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1. He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work.

He objected_____________________________________________

2. Mrs. Scott is proud of her cooking.

Mrs. Scott prides _____________________________________________

3. What a surprise to see you here!

Fancy _____________________________________________

4. Please take a seat

Would you please _____________________________________________

Would you mind _____________________________________________

5. “You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Margaret.

Margaret accused _____________________________________________

6. John Spike failed to find the source of the River Nile.

John Speke didn’t succeed _____________________________________________

John Speke didn’t manage _____________________________________________

7. The doctor advised me to rest.

The doctor suggested _____________________________________________

The doctor suggested _____________________________________________

8. Many people were delayed because of the traffic jam.

A number _____________________________________________

9. I am afraid I’m still having problems with understanding life in NY.

I _____________________________________________

10. Jane does not play tennis as well as she used to.

Jane used _____________________________________________

11. It isn’t necessary for you to finish by Saturday.

You _____________________________________________

12. Mrs. Edwards is the owner of that car.

That car _____________________________________________

13. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.

My French friend isn’t _____________________________________________

14. I’m always nervous when I travel by air.

Travelling _____________________________________________

15. Collecting dolls from foreign countries is one of Jane’s interests.

Janet is _____________________________________________

16. “I am sorry I gave you the wrong number,” said Paul to Susan.

Paul apologized _____________________________________________

17. The flight to Moscow lasted three and a half hours.

It took _____________________________________________

18. “You stole the jewels!” the inspector said to him.

The inspector accused _____________________________________________

19. Most of a child’s life is spent in playing.

A child spends _____________________________________________

20. it’s extremely difficult for us to make ends meets these days.

We find _____________________________________________

21. I don’t want to go to the party tonight

I don’t feel like _____________________________________________

22. I wish I hadn’t told him what we were planning to do.

I regret _____________________________________________

23. It is interesting to go out with friends at weekends

Going _____________________________________________

24. The long walk is very tiring

They _____________________________________________

25. I don’t read newspaper any more

I’ve given up _____________________________________________

26. He looks older when he wears glasses

Glasses make _____________________________________________

27. Did you manage to solve the problem?

Did you succeed _____________________________________________

28. The street was flooded after the heavy rain, so I did not go to work

The flood street prevented _____________________________________________

29. My parents find fault with everything I do.

No matter _____________________________________________

30. You can use it as long as you like, and it won’t wear out.

No matter _____________________________________________


1. The only way you can become a good athlete is by training hard every day.

Only by _____________________________________________

2. It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me.

Not until _____________________________________________

3. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.

At no time _____________________________________________

4. They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.

Only after _____________________________________________

5. The result of the match was never in doubt

At no time _____________________________________________

6. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back.

Hardly _____________________________________________

7. I write to him almost every day.

Hardly _____________________________________________

8. There are more people out of work in this country than ever before.

Never _____________________________________________

9. We only dispatch goods after receiving the money.

Only after the money _____________________________________________

10. Shirley didn’t begin to read until she was eight.

It wasn’t _____________________________________________


1. Staying at home would be better than going out tonight

I’d rather _____________________________________________

2. I advise you to wear a coat when you go out (had better)


3. Hoa prefers to play ping pong (would rather)

4. It is high time for us to go home

It is high time we _____________________________________________

5. Those students arrived late because they had an accident

Because of _____________________________________________

6. Tom was worried because of the heavy traffic

Because the _____________________________________________

7. We didn’t expect you, but we’re glad you’ve come

Although _____________________________________________

8. He passes the test though he was frequently absent from class

In spite of _____________________________________________

9. Although the play received good notices, not many people went to see it

Despite _____________________________________________

10. Daisy’s father was very busy, but he still played with her.


11. I learnt English so that I can talk to foreigners

I learn English so as _____________________________________________

12. Our grandparents often worked hard on the farm when they were young (used to)


13. It is quite pointless to complain.

There’s no _____________________________________________

14. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements.

