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Research Format Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction

A. Title
B. Introduction
C. Background of the Study
D. Problem Statement
E. Research Questions or Hypotheses
F. Purpose of the Study
G. Significance of the Study
H. Scope and Delimitation
I. Definitions of Key Terms

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

A. Introduction to the Literature Review

B. Theoretical Framework
C. Conceptual Framework
D. Definition of terms

In recent years, the widespread use of social media platforms has transformed the daily
routines and habits of adolescents and young adults. Among these platforms, TikTok has
emerged as a cultural phenomenon, captivating the attention of millions, especially among Grade
12 students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc.

This study delves into the intricate relationship between TikTok usage and sleep quality, a
crucial aspect of well-being, particularly for adolescents. Sleep is essential for cognitive
functioning, emotional regulation, and overall physical health, making any disruption in sleep
quality a matter of significant concern. TikTok, with its captivating short-form videos, offers
entertainment, relaxation, and social connection, but it may also pose challenges to healthy sleep

Drawing on established theories in psychology and communication studies, this research

explores how students actively choose TikTok content based on their needs and desires,
potentially impacting their sleep habits. Moreover, the "blue light effect" associated with screen
time, particularly before bedtime, raises questions about its influence on sleep disturbances
among Grade 12 students.

This study aims to bridge the existing gap in the literature by focusing specifically on the
impact of TikTok usage on the sleep quality of Grade 12 students. Given that adolescents are
more susceptible to changes in sleep patterns, and Grade 12 comes with academic demands, this
research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing questionnaires to uncover the extent and
nature of TikTok's potential influence.

The findings of this study have the potential to shed light on how TikTok, as a prevalent
social media platform, may affect the sleep quality of adolescents. The implications extend to
educators, parents, and, most importantly, the students themselves, who can make informed
decisions about their media consumption habits and sleep hygiene practices. Ultimately, this
research may pave the way for interventions and strategies aimed at promoting better sleep
quality and overall well-being among Grade 12 students in similar educational settings.
Chapter 1
A. Background of the Study

In recent years, the proliferation of social media platforms has reshaped the daily routines
and habits of adolescents and young adults. One such platform that has gained immense
popularity, particularly among the youth, is TikTok. TikTok, a short-form video-sharing app, has
provided users with a constant stream of engaging content, ranging from humorous skits to
informative tutorials. As a result, it has become a ubiquitous part of the lives of many teenagers,
including Grade 12 students at Sibugay’s Matthew Jackson School, Inc.
The relationship between social media usage, particularly platforms like TikTok, and
various aspects of mental and physical health has garnered significant attention from researchers
in recent years. Among the various dimensions of well-being, sleep quality stands out as a
critical component, especially for adolescents who are undergoing a period of growth and
academic stress. Sleep is crucial for cognitive functioning, emotional regulation, and overall
physical health. Consequently, any factor that disrupts sleep quality can have far-reaching
consequences on the well-being of individuals.
Several theories in psychology and communication studies provide a basis for
understanding the potential influence of TikTok usage on sleep quality. One relevant theory is the
Uses and Gratifications Theory, which posits that individuals actively choose media content
based on their needs and desires. It suggests that adolescents may use TikTok as a form of
entertainment, relaxation, or social connection, and these motivations may impact their sleep
habits. Additionally, the Social Comparison Theory suggests that individuals engage in social
comparison with others on social media, which can lead to feelings of inadequacy and potentially
impact sleep patterns.
Moreover, the concept of the “blue light effect” is another relevant consideration. The blue light
emitted by screens, such as those on smartphones and computers, can disrupt circadian rhythms
and hinder the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for sleep regulation. Since TikTok is
predominantly a visual platform viewed on screens, it is essential to investigate whether
excessive usage, particularly before bedtime, contributes to sleep disturbances among Grade 12
This study aims to bridge the gap in the existing literature by specifically examining the impact
of TikTok usage on the sleep quality of Grade 12 students at Sibugay’s Matthew Jackson School,
Inc. The focus on this particular demographic group is crucial, as adolescents are more
susceptible to changes in their sleep patterns, and the academic demands of Grade 12 can be
particularly taxing. The quantitative approach, utilizing questionnaires, will provide valuable
insights into the extent and nature of this potential influence.
By conducting this study, we hope to contribute to the understanding of how TikTok, as a
prevalent social media platform, may affect the sleep quality of adolescents. The findings will
not only be beneficial for educators and parents but also for the students themselves, as they can
make informed decisions about their media consumption habits and sleep hygiene practices.
Ultimately, this research may pave the way for interventions and strategies to promote better
sleep quality and overall well-being among Grade 12 students in similar educational settings.

