Particular & General Specification-FRP

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PESSCM- 1/ Package w1

(m) Louvers, sand louvers.

(n) Filters.

5. The Contractor will submit for any or all of the above as requested by the Engineer
after receipt of the catalogues.

6. Samples will definitely be required of these items, which are exposed, such as
diffusers, grilles, louvers. The samples must be of size, specification and finish as
relevant to the project.

7. Where a country of origin is given, this refers to the head office in the case of
international corporations. However, for each product not manufactured in the
country separate approval must be obtained from the Engineer.

2.1. Ductwork Material

1. All ductwork except in laboratories, kitchens and laundry extract systems shall be
manufactured from strip mill, could reduced sheet, continuously hot dip galvanized
in accordance with BS 2989 grade Z2. Unless specified elsewhere in the Project

2. All flanges and stiffeners used in the construction of galvanized mild steel
ductwork shall be galvanized steel section.

3. Where flexible ductwork is used, it shall conform to ductwork of the type

manufactured in accordance with BS 1470 aluminum strip corrugated and spirally
wound with double lock seam.

4. The length of flexible ductwork shall not exceed 2m per section and shall be
supported as recommended by the manufacturer.

5. Kitchen extract ductwork shall be air and watertight welded construction

manufactured form 16g black steel sheets in accordance with BS 1449, Part 1 Grade
CR4 GP. Ductwork shall be painted on the outside with two coats of heat resistant
galvanic paint after manufacture.

6. Laundry extract ductwork shall be air and water tight construction manufactured
from aluminum sheets in accordance with BS1470.

7. Laboratory ductwork or systems carrying corrosive gases shall be manufactured of


2.2 Ductwork General

Section 7.0 Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Equipment Page 35 of 64

PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

emitted to the atmosphere. Since air removed from the dry well does not contact
the wastewater, it does not require odor treatment and may be discharged directly
to the atmosphere. All ventilation systems within the Main Pump Station shall be
designed to operate on a continuous basis, and shall be included on the list of items
that require emergency power supply.
(f) As a general principle, introduced or forced air ducts shall be provided on one side
of each underground chamber, extending from ground level down to about a meter
above the floor (or normal water level), with several regularly-spaced openings
located every few meters in between. The air flow rate through each opening shall
be adjustable using a combination of louvers or dampers to evenly distribution of
air at all levels in each down-flow duct. Similar ductwork with multiple adjustable
openings will be provided on the opposite side of each underground chamber to
extract air at a slightly higher flow rate than it is introduced, to ensure there is no
leakage of foul air. Smoke tests and air-flow metering will be performed as an aid
to adjusting the dampers and louvers before commissioning and start-up of the
pump station, to ensure the air flows are well balanced for effective ventilation to
meet the health and safety requirements.
(g) Odor control and ventilation systems shall be constructed of materials resistant to
the corrosive effects of hydrogen sulphide, high temperatures, high humidity, and
exposure to sunlight (if applicable). Ductwork, louvers, dampers, and ventilation
fan components shall be constructed of PVC, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP),
Grade 316 stainless steel (for metal parts), or other suitably corrosion-resistant
materials. All ventilation and air extraction ductwork shall slope to a drain, and be
equipped with water seal traps at low points in the system. Accommodation shall
be made for possible thermal expansion and contraction, with expansion joints (if
any) located at high points in the ductwork to avoid inhibiting condensation flow
to the drains. Provisions shall be made at a point upstream of each balancing
damper to insert a velocity probe to test airflow values in the duct.
(h) The required number and sizes of forced-air ventilation and extraction fans will be
determined by the Contractor‟s design. The Concept Design provides a total of six
force-air ventilation fans to all underground spaces in the pump station. As shown
in the Contract Drawings, two fans supply air to the Pump Station inlet and screen
channels, via a common discharge manifold that feeds four separate down-flow air
ducts (two in each half of the pump station). The other four fans supply air to a
common header that feeds a total of eight down-flow ducts, two in each half of the
wet well, and four spread across one side of the dry well. These fans are sized to
supply a total to 12 air changes per hour to each of the three underground spaces.
(i) The Concept Design provides a total of 12 extraction fans to remove air from the
underground spaces in the pump station. As shown in the Contract Drawings, two
duty fans (plus two standby fans) are provided to remove air from the dry well for
discharge to the atmosphere.
(j) Air removed from other underground spaces and the enclosed superstructure that
houses the screens will be sent for odor control air scrubbing treatment. Eight
additional fans are used for this, with separate pairs of fans (one duty and one
standby) provided to extract air from each half of the wet well, and from each half

