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End of Year Test B

Task 1
Complete the text with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.

Survey: Free time

Some interesting facts came out in a recent article

about young people and their free time activities.
Around 50 percent of those interviewed said that
playing computer games (1) (be) their
favourite activity. However, five percent said that they
(2) (give) away all their computer games
recently because they (3) (not be)
planning to ‘waste any more time’. A few teens
complained that they (4) (not have) any
free time at all this year because of exams.
Interestingly, only five percent said that they usually (5)
(spend) a lot of time reading these days.
About 40 percent said that they (6) (do)
a lot of sport the previous week. Amazingly, three
teens said that last month they (7) (not
be) able to do any sport because they (8)
(break) a toe playing football. They all
said they (9) (be) more careful in future
but for now they (10) (watch) a lot of
sport on TV.


Task 2
Choose the correct words to complete the

11 Don’t be put off / taken off by the picture on the

cover of the book. It’s a really good read.
12 Tom found it very difficult to give his message
away / get his message across.
13 Why don’t you try it out / give it up? You might
enjoy it.
14 Harry didn’t want to take off / miss out on going to
the party for school leavers.
15 The special effects add to / give away the
atmosphere in the film.

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Use of English
Task 1
Use the word given in capitals at the end of some lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.

Seeing is believing …?

Have you ever wondered why it is that some things always look so good in (16) ? ADVERTISE

And, somehow, much better than they do in (17) ? Why does that burger look so REAL

much better in the picture than the actual one I've just bought? Well, prepare yourself for some

(18) facts! Marketing photographers and stylists have a number of tricks to improve SURPRISE

the (19) of products, food in particular. Did you know that the breakfast cereal in the APPEAR

photo on the box looks nice and crispy because it's more than likely not actually in milk but glue,

and those (20) red tomatoes have been covered in hairspray? It’s delicious, cool SHINE

ice cream, isn’t it? No, it's really mashed potato! But isn’t all this deception (21) for LEAD

consumers? And could marketers be accused of being (22) and even of lying? HONEST

Well, there's no law against it and the practice is likely to continue, so, just don't necessarily

believe what you see.

Task 2
Complete the second sentence so that that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word
given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.

23 Peter works more quickly than John.

Peter than John.
24 I intended meeting Alice, but she called to cancel.
I , but she called to cancel.
25 If the bus doesn’t come soon, I’ll have to walk.
I’ll have to walk soon.
26 I went out for a walk although it was raining this morning.
I went out for a walk this morning.
27 You will find that you don't need experience to do this job.
You will find that for this job
28 I couldn’t understand the guide because he spoke too quickly.
The guide didn’t speak understand him.
29 I prefer saving my money to spending it.
I than spend it.

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30 In my opinion, you should work on your self-confidence, starting now.
In my opinion, on your self-confidence.


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Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

31 The word ‘it’ in line 36 refers to

A the system bees use to choose a hive.
B the location of the new hive.
C the result of the search for a new hive.
D the conclusion the writer reaches about bee hives.

32 Why does the writer quote from Mr Spock in Star Trek?

A to show how sci-fi can influence the way people think
B to clarify the priorities people should have when making group decisions
C to describe how people should talk to each other
D to make a joke in what is a serious article

33 What does the writer think about restaurants in ‘out-of-the-way locations’? (line 63)
A People don’t discover them by chance.
B They are always difficult to find.
C No-one knows about them.
D They are often excellent.

