Lab 1

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Lab 1

1. Check if a number is odd or even in JavaScript

2. Check if the number is positive or negative/zero
3. Check if input variable is a number or not (hint use isNaN() )
4. Find the largest of two number
5. Find the largest of three number using function with return.
6. Check if a triangle is equilateral, scalene, or isosceles
7. Find check if a year is leap year or not
8. Find the grade for input marks
9. Perform arithmetic operations on two numbers
10.Program to print weekday based on given number
11.Write a program in Javascript to Display a your name five times.
12.Write a program in Javascript to display Numbers from 1 to 5.
13.Write a program in Javascript to display sum of any given natural numbers.
14.Write in JavaScript for loop that will iterate from 0 to 15. For each iteration,
it will check if the current number is odd or even, and display a message to
the screen.
Sample Output :
"0 is even"
"1 is odd"
"2 is even
15.Write to using loop to find factorial of number . (take input number from
16.Write in javascript using Switch case statement to find the grade of the
students by taking marks from user. ( 90-100 grade A+, 80 -90 grade A, 70 -
80 grade B+ , 60-70 grade B, 50-60 grade C,less 50 grade D.
17.Write a Program in Javascript to take an input from the user and check
whether it is a prime number or not then show a message in the alert box.
18.Write a program in javascript to create a web form that contains a textbox
for name , email, and password. When a form is submitted, check a every
field is filled or not if not show required error message. If there is no error
then show all the collected information in the alert box.

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