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A Survey Study of Social Media User Awareness towards

Personal Identifiable Information’s Data Security in

Indonesian Millennial Generation

Gabriel Alexander Christie1 Ivan2 Javier Trevan3

Cyber Security Program, Cyber Security Program, Cyber Security Program,
Computer Science Computer Science Computer Science
Department, Department, Department,
School of Computer Science, School of Computer Science, School of Computer Science,
Bina Nusantara University, Bina Nusantara University, Bina Nusantara University,
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Nadia4 Franz Adeta Junior5 Said Achmad6

Cyber Security Program, Cyber Security Program, Computer Science
Computer Science Computer Science Department,
Department, Department, School of Computer Science,
School of Computer Science, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University,
Bina Nusantara University, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Said.achmad@binus.edu6


Online Social Network is a network communication platform where users have profiles that
can be uniquely identified by the content sent. This content can be produced, consumed, and
interacted with by other users. To connect with other users on social media, users must register
by providing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to social media platforms. PII is specific
information that can identify or track individuals directly. This specific information may
include your name, address, social security number, or other identifying code numbers such as
telephone numbers, email addresses, and others. Personal identifiable information leakage is a
problem in data security. Basically, every individual does not want their personal data to be
known by anyone. Utilizing a sample size of 50 respondents, this study aims to ascertain the
percentage of individuals who are aware of PII security on social media. This research will use
quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire in this study uses a
social media attribute design. The results of the survey indicate that many respondents are
unaware of the security of their data and have a limited understanding of how their personal
data is managed by technology companies, particularly the 80% of non-IT respondents.
Keyword: Personal Identifiable Information; Online Social Network; Social Media; Data
Security; Indonesian Millennial, Big Data

INTRODUCTION Education 0 8 1 3
Workplace 0 6 1 5
Social network site is a networked Birthday 0 4 7 1
Zip Code 0 0 10 2
communication platform in which Email 0 0 12 0
Phone 0 0 6 6
participants (a) have uniquely identifiable Address 0 0 4 8
profiles that consist of user-supplied
content, content provided by other users, PII leakage is one of the major
and/or system-level data; (b) can publicly problems in data security [4]. Rationally,
articulate connections that can be viewed people don't want their personal and private
and traversed by others; and (c) can data to be known by even family members.
consume, produce, and/or interact with But according to a cyber security firm,
streams of user-generated content provided Indonesia is still the highest nation in
by their connections on the site[1]. South-east Asia, with more than 1 million
Personal Identifiable Information internet users. Statistically, 44 from every
(PII) is information that, either alone or in 100 Indonesian are experiencing data
combination with additional data that may leakage [5]. The most common consequence
be linked to a specific person, can be used of the data leakage for the user is that they
to identify or trace an individual [2]. Further, are vulnerable to identity theft. If a
PII is defined as data that: I directly identify malicious person/group gets a hold of your
a person (e.g., name, address, social personal information such as full name,
security number, or other identifying address, Date of Birth (DoB), or even
number or code, phone number, email sometimes national ID number. they could
address, etc.); or (ii) allows an organization start a bank account in your name, or take a
to indirectly identify particular people by loan in your name, etc. Internet user’s PII
combining their data with other data when leaked can do a lot of harm for the
elements. (These informational user. This research will include example
components may combine gender, race, information from various people in this
date of birth, location, and other region based on a data collection form done
identifiers.) Furthermore, information that in the US.
enables offline or online communication The purpose of this research is to
with a particular individual qualifies as create an understanding for social media
personally identifiable information. This users, especially millennial teenagers,
data can be kept on paper, electronically, or about personal data identity information or
through other types of media[3]. known as PII. If the attacker knows the PII
Table 1. Type of PII available by default of the victim, the attacker can easily
PII Data Level of Availability identify and track the victim. This will
Always Available by Unavailable Always
Available default by default Unavailable make social media users insecure and have
Photo 9 2 1 0
Location 5 7 0 0 a high risk. So, the attacker can use the
Gender 4 6 0 2
Name 5 6 1 0
victim's PII in his crime. Therefore, this
Friends 1 10 1 0 study will use a qualitative method by
Activities 2 8 0 2
Photo Set 0 9 0 3 distributing surveys. This survey will be
Age 2 5 4 1
distributed to social media users, especially media. Indonesia ranks third in the globe
teenagers in Indonesia. The results of this for cases of personal data leakage, as
survey will be used to determine the level depicted in Figure 1.
of youth awareness in understanding
identity security in the world of social

Figure 1. Statistic of a personal data leakage (Indonesia ranks third in personal data
leak for the third quarter of 2022) (sumber :

