Activity No. 2 - Engineering Management - Ray James G. Salvacion - BSCE-4A

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Marinduque State College - College of Engineering, Information & Industrial Technology

Institute of Engineering
Main Campus Boac/Branches: Sta. Cruz· Torrijos· Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel.No. (042) 754-0178 Email Address:


Reaction Paper
Activity Paper No. 2

Salvacion, Ray James G.


September 2023

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong, gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs, and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.

Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M. in leadership through a
total quality management system responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education.

Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!

Marinduque State College - College of Engineering, Information & Industrial Technology
Institute of Engineering
Main Campus Boac/Branches: Sta. Cruz· Torrijos· Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel.No. (042) 754-0178 Email Address:

Title: The Significance of Planning: A Reaction Paper

Brief of the Situation:
A group of four college students was given the opportunity to take a special examination
because they missed it, and they were able to convince the dean through a lie. They lied about
attending a wedding celebration the night before the examination date, but the truth is they played
till late at night and could not study for the test. In their statement, they were on their way home
when a tire of the vehicle they rode in burst out of a sudden. To make it more convincing the group
of students planned to put dirt and grease on their clothes. The dean did not hesitate to let them
take a special examination and even gave them three days to prepare. On the date of the
examination, the four students were asked to sit in four different rooms with only two questions
on each test paper, first for their names with only two points, and second for the tire that burst on
that night of the wedding with a massive ninety-eight points. I presume that the ending of the story
is not in favor of them.
Whether we use it in our personal endeavors, corporate operations, or societal growth,
planning is a fundamental activity that is essential to many facets of our lives. It is hard to overstate
the value of planning since it provides a road map for attaining objectives, increasing efficiency,
and reducing unforeseen difficulties. In this reaction paper, the discussion about the importance of
planning as students is discussed.
Goal Achievement:
One of the most apparent advantages of planning is that it assists in setting
objectives and strategy development for students. Without a strategy, it is difficult to decide
what must be learned and how best to use the available resources such as textbooks, PDFs,
and other learning materials. Planning acts as a compass, ensuring that study habits are in
line with the desired results.

Efficient Resource Allocation:

In any project, efficiency is essential. Planning enables the efficient use of
resources, such as learning materials, money, and time. Waste is reduced and productivity
is increased when resources are used wisely. In schools, where efficiency can be the
difference between success and failure, this is extremely important.

Risk Mitigation:
We frequently face unanticipated challenges and obstacles in life. Planning
provides protection from these uncertainties. It entails foreseeing potential dangers and
creating backup plans to handle them. Planning lessens the impact of unplanned
Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong, gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs, and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.

Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M. in leadership through a
total quality management system responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education.

Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!

Marinduque State College - College of Engineering, Information & Industrial Technology
Institute of Engineering
Main Campus Boac/Branches: Sta. Cruz· Torrijos· Gasan
Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel.No. (042) 754-0178 Email Address:

occurrences and boosts resilience by anticipating probable setbacks and preparing for them

Improved Decision-Making:
Making well-informed decisions is encouraged by planning. Students are more
likely to make wise decisions when they take the time to consider their options, analyze
data, and assess the benefits and drawbacks. This promotes a culture of accountability and
responsibility in addition to improved results.

Time Management:
Proper planning can help you make the most of your limited time. It enables
students to prioritize projects, establish deadlines, and set aside time for important
activities. Because each moment is used effectively and with purpose, good time
management increases productivity and lowers stress.

Long-Term Vision:
Planning includes not only short-term objectives but also long-term ambitions.
Strategic planning allows students to set a trajectory for the future. In a world that is
constantly evolving, this forward-thinking strategy assures adaptation and sustainability.

Personal Growth:
Planning can have a big impact on students’ personal growth and development.
Setting personal objectives, whether they are concerned with relationships, health,
education, or a job, gives direction and inspiration. Continuous improvement might result
from reviewing and amending these plans on a regular basis.
In conclusion, planning is a cornerstone of success and progress in various facets of life
such as education, wellness, business, and professional undertakings. It empowers individuals,
organizations, and societies to set goals, allocate resources efficiently, mitigate risks, and make
informed decisions. Without planning, disorder and inefficiency can govern. Therefore,
recognizing the importance of planning and incorporating it into our lives is a step toward
achieving our aspirations and creating a more organized and purposeful upcoming as students now,
becoming successful individuals in the future.

Vision: An advanced and adaptive university pursuing quality education, lifelong, gender-sensitive learning environment, responsive
research-based community programs, and transparent governance with sustainable resource generation by 2025.

Mission: To provide excellence in instruction, research, extension and production that magnifies W.I.S.D.O.M. in leadership through a
total quality management system responsive to the challenges of 21 st century education.

Educating People, Enriching Lives and Expanding Opportunities with WISDOM!

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