BMT HL Critical Path Analysis - Revision Sheet

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InThinking Business Management

BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

Task 1 – Fill in the blanks

...................... analysis, also known as ...................... ...................... ......................, is a Business

Management tool used to support managerial decision-making, particularly with projects that have

tasks with known activity ...................... and sequencing. Critical path analysis plays a crucial role in

outlining all project activities and uncovering their ....................... To enhance operational

......................, the tool involves pinpointing tasks that can be executed ....................... Following the

construction of the project network diagram, identifying the critical path becomes pivotal, guiding

project managers towards the ...................... course of action that ensures project completion without

any unnecessary .......................

There are five essential stages involved in critical path analysis:

1. Consider all the ...................... covered by a project.

2. Determine the ...................... required for each activity.

3. Identify which tasks necessitate a ...................... approach (dependencies).

4. Identify which activities can be carried out ...................... (independencies).

5. Construct the network diagram to determine the ...................... .......................

Task 2 – True or False Quiz

True / False

a. Critical path analysis is exclusively used for complex projects with unpredictable
b. The critical path is the sequence of tasks that, if delayed, would prolong the overall
project completion time.
c. In a network analysis, identifying interdependencies between tasks is not a crucial
step in determining the critical path.
d. Concurrent execution of tasks or activities is a key aspect of critical path analysis to
enhance operational efficiency.
e. Critical path analysis is primarily used for one-time, unique projects and is not
applicable to routine tasks.
f. The critical path can change during the course of a project as new information or
delays emerge.
g. The purpose of constructing a network diagram is to visualize the chronological
order of activities in a complex project.
h. Activities on the critical path always may have some slack time, allowing for delays
without impacting the overall project timeline.
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

Task 3 – Critical path (network) diagrams

(i) Complete the missing numbers in the network below and identify the critical path. Durations
are shown in months.

6 3

1 2 3 6
3 4

4 3

Critical path = ........................................................

(ii) Identify the shortest length of time it can take to complete this project.



(i) Complete the missing numbers in the network below and identify the critical path. Durations
are shown in weeks.

4 3

1 2 5 6
1 5

2 3
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

(ii) Identify the critical path.


(iii) Identify the shortest length of time it can take to complete this project.


(iv) Calculate the total float for Activity C.



Task 4 – Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a key characteristic of the critical path in a network analysis?

A. The shortest path in terms of task duration

B. The longest path in terms of task duration
C. The path with the most activities
D. The path with the least resource allocation

2. What is the purpose of identifying interdependencies between tasks in a critical path analysis?

A. To increase task complexity

B. To allocate more resources
C. To ensure all project elements are considered
D. To speed up project completion

3. In critical path analysis, what does slack time represent?

A. Time saved by completing tasks early

B. Time delay that does not impact the project timeline
C. Time allocated for breaks between tasks
D. Time needed to redo tasks

4. What does the concurrent execution of tasks aim to achieve in critical path analysis?

A. Increased task complexity

B. Operational efficiency
C. Longer project duration
D. Resource underutilization
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

5. When constructing a project network diagram, what is the significance of the critical path?

A. It dictates the project budget

B. It determines the project’s unique features
C. It guides the optimal project timeline
D. It identifies routine tasks

6. Why might the critical path change during a project in critical path analysis?

A. Due to unforeseen delays or new information

B. To increase project complexity
C. To reduce the number of activities
D. To prioritize routine tasks

7. What role does estimating the time for each activity play in critical path analysis?

A. It determines resource quantity

B. It determines task complexity
C. It influences project sequencing
D. It impacts overall project duration

8. In critical path analysis, what is the primary focus when identifying tasks suitable for concurrent

A. Operational efficiency
B. Project budget
C. Resource allocation
D. Task complexity

9. What distinguishes the critical path in a network analysis?

A. It always has the most activities

B. It determines the project's unique features
C. It has the least resource allocation
D. It represents the shortest path

10. How does critical path analysis adapt to changes or uncertainties during a project?

A. By avoiding uncertainties altogether

B. By incorporating changes into the critical path
C. By increasing resource allocation
D. By rigidly following the initial plan
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

Task 1 – Fill in the blanks

Network analysis, also known as critical path analysis, is a Business Management tool used to
support managerial decision-making, particularly with projects that have tasks with known activity
durations and sequencing. Critical path analysis plays a crucial role in outlining all project activities
and uncovering their interdependencies. To enhance operational efficiency, the tool involves
pinpointing tasks that can be executed concurrently. Following the construction of the project
network diagram, identifying the critical path becomes pivotal, guiding project managers towards the
optimal course of action that ensures project completion without any unnecessary delays.