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

exposure to sunlight (if applicable). Ductwork, louvers, dampers, and ventilation

fan components shall be constructed of PVC, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP),
Grade 316 stainless steel (for metal parts), or other suitably corrosion-resistant
materials. All ventilation and air extraction ductwork shall slope to a drain, and be
equipped with water seal traps at low points in the system. Accommodation shall
be made for possible thermal expansion and contraction, with expansion joints (if
any) located at high points in the ductwork to avoid inhibiting condensation flow
to the drains. Provisions shall be made at a point upstream of each balancing
damper to insert a velocity probe to test airflow values in the duct.
(e) The required number and sizes of forced-air ventilation and extraction fans will be
determined by the Contractor‟s design. The Concept Design presumes a total of
two (one duty, one standby) air extraction fans in Phase 1, along with provisions
for adding two more fans in the future, after planned expansion of the Headworks
Facilities and a new pump station to receive wastewater from Catchments 5 and 6.
(f) Air extraction fans shall be base-mounted centrifugal fans with backward inclined
wheels or other suitable arrangements to prevent motor overload under varied
system-pressure occurrences. They shall be constructed of appropriate materials
to resist high heat, humidity, and corrosion from both chlorides (in sea-side air)
and hydrogen sulphide gas. The fan housing shall be equipped with a drain to
prevent the build-up of condensed liquids. Each fan shall have an isolation
damper upstream and downstream to allow its isolation for maintenance or
replacement. All air extraction fans shall be installed on a reinforced concrete pad
under a simple roofed structure to protect the equipment and control panels from
direct exposure to sunlight and rain.
(g) The sizing of ductwork shall ensure efficient operation of the ventilation and odor
treatment systems. Air flow velocities in the main air supply and collection ducts
shall not exceed 8.0 m/sec to limit pressure losses. The manufacturer of the odor
treatment system shall be consulted to determine pressure drop through the system.
The size of the openings provided in the down-flow forced-air ducts and extraction
ducts shall help to ensure evenly-distributed air flows at different levels across the
underground spaces to minimize short-circuiting and dead spots therein. Testing,
adjusting, and balancing of forced-air and extraction ductwork shall be performed
to confirm that all airflow levels are in compliance with the design requirements.
The Project Manager may require the Contractor to perform smoke testing, as well
as measuring hydrogen sulphide concentrations, to demonstrate the effectiveness
of odor control ventilation at different locations throughout the pump station.

PS6.4 Odor Treatment Systems

PS6.4.1 General Description of Odor Treatment Systems

(a) Selection of an appropriate odor control air treatment system depends on several
factors, including types of odor-causing compounds and their concentrations in the
extracted air, variability of those concentrations, total air volume to be treated, and
trade-offs between capital investments, annual operating costs, and operational
complexity. The main odor-causing compounds in raw municipal wastewater are
hydrogen sulphide, along with lesser amounts of organosulfur compounds (thiols

