Lusas PSC Losses

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Half joint v0.

3 Thursday, October 05, 2023

Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Title: PSC

LUSAS version: 19.1-2c4

Model Units: N,mm,t,s,C

Report Units: kN,m,t,s,C

Model Title:

Model File: Half joint v0.3

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Table of Contents

Prestress 1
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13


Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 1

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 1
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.5435 7.9629 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
14.5322 7.96297 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
14.1961 7.96614 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
13.8524 7.97584 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
13.1796 8.00116 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
12.5067 8.02648 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
11.8339 8.0518 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528 0
11.2497 8.0518 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589 0
10.4846 8.0518 0.636154 4.06901 0 0
9.71938 8.0518 0.521854 4.84268 0 0
8.95421 8.0518 0.407554 5.61634 0 0
8.18903 8.0518 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589 0
7.41433 8.0518 0.293254 7.16471 0 0
6.63963 8.0518 0.293254 7.93941 0 0
5.86493 8.0518 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295 0
5.09976 8.0518 0.352036 9.48154 0 0
4.33458 8.0518 0.410819 10.249 0 0
3.56941 8.0518 0.469601 11.0164 0 0
2.80423 8.0518 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244 0
2.17222 8.0518 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6 0
1.54021 8.0518 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759 0
0.861134 8.0518 0.715917 13.736 2.13779 0
0.178734 8.0518 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702 0
0.0864338 8.0518 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639 0
Page 1 of 100
y, October 05, 2023





0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0 0.187132
0 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
-0.707316 8.00735 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
-1.50107 7.9629 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-1.84843 7.9629 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 1

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 0 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 2

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 2
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
Page 2 of 100
0.04445 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054

on Shrinkage Force
7.2774 18.4632 215.505
7.27784 18.4632 215.522
7.30866 18.4632 216.724
7.44156 18.4632 221.907
7.52635 18.4632 225.214
7.55171 18.4632 226.203
7.57701 18.4632 227.19
7.8314 18.4632 237.111
8.72851 18.4632 272.098
8.75458 18.4632 273.115
8.78058 18.4632 274.129
8.80652 18.4632 275.14
9.32741 18.4632 295.455
9.30359 18.4632 294.526
9.27984 18.4632 293.6
8.87415 18.4632 277.778
8.8517 18.4632 276.902
8.82931 18.4632 276.029
8.80698 18.4632 275.158
8.66352 18.4632 269.564
8.64538 18.4632 268.856
8.53801 18.4632 264.668
8.34575 18.4632 257.17
8.25793 18.4632 253.745
7.95757 18.4632 242.031
7.93672 18.4632 241.218
7.68743 18.4632 231.496





0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.7783 6.985 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
14.767 6.98507 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
14.4309 6.98824 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
14.0871 6.99794 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
13.4143 7.02326 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
12.7415 7.04858 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
12.0687 7.0739 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528
11.4845 7.0739 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589
10.7193 7.0739 0.636154 4.06901 0
9.95416 7.0739 0.521854 4.84268 0 -0.909495E-15
9.18898 7.0739 0.407554 5.61634 0 -0.909495E-15
8.42381 7.0739 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589
7.64911 7.0739 0.293254 7.16471 0
6.87441 7.0739 0.293254 7.93941 0
6.09971 7.0739 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295
5.33453 7.0739 0.352036 9.48154 0
4.56936 7.0739 0.410819 10.249 0
3.80418 7.0739 0.469601 11.0164 0
3.03901 7.0739 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244
2.40699 7.0739 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6
1.77498 7.0739 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759
1.09591 7.0739 0.715917 13.736 2.13779
0.413507 7.0739 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702
0.321207 7.0739 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639
-0.472543 7.02945 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
-1.26629 6.985 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-1.61366 6.985 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 2

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 0 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
Page 3 of 100
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
-0.909495E-15 0.115454
-0.909495E-15 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0 0.187132
0 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
0.04445 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054

on Shrinkage Force
7.2774 18.4632 215.505
7.27784 18.4632 215.522
7.30866 18.4632 216.724
7.44156 18.4632 221.907
7.52635 18.4632 225.214
7.55171 18.4632 226.203
7.57701 18.4632 227.19
7.8314 18.4632 237.111
8.72851 18.4632 272.098
8.75458 18.4632 273.115
8.78058 18.4632 274.129
8.80652 18.4632 275.14
9.32741 18.4632 295.455
9.30359 18.4632 294.526
9.27984 18.4632 293.6
8.87415 18.4632 277.778
8.8517 18.4632 276.902
8.82931 18.4632 276.029
8.80698 18.4632 275.158
8.66352 18.4632 269.564
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 3

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 3
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1442 5.461 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
15.1328 5.46107 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
14.7968 5.46424 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
14.453 5.47394 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
13.7802 5.49926 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
13.1074 5.52458 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
12.4346 5.5499 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528
11.8504 5.5499 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589
11.0852 5.5499 0.636154 4.06901 0
10.32 5.5499 0.521854 4.84268 0
9.55486 5.5499 0.407554 5.61634 0
8.78969 5.5499 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589
8.01499 5.5499 0.293254 7.16471 0
7.24029 5.5499 0.293254 7.93941 0
Page 4 of 100
8.64538 18.4632 268.856
8.53801 18.4632 264.668
8.34575 18.4632 257.17
8.25793 18.4632 253.745
7.95757 18.4632 242.031
7.93672 18.4632 241.218
7.68743 18.4632 231.496





0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
6.46559 5.5499 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295 0
5.70041 5.5499 0.352036 9.48154 0 0
4.93524 5.5499 0.410819 10.249 0 0
4.17006 5.5499 0.469601 11.0164 0 0
3.40489 5.5499 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244 0
2.77287 5.5499 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6 0
2.14086 5.5499 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759 0
1.46179 5.5499 0.715917 13.736 2.13779 0
0.779387 5.5499 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702 0
0.687087 5.5499 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639 0
-0.106663 5.50545 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
-0.900413 5.461 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-1.24778 5.461 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 3

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 -90.9495E-15 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 4

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 5 of 100
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0 0.187132
0 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
45 0.344054
9 0.344054
9 0.344054

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 215.505
18.4632 215.522
18.4632 216.724
18.4632 221.907
18.4632 225.214
18.4632 226.203
18.4632 227.19
18.4632 237.111
18.4632 272.098
18.4632 273.115
18.4632 274.129
18.4632 275.14
18.4632 295.455
18.4632 294.526
18.4632 293.6
18.4632 277.778
18.4632 276.902
18.4632 276.029
18.4632 275.158
18.4632 269.564
18.4632 268.856
18.4632 264.668
18.4632 257.17
18.4632 253.745
18.4632 242.031
18.4632 241.218
18.4632 231.496

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
3 1/m

2.5 %
-9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 4

0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.51 3.937 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
15.4987 3.93707 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
15.1627 3.94024 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
14.8189 3.94994 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
14.1461 3.97526 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
13.4733 4.00058 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
12.8005 4.0259 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528
12.2163 4.0259 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589
11.4511 4.0259 0.636154 4.06901 0
10.6859 4.0259 0.521854 4.84268 0
9.92074 4.0259 0.407554 5.61634 0
9.15557 4.0259 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589
8.38087 4.0259 0.293254 7.16471 0
7.60617 4.0259 0.293254 7.93941 0
6.83147 4.0259 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295
6.06629 4.0259 0.352036 9.48154 0
5.30112 4.0259 0.410819 10.249 0
4.53594 4.0259 0.469601 11.0164 0
3.77077 4.0259 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244
3.13875 4.0259 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6 0.454747E-15
2.50674 4.0259 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759 0.454747E-15
1.82767 4.0259 0.715917 13.736 2.13779
1.14527 4.0259 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702
1.05297 4.0259 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639
0.259217 3.98145 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
-0.534533 3.937 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-0.8819 3.937 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 4

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
Page 6 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0.454747E-15 0.187132
0.454747E-15 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
0.04445 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054

ion Shrinkage Force

7.2774 18.4632 215.505
7.27784 18.4632 215.522
7.30866 18.4632 216.724
7.44156 18.4632 221.907
7.52635 18.4632 225.214
7.55171 18.4632 226.203
7.57701 18.4632 227.19
7.8314 18.4632 237.111
8.72851 18.4632 272.098
8.75458 18.4632 273.115
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 5

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 5
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.8759 2.413 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
15.8646 2.41307 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
15.5285 2.41624 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
15.1848 2.42594 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
Page 7 of 100
8.78058 18.4632 274.129
8.80652 18.4632 275.14
9.32741 18.4632 295.455
9.30359 18.4632 294.526
9.27984 18.4632 293.6
8.87415 18.4632 277.778
8.8517 18.4632 276.902
8.82931 18.4632 276.029
8.80698 18.4632 275.158
8.66352 18.4632 269.564
8.64538 18.4632 268.856
8.53801 18.4632 264.668
8.34575 18.4632 257.17
8.25793 18.4632 253.745
7.95757 18.4632 242.031
7.93672 18.4632 241.218
7.68743 18.4632 231.496