Much _____________________________________________

15. We were very impressed by the new cinema but found it rather expensive.


16. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough

The sea was too _____________________________________________

17. The question was so difficult that no one could answer it

It was such _____________________________________________

18. Peter is too ill to get up

Peter is so _____________________________________________

19. She can’t have more children because of her age

She is too _____________________________________________

You are not _____________________________________________

20. It is such a heavy book that I can’t lift it

The book _____________________________________________

21. You can eat as much as you like for $5 at the new lunch-bar.

There is no _____________________________________________

22. You really should be able to dress yourself by now.

It’s high _____________________________________________

23. We left quietly, that we wouldn’t disturb the children.

So as _____________________________________________

24. For a teacher of her experience and ability, discipline was not a problem.

For such _____________________________________________

25. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted

So _____________________________________________


1. They are washing my father’s new car

My father’s new car _____________________________________________

2. People say that he is a famous singer

It _____________________________________________

He _____________________________________________

3. People say that he was a famous singer

It _____________________________________________

He _____________________________________________

4. Mrs Ha told Ba to carry those books back home

Mrs Ha had _____________________________________________

5. They did not finish the kitchen on Monday.

The kitchen _____________________________________________

6. The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids

The pyramids _____________________________________________

7. She hasn’t finished the letter yet

This letter _____________________________________________

8. I’ll ask someone to make a new dress

I’ll have _____________________________________________

I’ll have _____________________________________________

9. The bridge might be built in a hurry

People _____________________________________________

10. You are not permitted to smoke in the hall

Smoking _____________________________________________

11. They need to repaint their living room.

Their living room needs_____________________________________________

Their living room needs_____________________________________________

12. Somebody should tell him.

He needs _____________________________________________

13. They believe the students were educated in Canada.

The students _____________________________________________

14. We may not be able to give the concert.

The concert _____________________________________________

15. It is essential that Professor Van is/ be met at the airport

Professor Van _____________________________________________

16. They never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.

We _____________________________________________

17. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves.

All dogs _____________________________________________

18. The mechanic serviced my car last week.

I _____________________________________________

19. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time last year.

I _____________________________________________

20. If the work is finished by lunchtime you can go home.

Get _____________________________________________


1. He said, “I wish I knew the answer.”

He said that _____________________________________________

2. Peter said he wasn’t feeling well.

Peter said: ‘I _____________________________________________

3. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.

Peter asked _____________________________________________

4. Ronald denied stealing Mrs. Clark’s handbag.

Ronald said that _____________________________________________

5. “John, please don’t tell anyone about my new address”, said Mary.

Mary asked _____________________________________________

6. “Please don’t drive so fast!” Ann begged her boyfriend.

Ann pleaded _____________________________________________

7. “You should take more exercise, Mr. Roberts,” the doctor said, if you want to lose weight.

The doctor advised _____________________________________________

8. “Will I ever find a job?” Tim said to himself.

Tim wondered _____________________________________________

9. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.

The patient made _____________________________________________

10. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.

The less _____________________________________________

11. The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.

It looked _____________________________________________

12. What a shame he wasn’t able to come.

I wish _____________________________________________

13. I didn’t understand what he was saying because I hadn’t read his book.

If I had read his book _____________________________________________

14. If you missed the program, you can’t really judge.

Unless you _____________________________________________

15. If his solicitor hadn’t advised him, he would have made a serious mistake.

Had it _____________________________________________

16. You might fall if you’re more careful.

Be careful _____________________________________________

17. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

If _____________________________________________

18. It was his incompetence which led to their capture.

If it _____________________________________________

19. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money.

Were _____________________________________________

20. Thanks to his aunt’s legacy of $100.000 he was able to buy the house he wanted.

Had his _____________________________________________

21. This book is very boring and so is that one

This book is as _____________________________________________

22. It is not as warm in Canada as it is in Mexico

Mexico _____________________________________________

23. If you do a lot of exercise, you will get healthy

The more _____________________________________________

24. No one in the group is younger than her

She is _____________________________________________

25. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t open the door.