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

the air inlet, sump, straight shell section, transition section, and discharge stack
shall be made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) or similar material, reinforced
to accommodate anchoring cables capable of withstanding high winds occurring
during storm events as described in Section 6.1 – Scope of Supply (Section SS.2
Location and Nature of the Project Sites). All metallic components, including
the demister, fasteners, braces, supports, anchors, washers, bolts, nuts, and anchor
cables shall be made of Grade 316 stainless steel (Grade 316L if welded). The
nutrient tank (if any) shall be covered and vented, and constructed of either FRP or
UV-stabilized polyethylene or similar material. External piping and valves shall
be made from Grade 316 stainless steel (Contractor may propose UV-stabilized
PVC as an alternative, subject to approval by the Project Manager). The wetted
parts of all pumps shall be made of Grade 316 stainless steel or Duplex 2205, as
per the manufacturer‟s recommendations for service at the low pH levels expected.
Pump motor covers, frames, control panels, and other external metal parts shall be
factory-painted with a suitably corrosion resistant coating.
(e) The Contractor shall make all necessary provisions to supply makeup water to the
odor treatment system according to manufacturer‟s requirements. If possible, this
should be treated effluent from the Reuse Water system, the use of which may also
reduce supplemental nutrient requirements. Any blowdown water from the odor
treatment system shall be discharged into the local Plant Sewer, and from there to
the junction well upstream of the inlet chamber.
(e) BTF Air Scrubber odor treatment systems installed at the STP shall be designed
and supplied by a single ISO-certified manufacturer who meets all qualification
requirements as described in Section PS6.1.2. Evidence of compliance is to be
provided at the time of Tender. Should the Contractor elect to provide customized
odor treatment systems using components from multiple manufacturers, separate
Equipment Selection Data Sheets shall be provided for each equipment item and
all component parts shall be supplied by manufacturers who meet the qualification
requirements as described in Section PS6.1.2, with evidence of compliance is to
be provided at the time of Tender.

PS6.4.2 Odor Treatment System at the Main Pump Station

(a) Depending on the Contractor‟s design of the Main Pump Station and Headworks
Facilities, it may be more practical to provide separate odor treatment systems for
each of these areas, rather than using a more extensive and complicated ductwork
system to combine the extracted air from both for treatment in a single system.
This is the situation illustrated in the Concept Design, which anticipates the need
for two separate odor treatment systems to be provided in Phase 1, as discussed in
this and the following Section PS6.4.3, respectively.
(b) The volume of foul air extracted for treatment at Main Pump Station is far greater
than at the Headworks Facilities. Based on the Concept Design, odor treatment
facilities to serve the Main Pump Station will consist of eight BTF Air Scrubbers,
each 4.0 meters in diameter with a 7.5 meter bed depth, straight-shell height of 10
meters (including the demister and stack) and overall height of about 12.5 meters.
This sizing reflect design criteria that call for an empty bed residence time (EBRT)
of at least 15 seconds, thus establishing the volume of porous media (bed depth)

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

using portable lifting equipment and without needing to drain the clarifier tank. So
too shall it be possible to service or replace any adjustable weirs, baffles, or other
equipment (including scum pumps, if any) from the access walkway. For ease of
use, it is preferred that such walkways extend over the entire diameter of the tank,
and perhaps also be accessible to adjacent clarifiers by bridges spanning the gaps
between tanks.
(l) The rotating mechanism drives assemblies shall consist of cast-iron, oil lubricated
drives equipped with bearings and worm gears, and pinion-mounted on a precisely
machined surface. Each drive shall have a high quality solid pinion that maintains
alignment and resists bending and deflection under loads, and shall be equipped
with an overload control device activated by thrust from the worm shaft. All
mating parts shall be machined to tolerances that assure precise fit and alignment.
Every drive part shall be fully restrained (top and bottom) with no overhung loads.
Main bearings shall be fully restrained into base. Worm gear reducer, single solid
pinion, single solid worm / worm shaft and main gear shall all meet the latest
AGMA (American Gear Manufacturers Association) standards or equivalent. The
drive control shall includes a clear plastic enclosure and weatherproof enclosure of
epoxy coated aluminium construction with electro-mechanical switches.
(m) All internal clarifier components and parts in contact with the wastewater shall be
made of corrosion resistant materials. Critical fabricated (welded) metallic parts,
including EDI baffles, flocculation well baffles, tank baffles, scum baffle, scum
arm and removal blade, scum removal box, effluent weirs, suction header, sludge
launder, scraper arms, and effluent weirs shall be made of Grade 316L stainless
steel. Other metallic parts, such as rotating mechanism arms, support pier, and the
center pipes, as well as walkway floor grating, kickplates, and handrails, shall be
made of hot-dip galvanized steel. Non-metallic components such as riser pipes (if
any), or baffles shall be made of FRP, PVC, or other corrosion and sunlight
resistant material. All fasteners, braces, supports, bolts, nuts, and other items used
to mount or fix these various components in place shall also be of stainless steel.
(n) The secondary clarifier design along with all internal equipment items, including
the rotating mechanism and its drive system, support pier or bridge structure, EDI
and flocculation well baffles, scum skimmer arm, scum collection box and baffles,
sludge suction header or riser pipes, sludge scrapers or plows, and effluent weir
plates, shall be supplied by a single ISO-certified manufacturer who meets all the
qualification requirements described in Section PS6.1.2. Evidence of compliance
is to be provided at the time of Tender.

