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DE CUONG ON TAP GIU'A HQC KY 1- TIENG ANH 9 - NAM 2022 - 2023 A. REVIEW UNIT 1 I. VOCABULARY Tir mdi Phign am Neha T_arfisan ati 7aen (a) thy Tam nghé tha cong 2.__handicraft "haendikra:ft/(n.) ‘sin pham thi cong 3._workshop Pws:kfop/ (ny xudng, cong xuong 4._attraction Tavtraekjn’ (n.) digm hap dan 3.__preserve iptt'zs:vi (v.) bao tin, gin git 6._ authenticity o:den usati/ (2) tinh xdc thye, chan that T._cast karst (W) dic (d6ng...) craft era: (n) nghe thi cong, 9.__ craftsman "kra:fisman’ (.) thg lam a6 thi cong, 10,_team-building "tism brid (n.) xay dyng di ng tinh than dong a1 11, drumhead fdtamhed? (n.) mat trong 12, embroider Tamm braida(ey WD then 13, frame freun/ (n.) Khung 14, lacquerware Plekawea(A (a) 8 son mai 15, layer Pleio(F (n.) Tp (i..) 16, mould imaoldi (v.) 6 khudn, tao khuon 7. sculpture "skalptyotny/ digu ke, a diéu khie 18, surface Pacts! (n.) bE mat 19. thread (red (n.) chi, soi 20. weave, Twiswi (w.) dan (r6, r8._.), dét (Wai.) 21. turn up Zts:n ap! (ph. v) xuat hign, én 22. set off set of! (pr. v.) Khoi anh, bat dau chuyén di 23. close down iKisvz davon’ (phr. v) ding cita, ngimg hoat ding. 24, pass down pars daon/ (phr. v.) n Tai (cho thé hg sau...) 25. face up to fers ap tw (phr. v.) di mit, gidi quyst 26. turn down tin davon (phr. v) tir choi 27. set up Tset apl (ph. v.) thanh lap, tao dime, 28. take over iteik auval (phir. ¥) tigp quan, ké nhiém, nOi nghigp 29. live on Thy on’ (phr. v.) sing bing, sing dva vio 30. treat rie (W.) xii 31. carve kav (v.) cham, Khe sterdy! (0) bude, giai doan 33._artefact "astiferkt! (n) 5 tao tie 34, loom fu:m/ (n.) hung citi d6t vai 35._versatile Tvaisatatll (adi) nhigu tie dung, da nang 36._willow Fwalaol (.) 37. charcoal Pyarkool! chi, chi than (@E ve) 38. numerous Pnjucmores! (adj.) mmhigu, dng dio, so hong lon 39. birthplace "bs:Oplers! (n.) noi sinh ra, qué huong, 40. deal with Gil wi! (phr. v.) 4I_get on with iget pn wid! (ph. v.) £6 quan hg tot 42,_knit intl (w) dan (len,soi) 33. look foward to luk “fo:wad tl (ph. v) ‘trong mong 44. marble sculpture Tmaibl ‘skalptfari digu khae d& 45. memorable Fmemaraball (adi) ding nhé 46. pottery ipotori/ (n) & gdm 47_great- grandparent jgreit/"greenpeorant] (a) ‘cu (ngudi sinh ra Ong ba) 48, Place of interest pets! av! "mtrast/ (a.) dia diém hap di 29_tug of war Teng! fav worn) {10 kéo co 30. riverbank Tnvabaenk/ (0.) ba song S1._conical hat Tkonikl/ act! (a) non Ie 52. minority ethnie Fmmar'norati/ /“eOniki (n) dan toe thigu sb Tl. COMPLEX SENTENCES (CG; a. Dinh nghia: - Cu phite 18 edu bao gdm 1 ménh TPHUC) op lap (independent clause) va it nhat 1 inh d& phy thude (dependent clause) lién két véi nhau. Hai ménh dé thudng duge ndi véi nhau béi dau phdy hode cdc lién tir phy thudc (subordinating conjuntions). - Vi dy: He always takes time to play with his daughter even though he is extremely busy. Ménh dé dc lap Ménh dé phy thuge Even though he is busy, he always takes time to play with his daughter. Ménh 48 phy thuge Ménh dé doc lép (Mic dit anh dy ban ron, nhung anh dy luon danh thai gian dé choi vi con gai) ‘You should think about money saving from now if you want to studyabroad, Ménh dé déc lip Ménh dé phy thuge - Ménh dé di lién véi lign tir trong cu phite chinh 14 ménh 48 phy thude. -Ménh dé phu thude nim phia truée b. Mét sé lién tir phy thude phé bién: th dé dc lap, thi gitta hai ménh dé phai c6 déu phay cn lai thi khong. ‘Afier Although As asi ‘AS Tong as Tn order to (Sau khi ) (Mic aii) (Bai vii khi) (Niw thé 18) | (Mien 1) (pia) Before Even If Because as though as much as so that (Trude khi) (Mac di) (Bai vi) (Nhu thé la) (Dé ma) Once cen though | Whereas 7 as soon as Unless (Mot khi) (Mie di) (Trong khids) | (Néu) (Ngay hi) (rit khi) Since Though While Tn case When Until (Tuwfkhi? Bai | (Mae di) (Trong khids) | (Neu) (Khi) (Cho dén khi) vi) ©. Cie logi mgnh d& phy thude hay gip: Trong cu phite c6 nhiéu loai ménh dé phy thug khéc nhau, dudi day 1a m6t vai VD thusng gap. Ménh dé phy thude Vidu Ménh a phy thude chily do iu hai “Why” tai sao) Thuong bit du véi ede fin tit nhu: because, since, as. Tneedi’t tell you as he has told you already, 1 did it because there was no one else to do it. = Since you in ~Ménh d phy thuge chi thot gia: vé hinh d6ng trong ménh dé doc lp dién ra khi nao, - Thug bit dau véi ede lign tt nur ‘When, While.before,after, as soon as... ~ As T went out, he came in - As soon as you are ready, we shall go - [hurried to see him after I had heard the news, - Thope to pay him a visit before I went away. > Ménh d® phy thuge chi mye dich. Noi vé mue dich cia hanh dng trong ménh dé doc lap. - Thutng bat dau véi ede lién tir nhu: so that, in order to that. ~ Though itis getting Tate, I think we have to finish our lesson, - Although it rained, we went out all the same. - P°ll get there even If [ have to walk all the day. - I'll get there even If I have to walk all the day. He was speaking very quietly so that it was difficult to hear what he said, BAi 1: Khoanh tron dap an ding: 1.My mother used to tell me stories T went to bed. Asince Buuntil Chefore 2.You better take the keys ['mnot out. case Basince Cafter 3.My mother like eating fried chicken it’s very bad for his health. Arbecause Balthough Cowhen 4.Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano, his sister was playing the flute Aas Baalthough Cowhile 5.You shouldn't spend too much on computer it is harmfill to your eyes. Aas Buwhen Calthough 6.1 will phone you I get there. Awhile Bas Soon as Cuuntil 7.The scientist usually works in his lab, the sun sets. A.untill soon as Caalthough 8 ‘you promise not to tell lies again, T won't forgive you. Alp BeEven If C.Unless 9. her legs were hurt, she made attempt to finish the running track, ‘Aven If BAs if C.Unless 10 She talked she witnessed the accident. But in fact she knew nothing, Aasif B.even though Coeven If 11.1 didn’t finish my home work, Twas seriously ill yesterday. Aawhen B.though Cssince 12.James decided to save money from now he has enough money to travel this summer Asso that B.though Cwhen 13 we have been friends for only one year, we deeply understand each other. Alf B.Though C.Once 14, Mr Smith doesn’t like dogs, his wife love them. A. B. c. 15.1 was cycling home yesterday 1 saw Jim standing near the foundtain. A.when Buwhile Casince Bai 2: Hoan thanh nbimg céu sau day bing nhimg lin tir cho sin. since although while unl as though ‘when as long as because in case 1, Jim came home, he realized that someone had broken into his house 2.You'd better bring your raincoat rain pour down. 3.They have been colleagues, they graduated 4 Tim put more effort in his studying, he won't catch up with his classmates. 5.My mother always reminds me to wash my hands, Thave meals 6.We will go picnicking the weather is fine. 7 James behaved nothing had happened. 8.1 can't make it on Saturday Iwill be fully occupied. 9.When I got home my father was moving the lawn, ‘my mother was watering the flowers beds. 10, don’t get on well with Mary, [really admire her inteligence and beauty. si nhirng ménh dé & cGt A véi nhimg ménh dé & cGt B dé tgo thanh cau hoan chinh. A B Jane didn’t realize her mistakes a.when show started to fall 2.They were playing in the backyard bathough it is distant from our house 3.lf you show your atiempt in your work, e.before they move here. 4.This couple had been in New York City for two | d.l still travel by public transportations years ‘S.My mother often shops at the local supermarket, | ¢.so that I will have decent job in the future S| before G.It has been ages Fyou may get promotion soon Try to study hard g.until her mother pointed it out for her [B.Even If own a car [h.since we last encountered 1 2 3. 4 5. 6 7. cdiu don di cho thinh cau ghép, sir dyng lign tir thich hyp. 1. Jim was absent from class. yesterday. He was suffering from a bab cold. Mary heard her fingers yesterday.She was reparing 6 Larrive at the station, I will call you right after. My brother is very out-going, I am quiet reserved. ‘They decided to move the house. They don’t have to travel a long distance to work. dinner. | At 4 pm yesterday, my mother was cleaning the house. I was looking after my younger brother. . They decided to go on an excursion, They want to get away from work stress. My father taught me how to use the computer, Before that, I didn’t know how to use it. ). Mr Peter was walking home.He was robbed of his wallet. 10. I don’t have a pet. My mother doesn’t allow me to have one. Bai 5: Didn lién tir thich hgp vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cdc cfu sau. 1. it’s pouring with rain, we are going for a walk in the park. 2 3. He decided to break up with Peter 4. Jennifer decided to break up with Peter 5, Danny bought a new cat 6. Iwill be in great trouble 7 Janice will have finished the report 8.The concert will be canceled 9. Children are not allowed to enter this place the she hands in the assignment before Tuesday, she will get very bad mark. he didn’t spend much time with her. he didn’t spend much time with her. his old ear was still i good condition. ‘my mother knows my final test scores. time you receive the letter no more tickets are sold, they are accompanied by adults. 10.You should bring think coats, the temperature falls at night. 1 my sister doesn’t like eating salad, she eats it regularly to keep fit. 12. won't come to Jim’s party he invites me. 13. ‘you tell me the truth, Tean’t help you. 14, the fire fighters arrived, the fire had already been put out by the local residents. 15.You can leave early ‘you want to. IIL. PHRASAL VERBS (CUM DONG TU) 1, DINH NGHIA Dinh nghia Vidy Sum déng tir ( Phrasal verb) la sy ket hop gitta m6t d6ng tir va mét tiéu ti particle) -Tidu tir c6 thé 18 mot trang tir, hay 18 mt gid ti, hode 1 car hai chang han nhu: back, in, on, off, through, up. ~ Khi thém tidu tir vao sau d6ng tir, cum dong tu thuéng cé ¥ nghia khac hin so véi tir ban dau. ~The rich man gave away most of his fortune. (Ngudi gidu c6 dy tang hét tai san cia dng ta cho nguedi nghéo). You can look up any new words in your diction: (Anh cé thé tra nghia bat cit tie méi nao trong tie dién,) Ltried to phone her but I didn't get through (Toi dai c6 ging goi cho c6 dy nhung khéng thé no két néi duc) tirthuemg durge ding trong cde cum dng ti YNGHIA PHO BIEN CUA CAC CAC TIEU TU TRONG CAC CUM DONG TU Mét tigu tir c6 thé truyén tai nhiéu ¢ nghia khdc nhau trong mdi cum dng tir khéc nhau. Tuy nhién dui day la cde ‘Tiéu tir | ¥ nghia Vidy w? Dien dat vi tri hwéng Ten tren | We ate all the food up hodc y két thic, hodn thin tt ea. | (Chiing tai dn het thiee an dé rdi) down _ | Dién dat vi tri huéng xuong dudi, | We have fo cut down the expenses hoc hanh dng cé xu thé gidm/ | ( Ching ta sé phi cdt gidm chi tiéu) chin lai on Dign dat 7 6 ten, dya tren We should put on formal clothes in a meeting. (Cu nén méc lich sue trong euée hop) in Dign dat ¥ 6 trong, xu hudng di | Make sure to leave the office by 5:00 or you will be vvao trong. locked in (Nha la phai réi khoi van phong lic 5 gi néu khéng anh sé bj ket trong dé) out | Dign dat vi ti phia ngodi hoe y | Icouldn’t igure him out hanh déng én tan cudi / can kigt. | (Toi khéng thé néo hiéu néi anh dy) Off | Dignta ¥ dd di cho khac hoge d6i | ['ve sent off the letter you wrote to the newspaper trang thai, (Téi da givi bic the ma anh viét cho béo chi réi) for __ | Dign dat myc dich hung tai cia | He often asks his father for money hinh dong. (Anh dy van thudng xuyén hoi xin tién bé me) with | Dign dat ¥ e6 ngudi hole hofe | That skirt goes really well with our red coat. vat cing tham gia trong hanh | (Chiée vay dé rdt hop tong véi chiée do khode dé ciia dong. ban) through | Dign dat ¥ Tan laot edi nay sang | If you Took through something, you read it quickly and cai khéc, hoac tir dau dén cudi, | not very carefully. (Khi ban doc qua cdi gi dé nghia la ban doc nhanh khong qué cén than) back | Dign dat y tro Tai, quay lai Please send the jacket back IF itis the wrong size ( Hay git lai chiée do khodc néu nlut sai cd) ‘away _ | Dign dat trang thai roi di hoge tao | Put away your toys, Jack ra khoang cdch. (Cat dé choi di Jack) around |Dign dat hinh dng mang tinh | [hate the way he li giai tri, Khong 13 mue dich, hode khong edn qua tap trung (T6i ghét edi céch anh 3. MOT SO CUM BONG TU THUONG GAP: - Cum dong tir két hyp voi mét tidu ti Get up (Thite déy) Find ou (Tim hiéu thang tin) _| bring out: — publish - xudt ban pass down: (chuyén giao) Live on (sdng nhd vao) Took through (doc) Deal with (gid quyé)) Warm up (Khdi dong) Come back (quay tro Tai) tum down (phan doi, tir chav) Set up (Khai nghiép, sap da)__| Keep up (tiép tuc) Take off (mdy bay cat ednk) | Show off (Khioe Khoang) Hold on (Cho doi) Give up (te bo) Grow up Man lén) Go on (tidp tue) Break down (dd va, hue hong) | Camry out (the hign) Count on (Gin edy vaio) Dress-up (mic dep) Drop by (ghé qua) Bring up (audi dicong) Work out (fim ra cdch gidi| Close down (ding cita.nging [Take up/ Bat dau lim mgt hoat quyét) kink doanh) déng méi) Cym dng tir ket hop hai fu tir Keep up with sbisth Look forward to sbisth Run out of sth Get out of sb/sth Catch up with sbisth Come down with sth Cut down on sth Look back on sth Get rid of sth Make up for sb/sth G back at sb Go along with sb Look down o sb Look up to sb Stay away from sb/sth Pull over at Run away foff from sbisth Wait up for sth Keep out of sb/sth Go in for sth Go through with sth Face p to sth Get on with sb ‘Come up with sth Check up on sth Make sure of sth BAI TAP VAN DUNG CO BAN Bai 6: Khoanh tron dap an din; They have turned ( down / up) Jim’s application for the job. 2.You may have to deal( with / about ) many problem in the workplace. 