Try _____________________________________________

26. Susan likes staying in hotels but she prefers camping.

Susan doesn’t _____________________________________________

27. He could not afford to buy the car.

The car _____________________________________________

28. You will never meet anyone more generous than Mrs. Johns.

Mrs. Johns is _____________________________________________

29. She knows a lot more about it than I do.

I don’t know_____________________________________________

30. He could not afford to buy the car.

The car _____________________________________________

The car _____________________________________________


1. We were told to wait here by the director.

It was the director _____________________________________________

2. Michael laughed when I told him the joke.

The joke _____________________________________________

3. Temperature is measured by a thermometer.

A thermometer is _____________________________________________

4. In Stratford-on-Avon we saw Shakespeare’s birthplace.

We saw the house _____________________________________________

5. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press.

Nobody who _____________________________________________

6. I haven’t seen this man here before

This _____________________________________________

7. Tom and Mary moved to Paris 20 years ago

It is _____________________________________________

8. It started to rain at 2 PM

It has _____________________________________________

9. They have learnt English for 3 years

They began _____________________________________________

10. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test

It came _____________________________________________

11. It hasn’t rained for a fortnight.

The last time _____________________________________________

12. Mackenzie wrote four best-sellers before he was twenty.

By the age of twenty _____________________________________________

13. She started working as a secretary five years ago.

She has _____________________________________________

14. Laurence hasn’t seen his sister since she left for Japan.

Laurence last _____________________________________________

15. He was the first man who left the burning building (REDUCE FORM OF RELATIV CLAUSE)


16. A pacifist is a person who believes that all wars are wrong. (REDUCE FORM OF RELATIV


17. Mr. Bake will buy the house _____________ is opposite to my house

18. Alexander Fleming ______________ discovered penicillin received the Nobel Prize in 1945

19. The tree _________________ branches are dry should be cut down.

20. Kark Marx ______________ theories have changed the world’s history is the German Philosopher.

21. You have to take care of the books ______________ you borrowed from the library

22. The book _______________ I need can’t be found in the library.

23. The decision was postponed _____________ was exactly what I wanted

24. I was sitting in a chair _________________ suddenly collapsed.

25. The film was about a spy __________________ wife betrays him.




1. Is inflation ___________________________ of economic decline? (symptom)

2. He delivered the _________________________ speech of thanks to the chairman. (custom)

3. An increase in crime is one of the ___________________ of unemployment. (produce)

4. We listened to the news with a ___________________ of surprise and horror. (mix)

5. They had a large ______________________ over the other party at the last election. (major)

6. Men, women and children are facing death by _____________________ in some parts of the world.

7. She saw the _______________ of the scheme from the _____________________ (possible) –

8. Police rejected a number of _________________ _______________________ from the hall where

the president was making the speech. (violence) — (protest)

9. If this news ever reaches her ears, she will be _________________ (furry)

10. She earned her _______________ to support her family by singing in a nightclub. (live)

10. _____________________ still surrounds the _________________ of a new director. (Certain) –


11. Periods of great surplus were followed by periods of __________________ (short)

26. The management was _____________________ to the idea of a bonus suggested by the union.

27. ___________________________, there was no answer when I phoned. (Mystery)

28. We all have a _______________ to our country. (loyal)

29. If your luggage is very _____________________, you'll have to pay an excess charge. (weight)

30. They must have forgotten to add the _____________________ to this letter. (enclose)

31. ________________________ must be filed within 5 working days. (complain)

