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The Experimentation of Banana Leaf Paper Pulp to Create a Leaf Paper

Emanuel Abarra
Lexis Casabar LPT,

According to the Environmental Studies the average consumption of paper in the Philippines a
day is 1kl or six thousand seven hundred tons of waste generates in Manila. Pulp and paper is the
third largest industrial polluter of air water and soil— chlorine based bleaches are used during
the production which results in toxic materials being released into our air. When paper rots, it
emits methane gas which is twenty-five times more toxic than carbon dioxide. Paper may cause
air pollution because of nitrogen dioxide sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide that were released
when paper rots. Producing a new environmental paper may help lessen the pollution caused by
industrial paper.

Banana leaves has cellulosic fiber in close the outside of the cellulose fiber acting as natural
binders. Long wrapped fiber bundles are a key components of banana paper. Length is also
significant fiber property as longer fiber contains more fiber joints contribute to a stronger
network of fibers. Long fiber manufactured papers. Banana fibers vary and weight and thickness
depending on the specific part of banana used. The properties of banana paper overall include a
lower density higher stiffness and higher disposability compared to the traditional paper.
According to Paul Barbano’s research on June three twenty- twenty, he said that banana are good
for gardens because they contains 42% of potassium one of three major component of the
fertilizer along with the nitrogen and phosphorus shown on fertilizer label. In fact banana have
the highest organic source of potassium.

It should be solve because those toxic elements used to produce paper based product also find
their way to water. The pollutants that kill harmful microbes and insects and water. Water plants
also suffer because of these toxins. Not only that, paper production waste enormous amount of
water. For example, three hundred twenty four liter of water needed to produce a single a4 sheet
of paper. The purpose of making a banana leaf paper is to help lessen the pollution because
banana leaves is easy to decompose without releasing any toxic.

Banana leaves contains fiber that is used to create a paper, fibers are greatly elongated cells
whose long that provides maximum support to a plant, fibers is used on leaf papers to make it
more stronger. Researcher aims to solve air pollution caused by industrial paper because those
paper releases chemicals like nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and carbon dioxide contributing to
pollution such as acid rain and greenhouse gases (GHGS). It has a direct impact on freshwater
forest and soil. It also affects the production of crops and then there is carbon dioxide which is
leading cause of global warming. According to Roman Danov February 15 2023, leaves are
better than trees to produce paper. because 17 trees each one ton of cellulose made from leaves
are saved. 3 tons of leaves per each 1 ton of cellulose are used instead of being burned or rotten.
36% of carbon dioxide emission less compared to waste production, 15 times less water use
compared to wood based paper production, and lastly the researcher said that three times less
electricity use compared to traditional wood based paper production.

Background of the Study:

According to the Environmental Studies, when paper rots it emits toxic chemicals that can make
pollution that are harmful to humans. The researcher wants to create a leaf paper as a substitute
for industrial paper without releasing any toxic when it rots. Banana contains fiber that is useful
for creating a paper as fibers makes paper more stronger. In addition banana fibers and other
plant fibers can be converted into pulp for paper making. This offers an productive use of waste
fibers for creating a local supply of paper and generating plant fibers are removed dried and they
are boiled shredded and rinsed to create pulp. Negeri Sembilan 2021, prove that paper from
banana having much more advantageous compared to the standard wood-based paper. The
researcher also added that million tons of banana can generate a hundred thousand tons of paper
giving a small easy way to gain sources for paper making. It also features water are the fire
assistants make it more durable and great to handle things such as packaging use case. With that
trees will stay on our forest to continue their service just like making fresh air for the humans.
Besides that , it can also reduce deforestation that happened to a lot of forest just for paper
making, giving birds and other species more safety to their habitats that also acted as the source
of food and safe place for living.

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