PS6.5.6 Return Activated Sludge (RAS) Pumps

(a) The Contractor shall provide and install three (3) identical return activated sludge
(RAS) pumps (two duty and one standby) to serve each pair of bioreactor basins,
making a total of six (6) pumps to be installed in Phase 1. The RAS pumps shall
be mixed-flow non-clog centrifugal pumps designed for high-volume/low-head
duty and specifically suited for use in activated sludge treatment applications.
Each pump shall be equipped with variable frequency drive (VFD) to control the
pump operating speed (and thus RAS pumping rates).

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

hydrate, dilute, homogeneously mix, and then age an aqueous polymer solution to
any specified concentration in the range of 0.10% to 0.50% (dry weight 100%
active ingredient). Each unit shall have a vacuum conveyor or similar device to
eliminate dust when feeding dry powdered polymer into the make-up system.
(e) Each polymer preparation system shall have a minimum of two tanks that function
as separate agitated preparation (mixing) and maturation (aging) tanks, to ensure
the polymer solution is properly homogenized and then matured (or activated) for
at least 45 to 60 minutes before being transferred to individual stock tanks, one of
which shall be provided for use with each GBT. An isolation valve and drain line
shall be provided on each of these tanks to allow its contents to be drained to the
Plant Sewer during shutdown and clean-up operations. If the polymer mixing and
aging tanks or their associated mixers are not included as part of a pre-engineered
polymer make-up system proposed for use, the Contractor shall provide with his
tender separate equipment selection and data sheets for each of these additional
items. Any tanks or other equipment located more than 1.5 meters above the floor
shall be equipped with a ladder and work platform for safe operator access.
(f) The polymer preparation systems may be supplied as skid-mounted units, and shall
be constructed of materials resistant to corrosion and rusting. All wetted metal
parts, including supports, piping, valves, agitators, and hydration system, shall be
made of stainless steel. All other metal parts shall be protected by epoxy paint or
other heat and wear resistant coatings to prevent rusting. Polymer preparation,
aging, and stock tanks may be constructed of stainless steel, fibreglass-reinforced
plastic, or other suitable material. All pipes and valves downstream of the mixing
and aging tanks shall be made of either stainless steel or PVC.
(g) The polymer preparation systems, along with all ancillary equipment, instruments,
and controls, shall be supplied by a single ISO-certified manufacturer who meets
all of the qualification requirements described in Section PS6.1.2. Evidence of
compliance is to be provided at the time of Tender.

PS6.6.7 Polymer Metering Feed Pumps

(a) A separate polymer solution stock tank shall be provided for use with each GBT –
making a total of four stock tanks to be provided in Phase 1. These are to have a
minimum capacity of 2500 liters, to ensure at least one hour of GBT operation at
the highest solids loading and typical polymer solution concentration of 0.25%.
Stock tanks shall be made of stainless steel, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP),
polyethylene or other suitably corrosion resistant material. Polymer solution shall
be transferred from the aging tank to each stock tank in service using a semi-
automatic control system to operate appropriate valves and either of a pair of high-
rate diaphragm transfer pumps (one duty, one standby). For simplicity of control,
the transferred polymer solution shall enter each stock tank from the top. Each
stock tank shall be provided with level sensors and alarms to alert operators of
both low operating levels and imminent overflow conditions. The Contractor shall
include details of the proposed automated system for keeping operational stock
tanks filled with properly aged polymer solution at the time of tendering. A ball or
plug valve shall be located at the bottom of each stock tank for draining its
contents to the Plant Sewer during shutdown and clean-up operations.

