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Chapter 3: Doubtful Relationships

"It's done, Khun-chai, is there anything else Khun-chai Pete needs to add?"

Pete stared obsessively at the ten-digit phone number on the screen of his phone, a string of numbers
he'd had firmly in his mind since yesterday. I have not even remembered a single punctuation mark
from what I learned in class these past few days, and my mind is just playing on a loop the words
someone said to himself and his warm smile like a winter sun.

This morning before the rooster had even twitched he got up to call the family... make him some

Hearing the call, the Khun-chai immediately raised his head, then sent a smile as clear as the sun
outside the window in the direction of Aunt Jiu, who was the closest person to his mother and had
helped her raise him since he was very young.

"Oops! It's delicious! I feel hungry as soon as I see it." He turned his head and saw a large rice box
with several small packaged bags containing fragrant white rice, and next to the rice was a soup with
shrimp thicker than a thumb, squid that was also very full, and white, fresh fish meat. Of course,
there are also condiments such as shredded ginger, scallion and cilantro, and chili fish sauce in small
bags, and the list goes on and on.

It's a great way to spread a picnic cloth on your front lawn and have a crispy sunny breakfast with

"Would Khun-chai like to eat, I've made a lot more." However, when the somewhat pudgy aunt
asked him, he snapped back, only to froze and smiled at her dryly. He immediately got up from his
chair, walked over and hugged the warm aunt, then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's eat some other time, I'll be late today, I love you, Aunt Jiu."


After the pampering he kissed the other side of the face, just like when he was a child, and then his
face immediately showed a sun-like smile, making this already handsome face even more appealing
to stop. Then he jumped nimbly to the table again, put the lid on the lunchbox, and left the dining
room in stride. The scene happened to be locked by the philandering eyes of the little maid in the

"Auntie, Khun-chai Pete is so handsome~"

"That's right, Khun-chai has been so handsome since he was a kid! But don't be so fancy, will you?
No fantasizing about him oh, not one bit." Aunt Jiu's somewhat fierce tone caused the little girl to
lower her head, and then immediately said playfully.

"I know, Aunt. But it's strange, recently the Khun-chai went to school early to mess with, now it's
only 6am, is the university nowadays, the class is at 7am? But it can't be, it used to be like seven or
seven-thirty every Thursday morning when he left the house... "

"Who told you to be so nosy, get to work." As soon as the fat aunt opened her mouth, the little maid
rushed back to the kitchen. At this time, the hostess, dressed in a smart white shirt, is walking into the
dining room in a glowing light, while staring at the doorway of the limousine is slowly driving out
the door.

"Sister Jiu, is Pete out yet?"

"Yes, Miss Pat, out the door early in the morning as on previous occasions. I also find it odd what the
attraction is to this school these days. Khun-chai hasn't stayed home to eat my cooking for over a
week." Pat, the Khun-chai's mother, smiled faintly when she heard the other man talk about her son,
then sat down at the table and took off her tongue with a look of seeing through everything.

"Yeah, I wonder what's so great about him, too." After saying that, another soft smile was given. The
reason is that she thinks that her son is not because the school is good, but because "someone" in the
school is good, and that is why he goes to the school so early and so often.

When Pichaya (Pete's full name) finally arrived at the school after the trials and tribulations of the
early rush, it was just at the same time as before, but he was clearly out early in the morning. So,
without hesitation, he pulled into the parking lot and drilled into a taxi with his breakfast bento in
tow. In fact, the football field wasn't so far away from where he parked that he could walk away with
a broken leg.

Pete paid for the car and was about to get out when...


It's a little sudden.

Hearing a shout coming from behind, he hurried back to look, then stared out of surprise... the short
boy in football shorts, his upper t-shirt already drenched in sweat, was gripping the fence at the side
of the field with both hands and looking toward Pete, who subconsciously glanced down at his

It's a little later than yesterday, but isn't Ae done running yet?

