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English Exercise
Improving Your Word Control
(By: Johannes Mendai)

Choosing the correct meaning

Write out the following sentences, replacing the word in italics with the word or
phrase that is closest in meaning.
1. The window is opaque. (Not transparent)
2. He looked at the money with avarice. (Greed)
3. She was my mentor. (Adviser)
4. The near accident had a salutary effect. (Beneficial)
5. There was a cacophony of sound in the bush. (Harshness)
6. I tried to envisage my teacher as a young man. (Imagine)
7. It would not be expedient to pay off that loan. (
8. I disclaim all responsibility. (Deny)
9. He was resolute in his decision. (Determined)
10. That is a contemporary issue. (Modern)
11. They made mendacious comments. (False)
12. The food contains important nutrients. (Vitamins)
13. Shares have depreciated. (Decreased)
14. There are billions of celestial bodies. (Heavenly)
15. The kangaroo is a diurnal animal. (
16. They handled the situation deftly. (Skilfully)
17. That was quite a gaffe. (Blunder)
18. The median price of house has risen. (Middle)
19. They left ambivalent about the situation. (Uncertain)
20. The matter is of paramount importance. (Highest)
21. He managed to procure a computer. (Obtain)
22. The water was murky. (Unclear)
23. They met a clandestine location. (Secret)
24. She’s in the euphoric mood. (Jubilant)
25. The fox is a feral animal. (Wild)
26. The child is intractable. (Stubborn)
27. The response was unilateral. (One-sided)
28. I tried to expunge it from my memory. (Remove)
29. The building’s facade indicated that it was quite old. (Front)
30. The student presented the argument very lucidly. (Clearly)
31. He had several lacerations on his leg. (Cuts)
32. There is a virulent type of flue this winter. (Very harmful)
33. The witness’ statement was corroborated. (Confirmed)
34. The baby lay prone on the floor. (Face downwards)
35. We made to eschew fatty foods. (Avoid)

Lazarus/ n. used to refer to somebody who improves or starts to be successful again after a period of failure.
Origin- from the story of Lazarus in the Bible; he was a man who die but was then brought
back to life by Jesus Christ.

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