Question - Tutorial 5 - Immune System

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Chapter 5: Immune System

1) The innate immunity that protects a person digging in the garden from developing a
microbial infection includes all of the following except

A) lymphocytes.
B) the skin.
C) mucous membranes.
D) acidic secretions.

2) Which statement about the complement system is true?

A) These proteins are involved in innate immunity and not acquired immunity.
B) These proteins are secreted by cytotoxic T cells.
C) This group of proteins includes interferons.
D) These proteins are one group of antimicrobial proteins.

3) Inflammatory responses may include all of the following except

A) clotting proteins sealing off a localized area.

B) increased activity of phagocytes in an inflamed area.
C) reduced permeability of blood vessels to conserve plasma.
D) release of substances to increase the blood supply to an inflamed area.

4) Which of the following is a false statement about innate immunity?

A) They include inflammatory responses.

B) They include physical and chemical barriers.
C) They must be primed by the presence of antigen.
D) They may involve the formation of membrane attack complexes.

5) In which of the following situations will helper T cells be activated?

A) when an antigen is displayed by a dendritic cell

B) when a cytotoxic T cell releases cytokines
C) when natural killer (NK) cells come in contact with a tumor cell
D) in the bone marrow during the self tolerance test

6) Antibodies of the different classes IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and IgE differ from each other in

A) way they are produced.

B) way they interact with the antigen.
C) type of cell that produces them.
D) antigenic determinants that they recognize.
7) What happens to people who receive flu vaccinations?

A) They develop active immunity to the flu.

B) They develop passive immunity to the flu.
C) They have immunity to smallpox infection.
D) They have an increased number of natural killer (NK) cells.

8) Which of these cells secretes antibodies?

A) helper T cells
B) macrophages
C) bacterial cells
D) plasma cells

9) Fill in the blanks with the right answer.

Humoral immune response Cell-mediated immune response

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