Global Market Forces Edited - Prafulla Ketkar

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Global Market Forces & Break

India initiative
Why, What & How

Western vs Bharateeya civilization
• YOLO (यावत ् जीवे त ् सुखम ् जीवेत)् VS जातः य .ह ्ी ्ु वो
मृ 3य
• Society of rights (adhikara) VS Responsibilities (kartavya)
• ऋणं ह वै जायते यो अ9्ः त | स जायमान एव दे वे=यः ऋfष=यः
fपतृ=यः मनुंये=यः |
• Society of Contracts VS Society of Dharma
• न राDयं च न राजाऽसीGन दHडयो न च दा9Hडक:|
• धमLणैव ्जाः सवाN रO9Gत ्ः म परः परम ् | |
• Dharma (Interlocking without any glue / nails)
• धारणात ् धमNइ3याह्ु ्ः धमfi धारययत ्जाः ।
Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 2
Western vs Bharateeya civilization..
• Money alone matters VS Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
• Greed is Good (Gordon Gekko, Wall Street) VS परे षां उपकाराथ*म ्
यो जीयवत स जीयवत
• Liberalism, wokeism, sue parent, Mahesh Bhatt (्ः वे 6छाचार) VS
• Individualism VS Collective (complementary to each other)
• परः परं भावय)तः ् ्े यः परमवा/्ः यथ
• Hindu Civilization has withstood onslaught of various “isms”
• Break India forces want to change this!
Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 3
Avalokana – Longitudinal & Cross Sectional
• Cross section views:
• Gives insight “about a particular point in time”
• Highly incomplete
• Can be potentially misleading – if not used contextually

• Longitudinal view
• Gives insight into evolution of multiple thoughts / their journeys
• Today, we look at longitudinal view of last few centuries for GMF

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 4

Overview - Global Market Forces (GMF)
1. Ideological Foundations
2. Ideological objectives
3. Tools of spreading GMF influence
4. Impact / Outcome on the current context
5. Break India – because Bharath is last civilizational frontier

• So, What is “our” story ?

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 5

1 - Ideological Foundations
1. Individualism (J S Mill & his concept of liberty)
2. Darwinism/Scientificism - human evolution theory by Charles Darwin
(amplified by Malthus – Population outgrowing food etc)
3. Contractualism by Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau that presented all human
relations as a contract;
4. Protestantism as explained by Max Weber as the foundation of
Capitalism (& colonialism) – Anti church movement
5. Market economy as explained by Adam Smith (Laissez Faire)

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 6

Some terms
● Liberalism = unalienable rights of the private individual.
● Freedom of Speech, Press & Religion
● Separation of Church and State
● Right to Due process & Equality under the law
• Wokeism is an extreme extension of liberalism - Follows Marxist theme (oppressor &
oppressed) & replaces economic status with race, gender, sexual orientation etc
• Market Economy- ‘Govt is not the solution to our problem, Govt is the problem’

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 7

Case study – Rockefeller of Standard Oil
• Robber baron – speaks of the core !
• Rockefeller – 400 Bn $ net worth !!
1. Monopolistic grip on Oil market
2. Gobble up the small players – only one to remain
3. Use predatory pricing – discount upto 80% to beat competitors
4. Arm twist vendors (railways for transport, for eg)
5. Even by US standards, it was horrible – Sherman Act brought in to rein
Standard Oil and others
6. Even after break up – massive control on the oil economy (Exxon, Mobil etc)
• So, what values can one expect from Rockefellers? GMF !

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 8

2- Ideological objectives of GMF
a. Profit making at any cost
b.Dollar centric economy
c. Weak governments in other countries
d.Interference in policy making process
e. Global market with US domination
f. Control over global resources - oil, gas, data etc
g.International institutions & world govt (?) with Anglo Saxon
civilisational values
Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 9
3 - Instruments to spread GMF influence
1. Individualism / Consumerism / Wokeism
2. Consulting / Global best practises
3. Ranking indexes of dubious origin
4. Country Ratings influencing policies (eg. Fiscal deficit)
5. NGOs / think tanks / Activists / Universities & research programs
6. Exchange programs / Young leadership programs
7. Global institutions – WB / IMF
8. Media – subtle & explicit
Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 10
4- Impact / Outcome on the current context
Indian society is seen moving away from

1. Socio-cultural focus to Economic focus

2. Collective focus to Individualism
3. Responsibilities based task to Rights based assertion
4. Order / rules to whims & fancies
In sum - Following “western” -dress, thoughts, culture, food, career
Both consciously and worse, sub consciously

Dr. Samir Kagalkar – Prajna Pravaha @Indore 11

5- Break India – because Bharath is last
civilizational frontier
• Bharath is getting bolder, bigger & better
• Economy, values, civilization, achievement in current areas etc
• PM Modi spoke of a New World Order POST COVID
• Post 1945 – there was a world order different from 1918 (WW I)
• Current world order – vested interest want to stay as it is
• India – As Swami Vivekananda spoke – will drive the new World Order

• Hence, the aggressive Anti India / Break India steps by GMF

• Direct, indirect and subtle – all means are employed
• To break the last civilization standing!
Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 12
So, what is our story ? (Narrative)
• Hindutva is the most tolerant, inclusive, framework, that will be the best for the
whole world in the new world order
• Long term wellness (Purusharthas)
• Excellent Balance between the key stake holders of the universe
• Vyasti
• Samasti
• Srusti
• Paramesti
• Strengthen our civilization to defeat the GMF and make world truly a Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam concept come true

Dr. Samir Kagalkar - PrajnaPravaha @Indore 13

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