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NIM : 22.02.006

(Psalms 8: 6)

Reflections Sermons Servant of God Teen Thoughts Wisdom

Materials Quiet Time Testimony

Position and human existence is so unique among all

creation. Often called the man is the crown of all of God's
creatures. Genesis 1 & 2 tells the story after all things were created
and eventually he mencipakan, God judging everything really well. He
blessed them. God crowned man with glory and honor. Theologians call
this is a gift not a right. So that people do not tend to seek glory and
honor to himself. Unfortunately so many people in this world have the
wrong address. They begin to pursue their own self-respect. Is it real in
the world today? Highly visible even so conspicuous.

Today, many people actually even turned mocking God as a

creator even dare say there is no God. Scoffers appearance in the last
days has been written clearly in 1 Peter 3: 3. Instead of a humble
attitude will always glorify the name of God. You are the Lord's name
and the rest of his life. Life becomes meaningful when someone gave
his life to God. Man was given the mandate to carry out what God
planned. We are familiar with the terms of this mandate in two
aspects, namely the mandate renewal and development mandate. With
the renewal of the mandate, people in this case every believer in
Christ, commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations
Christ. This relates to the Gospel message of salvation. While the
development mandate Christians are called to serve and participate
directly in all areas of life in the community. Is not this a remarkable
tribute? Paul said that we are "God's fellow workers" we created so
beautiful and glorious, once again God has a purpose: "Glorify Him" and
nothing else.

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