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Chapter Chapter Topics Thuyết trình trên lớp Topics Thuyết trình cuối kì

1-5 Chapter 1: 1. Population (What is the 1. Social life (How do people in the UK
Country & population of the UK, and socialize and spend time with friends and
People how is it distributed?) family?)
2. Education system (Could 2. Daily life (Can you describe a typical
you provide an overview of day in the life of someone living in the
the education system in the UK?)
UK, including any distinctive
features or recent

Chapter 2: 1. Influence of history on 1. Influence of colonialism on modern

History culture & society (How has society (In what aspects of modern
the UK's history influenced its British society and culture can the legacy
culture and society?) of colonialism be observed?)
2. Key historical events (What 2. Effects of World War 1 & 2 on the
are the key historical events UK’s identity and resilience (How did
that have shaped the UK?) the experiences of World War I and
World War II shape the identity and
resilience of the UK, and are there lasting
effects still visible today?)

Chapter 3: 1. Climate (Can you describe 1. What is the geographical makeup of

Geography the climate in different regions the UK?
of the UK) 2. Are there notable natural landmarks or
2. Geography (How is the ecosystems that are particularly
geography of urban areas important for conservation, and how are
different from rural areas in they being protected?
the UK, and what are the
implications for lifestyle and
economic activities?)

Chapter 4: 1. How is the concept of 1. In what ways do the different nations

Identity "Britishness" defined, and within the UK (England, Scotland,
what are the key elements that Wales, and Northern Ireland) express and
contribute to a shared national maintain their distinct identities?
identity in the UK? 2. How do traditional customs and rituals
2. Are there challenges or contribute to the preservation and
debates surrounding expression of the UK's cultural identity?
multiculturalism, and how do
these contribute to the
evolving identity of the UK?

Chapter 5: 1. British humor is renowned 1. How is humor used in different

Attitudes worldwide. How does the contexts, such as social interactions,
British sense of humor reflect media, or even in coping with
cultural attitudes, and are there challenges?
specific styles or themes that 2. How does the British society generally
are particularly characteristic? approach change and innovation,
2. What are some of the key whether in technology, social norms, or
cultural values that are highly other aspects of life?
regarded in British society,
and how do these values
influence behavior and

6 - 10 Chapter 6 1. The style of democracy + 1. The public attitude to politics

Political The constitution 2. The modern situation
life 2. The style of politics + The
party system

Chapter 7 1. The appearance & role of 1. The future of the monarchy

The the monarch
monarchy 2. The reality & value of the

Chapter 8 1. The cabinet & the prime 1. Central & local government + local
The minister government services
governme 2. The civil service

Chapter 9 1. The party system in 1. The atmosphere of Parliament &

Parliament Parliament Parliamentary business
2. The House of Lords 2. An MP’s life

Chapter 10 1. The system & formal 1. The campaign

Elections arrangements 2. Recent results and the future
2. Polling day & election night

11 - 15 Chapter 1. Crime & criminal procedure 1. The police & the public
11: Law & 2. The system of Justice 2. The legal profession

Chapter 1. The end of empire 1. Transatlantic relations

12: 2. The armed forces 2. The sovereignty of the union

Chapter 1. Religious Diversity in the 1. Religion and Social Issues

13: UK 2. Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation
Religion 2. Secularism and

Chapter 1. Historical background of 1. Education styles in UK

14: Education in UK 2. Recent developments of education in
Education 2. Organization of Education UK
in UK

Chapter 1. Earning money 1. The structure of trade & industry

15: The 2. Work organization 2. The distribution of wealth

16 - 20 Chapter 16 1. The importance of national 1. The BBC

The Media press + The two types of 2. Television: Organization + Television:
national newspaper Style
2. The characteristics of
national press: politics + The
characteristics of national
press: sex and scandal

Chapter 17 1. On the road + Public 1. The story of the chunnel

Transport transport between towns and 2. Air and water
2. Public transport in town and

Chapter 18 1. The benefits system 1. The national health service

Welfare 2. Social services and charities 2. The medical profession

Chapter 19 1. House, not flats 1. Individuality and conformity +

Housing 2. private property an public Interiors: the importance of cosiness
property + The importance of 2. Owning and renting + Homelessness

Chapter 20 1. Attitudes to food 1. Pubs

Food and 2. Eating out 2. Alcohol

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