0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
14.512 2.45126 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
13.8392 2.47658 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
13.1663 2.5019 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528 0
12.5821 2.5019 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589 0
11.817 2.5019 0.636154 4.06901 0 0
11.0518 2.5019 0.521854 4.84268 0 0
10.2866 2.5019 0.407554 5.61634 0 0
9.52145 2.5019 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589 0
8.74675 2.5019 0.293254 7.16471 0 0
7.97205 2.5019 0.293254 7.93941 0 0
7.19735 2.5019 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295 0
6.43217 2.5019 0.352036 9.48154 0 0
5.667 2.5019 0.410819 10.249 0 0
4.90182 2.5019 0.469601 11.0164 0 0
4.13665 2.5019 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244 0
3.50463 2.5019 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6 0.454747E-15
2.87262 2.5019 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759 0.454747E-15
2.19355 2.5019 0.715917 13.736 2.13779 0
1.51115 2.5019 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702 0
1.41885 2.5019 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639 0
0.625097 2.45745 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
-0.168653 2.413 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-0.51602 2.413 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 5

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 6

Page 8 of 100
418 0.344054
209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
47E-15 0.187132
47E-15 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
5 0.344054

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 215.505
18.4632 215.522
18.4632 216.724
18.4632 221.907
18.4632 225.214
18.4632 226.203
18.4632 227.19
18.4632 237.111
18.4632 272.098
18.4632 273.115
18.4632 274.129
18.4632 275.14
18.4632 295.455
18.4632 294.526
18.4632 293.6
18.4632 277.778
18.4632 276.902
18.4632 276.029
18.4632 275.158
18.4632 269.564
18.4632 268.856
18.4632 264.668
18.4632 257.17
18.4632 253.745
18.4632 242.031
18.4632 241.218
18.4632 231.496
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 6
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.2418 0.889 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
16.2305 0.889075 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
15.8944 0.892236 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
15.5507 0.901937 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
14.8779 0.927258 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
14.205 0.952579 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
13.5322 0.9779 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528 0
12.948 0.9779 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589 0
12.1829 0.9779 0.636154 4.06901 0 0
11.4177 0.9779 0.521854 4.84268 0 0
10.6525 0.9779 0.407554 5.61634 0 0
9.88733 0.9779 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589 0
9.11263 0.9779 0.293254 7.16471 0 0
8.33793 0.9779 0.293254 7.93941 0 0
7.56323 0.9779 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295 0
6.79805 0.9779 0.352036 9.48154 0 0.113687E-15
6.03288 0.9779 0.410819 10.249 0 0.227374E-15
5.2677 0.9779 0.469601 11.0164 0 0.113687E-15
4.50253 0.9779 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244 0
3.87051 0.9779 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6 0.113687E-15
3.2385 0.9779 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759 0
2.55943 0.9779 0.715917 13.736 2.13779 0
1.87703 0.9779 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702 0
1.78473 0.9779 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639 0
0.990977 0.93345 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
0.197227 0.889 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
-0.15014 0.889 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Page 9 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0.113687E-15 -0.0543637
0.227374E-15 4.4185E-3
0.113687E-15 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0.113687E-15 0.187132
0 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
0.04445 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 6

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation

0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - Cable 6 assignment 7

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - Cable 6 assignment 7
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.344054 0 0.4318
2.794 0.344054 0 2.794
3.3782 0.344054 0 3.3782
6.4389 -0.113146 0 6.4389
8.763 -0.113146 0 8.763
11.8237 0.121983 0 11.8237
13.7668 0.322282 18.288 13.7668
Page 10 of 100
ober 05, 2023

axation Shrinkage Force

7.2774 18.4632 215.505
7.27784 18.4632 215.522
7.30866 18.4632 216.724
7.44156 18.4632 221.907
7.52635 18.4632 225.214
7.55171 18.4632 226.203
7.57701 18.4632 227.19
7.8314 18.4632 237.111
8.72851 18.4632 272.098
8.75458 18.4632 273.115
8.78058 18.4632 274.129
8.80652 18.4632 275.14
9.32741 18.4632 295.455
9.30359 18.4632 294.526
9.27984 18.4632 293.6
8.87415 18.4632 277.778
8.8517 18.4632 276.902
8.82931 18.4632 276.029
8.80698 18.4632 275.158
8.66352 18.4632 269.564
8.64538 18.4632 268.856
8.53801 18.4632 264.668
8.34575 18.4632 257.17
8.25793 18.4632 253.745
7.95757 18.4632 242.031
7.93672 18.4632 241.218
7.68743 18.4632 231.496





0.0889 0
0.0889 18.288
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 18.288
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
14.5415 0.344054 0 14.5415
16.129 0.344054 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - Cable 6 assignment 7
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.4766 -0.0889 0.750454 0 0 0.0889
16.4652 -0.0888251 0.750454 0.0113243 0.159901 0.0888251
16.1292 -0.0856642 0.750454 0.347382 1.07764 0.0856642
15.7854 -0.0759626 0.750454 0.691283 0.538724 0.0759626
15.1126 -0.0506418 0.750454 1.36457 0 0.0506418
14.4398 -0.0253209 0.750454 2.03786 0 0.0253209
13.767 0 0.750454 2.71115 2.15528
13.1828 0 0.750454 3.29535 8.49589
12.4176 0 0.636154 4.06901 0
11.6524 0 0.521854 4.84268 0
10.8873 0 0.407554 5.61634 0
10.1221 0 0.293254 6.39001 8.49589
9.3474 0 0.293254 7.16471 0
8.5727 0 0.293254 7.93941 0
7.798 0 0.293254 8.71411 4.39295
7.03282 0 0.352036 9.48154 0
6.26765 0 0.410819 10.249 0
5.50247 0 0.469601 11.0164 0
4.7373 0 0.528383 11.7838 1.49244
4.10529 0 0.593532 12.4192 0.853774E-6
3.47327 0 0.658682 13.0546 1.06759
2.7942 0 0.715917 13.736 2.13779
2.1118 0 0.74786 14.4192 1.0702
2.0195 0 0.750454 14.5115 3.58639
1.22575 -0.04445 0.750454 15.3065 0 0.04445
0.432 -0.0889 0.750454 16.1015 3.20522 0.0889
0.0846327 -0.0889 0.750454 16.4489 0 0.0889

Prestress Losses - Cable 6 assignment 7

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 175.904 49.8506 7.2774
0.0113243 0.0174515 175.869 49.8506 7.27784
0.347382 1.25049 173.403 49.8506 7.30866
0.691283 6.56647 162.771 49.8506 7.44156
1.36457 9.95801 155.988 49.8506 7.52635
2.03786 10.9724 153.959 49.8506 7.55171
2.71115 11.9845 151.935 49.8506 7.57701
3.29535 22.1601 131.584 49.8506 7.8314
4.06901 58.0443 59.8153 49.8506 8.72851
4.84268 59.0871 57.7298 49.8506 8.75458
5.61634 60.1272 55.6496 49.8506 8.78058
6.39001 61.1647 53.5746 49.8506 8.80652
7.16471 93.9038 -25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.32741
7.93941 94.8564 0 49.8506 9.30359
8.71411 95.8066 0 49.8506 9.27984
9.48154 112.034 0 49.8506 8.87415
10.249 112.932 0 49.8506 8.8517
11.0164 113.828 0 49.8506 8.82931
11.7838 114.721 0 49.8506 8.80698
12.4192 120.459 0 49.8506 8.66352
13.0546 121.185 0 49.8506 8.64538
13.736 125.48 0 49.8506 8.53801
14.4192 133.17 0 49.8506 8.34575
14.5115 136.683 0 49.8506 8.25793
Page 11 of 100
0 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.344054
0.0888251 0.344054
0.0856642 0.344054
0.0759626 0.344054
0.0506418 0.344054
0.0253209 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.344054
0 0.229754
0 0.115454
0 1.154E-3
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.113146
0 -0.0543637
0 4.4185E-3
0 0.0632008
0 0.121983
0 0.187132
0 0.252282
0 0.309517
0 0.34146
0 0.344054
0.04445 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054
0.0889 0.344054

on Shrinkage Force
7.2774 18.4632 215.505
7.27784 18.4632 215.522
7.30866 18.4632 216.724
7.44156 18.4632 221.907
7.52635 18.4632 225.214
7.55171 18.4632 226.203
7.57701 18.4632 227.19
7.8314 18.4632 237.111
8.72851 18.4632 272.098
8.75458 18.4632 273.115
8.78058 18.4632 274.129
8.80652 18.4632 275.14
9.32741 18.4632 295.455
9.30359 18.4632 294.526
9.27984 18.4632 293.6
8.87415 18.4632 277.778
8.8517 18.4632 276.902
8.82931 18.4632 276.029
8.80698 18.4632 275.158
8.66352 18.4632 269.564
8.64538 18.4632 268.856
8.53801 18.4632 264.668
8.34575 18.4632 257.17
8.25793 18.4632 253.745
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
15.3065 148.697 0 49.8506 7.95757
16.1015 149.531 0 49.8506 7.93672
16.4489 159.503 0 49.8506 7.68743

Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 1

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 1
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.5436 8.1407 0.749235 0 0
14.1961 8.1407 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157
13.6322 8.11948 0.612864 0.921909 1.20742E-6 -0
13.0683 8.09825 0.528449 1.49251 1.20742E-6 -0
12.5044 8.07703 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0
12.1777 8.06474 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0
11.4899 8.0518 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
11.1579 8.0518 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.909495E-15
10.4768 8.0518 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6
9.79568 8.0518 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622
9.11613 8.0518 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393
8.4347 8.0518 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677
7.68962 8.0518 0.140854 6.89186 0
6.94453 8.0518 0.140854 7.63694 0
6.19945 8.0518 0.140854 8.38202 0
5.45437 8.0518 0.140854 9.12711 0
4.70928 8.0518 0.140854 9.87219 0
3.9642 8.0518 0.140854 10.6173 0
3.21912 8.0518 0.140854 11.3624 0
2.47403 8.0518 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681
1.67901 8.06958 0.252139 12.9104 0.853774E-6
0.883994 8.08736 0.363424 13.7134 1.47878E-6
Page 12 of 100
7.95757 18.4632 242.031
7.93672 18.4632 241.218
7.68743 18.4632 231.496