3.Small birds mainly live (on/off) insects. 4.When does the plane take ( off! up) ? 5.Why did you decide to take (on/up) skiing ? 6.Remember to warm (up/down) carefully before you play sports. 7.There’s no need to dress ( up / down). It is just an informal party. 8 Have you work (out / in) the solution yet ? 9.0ops, I think we're run out (offon) petrol. 10.Jim seems not to get (on/off) well with his classmates. 1 My husband has decided to set (up/down) a business on his own. 12.Do you think Jame will find (out/ up) the truth ? 13.Does Jim have many friends to count (on/ofi) in difficult time ? 14. Yesterday, my uncle dropped (to/by)my house to the surprise of everyone. 15. Were you brought (up/in) by your grandparents ? Bai 7: Dign mt tir thich hgp @é hodn thanh céc ciu duéi diy: 1 James is quite easy- going, He can ‘on well with many types of people. 2.Peter has been absent from school for two weeks due to his illness. It may be difficult for him to up with his classmates. 3.Did you watch the film last night? Do you know how the villain back on the hero ? 4.Mr Smith decided to up smoking because the doctor warned him of getting lung cancer. 5.He could ‘ith all kinds of people because it was part of his jobas a receptionist 6.Jim was sad because Jane down his invitation to the prom, T It is important to down on sugar consumtion every day. 81lt's time you have to up to these problems on your own 9 forward to hearing from you soon. 10.Sometimes I back on my childhood and realize how happy I was as a kid, Bai 8: Danh dau (V) trwéc cfu ding, danh dau (x) true ciu sai va stra lai cho ding. We have already worked up a new way of doing i 2.Jim wants to be a successful writer when he grows out. 3.We are looking forward to hearing from you soon 4.You can keep up to all the changes in technology nowadays. 5. The nearby shop will be closed up next month. 6.The team scored another goal and made sure about championship. 7 Last year a research on the consequences of water pollution was cattied on. 8.Jim has come up with a brilliant idea to tackle the problem. 9.Have you ever considered getting rid your bad habits ? 10The teacher asked us to see through the textbook before she continued. Bai 9: Hon thinh ede edu sau bing nhimg eum ng tir cho sin. cut down on’ deal_with hold on take up count on put up with tum down come down with bring out check up on. 1 The singer will anew album this year. 2.Peter is very reliable. You can. him, 3.You should ‘your essay, 500 words. 4.Jim is depressed as he has been, by five companies so far S.Lean’t such disturbing noise any time. 6.My mother is always me. 7.Mr. Smith has golf 8.Are you tired of complaints from your customers 9.How are you now ? Theard that you flu last week 10 !T think we've got lost. This isn’t the right road BAI TAP TONG HOP. Bai 10: Dya vio tir cho trudc va thém lin tir thich hgp dé tgo thanh edu phite, 1 Jane / play / piano / extremely / well / she /be / very / young. 2.Josh / want / eam / more / money / he / apply / for / another / job / now. 3.My mother / cook / me / breakfast / she / go /to / work, 4.1/ prefer / stay / home / to / go / out /1/ not / like / socialize. 6.Jim/ could / not / catch / up / with / his / classmates / he / often play / truant. 7 Peter / study / very / hard. He / can / get / high / scores. 8.Many / of / my friends / enjoy’ go / shopping / .1/ not / like / this. Bai 11: Thay thé nhimg ddng tir in nghiéng trong cau bing mt cym dong tir thich hgp. LI don’t like Josh because he often boasts about his wealth, 2.Last month many people in my neighbor had chickenpox. should reduce the amount you salt in your daily meal 410s you confronted your fear and moved on. S.Yesterday an old friend of mine visifed your family. ‘Mary decided to join the cooking contest. 7.1 didn’t want to go with him, so I rejected his invtation, 8They are a well- matched couple and they always agree with each other. 9.When did you start your new hobby ? 10.The rain continued all the morning. BAi 12. Hoan thanh e&c cu dui day bing cach dién tir thich hgp vao cho trong. 1 Peter always look, his senior colleagues. 2.Mary is going a singing competition. 3.Nothing can make, the loss of my cat. 4.Jim didn’t work yesterday because he came fu 5.My mother always reminds me to stay bad people. 6.As a child I used to wait the present from Santa Clause 7.1 can’t put his selfishness any more. 8.They argue a lot. They seem to never 9.Last year she went, 10.Last week we got all the old furniture and bought new one. Bai 13: Gach chin Ibi sai trong eu va viét lai cfu ding. 1 Although she didn’t warm up carefully before running, her leg was hurt during the race. 2.Everyone dressed up though they wanted to be the King or Queen of the prom. 3.Since I am really interested in lacquerware, I rarely buy one for me. 4.As though my brother and I don’t get on well, we still care about the other. 5.What would you do unless you won a lottery? 6.Mr Smith is renowned artisan. Everyone looks down on him. 7.While I came home, my cat was sleeping on the sofa. 8.Because Peter ehe ited on me, I wouldn't get back on him. Bai 14: Khoanh tron A trip to Bat Trang Last month,my English class went on a field trip to one of the most ancient villages in Viet Nam: Bat Trang. That day all of us got (1), very early (2) we could arrive at the village early in the morning. When wwe got there, we were all astonished by a variety of ceramic products, most of which are for ordinary use such as bow, cup, plates and pot.(3) there were up to twenty members in our class, we decided not to join the buffalo tour. Instead, we took a walk for sightseeing and shopping around, (4) we had visited some of the ceramic stores along the road in the village ,our teacher took us to Bat Trang Porcelain and Pottery Market. ‘This was the most interesting part of our trip. The local people instructed us to make pottery products by themselves and introduced the (0 dap an dang: tradition of the village. We were told that pottery-making skills were (5), from generation in the village.(6), we left;the locals gave us small ceramic key chains as souvenirs. We really looked (7), another trip to Bat Trang 1Aup B.down Con Doff 2.Aso that C.since D.though 3.A.s0 that C.since D.though 4.AAfter B.Because C.At last D.While 5.A.tumed down Bawent in for C.passed down D.brought out 6.A.After B.Before CAC last D.While T.A.up to B.down on C.forward to D.forward on Bai 15: Doc bai dge sau va tra loi Vietnam’s Youngest Artisan ‘Nguyen Tran Hiep, born in Norther province of Bac Ninh, has become the youngest artist of Vietnam at the age of 37. He succeeded in developing a large-scale fine-art furniture workshop thanks to an extensive renovation and considerable investment. Before achieving all this,he had gone through with many difficulties in his work. In 2000, Nguyen Tran Hiep established his own fine-art wood carving workshop, using all of his family’s savings and a loan from Bac Ninh province’s Youth Union after he had leaned about the craft from a famous artisan. Unfortunately,his products could not reach a wide range of customers. At that time,many other people in the village also failed to cam a decent living on making craft and they decided to quit their tradition job. People found jobs and made money many other ways but Hiep didn’t give up his dream of developing the tradition craft into a profitable business. He is spending the next years learning and researching the market to find out the most suitable markets for his products. He targeted two types of customers:the firstis foreign tourists and the second is traders from China, For the tourists, his workshop mainly produces small handicrafts and souvenirs, such as small animals, painting, tea trays, figurines and rasaries. For the Chinese cilents, his workshop makes products to order based on the current sample designs.At present,his workshop renamed Hiep Thang Fine arts Cooperative, provides stable jobs for 28 employees with an average income of 4-10 million dong/month. One of Nguyen Tran Hiep’s best works is “ Bat Long vong quang phat” which originated from the idea of the eight kings of the Ly dynasty incamating into eight dragons on a five-colour lotus tower.This work was made to wu hai. celebrate the 80" anniversary of the founding of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and has been listed in the Vietnamest Record Book in 2011 as the best fine-art sculpture of ideology and art 1.When was Nguyen Tran Hiep recognized as the Vietnam’s Youngest Artisan? 2.Did he easily succeed in developing his fine-art furniture workshop? 3.How did Hiep tegorize his customers 4.What kinds of products does his workshop often produce for foreigners? 5.How many employes are there in Hiep Thang Fine arts Cooperative? 6.What was made by Nguyen Tran Hiep to celebrate the 80" annive Communist Youth Union’? sary of the founding of the Ho Chi Minh 3. CHUYEN DOI CAU a. BECAUSE -> BECAUSE OF Because +S+V Because of + Ving IN (Cig chi ng) (Khe chit ngit ding cym danb ti) he+Tinh tir, Danh tir; TTSH + Danh tir b. THOUGH / ALTHOUGH / EVEN THOUGH - IN SPITE OF / DESPITE ‘Although’ though/ even though + S+V Despite/ In spite of + V_ing IN (Cig chi ng) ( Khde chit ngir ding cym danb tit) the+Tinh tir, Danh tir; TTSH + Danh tir BAT TAP COBAN I. Complete the sentences. Use “because” or “because of” I. Liz borrowed some money she wants to buy a car. (because/ because of) 2. Jack travelled a lot his job. (because/ because of) 3. Manir and Alberto were late a flat tire. (because/ because of) 4, Kim studied for three hours he had a big test. (because/ because of) 5. Aldie moved to the city her husband’ job. (because/ because of) 6. Tony couldn’t drive his e: the broken window. (because/ because of) 7. Koka couldn’t sleep last night IL, Rewrite the following sentences as indicate 1. Although I was late, I didn’t miss the bus she had a headache. (because/ because of) Inspite o| 2. Despite the rain, they went to the football match Although 3. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for years Though 4. I got very wet in the rain. Thad an umbrella Although 5, They have very little money. They are happy. In spite of, 6. David smokes. He seems to be in good health Although IIL. Vidt Igi cau sao cho nghia khong thay 41 1. Although Nam is not an intelligent student, he can learn very fast > Despite/ In spite of. 2. Because Hoa was rich, she could buy that house. => Because of 3. Because the rain was so heavy, I couldn't go to school. => Because of, 4, His father asked him to go stay at home because he was sick. => Because of, 5, Because there was an accident, I waslate. => Because of 6. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were bad. => Because of 7. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful businessman. => Despite 8. Because of the cheap price, my wife insists on buying theTivi => Because. 9. Although it was raining heavily, we still went toschool. => Despite! In spite of 10. Because I studied hard, I passed the exam => Because of 11. They didn’t have much time, however they came to visit us. > Despite 12. He is too old, but he still does his gymnastics every moming. > In spite 13, Trang Anh is the boss. s => Despite 14, He has health problems. He is always smiling. => In spite 15, Kieu Anh got good marks. The exam was difficult. => Despite p thye hanh chuyén doi because / because of / although / in spite of / despite ... 1. Although she was ill, she went to school = In spite of. 2. He didn’t come bet ~ He didn’t come because Of... 3. She didn’t eat much though she was hungry. 1e works as hard as her employees, = Despitevinrsnnn 4, The train was late because the fog was thick. - Because of... 5. 1 accepted the job although the = In spite of. 6. The plane couldn't take off because the weather was bad. - Because of. 7. She stayed at home because her mother was sick. - Because of. 8, He didn’t leave school even though his family was poor. - Despite, 9. All the teachers love him because his conduct is good. ~ Because of. 10. The flight was not delayed though it was foggy - Despite, 11, We couldn't study because it was noisy. - Because of. 12, Even though it was cold, I went swimming = In spite of. ssn 13. These students didn’t arrive late atough there was the traffic jam, - Despite... 