"How did you get here? Where's your car?" Pete was still pondering in his mind how to answer, his
legs already walking uninvited towards the fence of the pitch. As he looked across the room at the
panting, sweat-ridden face, his face also began to heat up. Still, his legs couldn't help but move

"It stopped where it did before, and I was afraid you'd run out by the time I walked over, so I took a
taxi over... "

"What do you mean?" Unexpectedly, the footballer suddenly raised his voice rhetorically, causing
Pete to be mildly startled, puzzled to examine where he had gotten it wrong.

"Are you crazy Pete, it's only been ten minutes even from there, what a waste of money! Would you
please respect the value of money, oh, never mind, I almost forgot you're one of them." Ae's
expression was fierce, not understanding at all why this Khun-chai had to come over in a taxi. This is
a short journey, but he still has to fight, even if he really was unaware of the suffering of the world
for a Khun-chai. But when he saw Pete's pale as paper again, he felt his heartache.

I've never been so soft on anyone, but when I saw his face, I couldn't get angry.

"It's not a matter of having or not having money, Ae, I just... wanted to see you soon."


The man who was posing with a stinking face immediately fell silent, looked at each other, and
raised his head, then the two began to exchange four glances. He wanted to educate the other party,
but at this point, he couldn't help but swallow back into his throat a speech about the finished
manuscript, which made him feel sorry for the person in front of him. Why do you say, "Prefer the
jade to the fragrance"? Because, the Pete in front of him... is gentlemanly and gentle as jade.

Oh, will you stop pampering me like a little puppy? The person who looks like you should be
responsible for being a quiet vase and being photographed on the cover of a magazine.

Finally, the short man quickly snapped out of his fantasy and digressed.

"Then why did you come to me?" Such a simple question made the listener smile, and the blooming
smile made the Khun-chai's beauty soar to the top. The one opposite the Khun-chai was thinking in
his heart, "I've been overshadowed by you! But the Khun-chai's face finally convinced him, and he
could only give a slight smile in return.

"I brought it to you specifically just to... repay you for the breakfast you invited me to yesterday."
With that said, Pete opened the lid of the lunchbox, trying to show the other person what was inside.
The other party's pupils widened slightly after seeing that.

"Fresh Shrimp Soup Kimchi!!!! Oops! I love eating this!"

As soon as he saw his favorite food, Ae's face immediately became much softer, yelled for Pete to
wait, and then ran like an arrow to the gate of the football field. After leaving the gate, he ran towards
the young master with a spring breeze. At this time, a consonant drum sound came from the music
school next to the football stadium, corresponding to Ae's pace. Pete looked at the other man so
excitedly, he immediately picked up a small book in the small theater in his heart and wrote it down.

Ae doesn't like to waste things, and he likes to eat fresh shrimp soup with rice.

"By the way, I haven't showered yet, do you want to go up to my dorm and wait for me?" With that
said, the warm man stepped forward, and his sudden invitation caught Pete a little off guard.

"To the dorm... "

"Yeah, come with me, I have a bowl in my room." The man who saw his favorite food took the
lunchbox and walked into his dormitory with Pete, who could never have imagined that a mere
serving of prawn soup with rice would allow him to get to know his crush even better.

I can go to his dorm now.

This Mr. Pichaya felt that he didn't really know anything about the university at all, because the
dormitory of this school was so eye-opening to him that he wondered in his mind... why the boys'
dormitory was so shocking and creepy.

Yes, you read that right, it's the "shock", the "creepy". Now Pete is in a room that is decades old, and
even the doors are made of wood, and every time someone opens the door, they hear a weird
"squeak". No matter how softly the people in the house spoke, the voices would run outside
unashamedly. The corridors here were dimly lit, and Pete would have had a million reluctant hearts
if he had been left to walk in them alone. But it seems like the guy walking in front of it was oblivious
to all of that.

"That's what school dorms are like! Especially the boys' dormitory, they are especially old. This one's
pretty good, and the dormitory in Building 1 is even older than this one." It was as if Ae sensed his
blush and explained it so breezily, then took him up to the third floor after speaking.