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
-0.909495E-15 -0.0853555
-0.909495E-15 -0.113176
0 -0.164005
0 -0.214834
0 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.0889738 8.10514 0.47471 14.5163 1.47878E-6
-0.706046 8.12292 0.585995 15.3193 1.20742E-6
-1.50107 8.1407 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744
-1.84851 8.1407 0.749235 16.4736 0
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 1
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.563 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3863 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.3511 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3102 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19285
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 2
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 2
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
Page 13 of 100
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

8.04163 18.4632 245.31
8.05516 18.4632 245.837
8.31284 18.4632 255.887
8.33429 18.4632 256.724
8.3557 18.4632 257.559
8.42419 18.4632 260.23
8.65586 18.4632 269.265
8.87086 18.4632 277.65
8.94936 18.4632 280.711
8.9736 18.4632 281.656
9.10685 18.4632 286.853
9.34532 18.4632 296.154
9.47629 18.4632 301.261
9.50144 18.4632 302.242
9.52652 18.4632 303.22
9.55155 18.4632 304.196
9.57651 18.4632 305.17
9.60141 18.4632 306.141
9.62625 18.4632 307.11
9.65103 18.4632 308.076
9.29081 18.4632 294.028
9.26622 18.4632 293.069
9.2417 18.4632 292.113
9.21725 18.4632 291.159
9.19285 18.4632 290.207
9.06159 18.4632 285.088

nd 1 None



-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
2.794 0 18.288
5.5118 0 0
12.1539 0 0
16.129 -0.0889 18.288
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
16.4846 0.344054 0.0 16.4846 -0.0889 0.0

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.7784 7.1628 0.749235 0 0 -0.0889
14.4309 7.1628 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0889
13.867 7.14158 0.612864 0.921909 1.20742E-6 -0.0676771
13.3031 7.12035 0.528449 1.49251 1.20742E-6 -0.0464542
12.7391 7.09913 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252314
12.4125 7.08684 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129374
11.7247 7.0739 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
11.3927 7.0739 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.909495E-15
10.7116 7.0739 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6 0
10.0305 7.0739 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622 0
9.35091 7.0739 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393 0
8.66947 7.0739 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677 0
7.92439 7.0739 0.140854 6.89186 0 0
7.17931 7.0739 0.140854 7.63694 0 0
6.43422 7.0739 0.140854 8.38202 0 0
5.68914 7.0739 0.140854 9.12711 0 0
4.94406 7.0739 0.140854 9.87219 0 0
4.19897 7.0739 0.140854 10.6173 0 0
3.45389 7.0739 0.140854 11.3624 0 0
2.70881 7.0739 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681 0
1.91379 7.09168 0.252139 12.9104 0.853774E-6 -0.01778
1.11877 7.10946 0.363424 13.7134 0.853774E-6 -0.03556
0.323747 7.12724 0.47471 14.5163 0.853774E-6 -0.05334
-0.471273 7.14502 0.585995 15.3193 0 -0.07112
-1.26629 7.1628 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0889
-1.61374 7.1628 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 2
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.563 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3863 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 -40.0178E-15 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.3511 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3102 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19285
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Page 14 of 100
ricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z
-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
495E-15 -0.0853555
495E-15 -0.113176
0 -0.164005
0 -0.214834
0 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 245.31
18.4632 245.837
18.4632 255.887
18.4632 256.724
18.4632 257.559
18.4632 260.23
18.4632 269.265
18.4632 277.65
18.4632 280.711
18.4632 281.656
18.4632 286.853
18.4632 296.154
18.4632 301.261
18.4632 302.242
18.4632 303.22
18.4632 304.196
18.4632 305.17
18.4632 306.141
18.4632 307.11
18.4632 308.076
18.4632 294.028
18.4632 293.069
18.4632 292.113
18.4632 291.159
18.4632 290.207
18.4632 285.088
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 3

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 3
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1442 5.6388 0.749235 0 0 -0.0
14.7968 5.6388 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0
14.2329 5.61758 0.612864 0.921909 1.20742E-6 -0.0676
13.6689 5.59635 0.528449 1.49251 1.20742E-6 -0.0464
13.105 5.57513 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252
12.7784 5.56284 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129
12.0906 5.5499 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
11.7586 5.5499 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.909495E-15
11.0774 5.5499 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6
10.3963 5.5499 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622
9.71679 5.5499 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393
9.03535 5.5499 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677
8.29027 5.5499 0.140854 6.89186 0
7.54519 5.5499 0.140854 7.63694 0
6.8001 5.5499 0.140854 8.38202 0
6.05502 5.5499 0.140854 9.12711 0
5.30994 5.5499 0.140854 9.87219 0
4.56485 5.5499 0.140854 10.6173 0
3.81977 5.5499 0.140854 11.3624 0
3.07469 5.5499 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681
2.27967 5.56768 0.252139 12.9104 0 -0.01
1.48465 5.58546 0.363424 13.7134 0 -0.03
0.689627 5.60324 0.47471 14.5163 0.853774E-6 -0.05
-0.105393 5.62102 0.585995 15.3193 0.853774E-6 -0.07
-0.900413 5.6388 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0
-1.24786 5.6388 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0
Page 15 of 100
tober 05, 2023





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
-0.909495E-15 -0.0853555
-0.909495E-15 -0.113176
0 -0.164005
0 -0.214834
0 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 3

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.563 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3863 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 47.2937E-15 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.3511 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3101 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19285
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 4
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 4
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Page 16 of 100
ber 05, 2023

axation Shrinkage Force

8.04163 18.4632 245.31
8.05516 18.4632 245.837
8.31284 18.4632 255.887
8.33429 18.4632 256.724
8.3557 18.4632 257.559
8.42419 18.4632 260.23
8.65586 18.4632 269.265
8.87086 18.4632 277.65
8.94936 18.4632 280.711
8.9736 18.4632 281.656
9.10685 18.4632 286.853
9.34532 18.4632 296.154
9.47629 18.4632 301.261
9.50144 18.4632 302.242
9.52652 18.4632 303.22
9.55155 18.4632 304.196
9.57651 18.4632 305.17
9.60141 18.4632 306.141
9.62625 18.4632 307.11
9.65103 18.4632 308.076
9.29081 18.4632 294.028
9.26622 18.4632 293.069
9.2417 18.4632 292.113
9.21725 18.4632 291.159
9.19285 18.4632 290.207
9.06159 18.4632 285.088





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 4

X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.5101 4.1148 0.749235 0 0 -0.0889
15.1627 4.1148 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0889
14.5987 4.09358 0.612864 0.921909 0.853774E-6 -0.0676771
14.0348 4.07235 0.528449 1.49251 1.20742E-6 -0.0464542
13.4709 4.05113 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252314
13.1442 4.03884 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129374
12.4565 4.0259 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
12.1244 4.0259 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.909495E-15
11.4433 4.0259 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6 -0.454747E-15
10.7622 4.0259 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622 -0.454747E-15
10.0827 4.0259 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393 0
9.40123 4.0259 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677 0
8.65615 4.0259 0.140854 6.89186 0 0
7.91107 4.0259 0.140854 7.63694 0 0
7.16598 4.0259 0.140854 8.38202 0 0
6.4209 4.0259 0.140854 9.12711 0 0
5.67582 4.0259 0.140854 9.87219 0 0
4.93073 4.0259 0.140854 10.6173 0 0
4.18565 4.0259 0.140854 11.3624 0 0
3.44057 4.0259 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681 0.454747E-15
2.64555 4.04368 0.252139 12.9104 0 -0.01778
1.85053 4.06146 0.363424 13.7134 0 -0.03556
1.05551 4.07924 0.47471 14.5163 0 -0.05334
0.260487 4.09702 0.585995 15.3193 0 -0.07112
-0.534533 4.1148 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0889
-0.881979 4.1148 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 4
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.5629 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3863 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 -25.4659E-15 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.3511 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3101 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19285
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 5
Page 17 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

ricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
495E-15 -0.0853555
495E-15 -0.113176
747E-15 -0.164005
747E-15 -0.214834
0 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
47E-15 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 245.31
18.4632 245.837
18.4632 255.887
18.4632 256.724
18.4632 257.559
18.4632 260.23
18.4632 269.265
18.4632 277.65
18.4632 280.711
18.4632 281.656
18.4632 286.853
18.4632 296.154
18.4632 301.261
18.4632 302.242
18.4632 303.22
18.4632 304.196
18.4632 305.17
18.4632 306.141
18.4632 307.11
18.4632 308.076
18.4632 294.028
18.4632 293.069
18.4632 292.113
18.4632 291.159
18.4632 290.208
18.4632 285.088
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 5
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.876 2.5908 0.749235 0 0 -0.0889
15.5285 2.5908 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0889
14.9646 2.56958 0.612864 0.921909 0.853774E-6 -0.0676771
14.4007 2.54835 0.528449 1.49251 1.20742E-6 -0.0464542
13.8368 2.52713 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252314
13.5101 2.51484 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129374
12.8223 2.5019 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
12.4903 2.5019 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.909495E-15
11.8092 2.5019 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6 -0.909495E-15
11.1281 2.5019 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622 -0.909495E-15
10.4485 2.5019 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393 -0.454747E-15
9.76711 2.5019 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677 0
9.02203 2.5019 0.140854 6.89186 0 0
8.27695 2.5019 0.140854 7.63694 0 0
7.53186 2.5019 0.140854 8.38202 0 0
6.78678 2.5019 0.140854 9.12711 0 0
6.0417 2.5019 0.140854 9.87219 0 0
5.29661 2.5019 0.140854 10.6173 0 0
4.55153 2.5019 0.140854 11.3624 0 0
3.80645 2.5019 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681 0.454747E-15
3.01143 2.51968 0.252139 12.9104 0 -0.01778
2.21641 2.53746 0.363424 13.7134 0 -0.03556
1.42139 2.55524 0.47471 14.5163 0.853774E-6 -0.05334
0.626367 2.57302 0.585995 15.3193 0 -0.07112
-0.168653 2.5908 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0889
-0.516099 2.5908 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 5
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation Shrinkage Force

