G G G, H GH, (Is Almost Holomorphic?) G G.: Ji2 J1 On T1: G J: TG TG More Concretely, Over

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This answers the question only tangentially; namely, I'll address whether every Lie group has an

invariant complex structure. The answer to this question is no. Let's recall the standard
construction. Say we have a real Lie group G of dimension 2n and a complex structure on its Lie
algebra g = Lie(G) rv T1 G, that is, an IR-linear endomorphism J1: T1 G ➔ T1 G such that
Ji2 = -idr1 G· We want to give G the structure of an almost complex manifold that restricts to J1 on
T1 G and such that the left-multiplication, tg: G ➔ G, h r-+ gh, has C-linear differential (is almost­
holomorphic?) for each g E G. It's easy to see that there is only one such almost complex structure
J: TG ➔ TG; more concretely, over g E Git is given by the map
Jg := (tg )* o J1 o (-t'g 1 )*: Tg G ➔ Tg G. In particular, if X: G ➔ TG is the left-invariant vector field
associated with v E T1 G, i.e., Xg = (tg )*(v), then (JX) g = (lg )* 0 J1 (v) and so JX is just the left­
invariant vector field associated with J1 (v).

The question now is: when is this almost complex structure integrable?

The Newlander-Nirenberg theorem states that an almost complex structure I: TG ➔ TG is

integrable if and only if its Nijenhuis tensor

[X, Y] + I[IX, Y] + I[X, IY] - [IX, IY]

vanishes for all vector fields X, Y. Since the Nijenhuis tensor only depends on the point-wise values
of the vector fields, it is seen to be trivial as soon as it vanishes on all left-invariant vector fields.
Thus, by construction:

Proposition- Let Jbe a complex structure on g. Then the left-invariant almost complex
structure on G induced from J is integrable if and only if
[JX, JY] = [X, Y] + J[JX, Y] + J[X, JY] for all X, YE g.
We see that there is an obstruction to the integrability of an invariant almost complex structure,
but this obstruction is seen entirely on the level of Lie algebras. Since every finite-dimensional real
Lie algebra is the Lie algebra of some simply connected Lie group, it suffices to construct a Lie
algebra which fails to admit a J such that J 2 = -id9 and
[JX, JY] = [X, Y] + J[JX, Y] + J[X, JY] for all X, YE g.
Examples can be found, e.g., in work of Gaze and Remm, Non existence of complex structures on
filiform Lie algebras, In fact, by Proposition 4, the following Lie algebras provide examples:

Given n > 2 let I2n be the 2n-dimensional Lie algebra generated by x1, x2 , ... , X2n and Lie bracket
such that [x1, xd = Xi+t for all i = 2, 3, ... , 2n

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