14, Maty can’t sleep because there was the no - Because of... 15. She didn’t get ill though she worked very hard, =I Spite Of snnnnnsnnnnne ssn snes V. Viét lai edu nhing edu dudi day sao cho nghia khng déi, sir dung tir trong ngode I. In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday. (Although) 2. Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children. (Despite) 3. In spite of their poverty, they are very generous. (Although) 4. Though she has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test. (In spite of) 5. In spite of Lee’s Sadness at losing the contest, she managed to s ile. (Although) VI Rewrite these following sentences 1. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. In spite of 2. Mary could not go to school because she was sick. Because of 3. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. Despite 4, My mother told me to go to school although I was sia In spite of 5. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home. Because of ‘VU. Chuyén déi cu sao nghi khong thay adi 1. Although Nam is not a smart student, he learns very hard => Despite / In spite of 2. Because Hong was clever, she could do that assignment very fast. => Because of 3. Because the storm was so dangerous, I couldn't go to school. => Because of 4, His father asked him not to go to school because he was sick. => Because of 5. Because there > Because of 6. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were low. > Because of 7. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful business man, => Inspite of 8. Because of the => Because 9. Although it wa > In spite of 10. Because I was hard - working, I passed the exam. > Because of a traffic accident, I was late. cap price, my sister insists on buying the laptop. raining heavily, we still went to school VIIL. Viét Iai cu sao cho nghia khong di 1. Although his friend was sick, she still went to work yesterday. Despite 2. In spite of the dirty room, Salim didn’t clean it Although 3. Despite her unkind behavior, we still love her. Although, 4. Although there was the traffic jam, they went to the post office. Despite 5, Despite the fact that Tony learnt very hard, he failed this test. Although 6. Although my uncle was tired, he Despite 7. Her brother really enjoy this job although th Despite 8, The film poster is wonderful. I don’t like to see it Although I drove a hundred kilometers to the next city. lary was very low. TEST 1 (UNIT 1) LFind the word which has different sound in the part underlined. 1. Avlayer B. frame C. artisan D. place 2. B. cultural C. drum D. sculpture 3. A.tablectoth B. authenticity C.through D. although I. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. Avattefact B. embroider C. carpentry D. conical 5. A.complicated B. experience C. prosperity D. traditional IILChoose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6.In the past, local were chosen to make sophisticated embroidered costumes for the Vietnamese King, Queen and other Royal family members. A.skill workers B.skillfully works C.skillful artists D.skilled artisans 7.Craftvillages are becoming popular in Viet Nam, A.tourism attractions B.tourist attractions C. tour attractiveness D.physical attraction 8.Situated on the bank of the Duong River.the village was famous for the of making Dong Ho paintings. A. craft B. production ‘C.manufacture Daactivity 9. Vietnamese traditional is done with a simple hammer and chisel A. sculptural pieces B. sculpture _C.sculptured feature D.sculptor 10. Now, at the age of over 80, the artisan is leaving the craft to his descendants with a desire to this ancient craft. A, preserve Bureserve change D.consider 11. For that artisan, making the paintings is a career. it supports the life of many generations of the family A.sothat Babecause —C.because of D.although 12, The Van Phuc producers silk have expanded their silk garment goods, they can satisfy the varied demand for their silk A. inorder to B. despite C. because. so that 13. Weaving mats in Dinh Yen, Dong Thap used to be sold in the "ghost" markets set up at night and operated up to carly morning the government built a new market five years ago. A. when B. until C. after D. as soon as 14. The traditional craft has, from generation to generation. Awpassed down ——-B. passed been passed down D.been passed by 15. Craftsmen have to the domestic and international markets so that they needn't depend on the middlemen for their sales. A. find B. find about C. find out D. find out about IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the hox, There are some extra words. materials individual respects craft tasks ——-handicrafis attractions master For generations throughout history, the Vietnamese people gathered in communal villages surrounded by the rice fields. However, many farmers also learned to produce useful (1) for their daily lives from clay, bamboo, and other natural (2) A number of villages developed a certain (3), for the local market or to bring into local towns or capital cities for sale. This was the origin of the Vietnamese handicraft trade villages. These craft villages have undergone periods of varying success and failure throughout the 20" century. Some craft villages have developed and preserved their best skills and designs. In the craft village hall, the trade villagers often worship and periodically pay their (4) to the sacred craft (5)__of handicraft, who has exploits in founding, teaching or preserving the particular designs that the villages produce. V. Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and make any necessary changes. 1.Viet Nam's current labor costs are lower compared to other countries. It brings advantages to both medium and small handicraft manufacturers. (since) > 2.Giang got the loans from the project. Then he opened a small enterprise of ceramics. (when) > 3.Green Craft has a lot of difficulties. It continually works to improve its productivity, designs and samples. (although) > 4:The government carried out a job training programme in rural areas. The gopvernment wanted young people to find jobs in their own villages. (so that) >. 5 Some heads of the businesses had problems to find markets. They have not been trained in management. (for) >. VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given in brackets in the correet form. 1. The traditional handicraft villages used to accept the fact that there was a shortage of investments and human resources, (face) >. 2. Farmers can earn enough money from traditional handicrafts as they are free between harvests. (live) >. 3.People in the community often have a friendly relationship with one another so that they can follow the same craft (get) > 4. In the future, some traditional handicraft cooperatives will have no more wood to make wooden furniture. (run) >. 5. After the trip, you return to the harbor to take a boat trip to Hoi An. (come) >. VIL-Make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences. Use the subordinator provided and make any necessary changes. 1, Many craft famities stopped their business, There is the economic crisis in the world. (because) >. 2, Dong Ho paintings are simple. These pictures reflect a typical characteristic of Vietnamese labourers, (although) >. 3, Three villages were chosen for the pilot project. The Asia Foundation had worked with local authorities. (after) >. 4, We do not have many handicraft products that are well-known abroad. There are thousands of craft trades nationwide. (though) > 5. The craft village must also meet environmental requirements. It wants to develop craft village tourism. (so that) >. 6. Viet Nam began integrating into the international economy a few decades ago. Production in craft villages developed strongly, meeting demand for domestic decoration, and construction. (when) >. 7. At the age of over 80, the artisan is instructing the craft to his grandchildren. He wants them to preserve this ancient craft. (so that) >. 8.71 >. 9, The conical hat has several useful functions. It protects the wearer's head and face from sunlight or rain, and it also works as a handy fan on hot summer days. (beeause) > 10.Local people in Thanh Ha pottery village near Hoi An continue following their craft. There isn't enough support for maintaining the old traditions and skills. (although) e workers have taken several steps to whiten the palm leaves. They sew together the leaves and the rings. (after) > VIIL-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Bau Truc pottery village of Cham ethnic minority is one of the oldest pottery villages in Southeast Asia. It is located about 10 kilometres in the South of Phan Rang town. The small village is (1), to more than 400 families, (2)__ 85% are in the traditional pottery business. The style is said to be handed (3), from Po Klong Chan, one of their ancestors from the immemorial time. People in Bau Truc use their skillful hands, bamboo-made circles and shells to create priceless works. It is (4)_ that while the Kinh people have switched to using wheel as an indispensable (5), . their Cham counterparts, on the contrary, still (6)____talent hands and simple tools. To create a pottery product, a Cham craftsman only needs aan anvil, not a potter's wheel, and other simple equipment and moulds and then uses hands to (7), pieces of clay into the works he wants. The clay is taken from the banks of the Quao River and is very flexible, durable when (8), The skills needed to mix sand with the clay are also various. The amount of sand mixed with the plastic material is dependent on what the pottery used for and the sizes. For these reasons, Bau Truc pottery is quite different from pottery elsewhere. For example, water jars made in Bau Truc are always favoured by people in dry and sunny areas (9) the temperature of the water in the jars is always one centigrade cooler than (10) outside, 1. Avhouse B. home . housing D. household 2. Avwhich B. about which C. for which D. of which 3. A.down B.up Cin Dato 4, A. surprise B. surprised . surprising D. surprisingly 5 Acequipment B. tool C. machine D. instruments 6. Avrelyon B. result in base on D. succeed in 7. A.develop B. shape C. influence D. decide 8. Avheating B. heating up C. be fired D, being fired 9. that B. although C.s0 D. because 10, Avit B. what . that D. this IX.Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Recently, we made a trip to visit Dong Ho village with a desire to meet the old artisan — Nguyen Huu Sam. Just when we arrived villagers at the dyke in the village and talked with the villagers about the artisan, they immediately told us about him. The old house owned by the artisan is situated in a long alley of the village. On the walls of the house there are many folk paintings in different genres, from daily life paintings to landscape paintings shown in a set of “four seasons”. Mr. Sam told us about his past. When he was three years old, he was instructed in the craft of making Dong Ho paintings by his father. At five, he could help his father apply the Dong Ho paintings, and lear how to print the paper with proper colours. At seven, he was able to draw with a pen and make the most difficult samples. Years went by and the soul of Dong Ho folk paintings has kept seashell powder paint to the poonah-paper. In the 1940s, this craft flourished. At that time, he was assigned by his parents to take the paintings to the market for sale. Mr. Sam said that 17 families in the village have been engaged in making Dong Ho paintings. Artisan Sam has always been devoted to the making of Dong Ho paintings and has waited for opportunities to restore this traditional craft. In 1967, when the local authorities assigned him to restore the traditional genre of Dong, Ho folk paintings, he gathered 50 villagers with professional skills and collected hundreds of woodblocks to establish the Dong Ho Painting Cooperative. Thanks to his efforts, such famous painting as "Rat's wedding’, “Rooster”, “Scene of jealousy” and “Writing verses about precious flowers" have been revived. Dong Ho paintings have been available in many parts of the world such as Japan, France, Germany, Singapore and the United States. 1. The themes of Dong Ho paintings are about A. landscapes B, weddings C. various aspects of life. animals and flowers. 