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Nour Eldeen


Egypt, Alexandria

Mohamed Elqady


Software Engineer Github

September 10, 2022

Dear Hiring Team,

I am excited to apply for this role. I am an ambitious fresh graduate who is dedicated to learning
and looking forward to opportunities like this to develop my skills, gain more experience from
the experts and improve my career.

During the past years I have been working as an organizer ,event planner and also as a leader
for organizing teams. I've gained a lot of essential soft skills such as team working, crisis and
time management. Also I've learned how to be always passionate about learning to be ready for
the chances that will come across so I am always ready to learn to be ready for whatever is
coming and be the best version of me not just someone who is doing his routine job.

Also to gain more experience in software engineering and coding, I have completed two courses
with Udacity and FWD the advanced full-stack web development nanodegree program and the
cross skilling angular development program , the first to be mentioned focus on express, node.js
,postgres and a little bit CI/CD using circleci (backend) and the other one focus on javascript and
angular framework (frontend). Also to apply what I have learned through the program I have
developed some projects which you can access through my Github account.

I really hope to get this opportunity to improve within it and gain more experience through
working around the experts and get advised so I can level up from being a fresher.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Nour Eldeen Mohamed

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