D. Statement of the problem

The increasing popularity of TikTok among Grade 12 students raises concerns about how
this social media platform affects their sleep quality. Adolescents are particularly susceptible to
changes in sleep patterns, and the demands of Grade 12 academics make this issue even more
pertinent. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the potential impact of TikTok usage on the
sleep quality of these students.

E. Research question or hypothesis

Research Question 1:What does the students often watch on tiktok?
Research Question 2:How many hours does students sleep?
Research Question 3: Is there a significant relationship between watching tiktok and student’s
sleep quality?

F. Purpose of the Study

This study aims to investigate the impact of TikTok usage on the sleep quality of Grade 12
students and explore the role of the "blue light effect" in disrupting their sleep patterns. By
addressing these issues, we seek to provide valuable insights into the relationship between social
media consumption and sleep quality among adolescents.

G. Significance of the Study

The findings of this research have the potential to benefit educators, parents, and Grade 12
students themselves by raising awareness of the potential consequences of excessive TikTok
usage on sleep quality. Additionally, the study may pave the way for interventions and strategies
to promote better sleep quality and overall well-being among this demographic.
H. Scope and delimitations

The primary objective of this study is to assess the influence of TikTok usage on the sleep quality
of Grade 12 students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc. during the academic year 2023-
2024. The research will be conducted exclusively among Grade 12 Section Healthy.
To achieve this goal, the study will employ a quantitative approach, utilizing printed
questionnaires to collect data from the selected respondents. The focus will be on understanding
the impact of TikTok usage on the frequency of sleep quality issues among these students.
The study is limited to Grade 12 students in Section Healthy at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson
School, Inc. Other grade levels and sections are not included in the research.
The research will specifically target students at Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School, Inc., and its
findings may not be generalized to students in other schools or regions.

I. Definitions of terms

TikTok. According to A popular social media app that allows users to create, watch, and share
short videos.
Sleep Quality: The subjective and objective assessment of an individual's sleep patterns,
including factors such as duration, interruptions, and overall satisfaction.

J. Organization of the Study

The remainder of this study is structured as follows: Chapter 2 presents a comprehensive review
of related literature and studies on the topic. Chapter 3 outlines the research methodology
employed in this study. Chapter 4 presents the data analysis and results, followed by a detailed
discussion in Chapter 5. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the study, providing a summary of
findings, implications, recommendations, and closing remarks.
Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, the researchers will
present the topics that are related to the effects of watching TikTok on the frequency of quality
sleep on the grade 12- Healthy.

1. Act of Watching TikTok Among Students

TikTok was first released in September 2016. It is a popular social media app that
allows users to create, watch, and share 15-second video shot on mobile devices or webcam
(Investopedia). With its personalized feeds of quirky short videos set to music and sound effects,
the app is notable for its addictive quality and high levels of engagement. There are several types
of contents that students watch on TikTok such as dancing, makeover videos, calming and
satisfying videos, inspirational content, cute animal videos, share tips and tricks, share your day
videos, social media challenge, Tutorials and Art and Music.

1.1. Dancing
While there are plenty of TikTok’s on the platform that are memes, jokes and even more serious
content, music and dancing are still the most popular content type. Dancing TikTok has become
so popular that you could even say there's a TikTok style. TikTok dances are mostly an amateur
pursuit and that's why they're popular; TikTok dances are for everyone (Super proof Blog 30,
2023). The second is the dancing.