2. Inorder to make Dong Ho paintings, we need seashell powder paint, the poonah-paper and A. proper colours. BB. water_ CC, markets. woodblocks 3. From paragraph 3, we can infer that when Mr. Sam was very young, he mostly helped his parents by _ ‘A.applying the woodblocks with proper paints and pressing them on sheets of paper Baapplying seashell powder to make various paints for painting making C.drawing with a pen and using proper paints to make many copies of paintings D.collecting and taking the paintings to the market for sale 4, Allof the following can be inferred about the artisan - Mr. Sam — EXCEPT that. Ache is popular in the village B.he could paint when he was three C.he keeps a collection of Dong Ho paintings in his house Dathe local authorities tried to revive the traditional genre 5. Inthe writer's opinions, the future of Dong Ho paintings is A.intemational B.concerning C.optimistic Danegative X. Write an email to your pen friend about Van Phuc silk village, using the words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary. lv take/ you only 30 minutes’ motorbike/ go! Van Phue silk village! centre/ Ha Noi. > 2.The village’ much well known/ traditional sericulture/ weaving/ silk products. > 3. Most visitors/ go/ observe! skillful workers! produce/ goods! listen’ local stories. >. 4.117 you! intend! have! silk pair’ formal clothes! just select/ suitable materials) and) professional tailors here/ bring satisfaction. >. 5. You! buy/ silk/ clothes made of silk/ presents/ available/ village/ your choice. > TEST 2 (UNIT 1) in the part underlined. I. Find the word which has a different soun 1. Avattraction —_B, surface C.lacquerware artisan 2. Av weave B. treat C, deal D. drumhead 3. A.sculpture —B, lantern C. pottery D. treat Il. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4, Achandicraft —B, lacquerware C. artisan D. pottery 5. Avhistorical _B, embroidery C. authority D. architecture HLChoose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. The four-ton statue of hero Tran Vu, in 1667, still stands in Quan Thanh Temple. A. cast Bucasting —C.tocast_D to be vast 7. In 1990, due to the change of the economic situation, Dong Ho paintings were difficult to sell and many _ quit their job. ‘A.ctaftsmanship _—-‘Bacraft unions C. craftsmen Dacrafts 8, Making rice paper jobs and income for many locals, help many families out of poverty and become well-off. A.keeps B. gets C. applies for D. creates, 9. Since changing the way of production, many craftsmen have voluntarilyjoined together to form ‘A. cooperates B. cooperation C.cooperatives D, cooperative 10. The artisan is delighted to. to you the craft of creating prints in an old-age style. A.demonstrate Bexplain C.express_—_D. provide u a majority of Vietnamese small and medium enterprises do not have in-house designers or specialized design staff, they have to hire freelance designers. A.WhileB. Since C,Dueto _D, Despite the fact, 12. a large number of the country's craft villages are suffering from a shortage of human resources and difficulties in building brand recognition, many international organizations have had projects to help them. A. However B. But C. Even D. Although 13. Nowadays, Tan Chau artisans can produce silk of multiple colours they can meet customers’ demands. Aso B. so that C. but D. in order 14, The bronze casting craft in Viet Nam dated back fromthe age of King An Duong Vuong ancient bronze arrowheads were made. A.because although C, so D. when 15. In 1990, due to the change of the economic situation, many Dong Ho cooperatives had to. A. close B.close in C, close down D. shut IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words. handicra/ design quality return costumes skills appearance __ history ‘There are many embroidery villages in Viet Nam, but Quat Dong village in Ha Noi is widely known for its products of high (1), Embroidery has been developing around here since the 17 century. In the past, local skilled artisans were chosen to make sophisticated embroidered (2), for the Vietnamese King, Queen and other Royal family members. The first man who taught the local people how to embroider was Dr. Le Cong Hanh, who lived during the Le dynasty. He learned how to embroider while on a trip to China as an envoy, and taught the villagers of Quat Dong upon his (3) Although these (4), eventually spread across the country, the Quat Dong’ artisans’ creations are still the most appreciated. In order to create beautiful embroideries, an artisan must be patient, careful and have an eye for (5)___, along. with clever hands, Nowadays, Quat Dong products may range from clothes, bags, pillowcases, to paintings and decorations, which are exported to many countries. ‘V.Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given in brackets in the correct form, 1. Labourers in the Mekong Delta can earn enough money from their crafts during the flood seasons. (live) > 2.The methods of producing handcrafted paper flowers in Thanh Tien village in Hue were transferred from generation to generation to keep the craft alive. (pass) >. 3.The tour guide gave a short speech so that foreign visitors could get information about the process of making fish sauce in Phu Quoc. (find) > 4.Craft village development is now a good way to solve the poverty in rural areas. (deal) > 5.We are thinking with pleasure about the trip in order to discover the traditional craft villages round Hue. (forward) > VL-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. Sedge Mat Craft Village In Tien Giang Province In the Mekong Delta,, Long Dinh village of Tien Giang province is famous for its traditional craft of weaving flowered mats. The mat's high quality makes them popular domestically, and they are also exported to markets, worldwide including Korea, Japan and America. In spite of its well-established reputation for this traditional craft, mat weaving only started here some 50 years ago. It was first introduced by immigrants from Kim Son, a famous mat weaving village in the northem province of ‘Ninh Binh, However, the technique of weaving sedge mats in Long Dinh, as compared with other places in the South, is somewhat different. Long Dinh branded mats are thicker and have more attractive colours and pattems. Weaving sedge mats is similar to growing rice. Long Dinh mat production mainly occurs during the dry season, from January to April. Weavers have to work their hardest in May and June, otherwise, when the rainy season starts in July, they will have to put off finishing their products til the next dry season. No matter how much work it requires, Long Dinh mat producers stick with this occupation, as it brings a higher income than growing rice. This trade provides employment for thousands of local labourers. At present, nearly 1,000 households in Long Dinh village live on weaving mats. To better meet market demands, Long Dinh mat weavers have created more products in addition to the traditional sedge mats. Particularly, they are producing a new type of mat made from the dried stalks of water hyacinth, a common material in the Mekong Delta Thanks to the planning and further investment, the mat weaving occupation has indeed brought in more income for local residents. Their living standards have improved considerably, resulting in better conditions for the whole village 1. Allof the following are true about the craft in Long Dinh EXCEPT that __. Ait has the origin from Kim Son, Ninh Binh has had the reputation for more than 50 years Cathe techniques are a little bit different from those in other regions D.the mats have more attractive colours and designs 2, We can infer from the sentence "Weaving sedge mats is similar growing rice” that _. A.both depend on weather conditions B.both occur on the same land C.both bring similar income D. both occur at the same time 3. Despite difficulties, people in Long Dinh try to follow the craft because __. A.they can have jobs in the rainy months Bathey can go to Korea, Japan and America C.they can make the techniques of weaving different D.they can earn more money than growing rice 4, Inorder to meet market demands, artisans in Long Dinh __ A.produce new products from rare material Buhire thousands of local labourers Catry to produce various types of products D.stop producing the traditional sedge mats 5. We can infer from the passage that __. athe new technique makes labourers work in the dry season B.Long Dinh mat production is only well-known in foreign markets Cathe craft contributes much to the village economy D.most of the households in Long Dinh village live on weaving mats ‘VILRead the passage, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Bau True pottery items are made from clay from the Quao River mixed with sand. Clay is collected from the river only once a year, each lasting for half a month. Clay is taken more or less depending on the ability of each person. In the clay collecting season, local people try to take as much clay as they can to store, for use in the entire year. Currently, people in Bau Truc pottery village still make pottery items in the traditional way. They do not use the wheel but the craftsmen have to turn around the products. The potters shape their products by skillful hands and feet around a pole-round pillar, rather than on the wheel. From this step, silky clay block initially gradually forms a smooth rounded hollow blocks, then the formation of flower vases, or water pots. Bau Truc’s craftsmen use wet cloths to make the product surface smooth. These items are decorated with seashells, snails or hand-made paintings featuring the daily life of Bau Truc’s people. 1.Clay can be collected from the Quao River all year round, 2.Bau Truc pottery is famous because people only use fine clay to make their products. 3.People still make the pottery in the traditional way 4.Crafismen shape the pottery items only with their hands and feet. 5.The pots nowadays are shaped on the potter's wheel. 6.Crafismen use simple ways to make the product surface smooth. 7.The craftsmen's skills can make the blocks of clay become lively and useful. Oooo0o0000% Oooo0o0o000" 8.The designs of Bau Truc pottery reflect the life of local people. VIILRead the passage, and do the tasks that follow. Bat Trang Pottery Village Bat Trang, a traditional porcelain and pottery village with history of seven centuries, is an interesting attraction in Ta Noi that tourists should not ignore. Located in an area rieh in clay, the village has advantage of ingredients to create fine ceramics. Moreover, lying beside the Red River, between Thang Long and Pho Hien, two ancient trade centers in the north of Viet Nam during the 15" 17centuries. Bat Trang’s ceramics were favourite products not only in the domestic market, but also foreign ones ‘thanks to Japanese, Chinese and Westem trading boats that passed by. In the 18% and 19% centuries, due to restrieting foreign trade policy of Trinh, Nguyen dynasties, it was difficult for pottery products in Viet Nam to be exported to foreign countries, and some famous pottery-making villages like Bat Trang, or Chu Dau (Hai Duong province) went through a hard time, Since 1986, thanks to economic reforms and development, more attention has been paid to the village and the world gets a chance to know more about Vietnamese porcelain through many high quality exported Bat Trang's ceramic products. Bat Trang ceramics are produced for daily houschold use (bows.cups, plates, pots, bottles...), worshipping, or decoration purposes. Nowadays, the pottery artists bring into ceramics many innovations in production techniques, and creativity in products’ features, so many new products have been made, and even daily household items may have the beauty like decoration ones. Visiting Bat Trang, tourists can visit Bat Trang Porcelain and Pottery Market where they can directly make pottery products by themselves. Many youngsters and foreign tourists are interested in this pottery-making experience, and spend a whole day in the market making a souvenir for their families or friends, Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. ‘Answer | A B T. rich (adjy A, of or inside a particular country 2. domestic B. limiting a certain activity 3, restricting (adj) | C. new ideas or methods 4. itnnovations (n) | D. containing a lot of something ‘Read the passage again, and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). T F 1. Bat Trang pottery has been developed since the 7 century 2. Bat Trang’s pottery products were exported to foreign markets during the 18 and 19" centuries. Its location beside the Red River has provided an enormous source of fine clay as ingredient for pottery making. 4, Many Japanese, Chinese and Western trading boats came to Pho Hien during he 15" and 17centuries 5. Artisans in Bat Trang village have always kept the traditions without any changes. 6. Bat Trang Village has been the only centre of pottery in the north of Viet Nam for centuries. 7. Political policies have had influence on development of pottery and the ceramic crafts 8, Tourists may have experience of making pottery pieces by themselves. IX. Write an email to your pen friend about a trip to craft villages around Hoi An, using the words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary. 1. You start/trip/ taking/ short walk down! harbor/ Hoi An/ where/ you! board/ wooden boat. >. 