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1. Bố cục
- Introduction: paraphrase câu đề bài. Tức là viết lại câu của đề bài sử dụng từ vựng của bạn
- Overview: tìm 2 đặc điểm chung của biểu đồ. Thường với biểu đồ dây, bạn có thể lưu ý một số đặc điểm sau
 Đặc điểm xu hướng: nhìn từ đầu năm đến cuối năm xem xu hướng chung của dây là gì? (Tăng, giảm, dao động liên tục?)
 Đặc điểm về dây nổi bật nhất: dây thấp nhất, cao nhất, thay đổi lớn nhất?
- Body 1: 2 khổ than bài của một bài biểu đồ dây sẽ là miêu tả số liệu, xu hướng của số liệu. Lưu ý luôn so sánh các thông tin
với nhau, không mô tả riêng rẽ
- Body 2: như trên
a. The introduction
- The graph highlights/compares/illustrates information about + noun + (place/time)
 Ex: The graph highlights information about the production of electricity in ten different countries over a 10 year period from
2000 to 2010.
- The graph highlights/compares/illustrates information about how much/many + noun + verb + (time/place)
 The graph illustrates information about how much electricity was manufactured in 10 different countries over a 10-year
period from 2000 to 2010.
- The graph highlights/compares/illustrates information about the number/amount of + N + who/whom/which/that + V +
 The graph illustrates information about the amount of electricity [which was] manufactured in 10 different countries over a
10-year period from 2000 to 2010.

b. Overview: 2 câu
 Câu 1:
- Overall, what stands out from the graph is that… (while…) over the period in question.
- In general, as can be seen from the graph,… (while…) over the period covered by the graph.
- From an overall perspective, it can be notices from the graph that… (while…) over the given period.
- There was an obvious upward trend in… /ABC experienced an obvious upward trend.
 Câu 2:
- Another interesting point (that can be seen from the graph) is that…
- Another striking feature (that can be noticed from the graph) is that…
2. Thì
- Sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn cho các năm trong quá khứ
- Dùng “is expected/predicted to” khi đưa ra dự đoán cho các năm trong tương lai

3. Từ vựng

Tính từ Trạng từ Nghĩa

dramatic Dramatically
Sharp Sharply
Enormous Enormously
Substantial Substantially
Considerable Considerably Thay đổi nhiều, đáng kể,
Significant Significantly nhanh và rõ ràng
rapid rapidly
tremendous Tremendously
Remarkable remarkably
noticeable noticeably
Moderate Moderately thay đổi bình thường, ổn
constant Constantly định
progressive Progressively
Slight Slightly Thay đổi ít, không đáng kể
Marginal Marginally
Minimal Minimally
Steady Steadily
Slow Slowly
Gradual Gradually

Xu hướng Động từ Danh từ

Tăng - Increase - Increase
- Rise - Rise
- Grow - Growth
- Go up - Upward trend
- Climb
Tăng mạnh - Rocket
- Soar
- Leap
- Jump
Giảm - Decrease - Decrease
- Fall/fall down - Fall
- Go down - Downward trend
- Reduce - Reduction
- Decline - Decline
Giảm mạnh - Drop - Drop
- Plunge - Plunge
- Slump - Slump
- Dive - Dive
- Plummet - Plummet
- Dip - Dip
Tăng giảm bất thường - Fluctuate - Fluctuation
- Oscillate
- Wave
- Vary - Variation
Ổn định - Remain/stay stable - Stability
- Remain/stay unchanged
- Stabilize
- To be unchanged
Đạt mức cao nhất - Reach a peak
- Hit/touch the highest
Đạt mức thấp nhất - Reach/hit the lowest point
- Fall to a low
- Reach a bottom