1.2. Makeover
also make-over, "change of a person's appearance," especially by hairstyling and cosmetics, by
1981, from phrase make over in sense "to refashion, reconstruct" (1690s). As a way to improve,
enhance, or alter the appearance of the actors and influencer. an overall beauty treatment
(involving a person's hair style and cosmetics and clothing) intended to change or improve a
person's appearance. An extreme makeover includes cosmetic surgery. (Internet Market Hub,
2023). The third is the, share inspirational Videos.

1.3. Share inspirational videos

An inspirational video lights a fire under you. It makes you, the viewer, want to go out and do
something, even if you don’t consider yourself a fan of inspirational videos, their effectiveness as
a motivational tool should make you reconsider their value for you as a creator. As an added
bonus, they can be inexpensive and easy to make — they can often come together with just stock
footage and voiceover. With the right approach to your next inspirational video, you might just
change someone’s day. ability to appeal to the viewer’s emotions. The best inspirational videos
get at a universal sensibility: the hard road to success, overcoming adversity, or the power of a
big dream. That’s why viral motivational videos are so common. They express something that
speaks to you (Descript, 2023). The fourth is the calming and satisfying videos.

1.4. Calming and Satisfying Videos

ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response which is a brain message that gives
you a relaxing feeling. The founder of ASMR University, Professor Craig Richard concluded
from his observation that from the colors to the hand movement of such videos sends a ticklish
sensation from our head to the spine. This causes the experience of positive emotions, changing
our mood. (Calm Sage 2023) Viewers may watch oddly satisfying videos as a form of escapism
(Wikipedia, 2023). ASMR is a type of video that focuses on creating a soothing and satisfying
experience for viewers. It is a feeling of tingles and relaxation, usually triggered by certain
sounds or visuals. Satisfying videos are ones that give viewers a sense of calm, peace, and
tranquility. (Social Champ, 2022). The fifth is the cute animal videos.

1.5. Cute Animal video

Research shows that when we see something cute, such as a fluffy kitten or a playful puppy, our
brains release a surge of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and
reward, and it plays a crucial role in our brain’s pleasure and motivation centers. If you find
yourself scrolling through social media and stumbling upon a cute animal video, go ahead and
watch it. Not only will it bring a smile to your face, but it will also have some positive effects on
your brain and mental health. can also lower our levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. Research
suggests that cortisol levels decrease when we’re exposed to positive and enjoyable stimuli, such
as laughter and cute animals. have a positive impact on our mental health. (
2022). The sixth is the, share tips and tricks.
1.6. Share Tips and Tricks
what if you want to use TikTok for more than just entertainment? You can use it to create quick
tips and tricks that can help people with everyday tasks. Whether it’s a cooking tip, a DIY
project, or a life hack, you can quickly create a TikTok video that will help others out. With the
right combination of visuals and audio, you can create something that will wow your followers
and get them coming back for more. ( 2022) which is helpful for the students to
able to learn small or big things that they may use later. The seventh is the, show your day or
better known as get ready with me (GRWM).

1.7. Show your day/GRWM

With vloggers or creators uploading a slice of their daily routine, usually putting on makeup or
getting ready to go out for the day. The hashtags #GRWM on TikTok have amassed billions of
views, letting scrollers peek in on creators’ everyday lives. Aside from allowing followers to feel
closer to the people behind the accounts they love, GRWM videos on TikTok give off more
organic, honest vibes, compared to the heavily filtered, edited version of themselves influencers
often share online. (quostodio 2022). The eighth is the Social Media Challenge.

1.8. Social media challenge

One of the best ways to incite engagement on TikTok is by issuing challenges. Not only are they
effective, but challenges are the original method of interacting with other creators on TikTok.
Challenges are the main way in which TikTok creators encourage people to join a discussion or
interact with their content. In other words, they challenge people to create videos performing a
specific action or task. It’s a kind of trend that is accompanied by relevant hashtags that give
them visibility and sometimes virality. (neal scaffer 2023) it is helpful for the people to keep their
social and emotional matter steady by interacting and create memories with somebody. Last
content will be arts and music.