2. First/ you’ ge pottery Thanh Ha village/ where/ local people/ continue/ make! eraft pots! hand. >. 3, Then’ you’ continue/ visit! carpentry village Kim Bong/ which/ have/ huge influence! architecture/ Hoi An. >. 4.The traditional carpentry/ keep! alive/ andi still used/ restoring/ old buildings/ Hoi An. > 5.Your trip’ finish boat trip/ back/ ancient town/ Hoi An, >. X. Write an email to your pen friend about Du Du sculpture village, using the words or phrases below to make complete sentences. Add more words, if necessary. 46. Du Du craft village’ traditional sculpture village! various kinds/ products. > 47. When/ you’ arrive Du Du village/ you’ have’ a chance/ study full processes/ statue making/ raw material’ a finished product. ooo00 o 0 oo ooo00 o o oo >. 48, Thanks! skillful hands/ products/ become’ lively/ artistic. >. 49. Statues/ made/ Du Du workers! look’ real humans/ from/ a glint/ smile >. TEST 3 UNIT 1 I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. apottery ——_b, product ©. workshop 4. conical 2. asurface —b. layer . frame d. birthplace 3. aweather —b. thread ¢. together 4. rather 4, ahistorical b. system ¢. landscape d. business 5. a.carved b, impressed ¢. embroidered 4. weaved I. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. 1. acrafisman b. attraction . museum, 4. department 2. a. embroider . lantern ¢. impress 4. desire 3. a. workshop remind . outskirts 4, village 4, a, competition b. generation ©. conical 4. authenticity 5. a. family b. typical c. grandparents. embroider TIL. Choose the best answer a, b, ¢ or d to complete the sentence. 1. The museum has a superb collection of ancient from Nubia. aartefacts b, leather. presence d. beads 2. Our aim is to make the performing arts, museums and our accessible to all a. love ». patriotism c.heritage —d. status 3. have ten pictures and eight pieces sculpture on exhibition. a. of boon ein 4. for 4. David Ferris’s father was a bank manager living ___the outskirts of the Lancastrian town of Preston. 2.of bon cin dat 5. All people should join hand in protecting the environment we can gain better health. a. in order that b.when cc. because —_d, even though. 6 ‘we were waiting, a woman with a phone on her hand asked us what we were doing, a. That b, In order that While d. Although 7. The bus up passengers outside the airport. a. hits b.sends ——c. lays 4. picks 8. After visiting Van Phue village, they came to their hotel for lunch. aat bup cdown — d. back 9. A: T'll pick you up at eight o’clock on my way to the airport. B a, For pleasure ’b, Great. I'll see you then. _¢. Thave a phone. 4. Would be. 10. A: Would you like to join us on the trip to La Khe Silk Village? B a. Sounds great. b. For now. ¢. Better things happened. d. I don’t think so. IV. Match the word with its definition. 1. artisan a. a product that is made by hand rather than by using a machine 2. workshop b. the process of encouraging members of a group to work well together by having them take part in activities and games 3. authenticity ©. a person who does skilled work, making things with their hands 4, handicraft d. a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving 5. team-building «. the place where something first started to exist 6. birthplace £, a room or building where things are made using tools or machines 7. thread g. a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, ete sculpture h, the quality of being real or true Complete the sentences with the words from the box. cast produced mould 1. She her uniform every chance, keeping it crisp and fresh, 2. These baskets are from strips of willow. 3. [ve ‘a sweater for John, and now I'm making one for me. 4, ‘The dragon pattern was sometimes on the cloth, 5. The statue was out ofa single piece of stone. 6. This video shows how to ‘a cup from clay. 7. Dong Son drums were in bronze and designed with traditional patterns. 8. Every year, a lot of products are from the workshop of Phong’s family VL. Fill in the blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb to form a phrasal verb. 1. They got. bus and walked to the craft village 2. ‘The museum has been temporarily closed for reconstruction. 3. Bat Trang Ceramic Village is facing up the lack of artisans. 4, He asked her to go on a vacation with his family but she turned him 5. Tourists coming Western countries find conical hats interesting, 6. She is used to dealing all kinds of people in her job. 7. He got to find himself alone in the house. 8, Tomorrow's match has been called because of the icy weather. 9. I’m looking to the reunion with my family in Vietnam, 10, These traditional stories have been passed from parent to child over many generations. VII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in capital. 1 Local people can earn their livings by providing tourists with necessary services. (LIVE) —+ Local people 2.That man has a friendly relationship with the owner of Los Angeles County Museum of Art, (GETS) > That man 3.Pictures of the suspect were published in all daily papers. (BROUGHT) Pictures, 4.There is no oil and gas left on Earth. (RUN) The Berth has 5.The council had to cancel the football match because of the storm. (CALL) = The council 6.She was reading a magazine as she waited in the doctor's office. (LOOKING) She 7.1 will return to Hoi An to have another week of adventure this summer. (COME) = 1 8.After leaving college, he started his own business with a bank loan. (SET) > After 9.She promised to meet me at the cinema this evening, but she didn’t arrive. (TURN) 10. Nicholas began his trip to the remote farmhouse in Connecticut yesterday. (SET) » Nicholas VIII. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets. 1.You can’t really have seen a UFO! You (imagine) things! 2.Linda was busy when we (go) to see her yesterday. She (study) for an exam. 3.qThe festival is held by the Hanoi City Department of Tourism (preservejand develop traditional trade villages in Hanoi, 4.The owner of Hakata Traditional Craft and Design Museum (close) it down because of dropping profit 5.Conical hat making (be) a traditional craft for hundreds of years. 6.The building (complete) at the end of last month. 7 Individuals should be responsible for (revive) local culture. 8 (you! ever! be) to Bat Trang Ceramic Village? IX. Write the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 The price of clay, supplies and equipment is a small percentage of the total cost to pottery. (product) 2.He started the youth group to keep local off the streets. (young) 3.Poem conical hats are believed to come from Tay Ho Village in Hue, which was famous for hat makers. (skill) 4.Today, Hang Trong paintings are found only in museums or fine an galleries. (authenticity) 5.Craft village tourism has also proved an . receiving great attention from visitors, especially foreign tourists. (attract) 6. Mass tarted in 1989 when the first 340 Windsurf guests arrived. (tour) 7.The tribe is concemed with the of its culture and traditions, (preserve) 8:The second collection was more decorative, inspired by and pattem. (embroider) 9.Vietnamese people have a strong desire to maintain a distinct identity. (culture) 10.1 like to thank everyone for helping to make this day for us. (memory) X. Read the text then answer the questions. HANOI, A CAPITAL OF TRADITIONAL CRAFTS Hanoi has long been home to hundreds of craft villages. Over the years, many of the crafts have developed, while some have disappeared altogether. The heart and soul of Hanoi’s vibrant old crafts are its craftsmen and women. One such couple are Nguyen Van Hoa and his wife Dang Huong Lan of Ba Dinh District’s Hang Than Street, They are among the few artisans still making elaborate cardboard masks in order to preserve the traditional culture. Although the work itself requires many steps, the materials required are simple: newspapers, glue, paint and paintbrushes. The first step entails tearing the newspapers to pieces and then using glue to combine them into a mold. The masks are painted one color at a time and then laid out to dry. Cardboard mask making is therefore dependent on dry weather and the couple can only make about 2,000 masks per festival. These are priced from VND25.000 to VND35,000 a piece, bringing in VNDSO-60 million -a sum is not commensurate with the efforts that go into making, these elaborate crafts Making swans out of cotton is also a traditional craft. Only artisan Vu Thi Thanh Tam of 79 Hang Luoe Street in the capital makes these swans. The swan frames are made of notebook paper and are stuffed with cotton, then a skillful artisan puts each layer of cotton on the swan frames and uses rice water to smooth them. The swan neck is made of steel wire and is covered by cotton. The finished product is placed in a rattan basket with cotton around and glass-beads and silk flowers are added for color. The continuity of traditional crafts adds to the capital’s attractiveness in the eyes of citizens and international visitors. Who plays role as the heart and soul of Hanoi’s crafts Which traditional craft do Mr. Hoa and his wife preserve? How many materials are there to make that craft? What are they? Which kind of weather does the craft making process depend on? ‘What are the swan frames made of? What does the artisan use to smooth the frames? What is added to color the finished product? 1 >. 2. >. 3 >. 4. >. 5 > 6 > 1, > Xx. artisans skillfal handicraft completely Fill in the gap with one word from the box. long-standing souvenirs where set I've just been back from my vacation in Hanoi, Vietnam. In this trip, I had a chance to visit some (1) villages that produce the finest craft works exported over the world. The very first place I (2) foot on was Van Phuc silk village, the cradle of best silk in Vietnam once. I totally fall in love with many colourful clothes, hats, bags, tie... made of authentic silk Then, I moved on to Bat Trang ceramic village, the most famous and (3) pottery village in Vietnam with a nearly 1,000 years old historic development. Here, I visited a small family factory to see how the (4) form, paint and glaze with unique products and have a chance to practice my talent with wet clay and a mould. Afternoon, I continued to visit Dong Ho folk painting village, (5), the traditional woodblock paintings are preserved. [ was completely impressed by the folk paintings made by the local (6), artisans with natural materials and colors. Each painting is (7), handmade on paper of the Dzo tree and is coloured with other natural materials and its glittery surface is finished with oyster shell dust. took home a lot of handmade (8), which were later given to my family and friends. XII. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Symbolic Meaning of Matryoshka Everyone knows that a Matryoshka is a nesting doll. Itis a set of typically seven wooden dolls of decreasing sizes that all fit inside of each other, one by one. Each stacking doll splits in half at the midsection and opens to reveal another smaller doll nested within. Each Matryoshka is handmade, for this reason, itis unique: you cannot find two Matryoshka identical Matryoshka is made by different dolls. The biggest doll is called “mother”, the smallest one is called seed. Originally, the biggest doll represents a strong female matriarch who is the main symbol of the Russian family. In itself, the doll fits inside little dolls which represent daughters and sons. For this reason, Matryoshka represents fertility and motherhood. ‘The Matryoshka is also the symbol of Russia: the big doll represents Russia mother, and in itself she hosts children, women, men, but also feelings like pain, happiness, joy. It is a mother who can host all these things. Matryoshka can represent also our life: we are like a big doll with other dolls inside which represent our stories, relationships, experiences. We are one person with different experiences. The seed represents our soul which is innocent and itis the real essence of ourselves. Russian doll matryoshka is composed of dolls of different sizes fitting into each other. Itis true that you can find two Matryoshka identical. Matryoshika is a symbol of motherhood and fertility of nature. The biggest doll represents a powerful woman in a family. Matryoshka shows the role of members in a family. Dolls inside the Matryoshka depict different aspects of human life, such as our stories, relationships and experience, 7. The seed, the smallest doll, represents the purity of childhood and our nature. XIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. I'm really excited about the upcoming pottery workshop. I'm looking We invited a pop star to the chat show, but he didn't arrive. The pop star He misbehaved in the clas: The teacher asked The artisans carved figures of lions and unicorns on the top of the box. Figures Don't lea Tum. They wanted to apologize for their behavior: that’s why they paid for dinner. They paid for dinner in order When I was a child, | usually went to the local park every Saturday afternoon When I was a child, used, Their teacher is making them study hard. They, 'V. Join each pair of sentences, using the word or phrase in brackets. Hoa was born in Doc So craft village. She knows the process of making pottery. (BECAUSE) the teacher asked him to go out. © the computer on when you le The library was bombed. Many important historical documents were destroyed. (WHEN) ‘She entered the room. She knew there was something wrong. (AS SOON AS) We decided to take rooms in Longwood House. We knew we could not afford the rent. (EVEN THOUGH) My mom instructed me through 15 stages of making a conical hat. I could make one for me. (SO THAT) VP VE VP UR UR RI ZL AL ALM aye yey ‘You want to knit a hat for your friend, You should watch tutorials on YouTube. (BEFORE) Twas not enjoying the party. I wanted to leave early. (AS) Twas cleaning out my cupboards. I found these photos. (WHILE) SUe yay Twent to Malaysia last year. I wanted to experience a whole new world. (IN ORDER TO) > 10, > Tattended a knitting workshop last Sunday. I don’t know how to knit a scarf, (ALTHOUGH) XV. Mark the letter a, b, ¢ or d to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences. 