Page 18 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
-0.909495E-15 -0.0853555
-0.909495E-15 -0.113176
-0.909495E-15 -0.164005
-0.909495E-15 -0.214834
-0.454747E-15 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0.454747E-15 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.5629 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3863 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 0 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.3511 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3101 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19285
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 6
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 6
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

Page 19 of 100
8.04163 18.4632 245.31
8.05516 18.4632 245.837
8.31284 18.4632 255.887
8.33429 18.4632 256.724
8.3557 18.4632 257.559
8.42419 18.4632 260.23
8.65586 18.4632 269.265
8.87086 18.4632 277.65
8.94936 18.4632 280.711
8.9736 18.4632 281.656
9.10685 18.4632 286.853
9.34532 18.4632 296.154
9.47629 18.4632 301.261
9.50144 18.4632 302.242
9.52652 18.4632 303.22
9.55155 18.4632 304.196
9.57651 18.4632 305.17
9.60141 18.4632 306.141
9.62625 18.4632 307.11
9.65103 18.4632 308.076
9.29081 18.4632 294.028
9.26622 18.4632 293.069
9.2417 18.4632 292.113
9.21725 18.4632 291.159
9.19285 18.4632 290.208
9.06159 18.4632 285.088





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0

tricity from beam in z

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
16.2419 1.0668 0.749235 0 0 -0.0889
15.8944 1.0668 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0889
15.3305 1.04558 0.612864 0.921909 0.853774E-6 -0.0676771
14.7666 1.02435 0.528449 1.49251 0 -0.0464542
14.2027 1.00313 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252314
13.876 0.990837 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129374
13.1882 0.9779 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.909495E-15
12.8562 0.9779 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.795808E-15
12.1751 0.9779 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6 -0.454747E-15
11.494 0.9779 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622 -0.227374E-15
10.8144 0.9779 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393 0
10.133 0.9779 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677 0
9.38791 0.9779 0.140854 6.89186 0 0
8.64283 0.9779 0.140854 7.63694 0 0
7.89774 0.9779 0.140854 8.38202 0 0
7.15266 0.9779 0.140854 9.12711 0 0
6.40758 0.9779 0.140854 9.87219 0 0
5.66249 0.9779 0.140854 10.6173 0 -0.113687E-15
4.91741 0.9779 0.140854 11.3624 0 -0.227374E-15
4.17233 0.9779 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681 -0.113687E-15
3.37731 0.99568 0.252139 12.9104 0 -0.01778
2.58229 1.01346 0.363424 13.7134 0 -0.03556
1.78727 1.03124 0.47471 14.5163 0 -0.05334
0.992247 1.04902 0.585995 15.3193 0 -0.07112
0.197227 1.0668 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0889
-0.150219 1.0668 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 6
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.5629 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3862 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 -0.109139E-12 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.351 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3101 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19286
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 5 assignment 7
Page 20 of 100
-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
495E-15 -0.0853555
808E-15 -0.113176
747E-15 -0.164005
374E-15 -0.214834
0 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
687E-15 -0.265546
374E-15 -0.265546
687E-15 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 245.31
18.4632 245.837
18.4632 255.887
18.4632 256.724
18.4632 257.559
18.4632 260.23
18.4632 269.265
18.4632 277.65
18.4632 280.711
18.4632 281.656
18.4632 286.853
18.4632 296.154
18.4632 301.261
18.4632 302.242
18.4632 303.22
18.4632 304.196
18.4632 305.17
18.4632 306.141
18.4632 307.11
18.4632 308.076
18.4632 294.028
18.4632 293.069
18.4632 292.113
18.4632 291.159
18.4632 290.208
18.4632 285.088
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 5 assignment 7
0.0762 0.344054 0 0.0762
0.4318 0.29088 0 0.4318
2.794 -0.062727 18.288 2.794
5.5118 -0.265546 18.288 5.5118
12.1539 -0.265546 0 12.1539
16.129 0.29088 0 16.129
16.4846 0.344054 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 5 assignment 7
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.4766 0.0889 0.749235 0 0 -0.0889
16.1292 0.0889 0.69728 0.351309 2.13157 -0.0889
15.5653 0.0676771 0.612864 0.921909 0.853774E-6 -0.0676771
15.0014 0.0464542 0.528449 1.49251 0 -0.0464542
14.4374 0.0252314 0.444033 2.06311 0.516405 -0.0252314
14.1108 0.0129374 0.398141 2.39322 1.9214 -0.0129374
13.423 0.934406E-15 0.321045 3.08542 1.93035 -0.934406E-15
13.091 0.803677E-15 0.293224 3.4186 0.521929 -0.803677E-15
12.4099 0.535578E-15 0.242395 4.10161 0.853774E-6 -0.535578E-15
11.7287 0.26748E-15 0.191566 4.78461 1.06622 -0.26748E-15
11.0492 6.91784E-33 0.153554 5.46522 2.13393 -6.91784E-33
10.3678 0 0.140854 6.14677 1.0677 0
9.62268 0 0.140854 6.89186 0 0
8.8776 0 0.140854 7.63694 0 0
8.13252 0 0.140854 8.38202 0 0
7.38743 0 0.140854 9.12711 0 0
6.64235 0 0.140854 9.87219 0 0
5.89727 0 0.140854 10.6173 0 0
5.15218 0 0.140854 11.3624 0 0
4.4071 0 0.140854 12.1074 8.0681 0
3.61208 0.01778 0.252139 12.9104 0 -0.01778
2.81706 0.03556 0.363424 13.7134 0 -0.03556
2.02204 0.05334 0.47471 14.5163 0 -0.05334
1.22702 0.07112 0.585995 15.3193 0 -0.07112
0.432 0.0889 0.69728 16.1223 1.37744 -0.0889
0.0845544 0.0889 0.749235 16.4736 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 5 assignment 7
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation Shrinkage Force

Page 21 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
0 18.288
0 0
0 0
-0.0889 18.288
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.342835
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0676771 0.206464
-0.0464542 0.122049
-0.0252314 0.0376328
-0.0129374 -8.25933E-3
-0.934406E-15 -0.0853555
-0.803677E-15 -0.113176
-0.535578E-15 -0.164005
-0.26748E-15 -0.214834
-6.91784E-33 -0.252846
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
0 -0.265546
-0.01778 -0.154261
-0.03556 -0.0429756
-0.05334 0.0683096
-0.07112 0.179595
-0.0889 0.29088
-0.0889 0.342835
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0 0 145.335 49.8506 8.04163
0.351309 0.541088 144.253 49.8506 8.05516
0.921909 10.8483 123.638 49.8506 8.31284
1.49251 11.7064 121.922 49.8506 8.33429
2.06311 12.5629 120.209 49.8506 8.3557
2.39322 15.3024 114.73 49.8506 8.42419
3.08542 24.569 96.1967 49.8506 8.65586
3.4186 33.169 78.9967 49.8506 8.87086
4.10161 36.309 72.7168 49.8506 8.94936
4.78461 37.2786 70.7775 49.8506 8.9736
5.46522 42.6087 60.1174 49.8506 9.10685
6.14677 52.1477 41.0394 49.8506 9.34532
6.89186 57.3862 30.5623 49.8506 9.47629
7.63694 58.3922 28.5504 49.8506 9.50144
8.38202 59.3956 26.5436 49.8506 9.52652
9.12711 60.3966 24.5416 49.8506 9.55155
9.87219 61.3951 22.5446 49.8506 9.57651
10.6173 62.3912 20.5524 49.8506 9.60141
11.3624 63.3848 18.5652 49.8506 9.62625
12.1074 64.376 16.5828 49.8506 9.65103
12.9104 95.3676 0 49.8506 9.29081
13.7134 96.351 0 49.8506 9.26622
14.5163 97.3319 0 49.8506 9.2417
15.3193 98.3101 0 49.8506 9.21725
16.1223 99.2858 0 49.8506 9.19286
16.4736 104.536 0 49.8506 9.06159
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 1
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 1
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.2137 8.14112 0.216697 0 0 -0
13.6253 8.17232 0.189951 0.589831 1.20742E-6
13.029 8.20394 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954
12.9601 8.20746 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523
Page 22 of 100
8.04163 18.4632 245.31
8.05516 18.4632 245.837
8.31284 18.4632 255.887
8.33429 18.4632 256.724
8.3557 18.4632 257.559
8.42419 18.4632 260.23
8.65586 18.4632 269.265
8.87086 18.4632 277.65
8.94936 18.4632 280.711
8.9736 18.4632 281.656
9.10685 18.4632 286.853
9.34532 18.4632 296.154
9.47629 18.4632 301.261
9.50144 18.4632 302.242
9.52652 18.4632 303.22
9.55155 18.4632 304.196
9.57651 18.4632 305.17
9.60141 18.4632 306.141
9.62625 18.4632 307.11
9.65103 18.4632 308.076
9.29081 18.4632 294.028
9.26622 18.4632 293.069
9.2417 18.4632 292.113
9.21725 18.4632 291.159
9.19286 18.4632 290.208
9.06159 18.4632 285.088