1.9. Arts and Music

Songs can rise up organically on the app even if they've been outside the mainstream for
decades. Marketers can also hire influencers to help a song take off, sparking a wave of user-
generated posts from their fans (business insider August 23, 2023). Just record a video of
yourself making an art piece, increase the speed, and post the video. This works for all types of
arts, crafts, and DIY projects. (influencer marketing hub 2023).

2. Students Sleep Quality

It is essential in learning and practice as well as physical and mental health. Studies have
indicated that inadequate sleep, increased regularity of short-term sleep, and sleeping late and
waking up early impact the learning capacity, academic performance, and neurobehavioral
functions. (studocu 2023).

2.1 Frequency of Sleep

You will surely be surprised to learn that 12.99% of users use TikTok to watch random
videos before bed. And another striking fact is that more than 52% of the users continue using it
for more than 30 to 40 minutes, which ultimately disturbs the sleep cycle leading to insomnia
and other sleep issues. Moreover, your function during the day is affected by sleepless nights.
And 67% agreed that using TikTok has affected their sleep cycle and quality. The physical,
mental, and behavioral consequences of chronic sleep deprivation are profound, with studies
showing that 60 to 70% of teens That haze, Dr. Carskadon says, can negatively affect teenager’s
mood, ability to think, to react, to regulate their emotions, to learn and to get along with adults.
Some 67% of teens say they ever use TikTok, with 16% of all teens saying they use it
almost constantly (National Institute of Health; Philstar, 2021). 95% of the used electronic media
within the hour before bed. (JSCM, 2015). Teenagers spend only four to six hours of sleep at
night. 34.5% sleep at 3 a.m. or past. 32.7% sleep at 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. while the rest turn in from 9
p.m. to 12 a.m. Sleeping habits have been healthy, 85.5% said no. Meanwhile, only 14.5% said
they maintain a healthy sleeping pattern. The study found 54.5% of the teenagers spend only four
to six hours of sleep every night. Meanwhile only 41.8% in seven to nine hours of sleep. Teens
need more sleep than little kids. Experts say teens need over nine hours a night to be healthy. But
over a third of teens get only five to six hours a night. The major reasons for sleep deprivation in
teens are biology, screen time and unreasonable expectations. Electronics emit a glow called blue
light that has a particular frequency. When it hits receptors in the eye, says Dr. Van Gilder, “those
receptors send a signal to the brain which suppresses the production of melatonin and keeps kids
from feeling tired. (child mind Institute).

3. Watching TikTok Students Sleep Quality

Among studies, there is a relevant connection between watching TikTok and student's
sleep quality that strongly support the idea as it is shown by the data above that watching TikTok
affects the sleep quality of the students in G12- Healthy at SMJSI to show its affects and reason
for the students and other individuals benefited to this research to give knowledge of its
importance and how it is strongly link the watching TikTok and sleep quality strongly that
mostly everyone can feel its impact to its health.
In conclusion, from the studies presented above, it is clear that there is a relationship
between watching TikTok and sleep quality of the students as they watch TikTok for hours and
eventually sleep late and have to wake up early for their Studies greatly affects them as it will
degrade their energy and performance for the day. Thus, it is confirmed that there is a connection
between watching TikTok and students sleep quality.

Theoretical Framework

The Uses and Gratification Theory, proposed by Katz, Blumler, and Gurevitch (1970)
serves as the theoretical foundation for this research. This theory suggests that individuals
actively choose media content based on their needs and desires. In the context of TikTok, Grade
12 students actively select content based on motivations such as entertainment, relaxation, and
social connection. These motivations play a crucial role in shaping their TikTok usage patterns
and may ultimately impact their sleep habits.
In the context of this study, the prevalence of social media platforms has revolutionized
the daily routines of adolescents and young adults. According to the Uses and Gratification
Theory, students turn to TikTok for pleasure and entertainment, satisfying their immediate
desires. This choice of indulging in TikTok before bedtime can lead to a distorted sense of time,
where they lose track of hours, almost like being in a hypnotic state. Such extended TikTok
usage affects their sleep cycle the most, disrupting both its quality and routine.
Research from Sleep Junkie (2023), a sleep science and review platform, reinforces this
observation. Watching TikTok before bed indeed disturbs the sleep cycle, compromising the
quality of sleep. The consequences of delayed bedtime and compromised sleep include stress,
anxiety, and even the potential development of insomnia.
In summary, established theories, notably the Uses and Gratification Theory, support the
link between TikTok usage and the frequency of quality sleep among students. While TikTok
provides happiness and satisfaction to its users, its use before bedtime can disturb the sleep
cycle, leading to adverse effects on overall human health. This research aims to uncover the
nuances of this relationship and inform strategies for promoting better sleep quality among
adolescents. Stress