Ae's room was almost at the end of the corridor, and a few floormates said hello to Ae on the way
back to the dorm. But the estimate that scared Pete the most was...

“Ai’Ae, come over next time and jerk off that 'I don't know' movie from last night."

"No, what a perverted film, I didn't sleep almost all last night because of you."

"Hahaha~ Well, just think of it as relaxing. Whole floors of people coming together "Mmmh Ha hah,
I like that." After saying that, the man who was estimated to be the senior student walked past them
and left, and Shorty had to shake his head helplessly. The speaker pays attention, the listener pays
attention, and Pete's thoughts begin to spin rapidly and take off...

Uh... this is the boys' dorm, and it's been a night of "hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm".

"Don't you see the trouble it's causing others, where do you think you're going?" Ae said to Pete in all
seriousness while fumbling with his keys in his book bag. Pete's face was flushed with redness, and
he didn't dare to ask rashly as he hastened to explain.

"Last night, my roommate took a disk of the new film of the Hatano kimono back to the dormitory
and broadcasted it, also turned on the playback, that picture you imagine, next door those lonely
young boys were running to eavesdrop, thought I or Pond sneak girls back to happy, but after they
heard in Japanese ... Because of this, they all gathered in front of my dormitory door, then they all
gathered in front of the screen to watch the whole night. The only reason I went for a run so late
today was because the slutbags were moaning over there all night and making so much noise that I
couldn't sleep."

It's not that he doesn't have a sexual interest in those Pond treasures, but a bunch of people watching
this together, who's going to be able to lift a sexual interest? Watching an AV is like watching a
Muay Thai boxing match, with people whistling and cheering!


"It's a bit of a mess, you jump over it, sit wherever you want." What a room for a "real man", Ae was
talking softly and kicking a pile of dirty laundry under one of the beds, where a big man wearing
only a pair of underwear was dreaming of the springtime of youth. After kicking off his clothes, Ae
smoothly placed the lunchbox on a small, short Japanese wooden table. It all came so suddenly, and
fortunately Ae's actions gave Pete a little time to adjust himself and slowly observe the "battle" in the

Ae's room was a bit narrow, and with just two cots in it, there was almost no place to stand. Plus
there was a wardrobe and a small writing table in each corner, and the writing-table was lined with
textbooks. A very large poster of a football star was plastered on one of the walls, and the bed was
neatly folded with quilts. But the "dump" on the other side... Ai’Pete doesn't even have the courage to

The poster of the big boobs on the wall above the bed is probably the boobs "big" Nokini lady Ae
just mentioned.

"Ai’Pond get up!" Ae walked over and shouted at the man who had his head buried in the pillow up,
the man just mumbled something and didn't mean to wake up.

"Mmmm... tsk... yum."

"Rise and shine!" The onlookers next to Pete were scared out of their minds by the roar. Even though
Ae shouted into the hybrid's ear, the hybrid was still indifferent, and Ae let out a long sigh, finally
making a killer move.

"Your Hatano Kotsuki sister is actually going to play Lily with Master Cao?"


"Huh? What did you say? Where, where, where is the film?" Pete was also taken aback by the sight,
the moment he saw the man who was still asleep the previous second, the moment was already
dragon and tiger jumped, a face of surprise grabbed the man who shouted for him to get up, where
the hell was that film, and Ae's reaction was...


"Finally up, douchebag!" An unflinching slap to the side of Pond's head sends Pond wincing and
throwing up his hands to protect the head. Finally, he looked up and realized he'd been tricked before
he started firing countless eye knives at Ae.

"You lied to me! Yesterday you said that Kimono Hatano had a husband, and the day before
yesterday you said that she had ovarian cancer, will you stop using my beloved little boa to yell at me
to get up!"

"Then when you stop being so philandering, I'll call you up to another way. We've got guests today,
Ai’Pete came over."