-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
12.5452 8.22318 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 -0.171379
12.1297 8.22947 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 -0.177669
12.0606 8.2296 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 -0.1778
11.2849 8.2296 0.140854 2.93242 0 -0.1778
10.5093 8.2296 0.140854 3.70807 0 -0.1778
9.73362 8.2296 0.140854 4.48372 0 -0.1778
8.95797 8.2296 0.140854 5.25937 0 -0.1778
8.18232 8.2296 0.140854 6.03501 0 -0.1778
7.40667 8.2296 0.140854 6.81066 0 -0.1778
6.63102 8.2296 0.140854 7.58631 0 -0.1778
5.85538 8.2296 0.140854 8.36196 0 -0.1778
5.07973 8.2296 0.140854 9.13761 0 -0.1778
4.30408 8.2296 0.140854 9.91326 0 -0.1778
3.52843 8.2296 0.140854 10.6889 0 -0.1778
2.75278 8.2296 0.140854 11.4646 0 -0.1778
1.97713 8.2296 0.140854 12.2402 0 -0.1778
1.20148 8.2296 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 -0.1778
0.861134 8.22643 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -0.174633
0.521019 8.21694 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -0.165136
-0.161476 8.19152 0.17349 14.38 0 -0.139724
-0.843971 8.16611 0.195272 15.0633 0 -0.114312
-1.5186 8.14099 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 1
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 2
Page 23 of 100
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 2
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.4484 7.16322 0.216697 0 0 -0
13.8601 7.19442 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6
13.2638 7.22604 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 -
13.1949 7.22956 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 -
12.7799 7.24528 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 -
12.3645 7.25157 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 -
12.2953 7.2517 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
11.5197 7.2517 0.140854 2.93242 0
10.744 7.2517 0.140854 3.70807 0
9.96839 7.2517 0.140854 4.48372 0
9.19274 7.2517 0.140854 5.25937 0
8.41709 7.2517 0.140854 6.03501 0
7.64145 7.2517 0.140854 6.81066 0
6.8658 7.2517 0.140854 7.58631 0
6.09015 7.2517 0.140854 8.36196 0
5.3145 7.2517 0.140854 9.13761 0
4.53885 7.2517 0.140854 9.91326 0
3.7632 7.2517 0.140854 10.6889 0
2.98755 7.2517 0.140854 11.4646 0
2.21191 7.2517 0.140854 12.2402 0
1.43626 7.2517 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184
1.09591 7.24853 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -
0.755792 7.23904 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -
0.0732972 7.21362 0.17349 14.38 0 -
-0.609198 7.18821 0.195272 15.0633 0 -
-1.28383 7.16309 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 2
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 24 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 3
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 3
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.8143 5.63922 0.216697 0 0 -
14.2259 5.67042 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6
13.6297 5.70204 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954
13.5608 5.70556 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523
13.1458 5.72128 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918
12.7304 5.72757 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918
12.6612 5.7277 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
11.8856 5.7277 0.140854 2.93242 0
Page 25 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
11.1099 5.7277 0.140854 3.70807 0 -0.1778
10.3343 5.7277 0.140854 4.48372 0 -0.1778
9.55862 5.7277 0.140854 5.25937 0 -0.1778
8.78297 5.7277 0.140854 6.03501 0 -0.1778
8.00733 5.7277 0.140854 6.81066 0 -0.1778
7.23168 5.7277 0.140854 7.58631 0 -0.1778
6.45603 5.7277 0.140854 8.36196 0 -0.1778
5.68038 5.7277 0.140854 9.13761 0 -0.1778
4.90473 5.7277 0.140854 9.91326 0 -0.1778
4.12908 5.7277 0.140854 10.6889 0 -0.1778
3.35343 5.7277 0.140854 11.4646 0 -0.1778
2.57779 5.7277 0.140854 12.2402 0 -0.1778
1.80214 5.7277 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 -0.1778
1.46179 5.72453 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -0.174633
1.12167 5.71504 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -0.165136
0.439177 5.68962 0.17349 14.38 0 -0.139724
-0.243318 5.66421 0.195272 15.0633 0 -0.114312
-0.917945 5.63909 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 3
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 4
Page 26 of 100
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 4
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1802 4.11522 0.216697 0 0 -0
14.5918 4.14642 0.189951 0.589831 1.20742E-6
13.9956 4.17804 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 -
13.9267 4.18156 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 -
13.5117 4.19728 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 -
13.0962 4.20357 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 -
13.0271 4.2037 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
12.2514 4.2037 0.140854 2.93242 0
11.4758 4.2037 0.140854 3.70807 0
10.7002 4.2037 0.140854 4.48372 0
9.9245 4.2037 0.140854 5.25937 0
9.14885 4.2037 0.140854 6.03501 0
8.37321 4.2037 0.140854 6.81066 0
7.59756 4.2037 0.140854 7.58631 0
6.82191 4.2037 0.140854 8.36196 0
6.04626 4.2037 0.140854 9.13761 0
5.27061 4.2037 0.140854 9.91326 0
4.49496 4.2037 0.140854 10.6889 0
3.71931 4.2037 0.140854 11.4646 0
2.94367 4.2037 0.140854 12.2402 0
2.16802 4.2037 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184
1.82767 4.20053 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -
1.48755 4.19104 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -
0.805057 4.16562 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 -
0.122562 4.14021 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 -
-0.552065 4.11509 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 4
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 27 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 5
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 5
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.5461 2.59122 0.216697 0 0 -
14.9577 2.62242 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6
14.3614 2.65404 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954
14.2925 2.65756 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523
13.8776 2.67328 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918
13.4621 2.67957 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918
13.393 2.6797 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
12.6173 2.6797 0.140854 2.93242 0
Page 28 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
11.8417 2.6797 0.140854 3.70807 0 -0.1778
11.066 2.6797 0.140854 4.48372 0 -0.1778
10.2904 2.6797 0.140854 5.25937 0 -0.1778
9.51474 2.6797 0.140854 6.03501 0 -0.1778
8.73909 2.6797 0.140854 6.81066 0 -0.1778
7.96344 2.6797 0.140854 7.58631 0 -0.1778
7.18779 2.6797 0.140854 8.36196 0 -0.1778
6.41214 2.6797 0.140854 9.13761 0 -0.1778
5.63649 2.6797 0.140854 9.91326 0 -0.1778
4.86084 2.6797 0.140854 10.6889 0 -0.1778
4.08519 2.6797 0.140854 11.4646 0 -0.1778
3.30955 2.6797 0.140854 12.2402 0 -0.1778
2.5339 2.6797 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 -0.1778
2.19355 2.67653 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -0.174633
1.85343 2.66704 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -0.165136
1.17094 2.64162 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 -0.139724
0.488442 2.61621 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 -0.114312
-0.186185 2.59109 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 5
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 7.27596E-15 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 6
Page 29 of 100
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 6
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.912 1.06722 0.216697 0 0 -0
15.3236 1.09842 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6
14.7273 1.13004 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 -
14.6584 1.13356 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 -
14.2434 1.14928 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 -
13.828 1.15557 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 -
13.7589 1.1557 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
12.9832 1.1557 0.140854 2.93242 0
12.2076 1.1557 0.140854 3.70807 0
11.4319 1.1557 0.140854 4.48372 0
10.6563 1.1557 0.140854 5.25937 0
9.88062 1.1557 0.140854 6.03501 0
9.10497 1.1557 0.140854 6.81066 0
8.32932 1.1557 0.140854 7.58631 0
7.55367 1.1557 0.140854 8.36196 0
6.77802 1.1557 0.140854 9.13761 0
6.00237 1.1557 0.140854 9.91326 0
5.22672 1.1557 0.140854 10.6889 0
4.45107 1.1557 0.140854 11.4646 0
3.67543 1.1557 0.140854 12.2402 0
2.89978 1.1557 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184
2.55943 1.15253 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -
2.21931 1.14304 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -
1.53682 1.11762 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 -
0.854322 1.09221 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 -
0.179695 1.06709 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 6
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 30 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 4 assignment 7
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 4 assignment 7
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 4 assignment 7
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.1467 0.0893167 0.216697 0 0 -
15.5583 0.12052 0.189951 0.589831 0
14.9621 0.152139 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954
14.8932 0.155662 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523
14.4782 0.171379 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918
14.0628 0.177669 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918
13.9936 0.1778 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318
13.218 0.1778 0.140854 2.93242 0
Page 31 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