1. Elizabeth was writing a note to her friend. The train arrived, a.Elizabeth was writing a note to her friend as soon as the train arrived, b.Afier the train arrived, Elizabeth was writing a note to her friend. c.The train arrived while Elizabeth was writing a note to her friend. Elizabeth was writing a note to her friend whenever the train arrived. The water is very cold in January. We go swimming anyway. a. When the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway, b.As the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway. ¢.The water is very cold in January if we go swimming anyway. d.Although the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway. The water was very rough. The lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water. a.Since the water was very rough, the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water. 1b. The water was very rough so that the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water. c.The water was very rough because the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave The lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water though the water was very rough. Mike goes jogging two miles every morning. Then he gets ready for work. a. Mike goes jogging two miles every morning after he gets ready for work. b.Mike goes jogging two miles every moming before he gets ready for work. c.Mike goes jogging two miles every morning as soon as he gets ready for work. Mike goes jogging two miles every morning when he gets ready for work. Ticket prices might be more expensive. Going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert. a.Ticket prices might be more expensive then going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert. b.Ticket prices might be more expensive that going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert. ©.Going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert since ticket prices might be more expensive. Going to the movies is still much cheaper than going to a concert although ticket prices might be more expensive, 6. 8 B. RE’ ‘We went to Dong Xuan Market. We flew back to Ho Chi Mirth City at 7pm. a. We went to Dong Xuan Market while we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at 7pm. b.Before we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at 7pm, we went to Dong Xuan Market. ¢.We went to Dong Xuan Market in order that we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at 7pm. d.As we went to Dong Xuan Market, we flew back to Ho Chi Minh City at Zpm. ‘You need to plan your trip to South America carefully. You don’t spend all your money too quickly. a. You need to plan your trip to America carefully so that you don’t spend all your money too quickly. b.You need to plan your trip to America carefully although you don’t spend all your money too quickly. ©. You need to plan your trip to America carefully as you don’t spend all your money too quickly. Even though you need to plan your trip to America carefully, you don’t spend all your money too quickly. Richard is very wealthy. He can afford to buy almost anything he wants. a Although Richard is very wealthy, he can afford to buy almost anything he wants. b.Richard is so wealthy that he can afford to buy almost anything he wants, c.Richard is very wealthy so that he can afford to buy almost anything he wants. 4 Richard can afford to buy almost anything he wants, but he is very wealthy, UNIT 2 L. VOCABULARY. Tir méi Phign am inh nghia i affordable (adj) Ta'fo-dabl/ (gid ca) phai ching ancient (adi) Fremont 6 kinh asset (1) "eset! ti sin ‘catastrophic (adj) Tkeeta strofik? ‘tham khde, thé tham cheer (Sb) up (ph.v) Ifo) Tim ai 46 vui en alale|s ‘conduct (v) kan ‘dak? thye hig, 7._conflict (n) konfiikt xung dot 8. determine (v) Jar ts:mmn) xxée dink 9. downtown (adj) 7.daon'taon (thude) tring tém thin pho, Khu thuong mai 10. drawback (a) ‘drs: baek/ mat han ch 11, dweller (n) Tawela cur dan (mot Khu vue eu th) 12. easy-going (ad) Ti:zi- goon thodi mai, dé tinh 13. grow up (ph.v) (grou ap Tom Ién, trang than 14. fabulous (adj) "faxbjolos tuyét voi, tuyét digu 15, factor (n) "facta yeutd 16, feature (n) Fitfo) diém dic tang 17. forbidden (adi) "brn bi cm 18. for the time being fo(0) Oe tam “bis! hign thoi, trong Tae may 19. indicator (n) mdikerta chi sb 20. index (n) Findeks| chi sb 21. jet lag sur mét moi do [ech mui gi 22. make progess imeik prov gies! tign bo 23._ medium-sized (adj) "midiomesarzd/ 6 vita, oO trang, 24, metro (n) metrou! tau dign ngim 25._ metropolitan (adj) metro’ politar (thuge v8) 46 thi, thi phi 26. multicultural (adj) malti kaltfaral ‘da van héa 27. negative (adi) ‘negativ tiga exe 28. Oceania (n) ust ania chau Dai Duong 29. populous (adi) ‘popialas dong din eur 30._packed (adj) paki! chat nich nguti 31. put on (ph.v) "pot oni mic vao 32,_recreational (adj) rekri exfonal sii rh 33._reliable (adj) rv Tatabl dang tin fy, 34, resident (n) Tezident din ot 35._skyscraper (n) 7 skarskrerpa/ nha cao choe trai 36._stuck (adj) Tstaki mic ket, khong di chuyén diroe 37._ urban (adi) ‘sibon! (thude) 46 thi, think thi 38._urban sprawl Facban sproil sur dé thi hoa 39._variety (n) ja ratati surphong ph, da dang 40. wander (v) ‘wonda! di lang thang. 1. ON TAP SO SANH VOI TINH TU VA TRANG TU (COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES) HON VOI TINH TU (COMPARATIVE FORM OF ADJEC S) - Ban c6 thé sir dang much, alot, a bit va a little * Tinh tir ngdn 18 nhiing tinh tir c6 1 4m tiét, Vi du: tall, high big * Tinh tir dai 1 nhimg tinh tir c6 tir 2 am tiét tre lén. Vi du: expensive, intelligent c so sénh hom vai tinh ti. ‘DOi voi tinh tir ngin ‘Oi voi tinh tir dai ‘SI + to be + adj + er + than + S2 ‘SI + to be +more + adj + than +52 Vii tinh tir ngin, thém dudi “er” “more” vo tricic tinh tie Vidu: Vi dy: China is bigger than India, Gold is more valuable than silver. (Trung Quéc lén hon An D6) (Vang cé gid tri hon bac) Lan is shorter than Nam. Hanh is more beautiful than Hoa. (Lan thi thap hon Nam) (Hanh thixink hon Hoa) My house is bigger than your house. Your book is more expensive than his book. (NI t0i to hon nha cha ban) (Quyén sich cia ban dit hon quyén séch cia anh dy) His pen is newer than my pen. Exercise 1 is more difficult than exercise 2, (Bit cia anh dy mai hon bit cia ti) (Bai tap sé 1 khé hon bai tap sé 2) ‘Dé nhin manh trong cau so sinh hon, ta thém much, 4 lot, a bit, a little va far vio sau hinh thite so sanh cia tinh tie dé dién ta sy khéc nhau 16n thé nao. A DVD is much better than a video for watching film. (Xem phim bing dia DVD thi tét hon nhiéu so voi bang video). Ex: His boyfriend is much/far older than her. Ban trai ciia cu dy lin tudi hon cé dy nhieu, I got up a little later than usual. Toi thite dgy tré hon thuong ngay mét chit, I'm feeling a lot better today. Hom nay toi thy khée hon nhiéu, - Véi hinh thdi so sinh nhat cia tinh tie ban cé thé sie dung second, third. Ex: Karachi in Pakistan is the second largest city in the world in population. Karachi 6 Pakistan la mét thanh phé ton thie 2 trén thé gidi vé mat dé dan sé. = Ban c6 thé siz dung by far dé nhdn mgnh sue so sink type d Ex: China is by far to emphasise superlatives. Trung Quéc la quéc gia dong din nhat thé gidi. 2.80 SANE Tuong tw nbur tinh ti, trang ti ing durge chia lim 2 loai: Cau tric cau so sinh hon véi trang ti ‘Doi véi trang tir ngin SI+ V+ adv +er+ than +S2 TON VOI TRANG TU (COMPARATIVE FORMS OF ADVERBS) * trang tir ngdn 1a nhitng tir c6 1 am tiét. Vi du: fast, near, far, right, wrong. * Trang tir dai ld nhiing tir c6 tir 2 am tiét tr6 len, Vi du: slowly, responsibly, quickly, interestingly, tiredly. ‘DGi véi trang tir dai ‘S1+V + moreless + ady ter + than + S2 Vai trang tie ngan , thucing Ia trang fir chi cach thige c6 ‘ink thite ging tink tir, ta thém dudi “er” vao sau trang tir, Vii trang tie dai , hdu hét Ua trang tir chi cach thite eo dudi “ly”, ta them dudi “more” (nhiéu hon) hoge “less” (it hon) vio truée trang tie. = “less” la tie phan nghia ciia “more” dugc ding dé dién dat sr khing bing nhau & mite dé it hon, Vidu: They work harder than I do. (Ho lim vige chim chi hon toi) He runs faster than she does. (Anh dy chay nhank hon co éy) My mother gets up earlier than me. (Me t6i thite day sém hon ti) 1 go to school later than my friends do. (Toi di hoc mugn hon céc ban) Vi du: My friend did the test more carefully than I did. (Ban toi lim bai kiém tra céin than hon t6i) My father talks more slowly than my mother does. (Bo toi ndi chm hon me toi) Hanh acts less responsibly than anyone here. (Hank hanh dong thiéu trich nhigm hon bit cit ai 6 day) 3.80 SANH NHAT VOI TINH TU (SUPERLATIVE OF ADJECTIVES) Ta sit dung so sé nhat 48 so sinh ngudi (hode vat) véi tit ea ngu (hoae vit) trong nhém, ‘Doi voi tinh tir ngin DGi voi tinh tir dak ‘S¥ to be + the * adj + - est + (danh ts) ‘Sto be + the most adj + (danh tit) Vidu: Russia is the biggest country in the world (Nga la dit nwéc lin nhdt thé gibi) My school is the biggest in the city ( Trwing cia ti lén nhét trong thanh phé) My father is the oldest person in my family. Vidu: This exercise is the most difficult. (Bai tap nay la khé nha) This is the most interesting film I've ever seen, (Day la b6 phim hay nhdt ti tieng xem) Ngoc is the most intelligent student. (BO t6i la ngurdi 16m tudi nat trong nha) (Ngoc la he sink thang mink nha) Quang is the tallest in his class. (Quang 1a ngwdi cao nhdt trong lép cita anh dy) ‘Dé nhan manh ¥ trong cau so sinh nhdt, ta them “by far" vaio sau hinh thice so sinh hoje 6 thé ding second, third... Vidu: He is the smallest by far (Anh dy thong minh nhdt, hon moi nguwiti nhiéu) Huong is the second tallest person in my class. (Tlwong la nguisi cao thit 2 trong lip t6i) 4. SO SANH NGANG BANG Tinh tir rang tr SI + he +as* Adj +as +82 SI+V+as+Adv+as+S2 Vi du: Vidus This room is as big as that room. Thope Tcan run as fast as you. (Can phang nay rng bing cin phing kia.) (76 hi vong t6-cé thé chay nhanh nhur cfu) He isn't as tall as his brother. He doesn't play piano as well as he did. (Anh dy khang cao bang anh trai anh &y,) (Bay gid anh ta choi din piano khéng con hay nh gay xia) This dress is not so expensive as that one. (Chiée vay nay khong dit tién bing chide hie 30 CAU TRUC CHUYEN DOI C a) Tir so sénh hon sang so sinh ngang bing va nguge Iai ‘SI + be + so sinh hon ciia tinh tie + than + S2 @S2 + he not + as + tinh tir + as +S1 1+ V+ so sinh hon cia trang tir + than + S2 82 + tro dong tie + not + V-nguyén + as + trang tir+ as + ST b) Tirso sinh hon sang so sinh hon vA nguge lai ‘SI be + so sah hon cia tink tie + than + S2 © 2+ he + tinh tit tréi nghia dang so sinh hon + than + ST ‘S1+V+ so sinh hon cea trang tie ¥ than + S2 $2 + V+ tinh tic trai nghia dang so sink hon + than + ST ¢) tir so sinh hon sang so sinh nhat va nguge lai ‘No+ dank tie + pham vi= be + so sanh hon cita tinh tir + than + @S + be + so sénh nhit cia tinh tir + (danh tit) + pham vi No + danh tie phgm vi= Vso sink hon cia trang te than +S ©S+V+s0 sinh nhdt cia trang tie+ (danh te) + pham vi 4) Mi lién h@ v6i thi Hign tai hodn thanh This isthe first time + S + have/ has + ever = PIT *so sinh bing ‘So sinh nhit + $+ have/has ‘ever + PH + have/ has + never + PII + so sinh hon BAI TAP VAN DUNG CO BAN Bai 1: Cho dang so sinh hon cia cac tinh tir hofc trang tir trong ngo¥e dé hoan thanh cic edu sau: 1. Urban sprawl has happed (fast) than ever before 2, Ha Noi is much (populous) than my hometown, 3. The city center is (densely) ;popolated than the suburbs, 4, You can count on Peter. He is (reliable) than he appears to be. 5. This singer performs (well) than she used to be three years ago. 6. This year we travel (far) than we did last year. 7. Inotice that today my daughter looked (happy) ‘than usual, 8. As people gets old, they try to maitain a ( healthy) lifestyle than when they are young, 9. Travelling by bus is much (slow) than travelling by bullet train. 