32. If your terms are __________________________, we may consider placing regular orders. (satisfy)

33. Could you send us 10 brochures for ________________________ distribution among our staff?

34. In the past three months I have been working as a _________________ (train)

35. Will it be ________________________ for you to meet at 8:00 tomorrow morning? (convenience)

36. The company has over 300 stores _______________________. (nation)

37. Was your university degree a good __________________________ for your career? (prepare)

38. I want no _______________________ of such ____________________ from you. (repeat) -


39. Fresh air and exercise are ____________________ to one’s health. (benefit)

40. The scenery was beautiful beyond ________________________ (describe)

41. The ___________ of his wife was a great blow to him. (lose)

42. Don't spend it all at once. Save some for a ____________ day. (rain)

43. This machine can give very precise _____________________________ of

______________________ in the atmosphere. (measure) - (pollute)

44. The forecast said there would be _____________ intervals and shower (sun)

45. The _________________ was getting married, and everyone was in town for great occasion.

46. Her _________________ hinders her from getting to know her colleagues better. (shy)

47. The children seem to be totally ______________________ of working themselves. (capable)

48. She spent a very ____________________ afternoon in the library. (profit)

49. He will not benefit _______________________ from the deal. (finance)

50. His eyesight is becoming ___________________________ worse. (progress)

51. The shop was forced to close owing to a ___________________ of staff. (short)

52. __________________ in the mountains can be _________________ at this time of year. (travel) -

53. She received a written __________________ about her conduct. (warn)

54. The company has announced a __________________ of 3.5 per cent share. (divide)

55. I can see no possible __________________________ for any further tax increase. (justify)

56. This sort of work needs no ______________________ strength from you. (muscle)

57. I think it's ____________________ owing a car if you can't drive it. (point)

58. Unemployment has reached a level that wouldn't have been ____________________ ten years ago.

59. The name of the company for sale carries ___________________________ goodwill value.

60. Their standard of living still remains __________________ low. (pity)

61. In _______________________ with your wishes we shall withdraw our suggestions. (comply)

62. There are some stars that are ___________________ to all but the most powerful telescope.

63. After the divorce, he had to ________________ his life _______________________. (build) -

64. Einstein was one of the greatest ___________________ of the 20th century. (think)

65. The former president's attempted to ________________ power. (gain)

66. Managers should be more ________________________ to the their staff. (respond) (thông cảm)

67. After five years in the job, he was beginning to feel _____________ (rest)

68. She looked with ______________ at the result of her work. (proud)

69. These figures are living ______________ of their competence. (prove)

70. On ________________ at the hotel please wait for further ______________________ (arrive) -

71. _________________ in English and French is required for this job. (Fluent)

72. Lowering interest rates could have _____________________ consequences for the economy.

73. The house had been left _________________________ for several years. (occupy)

74. This drink contains no __________________ ____________________ (art) - (flavor)

75. All ________________ have been cancelled because of heavy fog. (fly)

76. New ____________ markets for the product are being _____________________ pursued. (sea) -

77. She was given a new heart in eight-hour ___________________. (operate)

78. The __________________ of the fence makes the garden very secluded. (high)

79. The ___________________ accused the company of unfair _____________________. (work) -


80. The latest rise in _______________ has proved extremely embarrassing to the government.

81. It seems __________________ to change the timetable so often. (logical)

82. She asked for ___________________________ to leave early. (permit)

83. On the way to the country we sometimes stopped to admire the ____________________ scenery.

84. ___________________________ fees should be paid to the club secretary. (Member)

85. Her _____________ activities brought her into ________________ with the law. (politics) -

86. He was punished for his _____________________________. (obey)

87. The tallest __________ in London are small in ___________ with those in New York. (build) -

88. I came to the ________________________ that he had been lying. (conclude)

89. __________________, I won't able to come to your ___________________ next month. (Regret) -

90. Water ___________________ from the heavy rains has caused damage to the land. (erode)

91. Monopoly is a _______________________ game for some people. (fascinate)

92. There were two kinds of electric current, direct and _________________ (alternate)

93. Mr. Davis is a very _____________ teacher. He makes the students work hard and do their best.

94. It is _______________________ in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (tradition)

95. The strike was caused by the ____________________ of two workers. (dismiss)

96. She is very _____________; she has won the lottery twice! (luck)

97. Unfortunately, the natural resources are becoming _______________________ for the support of
the increasing population or population (adequacy)