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

PS6.8.7 Polymer Metering Feed Pumps

(a) A separate polymer solution stock tank shall be provided for use with each screw
press dewatering machine – making a total of four stock tanks to be provided in
Phase 1. These are to have a minimum capacity of 2000 liters, to ensure at least
one hour of screw press operation at the highest solids loading and typical polymer
solution concentration of 0.25% . The stock tanks shall be made of stainless steel,
fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), polyethylene or other suitably corrosion
resistant material. Polymer solution shall be transferred from the aging tank to
each stock tank in service using a semi-automatic control system to operate
appropriate valves and either of a pair of high-rate diaphragm transfer pumps (one
duty, one standby). For simplicity of control, the transferred polymer solution
shall enter each stock tank from the top. Each stock tank shall be provided with
level sensors and alarms to alert operators of both low operating levels and
imminent overflow conditions. The Contractor shall include with the tender details
of the proposed automated system for keeping operational stock tanks filled with
properly aged polymer solution. A ball or plug valve shall be located at the
bottom of each stock tank for draining its contents to the Plant Sewer during
shutdown and cleanup operations.
(b) A separate polymer feed pump shall be provided to operate with each installed
screw press, plus one pump to be supplied as a shelf spare – making a total of five
identical pumps to be provided in Phase 1. These shall be hydraulically-balanced
diaphragm-type chemical metering pumps wherein a piston reciprocates inside a
cylinder, causing hydraulic fluid to deflect a flat diaphragm that displaces a fixed
volume of polymer solution from the other side with each stroke. The Contractor‟s
design and layout shall include space for the future addition of up to six additional
pumps and stock tanks of the same size and type (to serve six additional screw
press dewatering machines).
(c) Each polymer feed pump shall be sized to deliver the maximum required polymer
dose (based on the screw press operating at its full design volumetric and solids
loading rates) at 85 percent (or less) of maximum stroke length. The pump
capacity shall be adjustable over 100 percent of its range by manual micrometer
dial adjustment of stroke length whether the pump is running or is stopped. To
allow automatic operation with the polymer flow rate controlled according to a
variable sludge feed pumping rate, each pump shall also be equipped with a
variable speed drive, and the stroking speed shall be adjustable whether the pump
is running or is stopped. The maximum stroking speed shall not exceed 150
strokes per minute.
(d) Double check valves shall be included on both the suction and discharge sides of
each pump (as part of the pump) to ensure accurate repeatable metering. These
valves shall be removable for cleaning or replacement without need to disconnect
the suction or discharge piping.
(e) Each pump shall include an automatic vent and refill mechanism on the hydraulic
side, which operates once each stroke. The pump shall also have an internal relief
valve, which is externally adjustable. All parts of the pump power train shall be
submerged in oil.

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

PS6.10.6 Polymer Metering Feed Pumps

(a) A separate polymer solution stock tank shall be provided for use with each screw
press dewatering machine – making a total of four stock tanks to be provided in
Phase 1. These are to have a minimum capacity of 2000 liters, to ensure at least
one hour of screw press operation at the highest solids loading and typical polymer
solution concentration of 0.25% . The stock tanks shall be made of stainless steel,
fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), polyethylene, or another corrosion resistant
material. Polymer solution shall be transferred from the aging tank to each stock
tank in service using a semi-automatic control system to operate appropriate
valves and either of a pair of high-rate diaphragm transfer pumps (one duty, one
standby). For simplicity of control, the transferred polymer solution shall enter
each stock tank from the top. Each stock tank shall be provided with level sensors
and alarms to alert operators of both low operating levels and imminent overflow
conditions. The Contractor shall include with the tender details of the proposed
automated system for keeping operational stock tanks filled with properly aged
polymer solution. A ball or plug valve shall be located at the bottom of each stock
tank for draining its contents to the Plant Sewer during shutdown and clean-up
(b) A separate polymer feed pump shall be provided to operate with each installed
screw press, plus one pump to be supplied as a shelf spare – making a total of three
identical pumps to be provided in Phase 1. These shall be hydraulically-balanced
diaphragm-type chemical metering pumps wherein a piston reciprocates inside a
cylinder, causing hydraulic fluid to deflect a flat diaphragm that displaces a fixed
volume of polymer solution from the other side with each stroke. The Contractor‟s
design and layout shall include space for the future addition of up to six additional
pumps and stock tanks of the same size and type (to serve six additional screw
press dewatering machines).
(c) Each polymer feed pump shall be sized to deliver the maximum required polymer
dose (based on the screw press operating at its full design volumetric and solids
loading rates) at 85 percent (or less) of maximum stroke length. The pump
capacity shall be adjustable over 100 percent of its range by manual micrometer
dial adjustment of stroke length whether the pump is running or is stopped. To
allow automatic operation with the polymer flow rate controlled according to a
variable sludge feed pumping rate, each pump shall also be equipped with a
variable speed drive, and the stroking speed shall be adjustable whether the pump
is running or is stopped. The maximum stroking speed shall not exceed 150
strokes per minute.
(d) Double check valves shall be included on both the suction and discharge sides of
each pump (as part of the pump) to ensure accurate repeatable metering. These
valves shall be removable for cleaning or replacement without need to disconnect
the suction or discharge piping.
(e) Each pump shall include an automatic vent and refill mechanism on the hydraulic
side, which operates once each stroke. The pump shall also have an internal relief
valve, which is externally adjustable. All parts of the pump power train shall be
submerged in oil.