10. Jim didn’t feel well today, so he performed (badly) than usual. 11. You are (good) than me when it comes to public speaking, 12, He seem to be ( familiar) with his neighborhood than any one else here. 13. Listen! Today Jim sings (beautifully) than any other day. 14, The air in the city is (polluted) ‘than that in the countryside. 15. [think computer will be (helpful) for you than a smartphone. Bai 2: Khoanh trin dap an ding. 1. Jim boasted that he could run (faster/fastlier) than anyone else in his class. 2. her presentation is (poorer/ more poorly) prepared than I expected, 3, Jim seems to care (littler/less) about his health than he could. 4. If you had tried (harder/more hardly), you would have passed the test. 5, Today the sun shines (brighter/ more brightly) than yesterday. 6. Snow storm in my hometown is (more severe/ more severely) than anywhere elae in the country. 7. [think you could reach a (higher! more highly) position in the company if you tried. 8, Ifyou behaved (cleverer! more cleverly), they would look up to you. 9. Although my computer is old-fashioned, it runs (smoother/ more smoothly) than many of the modem ones. 10. Thanks to immense practice, Jim can speak English much (more fluent/more fluently) than he used to, Bai 3: Cho dang so sinh hoge so sinh nhat cia céc tinh tir trong ngode dé hoin thinh céc cau sau, 1. John is the second (intelligent) student in his class, 2. If only the traffic in my hometown was (convenient) ‘than it is now. 3, ha Noi is amongst (polluted) city in the world. 4, Lwish that my house was (spacious) Bai 4: Viét lai cu sau sao cho nghia khong thay doi, sir dyng dang so sinh hon cia trang tir ho 0. Living in the city is much more expensive than living in the countryside. => Living in the countryside is much cheaper than living in the city. 1. My current house is more spacious than the old one. > My old house 2. He performed better than he was expected. => He was expected 3. This time Mike run faster than his brother. => This time Mike’s brother. 4. [think you will have a higher position in our company than Ji => I think Jim wil 5, Jane decorated her cake more beautifully than I did. >I 6. This year Peter invested a larger amount of money on his business than last year. > Last year 7.My computer is costlier than Jim's, > Jim’s computer, 8.Playing sports is more time-saving than playing computer games, => Playing computer games Bai 5: Dya vio nhiing thong tin cho trong bing dudi diy, hay viét cdc cau so sinh voi nhimg tinh tir thich hyp. Ha Noi City’ “Ho Chi Minh City Population 7,588 million (2005) 8,426 million ‘Area 3,329 km? 2,096 km Pollution Density 2,171 per square kilometre 3,888 per square kilometre Resident More traditional More dynamic ‘Weather (Winter) Cold Warm T. Residents of Ha Noi City are more traditional than residents of Ho Chi Minh City. 2. Residents of Ho Chi Minh City are, 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 Bai 6, Ditn vio chd trong dang so sanh ding cia (trong ngole. 1, He is (clever) ....scseeecessssssessee Student in my group. 2. She can’t stay (long) than 30 minutes. 3. It's (g00d) ..... holiday I've had. 4, Well, the place looks (clean) now. 5. The red shirt is better but it's (expensive) ......ecssseeessseee than the White one 6.'ll try to finish the job (quick) 7. Being a firefighter is (dangerous) ........+eeecsssee-++ than being a builder. 8. Lan sings ( sweet ) than Hoa 9. This is (exciting) ......sseeeeeeseeesu film I've ever seen, 10. He runs (fast ). of all. 11. My Tam is one of (popttlat) ............s0+eeeeeee0 Singers in my country, 12. Which planet is (close) to the Sun? 13. Carol sings as (beautiful) as Mary, but Cindy sings the (beautiful) 14, The weather this summer is even (hot) than last summer. 15. Your accent is (bad ) than mine, 16, Hot dogs are (g00d) «......sseessseeeeesthan hamburgers 17. They live in a (big) house, but Fred lives in a (big) one. 18, French is considered to be (difficult) .... than English, but Chinese is the (difficult) language. 19, Tes the (latge)......ssss0+seeeeeeeees Company in the country. Bai 7. Hoan thinh cfc cu so sinh sau: 1, So sinh ngang bang. a. Mary/ tall/ her brother. b. A lemon/ not sw ct/ an orange. ©. A donkey/ not big/ a horse. 4. This dress/ pretty/ that one. «. the weather/ not cold’ yesterday. 2. So sinh hon: a. A rose/ beautifull a weed. bb. A dog/ intelligent’ a chicken. ©. Bal friendly/ Nam, Your house/ far/ from school / my house. ce. A horse/ strong/ a person, ‘So sanh nhi a. The Nile long/ river! in the world. i. Lani tall student /in my class ©. English coffee! bad! ofall 4. Australia’ small/ continent in the world. . That’ high’ mountain in the world. Bai & Hoan thinh cau bing dang so sanh diing cia tir trong ngode: 1. Her daughter is her (beautiful). 2, Summer i8.....5€as0n oF the year (hot) 3. That dog isn't it looks (dangerous) 4, In the past, people were. .than today (polite) 5, It than it was yesterday (cold) 6, Our hotel Was..........than all the others in the town (cheap) 7. What's river in the world (long) 8. It was an awfl day. It was. day of my life (bad) 9. Everest is -mountain in the world. Its.....than any other mountain (high) 10. I prefer this chair to the other one. It's. (comfortable) Bai 9. Viet lai cae cfu sau bit dau bang tir cho truéc sao cho nghia khéng thay doi. 1. This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted. => Ie... so 2. I've never met any more dependable person than George. > George is.. os 3, There isn't anybody as kind-hearted as your mother. > Your mother is... - is no better teacher in this school than Mr John, > Mr John is... . 5. Have you got any bigger than that one? > Is this... 2 Bai 10. Rewrite these sentences, keeping the origi 1. My house is bigger than your house. => Your house is 2. The black car is cheaper than the red car. => The red car 3. This film is mon => That film is 4, My kitchen is smaller than yours. > Your kitchen 5, My grandmother is older than every one in my family. > My grandmother is the 6. No one in my class is as tall a > Tam is the 7. Lean't cook as well as my mother. => My mother can cook, 8, He does not play tennis as well as Jack. => Jack can, 9. I did not spend as much money as you. => You spent 10, I don't think this book is expensive as it is, 4 (eresting than that one. This book is, 11, He is the tallest boy in his class. => No one in 12, This is the most interesting film of all, => No other films are 13, No cars in the world are more expensive than Japanese ones. => Japanese cars 14, This exercise is easier than that one. => That exercise is not 15. He drives more carefully than Jack does. => Jack, 16. No one in the group plays => He can 17. No hotel in the city is as & => This hotel is the 18. Other oceans in the world aren't > The Pacific Ocean is Bai 11. Chia ding tir trong ng better than he. T.fS.ccusnnnone than mine, (Small) 2. Yours is, than mine, (big) 3. It cost than I thought. (litle) than he looks. (intelligent) than the motorway. (narrow) 6. She talk Sunn sve than I do. (quickly) 71s than it looks. (bad) BTS. . than it was, (good) 9. It was than I thought it would be. (quick) 10, Pd like SoMe,.....0.eeu0e information about your courses. (fat) Bai 12. Ding eée hinh thite so s4nh véi tinh tir trong ngox 1. Mary is 10 years old. Julie is 8 years old. Maty is (01d)......0ennSUlie, 2. The Alps are very high. They are (high), "mountains in Europe 3. An ocean is (large). asea, 4. A Rolls Royce costs alot of money. A Twingo costs less money A Rolls Royce is (expensive)... snout TWitgo. 5, John’s results were good, Fred's results were very poor. Fred's results were (bad). John's 6. This exercise is not difficult. Its (easY).... lL expected. 7. The weather is not good today its raining. [ hope the weather will be (g00d)......nnneeMext Week, 8. People are not friendly in big cities. They are usually (friendly). in small towns 9. In the government of a country, the President is (important). person 10. People say that Chinese is (difficult). to lear than English. 11. This test is not (difficult) as it was last month, 12. The winter is coming. Itis getting (cold). and (cold). 13, The problem seems to be (Seti0US)......A. Bai 13. Chia dang ding cdia tinh tir trong ngod 1. The movie was (interesting)... shan the one on TV. 2, We've got (litle). time than I thought. 3. This shitt is too small. I need a ( large)... one. 4, Lan is (clever) and (pretty) ..nneedham Lien. 5. She is (nice). than I expected, 6, This was the (big)... _farm I've ever visited 7. Who between the two workers is the (good). 2 8, This old machine is (powerful, than we thought, 9. The farmers have never had a (rich). harvest than that. 10, Which is (difficult)... English or Math? 11. Itis the (expensive) lof the two cars, 12, Which is the (expensive).u..0.0f these two coats? 13. What is the (long). river in Vietnam. Bai 14. Viét lai cdc cfu sau sao cho nghia khéng déi: 1. Her old house is bigger than her new one. > Her new house... 2, No one in my class is taller than Peter. => Peter. 3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one. => The white dress. 4, According to me, English is easier than Maths. => According to me, Maths. 5, No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary. => Mary. 6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile. > The Nile, 7, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, => No mountain. 8, This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty gitl. => She is, 9, He works much. He feels tired. => The more... 10. This computer works better than that one. => That computer. 11. "The apartment is big. The rent is shih => The bigger... 12, We set off soon. We will attive soon > The sooner... 13. The joke is good. The laughter is loud. > The better... . 14, She gets fa. She feels tired. > The fatter. 15, As he gets older, he wants to travel less. > The older... . children ae excited with the difficult games. => The mote... 17. People dive fast. Many accidents happen. => The faster. 18, Imeet him much, I hate him much The more. 19, My boss works better when he is pressed for time, => The less. 20. As he has much money, he wants to spend much, The more. 21. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge. The more. 22. He speaks too much and people feel bored. => The more. 23. The growth in the economy makes people's => The Moreen 24, People learn a lot ef things => The farther... BAi 15, Chon dip dn ding 1. Of the four dresses, Which is ............++0-eexpensive? living condition better. s they travel far. A. the best B. the most C. the more D. the greater 2. The larger the apartment, the... the rent A. expensive B. more expensive C. expensively D. most expensive 3. The faster We Walky.....-c..ss0 WE Will get there, A. the soonest B. the soon C. the more soon D. the sooner 4. Why did you buy these oranges? ” “They were ............« could find. ” A, cheapest B. cheapest ones C. the cheapest ones D, the most cheapest 5. She plays the piano as she sings. ‘A. as beautifully B. more beautifully C. as beautiful D. the most beautifully 6. The streets are getting more and these days. A. crowded B. less crowded C. more crowded D, most crowded 7. The larger the city, the crime rate. A. highest B. higher . the highest D. the higher 8. You must explain your problems ‘A. as clear as you can B. asclearly as youcan Cas clear than you are Das clearly as you are 9. Bilis person we know. A. the happier B. the happiest C. happier D. happiest 10. Which woman are you going to vote for? -I’m not sure. Everyone says that Joan is. A. smarter B. the smarter C. more smarter Damore smart 11. Bill is A. lazier and lazier B. more and more lazy. lazier and more lazy‘. more lazy and lazier 12. Is too noisy here. Can we go somewhete .....ceecsseeseee? A. noisier B. more quiet C. more noisy D. quieter 13. seeccsoeeeecsssnuthe time passes, ...s.ssesessul feel ! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it A. The faster / the nervous B. The more fast / the nervous C. The fast / the more nervous D. The faster / the more nervous 14, China is the country With...........0s00spopulation, A. the larger B. the more large C. the largest D, the most large 15, She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting... ‘Finally she exploded ‘A. more and more angry _B, the more angry C. angrier and angrier D. the most angry 16. For +s itis certain that in the future some things will be very different A. the better or the worse _B. the good or the bad C. good or bad D, better or worse 17. Her grandfather's illness was......... _we thought at first. A. more seriously as B. as seriously as CC. more serious than D. as serious than 18. My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed. ........