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Name : Komin Melly Arsantimas

NIM : 2111171086

Class : 5A2PBI Dps

1. Vina Question
“How do cultural differences influence the perception and production of facial
expressions? Give an example of a facial expression that is universal and one that is
Cultural differences can affect the perception and production of facial
expressions. Firstly, different cultures have different norms for expressing emotions,
which can affect how people perceive and produce facial expressions. Secondly,
cultural differences in communication styles can also influence facial expressions. For
example, a universal facial expression is the smile, which is generally understood to
indicate happiness or friendliness across cultures. However, the intensity and duration
of a smile may vary depending on the cultural context. Lastly, culture-specific facial
expressions, such as the eyebrow flash, can be interpreted differently across cultures.

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