"Huh?" This half-blood hurriedly looked towards the direction of the doorway, only to see a man
who exuded the glow of a male god and looked like a Khun-chai standing there, as if at that moment,
the entire room was glorified by his arrival.

"Hey, how come you're here?"

"Of course it was me who brought it up, asking such a silly question." Ae answered matter-of-factly
as Pond glanced back and forth between his own small roommate and the handsome young man.

"Did you and he... did you... ?”

"Is that all your brain can think about is cheesy, nasty things?" Ae spoke aggressively, but the
cerebral man opened his mouth even wider and then continued with a sly face.

"Looks like it's true... you and Ai'Pete oh... you tell me, Ai'Pete, you like my friend right?" When he
saw that Ae wasn't going to bullshit him, he rubbed it on Ae like he was chicken blood, like "is there
something you're not telling me". This move of his caught Pete by surprise as well.

Pond's expression made Ae think the other way.

Pete must have been afraid that Pond had learned the fact that he was gay.


"Here!" Pond immediately responded.

"I can stop scaring you with your little boobies in the future, as long as you stop being a chicken
woman." Pond was so confused after hearing this that he had to ask for advice.

"Chicken woman? What does that mean?"

"You're the one who's too idle to be a chicken who is too busy to lay eggs and too nosy about other
people's business."

"No no no~ I'm a big turkey, mate, not a chicken woman." Pond was so displeased with this
explanation that he scratched the parting with pure skill, then waved his index finger.

"Stop pushing it and get your ass out of here and take a shower. If you're going to make me yell at
you to get up, I'm going to crush your big turkey with one foot!"

"Okay, let's go! But don't let me find out you two have something... Flash forward." With that said,
Pond ran out onto the balcony and ripped off a towel, grabbed a toothpaste toothbrush and shampoo
soap, and flashed into the bathroom, leaving the two in their room...

The door to the room closed and Ae climbed into her roommate's bed to sort through the clutter in
the closet while asking each other with concern.

"You don't pay too much attention to what Pond says, he just likes to talk nonsense, nothing
malicious." This spring-like concern made Pete feel instantly guilty that he had taken advantage of
Ae's kindness to slowly approach him. Thinking about it, Pete pursed his lips tightly and his head
hung down slightly.

I... really like Ae ah.


"I told you, don't think about it too much, come and sit over here." The overthinking man did feel a
little flattered when a warm, energetic hand reached over and took his wrist. Only to see the other
man take him to the small Japanese table and sit him down on the floor, Pete looking a little
unaccustomed. But the other side, seeing him like this, thought of the other side.

"Oh, forget, you don't really want to sit on such a dirty floor, you can sit on my bed, I guess."

"Gee, I didn't mean it like that," Pete shook his head, even unconsciously raising his voice, and Ae
couldn't help but laugh when he saw it, and patted his bed with his hand.

"It's not that I mean to sit here too ah, if I let the Khun-chai sit on the ground, I will feel guilty."

"I can sit on the floor."

"Are you going to sit or not."

"Uh... will sit." when Ae asked again with a serious face and a bit of "impatience" in his tone, Pete
immediately moved to the bed, but felt a bit out of place here. Without warning, the other party
suddenly stood up...

"!!!!" This time Pete's expression was the best expression of the idiom "dumbfounded" and he was
too late to turn his head in the other direction. Turns out the hormone-soaked footballer was taking
off his sweat-soaked top and tossing it into the dirty laundry basket. Khun-chai Pichaya's little face
was immediate as red as highland rouge and turned his head away, but the "large scale picture" that
had just entered his eyes was enough to keep his "rouge" going for a while.
"Well, bowl." He took off his clothes and went to fetch two bowls, sat down on the floor, opened the
bag quickly and skillfully and poured the rice into the bowl, and took a strong sip of the aroma

"Where did you get your porridge? It's looking pretty good."