-0.0889 0
-0.1778 18.288
-0.1778 18.288
-0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0893167 -0.189703
-0.12052 -0.216449
-0.152139 -0.243551
-0.155662 -0.246683
-0.171379 -0.260827
-0.177669 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
12.4423 0.1778 0.140854 3.70807 0 -0.1778
11.6667 0.1778 0.140854 4.48372 0 -0.1778
10.891 0.1778 0.140854 5.25937 0 -0.1778
10.1154 0.1778 0.140854 6.03501 0 -0.1778
9.33974 0.1778 0.140854 6.81066 0 -0.1778
8.56409 0.1778 0.140854 7.58631 0 -0.1778
7.78844 0.1778 0.140854 8.36196 0 -0.1778
7.01279 0.1778 0.140854 9.13761 0 -0.1778
6.23714 0.1778 0.140854 9.91326 0 -0.1778
5.4615 0.1778 0.140854 10.6889 0 -0.1778
4.68585 0.1778 0.140854 11.4646 0 -0.1778
3.9102 0.1778 0.140854 12.2402 0 -0.1778
3.13455 0.1778 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 -0.1778
2.7942 0.174633 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 -0.174633
2.45409 0.165136 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 -0.165136
1.77159 0.139724 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 -0.139724
1.0891 0.114312 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 -0.114312
0.414468 0.0891929 0.216803 15.7387 0 -0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 4 assignment 7
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41422 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47218 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 1
Page 32 of 100
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.1778 -0.265546
-0.174633 -0.265546
-0.165136 -0.254691
-0.139724 -0.23291
-0.114312 -0.211128
-0.0891929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 1
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.2137 7.96248 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
13.6253 7.93128 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
13.029 7.89966 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
12.9601 7.89614 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
12.5452 7.88042 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
12.1297 7.87413 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
12.0606 7.874 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
11.2849 7.874 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
10.5093 7.874 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
9.73362 7.874 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
8.95797 7.874 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
8.18232 7.874 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
7.40667 7.874 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
6.63102 7.874 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
5.85538 7.874 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
5.07973 7.874 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
4.30408 7.874 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
3.52843 7.874 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
2.75278 7.874 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
1.97713 7.874 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
1.20148 7.874 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
0.861134 7.87717 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
0.521019 7.88666 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
-0.161476 7.91208 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 0.139724
-0.843971 7.93749 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 0.114312
-1.5186 7.96261 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 1
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 33 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.174633 -0.265546
0.165136 -0.254691
0.139724 -0.23291
0.114312 -0.211128
0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 2
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 2
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.4484 6.98458 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
13.8601 6.95338 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
13.2638 6.92176 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
13.1949 6.91824 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
12.7799 6.90252 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
12.3645 6.89623 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
12.2953 6.8961 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
11.5197 6.8961 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
Page 34 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
10.744 6.8961 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
9.96839 6.8961 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
9.19274 6.8961 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
8.41709 6.8961 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
7.64145 6.8961 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
6.8658 6.8961 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
6.09015 6.8961 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
5.3145 6.8961 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
4.53885 6.8961 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
3.7632 6.8961 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
2.98755 6.8961 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
2.21191 6.8961 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
1.43626 6.8961 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
1.09591 6.89927 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
0.755792 6.90876 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
0.0732972 6.93418 0.17349 14.38 0 0.139724
-0.609198 6.95959 0.195272 15.0633 0 0.114312
-1.28383 6.98471 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 2
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 3
Page 35 of 100
33 -0.265546
36 -0.254691
24 -0.23291
12 -0.211128
929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 3
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.8143 5.46058 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
14.2259 5.42938 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
13.6297 5.39776 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
13.5608 5.39424 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
13.1458 5.37852 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
12.7304 5.37223 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
12.6612 5.3721 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
11.8856 5.3721 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
11.1099 5.3721 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
10.3343 5.3721 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
9.55862 5.3721 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
8.78297 5.3721 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
8.00733 5.3721 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
7.23168 5.3721 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
6.45603 5.3721 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
5.68038 5.3721 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
4.90473 5.3721 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
4.12908 5.3721 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
3.35343 5.3721 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
2.57779 5.3721 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
1.80214 5.3721 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
1.46179 5.37527 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
1.12167 5.38476 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
0.439177 5.41018 0.17349 14.38 0 0.139724
-0.243318 5.43559 0.195272 15.0633 0 0.114312
-0.917945 5.46071 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 3
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 36 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.174633 -0.265546
0.165136 -0.254691
0.139724 -0.23291
0.114312 -0.211128
0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 4
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 4
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1802 3.93658 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
14.5918 3.90538 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
13.9956 3.87376 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
13.9267 3.87024 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
13.5117 3.85452 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
13.0962 3.84823 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
13.0271 3.8481 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
12.2514 3.8481 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
Page 37 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
11.4758 3.8481 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
10.7002 3.8481 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
9.9245 3.8481 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
9.14885 3.8481 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
8.37321 3.8481 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
7.59756 3.8481 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
6.82191 3.8481 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
6.04626 3.8481 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
5.27061 3.8481 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
4.49496 3.8481 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
3.71931 3.8481 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
2.94367 3.8481 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
2.16802 3.8481 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
1.82767 3.85127 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
1.48755 3.86076 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
0.805057 3.88618 0.17349 14.38 0 0.139724
0.122562 3.91159 0.195272 15.0633 0 0.114312
-0.552065 3.93671 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 4
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 5
Page 38 of 100
33 -0.265546
36 -0.254691
24 -0.23291
12 -0.211128
929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 5
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.5461 2.41258 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
14.9577 2.38138 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
14.3614 2.34976 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
14.2925 2.34624 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
13.8776 2.33052 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
13.4621 2.32423 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
13.393 2.3241 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
12.6173 2.3241 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
11.8417 2.3241 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
11.066 2.3241 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
10.2904 2.3241 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
9.51474 2.3241 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
8.73909 2.3241 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
7.96344 2.3241 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
7.18779 2.3241 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
6.41214 2.3241 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
5.63649 2.3241 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
4.86084 2.3241 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
4.08519 2.3241 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
3.30955 2.3241 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
2.5339 2.3241 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
2.19355 2.32727 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
1.85343 2.33676 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
1.17094 2.36218 0.17349 14.38 0 0.139724
0.488442 2.38759 0.195272 15.0633 0 0.114312
-0.186185 2.41271 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 5
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 39 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.174633 -0.265546
0.165136 -0.254691
0.139724 -0.23291
0.114312 -0.211128
0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 6
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 6
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.912 0.888583 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
15.3236 0.85738 0.189951 0.589831 0.853774E-6 0.12052
14.7273 0.825761 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
14.6584 0.822238 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
14.2434 0.806521 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
13.828 0.800231 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
13.7589 0.8001 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
12.9832 0.8001 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
Page 40 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
12.2076 0.8001 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
11.4319 0.8001 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
10.6563 0.8001 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
9.88062 0.8001 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
9.10497 0.8001 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
8.32932 0.8001 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
7.55367 0.8001 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
6.77802 0.8001 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
6.00237 0.8001 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
5.22672 0.8001 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
4.45107 0.8001 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
3.67543 0.8001 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
2.89978 0.8001 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
2.55943 0.803267 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
2.21931 0.812764 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
1.53682 0.838176 0.17349 14.38 0 0.139724
0.854322 0.863588 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 0.114312
0.179695 0.888707 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 6
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41423 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
1.67211 7.47219 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 7.27596E-15 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 3 assignment 7
Page 41 of 100
33 -0.265546
36 -0.254691
24 -0.23291
12 -0.211128
929 -0.189597

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 284.747
18.4632 285.632
18.4632 286.528
18.4632 287.101
18.4632 292.032
18.4632 300.476
18.4632 304.775
18.4632 306.339
18.4632 307.448
18.4632 308.554
18.4632 309.657
18.4632 310.757
18.4632 311.855
18.4632 312.949
18.4632 314.041
18.4632 315.13
18.4632 316.216
18.4632 317.3
18.4632 318.381
18.4632 319.459
18.4632 320.534
18.4632 323.144
18.4632 331.984
18.4632 334.98
18.4632 335.865
18.4632 334.966
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 3 assignment 7
0.4064 -0.189346 0 0.4064
2.0828 -0.265546 18.288 2.0828
13.7668 -0.265546 0 13.7668
16.1544 -0.189346 0 16.1544
Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 3 assignment 7
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.1467 -0.0893167 0.216697 0 0 0.0893167
15.5583 -0.12052 0.189951 0.589831 0 0.12052
14.9621 -0.152139 0.162849 1.18754 0.107954 0.152139
14.8932 -0.155662 0.159717 1.2566 0.997523 0.155662
14.4782 -0.171379 0.145573 1.67211 1.83918 0.171379
14.0628 -0.177669 0.140854 2.08762 0.999918 0.177669
13.9936 -0.1778 0.140854 2.15677 0.108318 0.1778
13.218 -0.1778 0.140854 2.93242 0 0.1778
12.4423 -0.1778 0.140854 3.70807 0 0.1778
11.6667 -0.1778 0.140854 4.48372 0 0.1778
10.891 -0.1778 0.140854 5.25937 0 0.1778
10.1154 -0.1778 0.140854 6.03501 0 0.1778
9.33974 -0.1778 0.140854 6.81066 0 0.1778
8.56409 -0.1778 0.140854 7.58631 0 0.1778
7.78844 -0.1778 0.140854 8.36196 0 0.1778
7.01279 -0.1778 0.140854 9.13761 0 0.1778
6.23714 -0.1778 0.140854 9.91326 0 0.1778
5.4615 -0.1778 0.140854 10.6889 0 0.1778
4.68585 -0.1778 0.140854 11.4646 0 0.1778
3.9102 -0.1778 0.140854 12.2402 0 0.1778
3.13455 -0.1778 0.140854 13.0159 0.533184 0.1778
2.7942 -0.174633 0.140854 13.3562 2.11547 0.174633
2.45409 -0.165136 0.151709 13.6966 0.532729 0.165136
1.77159 -0.139724 0.17349 14.38 0.853774E-6 0.139724
1.0891 -0.114312 0.195272 15.0633 0.853774E-6 0.114312
0.414468 -0.0891929 0.216803 15.7387 0 0.0891929
Prestress Losses - cable 3 assignment 7
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 104.886 49.8506 9.05284
0.589831 0.908104 103.07 49.8506 9.07555
1.18754 1.82654 101.233 49.8506 9.09851
1.2566 2.41422 100.058 49.8506 9.1132
Page 42 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.1778 18.288
0.1778 18.288
0.0889 18.288