Conceptual Framework

No. of days with

proper sleep Anxiety
Frequency of Quality
Watching TikTok Sleep
Figure. 1 Conceptual Framework

The figure above shows the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable. The relationship between TikTok use and student’s frequency of getting good
sleep has been supported by ideas already in existence. By watching TikTok it affects the sleep
quality of the students, with the reduction of hours and days of proper sleep countless times,
there is tendency they will develop mental symptoms such as anxiety, stress and insomnia that
will overall affect the person’s well-being and its daily performance. It is important to have
quality sleep to avoid any health issues and possibly problems. Therefore, it is confirmed and
clearly presented the factors and data of watching TikTok and the frequency of quality sleep as
shown above.

D. Conceptual and Operational Definition of terms

1. Cognitive Functioning: According to “Merriam-Webster” (2023) cognitive functioning refers

to mental processes such as thinking, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making. It's
essential for tasks that require mental clarity and focus.
In the context of this research, will be operationalized as the capacity of students to
engage in mental processes such as logical reasoning, memory retention, problem-solving, and
2. Emotional Regulation: According to “MantraCare’’(2023) the ability to manage and control
one's emotions effectively. It involves recognizing, understanding, and appropriately responding
to emotions.

In the context of this research, the ability of individuals to recognize, understand, and
effectively manage their emotional responses. This will be assessed through self-report
questionnaires or interviews focusing on emotional awareness and coping strategies.
3. Blue Light Effect: According to "SleepFoundation” (2023) blue light emitted by screens (like
those of smartphones and computers) on sleep patterns. Blue light exposure before bedtime can
disrupt circadian rhythms and make it harder to fall asleep.

In the context of this research, the disruption of circadian rhythms and melatonin
production caused by exposure to blue light emitted by screens, particularly smartphones and
computers. Blue light exposure will be quantified by measuring screen time before bedtime and
assessing its impact on sleep patterns through sleep monitoring and self-reported data.
4. Interventions: according to ‘‘Merriam-Webster” (2023) refers to actions or strategies designed
to bring about a change or improvement in a particular situation or behavior.

In the context of this study, it refers to specific actions or strategies aimed at improving
sleep quality among Grade 12 students. These interventions may include recommendations for
adjusting TikTok usage, promoting sleep hygiene practices, or providing educational materials to
raise awareness about the potential impact of social media on sleep.
5. Circadian Rhythms: According to ‘‘National Institute of General Medical Sciences” (2023)
Circadian Rhythms is a regulation of sleep is processed by the homeostatic physiology of the
circadian rhythm, the sleep/wake cycle.

In the context of this study, the natural or the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that
regulates sleep-wake cycle, alertness and other bodily functions by responding to light changes
in our environment.

Sampling Procedure
Sampling Procedure

The sample size of this study consists of 30 respondents comprised of 15 males and 15 female
senior high school students from Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School Inc. The sampling method
used is non-probability sampling wherein the respondents are selected based on convenience or
other criteria, allowing for easier data collection (Scribbr, 2019). Furthermore, the sampling
technique used is purposive sampling wherein the respondents chosen are based on the criteria
that they must be Watching Tiktok to acquire information that will be most useful for the purpose
of the study.

The population size of this study is 30 respondents comprised of 15 males and 15 female
students of Grade 12 - Healthy from Sibugay's Matthew Jackson School Inc. This population was
selected as they are most conveniently accessible for the researchers. Furthermore, the selected
respondents fit the criteria of watching Tiktok which is coherent to the required information of
the study.

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