"No, it's actually homemade and brought to you by the way." After saying that, Pete's eyes couldn't
help but look over the other's broad shoulders again until it felt like his face was even hotter than

Ae wasn't very tall, but his stature suggested that he wasn't a literary schoolboy, and Pete was sure
that Ae had that stature and was certainly a man who loved to exercise. Add to that the fact that Ae's
skin is not very white, and it makes him look even more athletic... very athletic.

"It's not even hot anymore, I'll take it to the microwave down the hall to warm it up, you sit here and
wait." Ae tasted what he thought was just lukewarm, simply left a comment and stood up with two
bowls of thin rice.

That statement made even Pete sit up.

"I'll come with you!"

"Well, no, don’t take even a few steps."

"Just let me come along." Pete asked vaguely, shaking his head slightly, and Ae hurriedly put the
bowl down and hugged Pete, who was shorter than he was at the moment, because at the moment Ae
was standing and the Khun-chai was sitting on the bed, the difference made Ae feel more protective
of Pete.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid of ghosts or Ai'Pond?" There aren't many things in this room that
scare people, and everyone who knows the temperament of that "hybrid" knows how scary he can

"Uh... " whispered Pete as he lowered his head.

"Both are afraid ... of saying." He laughed dryly, then kept his head down and looked at his knees, Ae
couldn't help but look at them, then couldn't help but reach out and fiddle with Pete's hair, like
petting a child's bangs. If it had been any other friend telling him that, Ae probably would have
kicked them to the curb. Pete let Ae fiddle with his hair, and the more Ae touched his hair, the more
he felt the Korean version of his hair... so soft and smooth.

It's much softer than his own hair, which is soaked in the sun and rain every day.

"Your hair is so soft." His words made Pete lift his head, which caused Ae to see another thing that
he had previously thought should have been floppy too.

"Your skin is blown too, honestly, are you a boy or not?" Ae asked half-jokingly, while at the same
time rubbing his face twice with his fingers, Ae was afraid that a little force would pinch the other's
skin and bruise it out. He slid his fingertips across the other's cheek, thinking of the smooth skin like
a hard-boiled egg with its shell peeled, and at the same time thinking of his own skin, which was
nothing short of an unpeeled pine egg...

"Your little face is just as floppy as a girl's."

“Ai’Ae... have you ever touched a girl's little face?"

"Well, I have a niece, two years old, and I just love pinching her face like that, she's got a soft face
just like yours. But she is restless, unlike you, sitting so quietly and letting me touch her." At the
mention of his niece, Ae couldn't help but smile and tilted his body down in obedience. Thinking of
that naughty girl, Ae unconsciously went from a light touch to cupping the other person's face with
her whole hand.

So soft. Is this sure it's a boy's skin?

So he began to examine the boy's face... with his eyes and eyebrows, his nose like Qiong Yao, his skin
like snow, his lips like a radiant...

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

"... "

The room was silent for an instant, with a "stalemate". The attacking side Ae did not expect to have
such a close physical contact with another boy, took the initiative to touch the other side's face, while
the defending side Pete also felt strange, surprisingly eaten by the other side of the mountain water
tofu... The piece of meat under the chest began to speed up the jump.

Why did he suddenly find the other person's face so... admirable?

“Ai’Ae... Ai’Ae... " Pete could only shout Ae's name in a trembling voice, because one side of his
face was already flushed with redness, while his heartbeat was also indisputably stepping on the
accelerator, Ae thought in his heart, must take care of this hand that was holding people's faces, and
also suppress these strange thoughts in his heart. Thinking this way, he frowned lightly, then his gaze
slowly landed as if in thought.

"Little hand to show brother." After saying that, Ae put his hand directly in front of the other's face,
and the other was dumbfounded.

ambiguous atmosphere

"Little hands are soft too, do you dare to swear you're a boy?" After saying that, this cottage palm
reader began to study the other party's hands carefully. Only to see him gently take the other party's
hand, palms together, and wrap the other party's five fingers in it, so soft that one could not feel the
existence of finger bones inside. It turns out that he is the legendary "ten fingers that don't touch the
water of sex". But the one being studied, whose body had begun to shake slightly, was looking at the
other with a trembling look, and a warm stream was flowing through his body...

