IV & V
b. V, IV, III, II, 1
c. III, II, 1, V, IV
d. III, II, I, IV, V
277. These are the needs of a victim; except
a. service
b. safety
c. information
d. access and support
278. The purpose of reparation is to re-establish the situation that existed before the harm occurred. The statement is ___?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
279. Measures taken by the state to redress gross and systematic violations of human rights law or humanitarian law through
the administration of some form of compensation or restitution to the victims.
a. Reparation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Restoration
d. Restitution
280. Victims are central to the process of resolving a crime.
a. Restorative Justice
b. Rehabilitative Justice
c. Retaliation
d. Restitution
281. Represents an effective, highly structured environment with defined boundaries, both, moral and ethical.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
282. The approach aims to find an alternative approach to scientific psychology that concentrates on the subjective
experiences of individuals and its meaning which cannot be studied in experiments.
a. Psychodynamic therapies
b. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
c. Humanistic Approach
d. Integrative therapy
283. This is accomplished by re-shaping an individual’s behavior and attitudes through the inmates, community working
together to help themselves and each other, restoring self confidence, and preparing them for their reintegration into their
families and friends as productive members of the community.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Moral and Spiritual Program
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Work and Livelihood
284. The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying
that nation or group.
a. Torture
b. Assassin
c. Arbitrary Detention
d. Genocide
285. This aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller
a. Cognitive therapy
b. Behavioral therapy
c. Cognitive Behavioral therapy
d. Any of the Above
286. Focuses on addressing the harm caused by crime while holding the offender responsible for their actions, by providing
an opportunity for the parties directly affected by the crime – victims, offenders and communities – to identify and address
their needs in the aftermath of a crime
a. Restorative Justice
b. Rehabilitative Justice
c. Retaliation
d. Restitution
287. There are different types of restitution; except
a. restitution fines
b. parole revocation fines
c. direct orders
d. none of the above
288. The action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or
a. Restoration
b. Rehabilitation
c. Volunteerism
d. Restorative Justice
289. Emphasize achieving the desired goals without using the traditional adversarial process.
a. Retribution
b. Retributive justice
c. Restorative justice
d. Collaborative justice
290. The following are the methods of spiritual therapy; except
a. Hypnosis
b. Meditation
c. Existential Questioning
d. None of the Above
291. The counselling topic usually covers; vocational, academic, social and personal. The statement is ___?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
292. A program to assist victims of crime through the criminal justice system.
a. Victim Advocacy Program
b. Victim Assistance Program
c. Rehabilitation Programs
d. Restorative Justice Program’s e. Work and Livelihood
293. The primary goal is to foster personal growth.
a. Education and Skills Training
b. Healthcare Service
c. Therapeutic Community Program
d. Sports and Recreation
294. One of the steps to heal from emotional abuse is to change the positive thoughts patterns. The statement is ____?
a. Partially True
b. Partially False
c. Absolutely True
d. Absolutely False
295. The types of emotional abuse are the following; except
a. Verbal Abuse
b. Physical Abuse
c. Rejections
d. Gaslighting
296. The goal is to provide inmates with skills that will improve their eligibility for jobs upon release.
a. Sports and recreation
b. Work and livelihood
c. Education and skills training
d. Moral and spiritual program
297. Program in prison that helps to give the power of knowledge to inmates.
a. Education Rehabilitation for Inmates
b. Employment Rehabilitation for Inmates
c. Counseling Rehabilitation for Inmates
d. Wellness Rehabilitation for Inmates.
298. one of the importance of retribution in criminal justice is it promotes coordination between criminal justice agencies,
sharing of information for example records and other relevant information, and communication. The statement is _.
a. Partially True
b. Absolutely True
c. Partially False
d. Absolutely False
299. One of the benefits of vocational training is gaining practical experience. The statement is ___.
a. Partially True
b. Absolutely True
c. Partially False
d. Absolutely False
300. Refers to the use of punishment for criminal activity intended to discourage a specific individual from re-offending.
a. Deterrence
b. Specific Deterrence
c. General Deterrence
d. Any of the above


1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. B
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. D
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. A
30. B
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. A
35. C
36. B
37. A
38. B
39. B
40. B
41. C
42. D
43. B
44. A
45. C
46. A
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48. A
49. D
50. A
51. B
52. A
53. A
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55. C
56. D
57. C
58. D
59. C
60. B
61. C
62. D
63. A
64. A
65. B
66. C
67. D
68. A
69. C
70. A
71. B
72. B
73. A
74. A
75. B
76. B
77. B
78. B
79. A
80. A
81. B
82. B
83. D
84. B
85. B
86. C
87. A
88. A
89. D
90. D
91. B
92. C
93. C
94. B
95. A
96. C
97. C
98. D
99. B
100. C
101. B
102. B
103. D
104. B
105. B
106. C
107. A
108. A
109. D
110. D
111. B
112. C
113. C
114. B
115. A
116. C
117. C
118. D
119. B
120. C
121. B
122. D
123. C
124. B
125. C
126. D
127. A
128. A
129. B
130. D
131. B
132. C
133. B
134. B
135. D
136. A
137. C
138. C
139. A
140. B
141. C
142. C
143. C
144. B
145. D
146. A
147. C
148. A
149. A
150. B
151. B
152. A
153. D
154. C
155. D
156. B
157. D
158. B
159. B
160. C
161. B
162. C
163. B
164. B
165. C
166. B
167. A
168. A
169. A
170. B
171. C
172. B
173. D
174. C
175. B
176. D
177. C
178. C
179. A
180. B
181. C
182. B
183. A
184. C
185. D
186. C
187. C
188. D
189. D
190. C
191. C
192. C
193. C
194. A
195. A
196. C
197. C
198. B
199. A
200. D
201. A
202. C
203. C
204. B
205. A
206. D
207. D
208. A
209. C
210. A
211. D
212. B
213. C
214. D
215. D
216. B
217. A
218. A
219. A
220. C
221. D
222. B
223. D
224. A
225. A
226. A
227. B
228. A
229. B
230. C
231. C
232. D
233. D
234. D
235. A
236. C
237. A
238. B
239. C
240. C
241. C
242. C
243. A
244. D
245. A
246. B
247. C
248. D
249. D
250. D
251. B
252. C
253. D
254. B
255. C
256. A
257. A
258. D
259. D
260. D
261. D
262. A
263. A
264. B
265. D
266. B
267. B
268. C
269. C
270. A
271. A
272. D
273. B
274. C
275. C
276. C
277. A
278. A
279. C
280. A
281. B
282. C
283. C
284. C
285. D
286. C
287. A
288. D
289. B
290. D
291. D
292. C
293. A
294. C
295. D
296. B
297. C
298. A
299. D
300. B

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