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Cluster University of Srinagar

Syllabus for Integrated Five-Years

Subject: Political Science Semester-V
Course Title: Human Rights (Core)
Course Code: POSC-311 Credits: 06

Aim of the Course:To introduce the student community with the perceptions and legality of human
rights; to make them understand the human values and concern for humanity from legal and
philosophical point of view; to acquaint them with the discourses throughout the world regarding the
preservation and protection of human existence.
Unit 01
1.25 Human Rights: Meaning and Evolution
1.26 Kinds of Human Rights: Civil and Political Rights, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
1.27 Sources of Human Rights
1.28 International Human Rights Law
Unit 02
2.1 Role of UNO in promoting Human Rights
2.2 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
2.3 Impact of UDHR
2.4 Compatibility of Indian Constitution and UDHR
Unit 03
3.1 International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, 1966
3.2 International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, 1966
3.3 Implementation of the Covenants on ‘Civil and Political Rights’ and ‘Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights’
3.4 International Conventions on Inhuman Acts
Unit 04
4.1 Human Rights and Women
4.2 Human Rights and Children
4.3 Rights of Immigrants, Refugees and Stateless People
4.4 Rights of Indigenous People

Suggested Readings
01. N.D. Palmer and H.C. Perkins, International Relations: the World Community in Transition,
Scientific Book Agency, Calcutta, 1965
02. G. Alfredson, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Commentary, Scandinavian
University Press, Oslo, 1992
03. P. Alston, The United Nations and the Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, The Clarendon
Press, Oxford, 1995
04. D. Beetham, Politics and Human Rights, Blackwell, Oxford, 1995
05. S. Davidson, Human Rights, Open University Press, Buckingham and Philadelphia

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