-..-tswal. A. more early than B. as early as, C. more earlier as D. earlier than 19. you study for these exams, you will do. A. The harder / the better B, The more/the much C. The hardest / the best. The more hard / the more good 20. His house is mine A. twice as big as B. as twice big as, two times big as D. as big as twice 21, Nobody is happy than Miss Snow is. A BOC D 22, He needs many more sugar than I do. AB cD 23, Does Mary feel weller today than she did yesterday? A BoC D 24, It’s becoming hard and harder to find a job. A BOC D 25. The more you have, the most you want. A B c D Bai 16, Viét dang ding ciia tir trong ngoac. 1. Cant you think of anything (intelligent) to say? 2, Well, the place looks (clean) now. 3, Janet looks (thin) than she did. 4. You need to draw (carefully) 5. The weather is getting (bad) 6. The programme will be shown at a (late) date. 7. Lean't stay (long) than half an hour. 8, A mobile phone would be a (useful) present, 9. Tl try to finish the job (soon). 10. Itwas, (busy) than usual in town today. 11, Tbe even (annoyed) if you do that again, 12. Since the break-in I feel (nervous). Bai 17. Viét dang ding cia tir trong ngodc. It's the shortest (short) day of the year. Its the most beautiful (beautiful) building in the world. 1. That was the, (funny) film I've ever seen. 2. It was the (horrible) feeling I've ever had. 3. Have you re (recent) book? 4. Its the (large) company in the country. 5. It was the (boring) speech I've ever heard. 6. You've got the. (far) to travel 7. That's the (helpful) idea so far. 8. The factory uses the (modem) production methods. 9. This is the (early) T've ever got up. 10. It was the (Gad) day of my life. Bai 18. Hay chon tir ding dé dién yao khodng trong. My new job is great. I like it much better than my old one. The people here are (1) (more nice/ most nice/ nicer/ nicest) than I expected, Luckily my new boss isn’t as rude (2) (as! so/ than! that), my old boss, Mrs. Crossley, was. I hated her. She was the (3) (least/ less/ Tess and less/ so) friendly person I've ever met. Everyone here is older (4) (as I/ as me/ than I’ than me), In fact I'm the youngest person (5) (from in/ off out of) the office. But I don't mind. ‘The good thing about the job is that I get a (6) (bit/Iess/ lot/ much), more money, although not much more than I did before, The bad thing is that the journey isn’t (7) (as/ less/ more/ same) simple as it was in my old job, where the bus took me straight there. Now I have to change buses. But I'm allowed to start work early. The earlier I leave home, (8) (more easier/ more easy/ the easier! the easy), the journey is because the buses aren't so crowded. Bai 19. Sir dyng tir trong ngode dé hon chinh nhing cau sau day sao cho van giir nguyén nghia. 1. The living-room isn't as big as the kitchen. (bigger) The kitchen 2. I'm not as fit as you. (am) You're 3. The table and the desk are the same size. (big) The table the desk. 4, Prices just get higher all the time. (and) Prices 5, The dress is cheaper than the skirt, (expensive) The skirt the dress. 6 easiest. (difficult) This crossword 7. Their excitement was inereasing all the time. (excited) They were getting 8, I've never read a more romantic story. (most) It’s the read Bai 20. Rewrite the sentences, beginning as shown, 1. Yesterday the temperature was nine degrees, but today it is only s Its, his crossword is thi 2. Lexpected my friends arrived at about 4p.m, In fact they arrived at 2:30. My friends, 3, Jane cooks better than her sister. Jane's sister 4, Tom is the best football player in this team. ‘Nobody in this team, 5. Nothing is faster than the speed of light. The speed of light, 6. Jack is younger than he looks. Jack isn't 7.1 didn't spend as much money as you do. 8. Thave never met anyone as interesting as he is. He is, Bai 21. Viét lai cac cu sau bat dau bang tir cho truée sao cho nghia khéng thay ddi 1. This is the best smoothie I’ve ever drink. I've never had. 2. Lien’s haiti long as my hair. Lien’s hair is the same... seseettee 3. Hong is the most pretty person in my class. Hong is more 4, Do you have a ruler thinner than this ruler? Is this ruler 2 5, The white car is more expensive than the blue car. The blue car is 6. There is no one better than my mother. My mother is 7. Tom can swim much faster than Mary. (AS) Mary can’t swim 8, My pen isn’t as high as yours. (THAN) Your pen 9, My salary isn’t as high as you think. (THAN) My salary 10. Prison food isn’t as bad as I expected. (THAN) Prison food 11, Mary isn’t reliable as she used to be. (MORE) Mary 12. I'm not as heavy as [ used to be. (LIGHTER) Bai 22. Use “no as (adjective) as” to rewrite the following sentences 1. John is taller than Stu. 2. China is bigger than Taiwan, 1 think that history is more interesting than science. 4, Black and white movies are worse than color movies. Apples are healthier than candies. 5 6. Dogs are noiser than cats IIL CUM DONG TU (PHRASAL VERBS) (TIEP) Bén canh y nghia, vj tri cia déng tir va tiéu tir trong cum dng tir cing 1 phan kién thite quan trong cde em can cha $16 1. BONG TW CHINH VA TIEU TU LUON DUNG CANH NHAU inh va tigu tir h Dudi day 1a nhimg traong hop déng ti judn di sét nhau, khong bao git’ tich roi Truong hop Vidy THI: Vii nhitng cum npi ding tir (intransitive phrasal verb) khong cé tin ngit phia sau. The magazine Time comes out once a week. (Béo Time duge phat hanh méi tudn mot lan.) Our car broke down and had to be towed to a garage. (Xe chiing toi bj hue va phai kéo vé ché sira) TH2: Voi nhing cum ngogi dng tie duege cau tao bai dong tie + gidi te (to, for, at,..), theo sau 1a tan ngit. Tran into our old friend , Mary, the other day at the supermarket. (Hom dé, t0i gap lai Mary, ban cit cita tui minh, & si thi) ‘She was looking for the passport which she had lost. (Chi. dang tim kiém cubn h6 chiéu ma chj dy dé may) THB: Vii nhieng cum tie diege cau tao bai dpng tie + trang tie + gidi ti (phrasal prepositional verbs), theo sau la tan ngit. ‘She was looking everywhere for the missing passport. (KHONG DUNG... ooking for everywhere...) (Cé ta dang tim khép moi nei cho ra cuén h@ chiéu dt may) I can’t put up with this treatment any longer. (KHONG DUNG... put up this treatmenviit with...) (KHONG DUNG... put thi treatmentit up with. ) (T6i khong thé nao chiu dung néi céch déi xie ndy nita.) ‘Mt vai cum phrasal verbs o6 dOng ti va tiéu firludn ditmg canb nbau: Pass away (chét) Wait for (doi) Use up (ir dung hit, can Kig) ‘belong to (thude ve) Take after (giong ai nr dey Stay up (dingi mudn) attend to (cha ¥) ‘break up (chia tay, gidi tan) believe in (fin ean,tin ¢6) Save up (dé danh) Look after (chim sée) Look for (trong di, tim kiém) Shut up (ngém ming lai) Clear up (don dep ) Set out/off (khéi hanh, bat du) ‘Show off (khoe khoang, Khoae lac) agree on sth (dong ¥ v0i dieu gi) agree with (dong ¥ vai ai, hop vai, tot cho) Take over (gin quyén kigm soat) vao) Run into (ink 68 gp, dam x6,am Watch out over (coi chimg, can than) 2, DONG TU CHINH VA TIEU TU CO THE DUGC NGAN CACH BOI TAN NG Cich ding Vidu Hau hét cum ngoai dng fir (transitive phrasal verb) thuge logi nay. Tin ngir 1a mt danh tir thi nd thé nim 6 gitra dng tir va tidu tir hoge di sau tiéu tir. Ttook my shoes off./I took off my shoes. (Téi e@i gidy ra.) He admitted he'd made up the whole thing/He admitted he'd made the whole thing up. (Anh ta thd nhfn ring 44 bia ra moi chuy Khi tin ngi 1d mot dai tir nhur this, that, it, them, me,her She'd thi dai tir nay bat bude sé phai dimg 6 gitka dng tir va tigu tit, Tiook them off. (KHONG DUNG I took off them) He admitted he’d made it up. (KHONG DUNG He admitted he'd made up it) ‘MOt vai cum phrasal verbs 06 dong tr va Géu ‘tire thé dimg tich rei Pay sb back (tra ng) Take sth off (cot ai gi dO) Put sth on (mic edi gi d6 vio) Tell sb off (la ray ai do) Pick sb up (d6n ai 45) See sb off (tam biét) Drop sb off (tha ai xuong xe) ‘Make sth up (bia chuyén) Keep sb together (gin b&) q Pall sth out (ay edi gi ra) Put sth away ( ai) Put sth down (ghi chép Tai) ask sb in/out (cho ai vao/ra) cut sth into (Git vat gf than) Get sb down(lam ai that vong) Tum sthish down (fir choi cai gi/at 6) aifedi gi ra ngoai) Pat something’ somebody out (dua Take sb/sth back to (dem tra lai) ‘* Sau moi cum d6ng tir thuémg cé sb/sth, trong dé:sb viet tat cho somebody (ngudi nao dé), sth: viet tat cho something (cdi gi dé), BAI TAP VAN DUNG CO BAN BAi 1: Khoanh trin vao dip An ding. (A,B,C) Who does Jim take ? After Bup 2. Lam waiting the result of the test. Aafter B.for 3.They haven't agreed what make of car they would buy. Aon 4. “Who did you run, yesterday?” “It was my old teacher.” Aon Boout of 5. If we don’t conserve the natural gas, it will soon be used, 2 Axp Boff 6.Are you still looking a job or have you already got one? Aaafter Buup 7. After years of being badly treated, James doesn’t believe, Cin Con C.with Cito to for the good things in life any more. Aon Bin about 8.Why did you stay. so late last night? Ain Bup Con 9. When Mr.Brown went on a business trip, Mrs.Smith took, his work Aover Bup Coff 10.Jim promised to pick me. from the airport. Acver Bup Con 11 Peter took his rain coat before he came in, Aover Bup Coff 12.You mustn’t believe him. He made the whole story which was completely wrong. Aover Bup Con 13. Many of my friends came to the airport to see me, Acver Bup Colt 14-The teacher told us to put, interesting details of the presentation. Auup B.down C.away 15.Itis the shared mind that keeps us, Auup B.together Cowith, Bai 2: Khoanh trin dap an dany 1, My mother told me to (put/get) on warm clothes before I went out. Jim really (got/put) me down when he forgot my birthday. My father never (tells/drops) me off but my mother is always shouting at me. I couldn't believe she (turned/got) down my invitation for the second time. . “Why did she (break/stay) up with you?” “She said I didn’t care much about her”. Please (drop/tell) me off in front of the theater. We've been 9, Have you (take/put ) out clean towels for the guests? 10.(Take/Dress) off your rain coat before you come in. 2 3 4 5, My mother often lets me (look/take) after my younger brother. 6 1. 8 saving/looking) up to travel to New York this summer. 11.1 remember (paying/looking) Jim back but he kept asking me for his money. 12.Jim’s poor test results (got/looked) his parents down. 13.My grandmother (died/passed) away before I was born. 14.1 have many tasks to (attend/look) to 15.Who does this bag (belong/own) to? Bai 3. Hoan thanh cfc cu duéi day bing cach didn tiéu tir thich hgp vio ché tring. 1. We will set for Tokyo in the next few hours. 2. Everyone says that Jim takes, his father but I think he is more like his mother. 3. Who will take ‘your position when you are on parental leave? 4, There are four of us so Peter cuts the cake four pieces, 5, Lam going to buy a new bike, so I put my old one 6 1 8 Remember to put the trash before the garbage truck comes. You must take, ‘your hat before yu come into a temple. Thate the way my manager shuts me. when she disagrees with me. 9. What are you looking 2 My car keys 10.Watch, for the dog, Everyone says that it is a fierce dog. Bai 4, Danh dau[V] truéc cau ding, dénh dau[X] truée cfu sai va sira lai cho ding. 1 Your son doesn’t take you after at all. 2, Tthink we will use the natural resourses up in the near future, Jim agreed me with when I said he needed to improve his living condition. Mary and Peter broke them up after two months dating. Trarel ‘put down what the teacher ys but I can remember most of her words. 6 ‘The taxi driver dropped me off in front of the City Couneil building. 7 ‘You should clear your room up before mom comes back. 8 Twas happy that Trun my old teacher into yesterday. 9 Mary is always showing her jewelry off. 10. Both of us agreed with Jane’s opinion about our plan, BAL TAP TONG HOP inh cfu hoan cl Bai 1: Dya vio tir cho true vidt he L Yesterday / the plane / lake / take / off / early / than / T expect. 2.My / mother / look after /us / carefully / than / my father. 3.They feut / the / big / cake / into / small / parts / than / I/ think 4.My / sister / even / tell / me / off/ often / than ‘my / mother / do. 5.Who / see / you / off yesterday ? than / usual 6.It/ cold / today / so /I/ put / on / warm / cloth« 7.Yesterday/ my mother / pick / me /up / late / than / usual 8.You / be / pretty / girl /I/ ever / know. 9.Unless / you / listen / attentively / to / you / teacher, you / not / catch / up / with / your friends, 10.By far, “The Little Prince” / be / my / favorite / book. Bai 2: Hoan thanh céc cu sau, sir dung dang so sinh cia cdc trang tir hogc tinh tir cho sin.

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