B. Literature Review:
The use of social media in Indonesia is of full name, friend lists, gender, location,
increasing every year. About 74.23% of habits, pictures or videos, and most of those
Indonesian Internet traffic is for social PII’s are set to ‘open to public’ by default[2].
media, and about 49.52% of those can be These PIIs are usually the starting point for
categorized as millennials and gen z [7]. any attacker to create a link and model by
Millennials and gen z tend to post their summarizing PIIs and other information
daily lives in social media, which combined obtained by 3rd parties such as
with the inadequacy and over-confidence advertisers[9]. Those user’s PIIs are usually
toward their knowledge about privacy obtained from a data broker who usually
awareness, their distrust toward the sells user’s data as a bulk to those
Indonesian government, and the lack of advertisers. According to a report by
strict regulation, has made them an easy Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) in
target for cyber-attack [8]. 2016, there’s at least 980 separate data
In the new era of internet, most breaches, which consisted of more than 35
social media are currently storing and/or million user’s private information[10].
using their user’s PII for either simplicity or The internet currently only works
advertising interest. These PIIs can consist thanks to big data, and a bulk of that data is
usually PIIs. From 2011, data that had been conclusions from the responses of
uploaded to the internet doubled every two respondents. The questions elicit
years, and that trend is only increasing year knowledge of the statutes governing data
by year[11]. But with the growth of big data, protection among respondents.
it’s getting harder to maintain data security
and privacy. Because usually any problem C.Methodology:
with data security and privacy in big data is This research method uses
dealt with on a case by case basis. Because quantitative methods. A questionnaire
the data needed to be classified by their technique was used to collect data in this
sensitivity, confidentiality, security, research. Design of questionnaire research
[12] using the characteristics of media social
control, and access . Because of that, any
organization that’s managing big data attributes[15]. The following is the main
needs up-to-date security management. It design of the Social Media Attributes used
can be helped by using encryption, routine in this research questionnaire.
device check-up, check valid access,
network monitoring, secure
communication, conduct awareness
training, and create policy in the
A survey is being conducted to
determine the level of cognizance of
personal data security among Indonesian
college students (sitasi
1050/15/4/3814). Perceived Privacy
Control, Perceived Privacy Risk, Perceived
Security, Self-Presentation, and Personal
Figure 2. Basic knowledge question
Data Security Awareness were questioned.
The sample of respondents included
This questionnaire will be
participants who were both active (as
distributed to respondents directly with an
content creators) and passive (using social
application form. The application form
media only for entertainment) in their social
used is Google Forms. The minimum
media interactions. The distribution of
number of targets for filling out the research
questionnaires was randomized using the
questionnaire form is 50 respondents with 5
snowball sampling technique. The results
of those as control group, 10 more as
of the study indicate that participants who
neutral group, and the rest as the data set.
actively use social media are more likely to
The research's target respondents are
use and exploit their personal data, whereas
Indonesian millennials.
passive users are more concerned with data
The questions on the questionnaire
consist of 15 questions, of which 10
Unlike previous survey studies, we
questions are basic knowledge tests about
will conduct a survey of PII data on the
events experienced and related to personal
millennial generation in Indonesia by
information and 5 questions about the
disseminating online surveys and drawing
Personal Data Protection (PDP) law. The 8. Something happened to you, and
following are 10 questions regarding basic you notified the incident to your
knowledge of events experienced and social media, including information
related to personal information that were such as your name, face photo, and
asked of respondents: possibly his address. Have you ever
1. You are opening a calculator done or experienced this?
application on your mobile phone, 9. You have a hobby (hobby) for
then this notification appears. Have something and other activities that
you ever experienced this? you like, then you post it on your
2. You register with a website / social media. Have you ever done
agency, then you are asked to take a this?
photo of yourself with an identity 10. You put personal data information
card. Have you ever done this? in the biography section of your
3. You have friends of the same age social media profile. It aims to
and are currently in a close provide information to people you
relationship with you. At one point know. Is that the right thing to do?
you accidentally saw your friend's
social media exposing a relationship From the respondent answer of question 1 -
without your consent. Have you 10, the data that will be extrapolated can be
ever done or experienced this? rated as such.
4. At one point, you accidentally see a Yes = the respondent still does the
friend's or party's post on social dangerous practice for their PII
media in the form of a screenshot. No = the respondent does not do the
This post contains a conversation dangerous practice for their PII
between you and your interlocutor. Maybe = the respondent is unsure or
Have you done or experienced this? doesn’t remember
5. When you are at an agency or
website you are asked to provide a The following are 5 questions about the
telephone number or email for the PDP law that were asked of respondents:
website. Have you ever done this? 1. Are you aware of the laws
6. While there is a viral challenge on governing the security of your
your favorite social media, the personal data?
challenge asks you to post a photo 2. If your answer is Yes, what do you
with your identity card. Have you know about the law?
ever done this? If your answer is No, have you ever
7. You follow people on social media, heard of the personal data protection
then try to find out information law?
about them in other places such as 3. Do you know that personal data is
Google and other social media, with stored and managed by digital
the aim of getting to know that technology-based companies?
person more deeply. Have you ever 4. Did you know that you can request
done this? data from digital technology-based
companies that store and manage
your data?
5. Do you want to feel the personal worked in the IT field as many as 20%, the
data protection law can help secure results of the survey respondent's
your personal data? demographic data can be seen in Figure 3
for age and Figure 4 for the respondent's
D. Results background. Based on survey questions 1-
The results of research that was 10 related to respondents' experiences, it
conducted for 50 respondents. 46% of the shows that an average of 42% of
number of respondents are aged 18 to 21 respondents carried out dangerous practices
years. For the work of the majority of related to PII and 12.4% were in a state of
respondents Non-IT (with a red indication) uncertainty about the safety of their PII
as many as 80% respondents and the rest data. More detailed data is shown in table 2