There are five essential stages involved in critical path analysis:

1. Consider all the tasks covered by a project.

2. Determine the time required for each activity.
3. Identify which tasks necessitate a sequential approach (dependencies).
4. Identify which activities can be carried out simultaneously (independencies).
5. Construct the network diagram to determine the critical path.

Task 2 – True or False Quiz

True / False

a. Critical path analysis is exclusively used for complex projects with unpredictable
b. The critical path is the sequence of tasks that, if delayed, would prolong the overall
project completion time.
c. In a network analysis, identifying interdependencies between tasks is not a crucial
step in determining the critical path.
d. Concurrent execution of tasks or activities is a key aspect of critical path analysis to
enhance operational efficiency.
e. Critical path analysis is primarily used for one-time, unique projects and is not
applicable to routine tasks.
f. The critical path can change during the course of a project as new information or
delays emerge.
g. The purpose of constructing a network diagram is to visualize the chronological
order of activities in a complex project.
h. Activities on the critical path always may have some slack time, allowing for delays
without impacting the overall project timeline.
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

Task 3 – Critical path (network) diagrams

(i) Complete the missing numbers in the network below and identify the critical path. Durations
are shown in months.

6 3

0 3 7 16
1 2 3 6
3 4 16
0 5 9

D 12 F
4 3

Critical path = A, B, C, E

(ii) Identify the shortest length of time it can take to complete this project = 16 months


(i) Complete the missing numbers in the network below and identify the critical path. Durations
are shown in weeks.

4 3

0 1 8 13
1 2 5 6
1 8 5 13
0 1

3 E
2 5 3

(ii) Identify the critical path = A, B, D, F
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

(iii) Identify the shortest length of time it can take to complete this project = 13 weeks

(iv) Calculate the total float for Activity C.

• Total float for Activity C = LFT at end of Activity C – Duration of Activity C – EST of Activity C.
• Total float for Activity C = 5 – 2 – 1 = 2 weeks

Task 4 – Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a key characteristic of the critical path in a network analysis?

A. The shortest path in terms of task duration

B. The longest path in terms of task duration
C. The path with the most activities
D. The path with the least resource allocation

2. What is the purpose of identifying interdependencies between tasks in a critical path analysis?

A. To increase task complexity

B. To allocate more resources
C. To ensure all project elements are considered
D. To speed up project completion

3. In critical path analysis, what does slack time represent?

A. Time saved by completing tasks early

B. Time delay that does not impact the project timeline
C. Time allocated for breaks between tasks
D. Time needed to redo tasks

4. What does the concurrent execution of tasks aim to achieve in critical path analysis?

A. Increased task complexity

B. Operational efficiency
C. Longer project duration
D. Resource underutilization

5. When constructing a project network diagram, what is the significance of the critical path?

A. It dictates the project budget

B. It determines the project’s unique features
C. It guides the optimal project timeline
D. It identifies routine tasks
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

6. Why might the critical path change during a project in critical path analysis?

A. Due to unforeseen delays or new information

B. To increase project complexity
C. To reduce the number of activities
D. To prioritize routine tasks

7. What role does estimating the time for each activity play in critical path analysis?

A. It determines resource quantity

B. It determines task complexity
C. It influences project sequencing
D. It impacts overall project duration

8. In critical path analysis, what is the primary focus when identifying tasks suitable for concurrent

A. Operational efficiency
B. Project budget
C. Resource allocation
D. Task complexity

9. What distinguishes the critical path in a network analysis?

A. It always has the most activities

B. It determines the project's unique features
C. It has the least resource allocation
D. It represents the shortest path

10. How does critical path analysis adapt to changes or uncertainties during a project?

A. By avoiding uncertainties altogether

B. By incorporating changes into the critical path
C. By increasing resource allocation
D. By rigidly following the initial plan


1. B The critical path is the sequence of tasks that determines the overall project completion
time, representing the longest path.

2. C Identifying interdependencies ensures a comprehensive understanding of the project

and its different components.

3. B Slack time (or float) is the flexibility in task scheduling without affecting the overall
project completion time.
InThinking Business Management
BMT – Critical Path Analysis (CPA) review exercises

Explanations (continued)

4. B The concurrent (simultaneous) execution enhances efficiency by allowing tasks to be

carried out simultaneously.

5. C The critical path guides the best course of action to ensure project completion without

6. A In reality, changes in project conditions can impact the critical path, requiring

7. D Accurate time estimates contribute to determining the critical path and project
completion time, i.e.., the overall duration of the project.

8. A Concurrent execution aims to enhance efficiency by identifying tasks that can be

performed simultaneously

9. D The critical path is the longest path, not the shortest, and determines the overall project

10. B Critical path analysis can allow for adjustments to accommodate changes or
uncertainties during a project.

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