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Let’s all think about bees ...
Like many people, I’ve always had a fear of bees. I Apparently, we could all learn a thing or two from this
2 don’t know whether it’s how they look, the way they fly, 40 process. People in general tend to be poor at making
the noise they make – whatever it is, I’ve usually group decisions because things get in the way – time,
4 chosen the easy way and tried to ignore them. Yet I’ve 42 ego, promotion prospects can all influence the thinking
discovered that this is a short-sighted attitude for any process of individuals within a group. It’s not easy to
6 of us to take. It’s common knowledge that bees are 44 put self-interest to one side and make a decision that’s
vital for the environment – they play a crucial role in the in the best interests of everyone. Mr Spock in Star Trek
8 circle of life, though total awareness of what they 46 said, ‘the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the
actually do is frequently incomplete or even wrong. few’ – but how often is that actually the case in real
10 Sci-fi stories base whole plot-lines on what might 48 life?
happen were the bees to leave the planet, and
12 surprisingly I really enjoy those! Let’s look at some examples of how people make bad
50 decisions. Think about something as simple as the
However, there’s even more to bees than one might restaurant we choose to go to. If we visit a new town
14 suspect. Apparently they’re great at decision-making 52 and need to choose a restaurant, knowing nothing
– who knew? When bees need to find a new hive, they about any of them in advance, it’s likely that we will
16 don’t simply fly around looking for any old place. No, 54 choose the one with the most people eating in it. This
they’re more sophisticated than that. What they do is is based on the theory that everyone has chosen to eat
18 send out groups of bees – let’s call them ‘explorers’ – 56 there because it’s good. But this could be misleading.
to assess potential places, and report back. Clearly Everyone there could have followed the same line of
20 they don’t write reports or give presentations – they 58 thought, but the first people in the restaurant could
use particular body movements to explain what they’ve simply have chosen it by chance. The result – we all
22 found. All the bees then make a group decision by 60 make a bad decision and eat bad food. Likewise, if
going back to each of the most popular sites identified people make their choice simply by wandering around
24 by the explorers and repeating their body movements. 62 and eating in restaurants they happen to come across,
When all the bees (the swarm) perform the same superb restaurants in out-of-the-way locations may not
26 movements at the same time in the same place – 64 get many customers because people just don’t find
bingo, that’s the site for them. It must be great fun to them.
28 watch!
66 The bees’ approach avoids both these problems.
OK – so what do we learn from these bees? One study Nature has given them the right mix of independence
30 shows that if they had simply chosen a single site by 68 (they make their own initial choice) and
chance, the swarm might have been left without a hive interdependence (they accept the final decision
32 and would therefore have been exposed to danger. On 70 together). So, when drawing conclusions about human
the other hand, if they had simply followed the initial behaviour, you should take a leaf out of their book.
34 suggestions of the explorers without doing any follow- 72 Understanding the way they make decisions can
up research for themselves, then they might not have improve the way people make their own group
36 achieved the best outcome. The conclusion is that it 74 decisions. Obviously it’s a mistake to ignore bees!
seems to be a very efficient way of making decisions.


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Task 2
Read the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A–F) the one which fits each gap (34–38). There is one extra
paragraph which you do not need to use.

A For many of them, this is their first time outside their usual environment so the experience of encountering
high-quality ingredients is a real eye-opener.

B But, instead of looking for the most employable people, interviewers at Fifteen are looking for the least employable

C In addition, the restaurant has many satisfied customers who come back regularly.

D It’s a socially responsible business which raises its own money and puts all profit back into the training programme.

E However, Oliver wasn’t only interested in being a celebrity.

F Even so, between three and six fail to complete the training most years and this is partly down to the man in charge
of the restaurant.

Total: ___/54

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More than a restaurant
Famous TV chef Jamie Oliver left school aged sixteen There is no doubt that being a Fifteen apprentice is
to work in his family’s restaurant and later was given challenging, but it works for most of them. The act of
his own cookery show. The programme was an instant taking a simple, uncooked ingredient and turning it into
success and was followed by a best-selling cookbook something special has a magical appeal and the
and more TV series. (34) His aim was to apprentices get a real sense of achievement every
give disadvantaged young people with few job or social day. (37) Michael, himself one of the first
opportunities professional training plus the chance of a graduates, won’t put up with any nonsense and hates
successful career. These twin objectives led to him to see young people wasting their opportunities so he
opening a restaurant called ‘Fifteen’ specially to train expects high standards. Not all the trainers have such
young chefs. Since 2002, over 100 apprentice chefs a strict approach. They point out that, despite some
have graduated and gone on to work in first-rate apprentices being immature and not always having a
restaurants. positive attitude, the main purpose of the scheme is to
help people and give them a start in life.
There is a lot of competition to gain a place as a
trainee chef. Each year, up to 100 would-be Not many people realise Fifteen is a charity. (38)
apprentices are interviewed. To qualify, candidates Without the apprenticeship programme,
have to be between sixteen and twenty-four and not Fifteen would just be another restaurant and without
in employment, education or training. Many lack the top-class food, the charity would be just another
confidence, and in extreme cases, their parents or youth training centre unconnected to the real world of
grandparents apply on their behalf. (35) business. With so many graduates still working as
They identify the candidates most in need by finding chefs, Jamie Oliver can be proud of what he has
out why things haven’t worked out for them and identify achieved with Fifteen.
their potential. Sixty candidates are selected initially,
and they attend what’s called a ‘bootcamp’ where they
do character assessment exercises. Half are then
selected for a four-month college course in catering
where they learn basic food theory and practical skills.
Then a final selection is made and approximately
eighteen to twenty new apprentices enter Fifteen’s
kitchens each spring.

So, what does training in Fifteen’s kitchens involve?

Basically it requires a great deal of hard work and
commitment. Apprentices get up every day at 7 a.m.
and work in the restaurant from 8 a.m. till 11 p.m. Two
days a week are spent at college so that they can
obtain a qualification in catering. Three days are spent
in the restaurant working and then there is a ‘sourcing’
day once a week, when they go to food suppliers and
learn about how food is grown or raised. (36)

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