Figure 3. Age of survey respondent

Figure 4. Background of survey respondent

Table 2. The average percentage of respondents indicated to be practicing PIPI security
in a dangerous manner
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Yes 14% 48% 38% 68% 64% 4% 64% 24% 72% 24% 42%

No 70% 40% 44% 20% 20% 90% 26% 66% 16% 64% 45.6%

Maybe 16% 12% 18% 12% 16% 6% 10% 10% 12% 12% 12.4%

Figure 5. Result from question 1 : Are you aware of the laws governing the security of
your personal data?
Figure 6. Result from question 2 : If your answer is no, have you ever heard of the PDP

Figure 7. Result from question 3 : Did you know that your personal data is stored and
managed by a digital technology-based company?

Figure 8. Result from question 4 : Did you know that you can request data from digital
technology-based companies that store and manage your data
Figure 9. Result from question 5 : Do you feel that the PDP law can help secure your
personal data
Figure 5 shows 50 respondents that were In Figure 9, unsurprisingly 54% of them felt
questioned, only 20% knew about the law that the law could help, while 42% felt that
that governs their private information. And maybe the law could help but it still needed
from that 20%, all knew or have heard some polishing, whilst 4% felt that the law
about the most recent law about private data could not help them whatsoever. It needs to
protection. This indicates that the be emphasized that the results of the survey
awareness of eighty percent of respondents conducted had 80% of respondents from
remains low. It could be said that they do non-IT backgrounds, which means that
not comprehend the rights to their digital there are still many ordinary people who
data that should be protected by legal lack understanding regarding digital data
entities. Figure 6 indicates that, among the security
80% of respondents who did not know the E. Conclusion
law regarding data security, there were at Based on a survey that has been
least some who had heard of PDP but did conducted, most people still don't know
not comprehend it. Figure 7 reveals that how to secure their private information
48% of respondents recognize that their almost exclusively because they don't have
data is managed by a digital technology- a background in technology. This is why
based corporation, while 34% do not know there are still a plethora of people that are
who processes their data and 18% are indifferent towards their private
uncertain. The result indicates a knowledge information security and feel that they’ve
deficit regarding the digital processing of done enough to protect their private
personal data. In Figure 8, the results information, especially in today's digital era
obtained strengthen the results that can be where threats develop faster than the
concluded from Figure 7. protection mitigation. The people that have
And to finish the poll, after the a background in technology flourish
respondents were told about the law by the whereas those who do not fall behind in
questioner, they were asked if they felt that protecting their private information. As
the law could help secure their private data. example, all the IT based people that were
questioned know about the most recent data
protection law, the PDP law was approved
and ratified in October of 2022, whilst only
some the non-IT based people have heard
let alone know about it.
Owing to the fact that the
millennials that were questioned are still
somewhat apathetic toward their personal
information security, to help increase their
awareness toward their own private
information security, the researchers
prepared a compact explanation about PII,
latest common threat in social media, and
the consequences if their private
information is leaked. However, the
implemented implementation still does not
have a significant impact, especially in
Indonesia. In the future, a massive PDP
law-related campaign, transparency in the
processing of personal data and a detailed
explanation of the contents of the law can
be implemented so that they understand that
their personal information is protected by
the PDP law.
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