Pete knew that Ae wasn't thinking of him in a non-committal way by touching him like this, it was
just that it was too close. Are the straight guys operating in such an ambiguous way? The suddenness
of it all made Pete, who was already heartbroken, afraid to look the other man in the eye.

Hands are like catkins, skin like fat...

"Every time I grab your hand, it's like you're about to get pinched inside out. I swear you're the first
person I wouldn't dare knock on their head oh." After saying that, Ae smiled and put that hand down.
That's when he realized the other had been silent for a long time before he remembered...

"Hey, I'm sorry! I almost forgot, maybe you don't like being touched by me."

This kid is too polite, so he just says what he doesn't like and sits there like a log.

"No... not really." The other party suddenly became casual, then looked up and blinked at Ae.

"Rather... I'm afraid you'll resent me, you might forget that I'm... "

"It's GAY, um, I know. You're so talkative." Ae shook his head slightly, seeing that the man in front
of him looked slightly flustered, and slowly hung his head down. It was as if a voice was telling him
that if he allowed this Khun-chai to continue to think nonsense, he would definitely have a bad day

You're so delicate, how can I not take good care of you?


"Would I touch your face like that if I disliked you? Oh, you really do have a face like my niece's."
As soon as the words fell, Ae took the Khun-chai's face in both hands and the two exchanged four
eyes in a flash.

The waves in your eyes flooded me with love.

Ae's hands gently squeezed Khun-chai's cheeks so that they were sunken down and his mouth
naturally formed a "beak" expression, Ae wanted to show Khun-chai that he didn't dislike him.


Time seemed to stand still, and the other's starry, rippling eyes turned like starry eyes.

Ae had only intended to tease the other party, but without thinking, a strange feeling came over

“Ai’Pete you... "


There's a big commotion from the rear!

As it turns out, it was the door to the back bathroom that was rudely opened by an ill-advised
spoiler, a move that shocked the two men who were still looking at each other fondly the previous
second. And the "dream-busting" guy is standing in the bathroom doorway with a mouth bigger than
a frying pan.


Pete sat on the bed, while Ae stood in front of him, holding the Khun-chai's face with both hands, the
two are sending each other autumn waves, the mouth is cautiously slowly approaching each other, as
if the Tiangong II and Shenzhou 11 in space rendezvous docking, but unfortunately at this time press
the head of the small team is still on the way to come. But in the eyes of someone as vulgar as Pond
(Pond: I'm never above the navel), this aesthetic changes...

“Ai’Ae, are you going to promise to be 'dug for gold' by someone?"


"Don't cover it up by scolding me for this move, I've seen it all." The first time you're going to be
able to get to the bathroom, you're going to be able to get to the bathroom.

"So what did you see?"

"Just... You touched his little face!"


"So... so you guys are planning on kissing... ouch!" How could this Pond not shout, because Ae had
already picked up the clothes on the side shelf and thrown them at his head. After the throw, Ae said
coolly as always.

"If I say that touching his face is meant to kiss him, I don't know how many times I've wildly flung
little Yim's lips."

"That's your niece."

"So what's the difference?" This shorty must be pretending to be confused, how can a straight man
operate like this ah, actually play the trick of touching the little face, but he also did not bother to
argue with Ae, the target turned to the already red-faced Pete, persimmon still have to pick the soft

“Ai’Pond, we really are innocent."

"There's no need to explain it to such a beast full of lecherous worms, it's a waste of breath to say
so." Ae hurried to interrupt, then sat down on the floor and stirred the thin rice with a spoon. The
move also caught the eye of the man who had just finished his shower.

"I'm going to eat it too!"

"None for you."