Giới từ Cách sử dụng Ví dụ

To Miêu tả sự thay đổi đến mức nào In 2010, the unemployment rate increased
to 5%
By Miêu tả sự thay đổi trong một In 2018, the rate of school enrolment in
khoảng cụ thể Viet Duc Primary School fell by 2% (from
15% to 13%)
With Miêu tả phần trăm, số lượng He won the election with 53% of the vote
At Cung cấp con số cụ thể The unemployment rate hit its highest
point, at 10%

4. Cấu trúc miêu tả xu hướng

a. Cấu trúc 1

Time, S + V + adv

- Ví dụ:
o In 2004, the number of lecturers in Hanoi University grew dramatically.
o By the end of 2025, the number of public transportation in Vietnam is expected to rocket.
b. Cấu trúc 2

There + to be + a/an adj N + in + S + time

- Ví dụ
o There was a significant drop in the number of smartphones sold in 2005
o There was a moderate growth in the number of literated citizens in Africa in 2007.

c. Cấu trúc 3

S + saw/experienced/witnessed + a/an adi N + time

- Ví dụ:
o The number of literated citizens in Africa experienced a moderate growth in 2007.
o The population of China witnessed a tremendous rise in the past 5 years.

d. Cấu trúc 4

Time + witnessed/experienced + a/an adj N + in + cụm N

- Ví dụ:
o The year 2007 witnessed a moderate growth in the number of literated citizens.
o The 3 consecutive years from 2000 experienced a tremendous rise in the population of China
e. Cấu trúc 5

A/An adj N + was + seen/witnessed + in + S + time

- Ví dụ: A moderate growth was seen in the number of literated citizens in 2007

5. Cấu trúc dự đoán

Động từ Danh từ
Predict Prediction
Expect Expectation
Forecast Forecast
Anticipate Anticipation

a. Cấu trúc 1

Predictions/Expectations/Anticipations/Forecasts + show/express + (that) + S will V

- Ví dụ:
o Anticipations express that the average life expectancy will increase to 75 in 2050
o Expectations show that the number of visitor coming to France will be doubled in the next 10 years.

b. Cấu trúc 2
It is + predicted/expected/anticipated/forecasted + that + S will V

- Ví dụ:
o It is anticipated that the amount of unemployment will go down to 20% in 2039.
o It is forecasted that the amount of sustainable energy will increase to nearly 74% in 2025.

c. Cấu trúc 3

S + to be + predicted/expected/anticipated/forecasted + to V

- Ví dụ
o The number of visitors coming to France is expected to be double by the end of this year.
o The amount of unemployment is predicted to fall to 20% in 2039.
6. Comparison structure words

Sentence connectors Clause connectors Others

subordinators Coordinators/correlative
- Similarly - As - And - A is like B
- Likewise - Just as - Both… and - A is just like B
- Also - Not only… but also - A is similar to B
- Too - Neither… nor - A is the same as B
- In the meantime - A and B are the same
- A and B are alike
- To compare to/with

7. Contrast structure words

Sentence connectors Clause connectors Others
subordinators Coordinators/correlative
- However - Although - But - Despite
- Nevertheless - Even though - Yet - In spite of
- Nonetheless - Though
- Still
- In contrast/ By
The line graph hightlights information about the percentage of unemployed
recent graduates and young non-graduates aged 21 to 30 over 25-year
period from 1990 to 2015.

Overall, what stands out from the graph is that both the percentage of
recent graduates and non-graduates aged 21 to 30 fluctuated. Another
interesting point is that the percentage of unemployed non-graduates aged
21 to 30 was much more higher than the recent one.

In the first years, from 1990 to 2000, there was a gradual decrease in the
percentage of two groups. In 2000, the figure for recent graduates fell by
5%, while the rate of non-graduates aged 21 to 30 witnessed a decrease by

However, in the next 10-year period from 2000 to 2010, there was a
difference. The percentage of unemployed recent graduates stayed
unchanged, at 5%. In the meantime, the percentage of unemployed young
non-graduates aged 21 to 30 fluctuated and hit the lowest point at 7% in
At the end of the period, both groups had sharply rise by 5%.
The graph illustrates

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