98. You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and ____________________ them. (prior)

99. _______________________ are predicting that the rate of inflation will rise. (economics)

100. He was accused of not showing strong _______________________. (leader)

101. The school has been given money to _______________________ the classroom. (modern)

102. He has several _________________ in killing his business partner. (motivate)

103. The weak and the poor are ____________________ and need people to represent them. (power)

104. Smoking is _______________________ to our health. (hazard)

105. There are _________________________ provided on the back of the box. (instruct)

106. All children want the ____________________ of their parents. (approve)

107. Good _______________________________ is needed between teachers and parents.


108. The Japanese are well-known for their modern factories with ____________________________
machinery. (sophistication)

109. The Community Chest is not a ______________________ organization. (profit)

110. As manager, he's _______________________ of all his players. (protect)

111. The government wants to _______________________ this training center. (military)

112. We must make ____________________ for our old age by saving money. (provide)

113. He has taken on the job of being England's football ___________________. (manage)

114. ____________ about, the company's future meant that few people wanted to invest money in it.

115. I admire her _________________________ and skill. (intelligent)

116. He is ___________________ about whether he has the time to take on more work. (doubt)

117. It is really quite ___________________________ that we should have been at the same college
without having met before. (ordinary)

118. Recently health foods have increased in __________________. (popular)

119. Joan applied for __________________________ of the music club. (member)

120. His boss told him off because he had behaved _________________________. (responsible)

121. Unless something is done about unemployment, the _________________ for the future is not
good. (look)

122. English is a _____________________________ easy language for Swedes to learn. (compare)

123. Jenny is calm and kind and has a lot of __________________ (patient)

124. It is now thought that there are both ________________ and psychological causes of the illness.

125. _________________________ is not enough by itself, you must work hard too. (inspire)

126. I was late because I ________________________________ how much time I'll need. (estimate)
127. It is an ________________________ fact that drug-related crime is increasing. (deny)

128. There was ice on the pavement, which made it very difficult to walk as it was so
_______________. (slip)

129. Two young children were arguing over the _____________________ of the doll. (owner)

130. How can you ______________ the fact that some people live in mansions while others live in
slums? (just)

131. He takes the responsibilities of _________________________ very seriously. (father)

132. The world is becoming increasingly _______________________________ (depend)

133. I think it is very ________________ of him to expect us to work overtime every night this week.

134. This has been a ________________ time for us all. (test)

135. She's got a job as the ________________________ of a dress shop. (manager)

136. I'm afraid I was very _______________________ with the travel arrangements. (satisfy)

137. I __________________________ met an old friend last week. (expect)

138. She's so ________________ she makes all these mistakes and never bothers to correct them.

139. My father often talks about the _________________________ of studying and hard work. (

140. You can sit in this chair, it's very __________________________. (comfort)

141. He's a sort of person that is _______________________ in intent. (move)

142. The government is accused of ________________________ power. (central)

143. It's hard work when there are so many ____________________________ (interrupt)

144. She was among the _________________ of the race from the start. (lead)

145. The first year provides students with a sound ________________________ basis for later study.

146. Some newspapers, most _______________ the New York Tunes, refuse to print the word Ms.

147. I think they'll have to make a __________________________ of current policy. (state)

148. Putting your money in stocks and shares is a risky _______________________. (invest)

149. I accepted his offer without _____________________. It was more money than I had expected.

150. I plan to do plenty of work in _______________________ for the exam. (prepare)

151. The government will probably lose the next election because of the high rate of ____________.

152. They were reunited after a _______________________ of more than 20 years. (separate)

153. He argues that there is a ________________________ between pollution and health. (connect)

154. I have no _____________________ for him. He deserves to go to prison. (sympathize)

155. He is a ___________________________ genius. (mathematics)


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