“Ai’Ae ah!!!! I want to eat too!" Ae sighed heavily and said no, but he turned around and took
another bowl, then opened another bag and poured it into his mouth.

"Hey! Why don't I have any shrimp in this bowl?"

"I ate them."

"You guys! Greedy!"

The underdog's voice shook with exasperation, then prepared to covet the bowl in front of Pete's face
again, hand reaching into mid-air and aiming at the large red shrimp inside that curled up with its

Wait for an opportunity and act.

"Don't touch Pete's bowl."

"Ouch! He's protecting someone else. I'm going to tell the girls in my class that you have something
with the students of the International Academy," said Ae, who was in a rush to take grievance back,
but didn't know what word to use.


"You've cussed me twice!"

"Well, if you don't eat your thinner rice quietly, I'll curse you a third time in a minute." When he
heard Ae say so, the guy who had rubbed his hands on the food was afraid that he wouldn't be able to
eat, and hurriedly bowed his head and enjoyed it in silence. Still, his gaze darted darkly over the two,
only to see that Ae was pushing the bowl he'd just poured out into Pete's eyes. This gossipy gaze
gradually turns into a disoriented look of disbelief.

"You eat, don't mind this guy."

Well, don't worry about me, because your mind is on Pete. See, how red is Pete's face, still nodding
so sweetly while nodding and smiling handsomely at Ae? Fxxk! James Pond is curious to find out
what you've got going on behind my back. Don't let me get a secret about you, dwarf, or I'll be sure
to tell the world you're having an affair!
In the end, the half-breed could only keep the gossip of this corrupt man's soul possession inside. But
for the record, from now on... next I'll be locking you guys down and staring you both dead in the

“Ai’Pete likes you."

"Huh?" In the early evening, Ae sat cross-legged on the bed, one hand supporting her head, the other
holding her phone as she swiped through the football news. Hearing this, he turned his head to look
at Pond, who was lying on the bed next door, with a puzzled look on his face, and Pond, seeing that
he had succeeded in attracting the attention of the other party, hurriedly nodded his head as if he
knew the truth.

"But I'm sure he has a thing for you, and I've seen him show a shy look at you. When you went to do
the dishes, he was looking at your back. When you went to take a shower, I asked him again if he
preferred more Hatano Kimono or more Maria Ozawa, and you know how he answered? He doesn't
watch AV! What man doesn't watch AV? It must be a girl! I think a gentlemanly, refined Khun-chai
like him must be gay." Pond analyzed one thing, but it annoyed Ae a bit to listen.

"You're sick!" After saying that, Ae turned his back to the guy, but his eyes were filled with concern
for Khun-chai.

If Pond knew the truth, Pete would definitely not dare to look at Pond this guy straight afterward.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you two looking so slimy lately?"

"He doesn't have many friends."

"He's after you, isn't he? You have to be careful, men like you don't know how many times they've
been YY'd... " YY=Male love


Without needing to look to know, a pillow flew up and straight towards the lame prophet, Pond let
out a yelp in quick succession, Ae just turned his body around again and said flatly.

"If you don't know anything about him, you might as well not pussyfoot around."

"Then you tell me." Sometimes Ae is also complaining in his heart, why would he live with this guy,
can't someone else, for God's sake? But on second thought, if Sun or Dear had lived with him, it is
estimated that he would have traced all three generations of his family's ancestors by now.

"You shut the fxxk up, I want to watch football news." He had to pretend to speak calmly and then
pretend to keep following the football news on his phone screen. But the mentally retarded man next
door still rambled on and on and on and on, according to his own imagination, he made up his mind
about their relationship and said that Ae's care for the Khun-chai was beyond the limits of normal
friends, and Ae had to respond silently in his heart.

Pete is really miserable. I'm only helping him and taking care of him because I just want to help
him... I just don't want to see him in tears like he did that day, and that's really the only reason.

Perhaps Ae has also forgotten that the feeling that we don't want to see someone shed tears is
sometimes not just summed up by the word "sympathy".

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