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PESSCM-1 PACKAGE W1 Section 6.2 – Particular Specifications

(c) A separate valve chamber shall be provided for each effluent pipeline upstream of
the effluent collection chamber. This valve chamber shall contain a “T” fitting
with two downstream gate valves, one of which shall be fitted with a blind flange
for connection to a possible future effluent reuse treatment facility to produce high
quality reuse water for export to nearby industrial or commercial users. Provision
of these valve chambers shall ensure normal STP operations are not interrupted by
this possible future construction.
(d) The width of each flow measurement channel will be at least three meters, sized to
accommodate a standard 84-inch flume (throat width) with a free-flow capacity of
3,438 L/sec. To operate accurately, such a flume will require a minimum channel
length of nearly 40 meters; this is to provide at least 10 times the throat width
upstream and 5 times the throat width downstream, plus the length of the flume
vitself. The manufacturer should be consulted on this and other flume installation
requirements. A total of four flume channels shall be built in Phase 1, with two of
these intended for future use.
(e) A standard 84-inch Parshall flume shall be installed within each flow measurement
channel designated for use in Phase 1, and equipped with both a staff gauge and an
ultrasonic transducer and temperature sensor together with transmitter and totalizer
to measure record the water level passing through the flume. The flumes shall be
made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) or similar corrosion resistant material,
and shall be permanently installed in accordance with the manufacturer‟s
specifications and any metallic fittings including brackets, supports, anchors, nuts,
etc. shall be made of Grade 316 stainless steel. The flume design and installation
shall be in accordance with international standards as specified in the following:
 ASTM D1941-91 (2013) Standard Test Method for Open Channel Flow
Measurement of Water with the Parshall Flume
 ISO 9826:1992 Measurement of Liquid Flows in Open Channels – Parshall
and SANIITI Flumes
(f) An upward opening slide gate or removable stop logs shall be face-mounted at the
entrance to each flow measurement channel, so any one channel can be isolated for
cleaning or maintenance. The flow measurement channels are to empty into the
effluent discharge chamber, from which the treated effluent will be discharged to
the sea. An upward opening slide gate or removable stop logs shall be provided in
the effluent discharge chamber at the exit end of each flow measurement channel
to allow a channel to be isolated for cleaning or maintenance. The invert elevation
of the flow measurement channels shall be high enough, relative to the invert of
the effluent discharge chamber, to ensure free flow of effluent though the flumes at
all times.
(g) Treated effluent entering the discharge chamber from the flow measurement
channels will flow by gravity into and through four parallel 1500 mm pipelines
that pass under the Coastal Road to a final discharge chamber intended to prevent
erosion as the effluent drops down to an existing drainage channel that leads to the
sea. The Contractor shall install these pipes using a no-dig technology, such as
pipe jacking, to ensure there is no disruption to normal traffic on the Coastal Road.

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