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0893167 -0.189703
0.12052 -0.216449
0.152139 -0.243551
0.155662 -0.246683
0.171379 -0.260827
0.177669 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.1778 -0.265546
0.174633 -0.265546
0.165136 -0.254691
0.139724 -0.23291
0.114312 -0.211128
0.0891929 -0.189597

on Shrinkage Force
9.05284 18.4632 284.747
9.07555 18.4632 285.632
9.09851 18.4632 286.528
9.1132 18.4632 287.101
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
1.67211 7.47218 89.9419 49.8506 9.23965
2.08762 16.1325 72.6212 49.8506 9.45616
2.15677 20.5414 63.8035 49.8506 9.56638
2.93242 22.1455 60.5953 49.8506 9.60648
3.70807 23.2827 58.3209 49.8506 9.63491
4.48372 24.417 56.0523 49.8506 9.66327
5.25937 25.5484 53.7895 49.8506 9.69155
6.03501 26.6769 51.5325 49.8506 9.71977
6.81066 27.8025 49.2812 49.8506 9.74791
7.58631 28.9253 47.0357 49.8506 9.77598
8.36196 30.0452 44.7959 49.8506 9.80397
9.13761 31.1622 42.5619 49.8506 9.8319
9.91326 32.2763 40.3336 49.8506 9.85975
10.6889 33.3877 38.111 49.8506 9.88753
11.4646 34.4961 35.894 49.8506 9.91525
12.2402 35.6018 33.6827 49.8506 9.94289
13.0159 36.7046 31.4771 49.8506 9.97046
13.3562 39.3819 26.1225 49.8506 10.0374
13.6966 48.4484 7.98941 49.8506 10.2641
14.38 51.5213 1.84366 49.8506 10.3409
15.0633 52.4571 0 49.8506 10.3636
15.7387 53.3801 0 49.8506 10.3405
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 1
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 1
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.5436 8.1407 0.577939 0 0
14.0648 8.1407 0.506481 0.484071 0
13.5779 8.1407 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
12.8499 8.1407 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
12.1156 8.1407 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
11.4328 8.1407 0.229057 3.13189 0
Page 43 of 100
9.23965 18.4632 292.032
9.45616 18.4632 300.476
9.56638 18.4632 304.775
9.60648 18.4632 306.339
9.63491 18.4632 307.448
9.66327 18.4632 308.554
9.69155 18.4632 309.657
9.71977 18.4632 310.757
9.74791 18.4632 311.855
9.77598 18.4632 312.949
9.80397 18.4632 314.041
9.8319 18.4632 315.13
9.85975 18.4632 316.216
9.88753 18.4632 317.3
9.91525 18.4632 318.381
9.94289 18.4632 319.459
9.97046 18.4632 320.534
10.0374 18.4632 323.144
10.2641 18.4632 331.984
10.3409 18.4632 334.98
10.3636 18.4632 335.865
10.3405 18.4632 334.966





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
10.7501 8.1407 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 -0.0889
10.1321 8.1407 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 -0.0889
9.51277 8.1407 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 -0.0889
8.7505 8.1407 0.140854 5.81667 0 -0.0889
7.98824 8.1407 0.140854 6.57893 0 -0.0889
7.22597 8.1407 0.140854 7.3412 0 -0.0889
6.4637 8.1407 0.140854 8.10347 0 -0.0889
5.70144 8.1407 0.140854 8.86573 0 -0.0889
4.93917 8.1407 0.140854 9.628 0 -0.0889
4.1769 8.1407 0.140854 10.3903 0 -0.0889
3.41463 8.1407 0.140854 11.1525 0 -0.0889
2.65237 8.1407 0.140854 11.9148 0 -0.0889
1.8901 8.1407 0.140854 12.6771 0 -0.0889
1.12783 8.1407 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 -0.0889
0.381709 8.1407 0.250429 14.1935 0 -0.0889
-0.364416 8.1407 0.360004 14.9476 0 -0.0889
-1.11054 8.1407 0.469579 15.7017 0 -0.0889
-1.84852 8.1407 0.577958 16.4476 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 1
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 2
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 44 of 100
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg

2.5 %

9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 2

0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.7784 7.1628 0.577939 0 0
14.2996 7.1628 0.506481 0.484071 0
13.8127 7.1628 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
13.0847 7.1628 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
12.3503 7.1628 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
11.6676 7.1628 0.229057 3.13189 0
10.9849 7.1628 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297
10.3669 7.1628 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971
9.74754 7.1628 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041
8.98528 7.1628 0.140854 5.81667 0
8.22301 7.1628 0.140854 6.57893 0
7.46074 7.1628 0.140854 7.3412 0
6.69848 7.1628 0.140854 8.10347 0
5.93621 7.1628 0.140854 8.86573 0
5.17394 7.1628 0.140854 9.628 0
4.41167 7.1628 0.140854 10.3903 0
3.64941 7.1628 0.140854 11.1525 0
2.88714 7.1628 0.140854 11.9148 0
2.12487 7.1628 0.140854 12.6771 0
1.36261 7.1628 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467
0.616482 7.1628 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6
-0.129643 7.1628 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6
-0.875768 7.1628 0.469579 15.7017 0.853774E-6
-1.61375 7.1628 0.577958 16.4476 0
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 2
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
Page 45 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

ion Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
14.1935 87.8986 -21.8279E-15 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 3
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 3
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1442 5.6388 0.577939 0 0
14.6655 5.6388 0.506481 0.484071 0
14.1786 5.6388 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
13.4506 5.6388 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
12.7162 5.6388 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
12.0335 5.6388 0.229057 3.13189 0
11.3507 5.6388 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297
10.7328 5.6388 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971
10.1134 5.6388 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041
9.35116 5.6388 0.140854 5.81667 0
8.58889 5.6388 0.140854 6.57893 0
7.82662 5.6388 0.140854 7.3412 0
7.06436 5.6388 0.140854 8.10347 0
6.30209 5.6388 0.140854 8.86573 0
5.53982 5.6388 0.140854 9.628 0
4.77755 5.6388 0.140854 10.3903 0
4.01529 5.6388 0.140854 11.1525 0
3.25302 5.6388 0.140854 11.9148 0
2.49075 5.6388 0.140854 12.6771 0
1.72849 5.6388 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467
0.982362 5.6388 0.250429 14.1935 0
0.236237 5.6388 0.360004 14.9476 0
-0.509888 5.6388 0.469579 15.7017 0
-1.24787 5.6388 0.577958 16.4476 0
Page 46 of 100
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 3

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation

0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 4
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 4
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Page 47 of 100
ber 05, 2023

axation Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 4

X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.5101 4.1148 0.577939 0 0 -0.0889
15.0314 4.1148 0.506481 0.484071 0 -0.0889
14.5444 4.1148 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 -0.0889
13.8165 4.1148 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 -0.0889
13.0821 4.1148 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 -0.0889
12.3994 4.1148 0.229057 3.13189 0 -0.0889
11.7166 4.1148 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 -0.0889
11.0987 4.1148 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 -0.0889
10.4793 4.1148 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 -0.0889
9.71704 4.1148 0.140854 5.81667 0 -0.0889
8.95477 4.1148 0.140854 6.57893 0 -0.0889
8.1925 4.1148 0.140854 7.3412 0 -0.0889
7.43024 4.1148 0.140854 8.10347 0 -0.0889
6.66797 4.1148 0.140854 8.86573 0 -0.0889
5.9057 4.1148 0.140854 9.628 0 -0.0889
5.14343 4.1148 0.140854 10.3903 0 -0.0889
4.38117 4.1148 0.140854 11.1525 0 -0.0889
3.6189 4.1148 0.140854 11.9148 0 -0.0889
2.85663 4.1148 0.140854 12.6771 0 -0.0889
2.09437 4.1148 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 -0.0889
1.34824 4.1148 0.250429 14.1935 0 -0.0889
0.602117 4.1148 0.360004 14.9476 0.853774E-6 -0.0889
-0.144008 4.1148 0.469579 15.7017 0 -0.0889
-0.881988 4.1148 0.577958 16.4476 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 4
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 -21.8279E-15 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 5
Page 48 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

ricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 5
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.876 2.5908 0.577939 0 0
15.3972 2.5908 0.506481 0.484071 0
14.9103 2.5908 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
14.1823 2.5908 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
13.448 2.5908 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
12.7652 2.5908 0.229057 3.13189 0
12.0825 2.5908 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297
11.4645 2.5908 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971
10.8452 2.5908 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041
10.0829 2.5908 0.140854 5.81667 0
9.32065 2.5908 0.140854 6.57893 0
8.55838 2.5908 0.140854 7.3412 0
7.79612 2.5908 0.140854 8.10347 0
7.03385 2.5908 0.140854 8.86573 0
6.27158 2.5908 0.140854 9.628 0
5.50931 2.5908 0.140854 10.3903 0
4.74705 2.5908 0.140854 11.1525 0
3.98478 2.5908 0.140854 11.9148 0
3.22251 2.5908 0.140854 12.6771 0
2.46025 2.5908 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467
1.71412 2.5908 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6
0.967997 2.5908 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6
0.221872 2.5908 0.469579 15.7017 1.20742E-6
-0.516108 2.5908 0.577958 16.4476 0
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 5
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
Page 49 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

on Shrinkage Force
8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 6
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 6
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.2419 1.0668 0.577939 0 0
15.7631 1.0668 0.506481 0.484071 0
15.2762 1.0668 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
14.5482 1.0668 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
13.8139 1.0668 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
13.1311 1.0668 0.229057 3.13189 0
12.4484 1.0668 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297
11.8304 1.0668 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971
Page 50 of 100
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
11.2111 1.0668 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 -0.0889
10.4488 1.0668 0.140854 5.81667 0 -0.0889
9.68653 1.0668 0.140854 6.57893 0 -0.0889
8.92426 1.0668 0.140854 7.3412 0 -0.0889
8.162 1.0668 0.140854 8.10347 0 -0.0889
7.39973 1.0668 0.140854 8.86573 0 -0.0889
6.63746 1.0668 0.140854 9.628 0 -0.0889
5.87519 1.0668 0.140854 10.3903 0 -0.0889
5.11293 1.0668 0.140854 11.1525 0 -0.0889
4.35066 1.0668 0.140854 11.9148 0 -0.0889
3.58839 1.0668 0.140854 12.6771 0 -0.0889
2.82613 1.0668 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 -0.0889
2.08 1.0668 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6 -0.0889
1.33388 1.0668 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6 -0.0889
0.587752 1.0668 0.469579 15.7017 1.20742E-6 -0.0889
-0.150228 1.0668 0.577958 16.4476 0 -0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 6
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 2 assignment 7
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 51 of 100
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg

2.5 %

9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 2 assignment 7

0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 2 assignment 7
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.4767 0.0889 0.577939 0 0
15.9979 0.0889 0.506481 0.484071 0.853774E-6
15.511 0.0889 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987
14.783 0.0889 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477
14.0486 0.0889 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549
13.3659 0.0889 0.229057 3.13189 0
12.6831 0.0889 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297
12.0652 0.0889 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971
11.4458 0.0889 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041
10.6836 0.0889 0.140854 5.81667 0
9.9213 0.0889 0.140854 6.57893 0
9.15904 0.0889 0.140854 7.3412 0
8.39677 0.0889 0.140854 8.10347 0
7.6345 0.0889 0.140854 8.86573 0
6.87223 0.0889 0.140854 9.628 0
6.10997 0.0889 0.140854 10.3903 0
5.3477 0.0889 0.140854 11.1525 0
4.58543 0.0889 0.140854 11.9148 0
3.82317 0.0889 0.140854 12.6771 0
3.0609 0.0889 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467
2.31477 0.0889 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6
1.56865 0.0889 0.360004 14.9476 0.853774E-6
0.822525 0.0889 0.469579 15.7017 0
0.0845447 0.0889 0.577958 16.4476 0
Prestress Losses - cable 2 assignment 7
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
Page 52 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0
-0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

-0.0889 0.171539
-0.0889 0.100081
-0.0889 0.027408
-0.0889 -0.0663533
-0.0889 -0.131044
-0.0889 -0.177343
-0.0889 -0.223642
-0.0889 -0.255055
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.265546
-0.0889 -0.155971
-0.0889 -0.046396
-0.0889 0.063179
-0.0889 0.171558

ion Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
14.1935 87.8986 0.174623E-12 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8409 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 1
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 1
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.5436 7.9629 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
14.0648 7.9629 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
13.5779 7.9629 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
12.8499 7.9629 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
12.1156 7.9629 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
11.4328 7.9629 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
10.7501 7.9629 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
10.1321 7.9629 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
9.51277 7.9629 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
8.7505 7.9629 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
7.98824 7.9629 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
7.22597 7.9629 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
6.4637 7.9629 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
5.70144 7.9629 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
4.93917 7.9629 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
4.1769 7.9629 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
3.41463 7.9629 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
2.65237 7.9629 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
1.8901 7.9629 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
1.12783 7.9629 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
0.381709 7.9629 0.250429 14.1935 0 0.0889
-0.364416 7.9629 0.360004 14.9476 0 0.0889
-1.11054 7.9629 0.469579 15.7017 0 0.0889
-1.84852 7.9629 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Page 53 of 100
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.171539
0.0889 0.100081
0.0889 0.027408
0.0889 -0.0663533
0.0889 -0.131044
0.0889 -0.177343
0.0889 -0.223642
0.0889 -0.255055
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.155971
0.0889 -0.046396
0.0889 0.063179
0.0889 0.171558
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 1

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation

0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 2
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 2
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Page 54 of 100
ber 05, 2023

axation Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 2

X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
14.7784 6.985 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
14.2996 6.985 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
13.8127 6.985 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
13.0847 6.985 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
12.3503 6.985 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
11.6676 6.985 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
10.9849 6.985 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
10.3669 6.985 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
9.74754 6.985 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
8.98528 6.985 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
8.22301 6.985 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
7.46074 6.985 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
6.69848 6.985 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
5.93621 6.985 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
5.17394 6.985 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
4.41167 6.985 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
3.64941 6.985 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
2.88714 6.985 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
2.12487 6.985 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
1.36261 6.985 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
0.616482 6.985 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6 0.0889
-0.129643 6.985 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6 0.0889
-0.875768 6.985 0.469579 15.7017 0.853774E-6 0.0889
-1.61375 6.985 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 2
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 -21.8279E-15 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 3
Page 55 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

ricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z


Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 3
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.1442 5.461 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
14.6655 5.461 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
14.1786 5.461 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
13.4506 5.461 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
12.7162 5.461 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
12.0335 5.461 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
11.3507 5.461 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
10.7328 5.461 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
10.1134 5.461 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
9.35116 5.461 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
8.58889 5.461 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
7.82662 5.461 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
7.06436 5.461 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
6.30209 5.461 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
5.53982 5.461 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
4.77755 5.461 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
4.01529 5.461 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
3.25302 5.461 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
2.49075 5.461 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
1.72849 5.461 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
0.982362 5.461 0.250429 14.1935 0 0.0889
0.236237 5.461 0.360004 14.9476 0 0.0889
-0.509888 5.461 0.469579 15.7017 0 0.0889
-1.24787 5.461 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 3
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
Page 56 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.171539
0.0889 0.100081
0.0889 0.027408
0.0889 -0.0663533
0.0889 -0.131044
0.0889 -0.177343
0.0889 -0.223642
0.0889 -0.255055
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.155971
0.0889 -0.046396
0.0889 0.063179
0.0889 0.171558

on Shrinkage Force
8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 4
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 4
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.5101 3.937 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
15.0314 3.937 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
14.5444 3.937 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
13.8165 3.937 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
13.0821 3.937 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
12.3994 3.937 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
11.7166 3.937 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
11.0987 3.937 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
Page 57 of 100
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.171539
0.0889 0.100081
0.0889 0.027408
0.0889 -0.0663533
0.0889 -0.131044
0.0889 -0.177343
0.0889 -0.223642
0.0889 -0.255055
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
10.4793 3.937 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
9.71704 3.937 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
8.95477 3.937 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
8.1925 3.937 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
7.43024 3.937 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
6.66797 3.937 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
5.9057 3.937 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
5.14343 3.937 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
4.38117 3.937 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
3.6189 3.937 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
2.85663 3.937 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
2.09437 3.937 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
1.34824 3.937 0.250429 14.1935 0 0.0889
0.602117 3.937 0.360004 14.9476 0.853774E-6 0.0889
-0.144008 3.937 0.469579 15.7017 0 0.0889
-0.881988 3.937 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 4
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 -21.8279E-15 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 5
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 58 of 100
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.265546
9 -0.155971
9 -0.046396
9 0.063179
9 0.171558

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg

2.5 %

9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 5

0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 5
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
15.876 2.413 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
15.3972 2.413 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
14.9103 2.413 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
14.1823 2.413 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
13.448 2.413 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
12.7652 2.413 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
12.0825 2.413 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
11.4645 2.413 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
10.8452 2.413 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
10.0829 2.413 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
9.32065 2.413 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
8.55838 2.413 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
7.79612 2.413 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
7.03385 2.413 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
6.27158 2.413 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
5.50931 2.413 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
4.74705 2.413 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
3.98478 2.413 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
3.22251 2.413 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
2.46025 2.413 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
1.71412 2.413 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6 0.0889
0.967997 2.413 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6 0.0889
0.221872 2.413 0.469579 15.7017 1.20742E-6 0.0889
-0.516108 2.413 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 5
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
Page 59 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.171539
0.0889 0.100081
0.0889 0.027408
0.0889 -0.0663533
0.0889 -0.131044
0.0889 -0.177343
0.0889 -0.223642
0.0889 -0.255055
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.155971
0.0889 -0.046396
0.0889 0.063179
0.0889 0.171558

ion Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 6
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 6
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 6
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.2419 0.889 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
15.7631 0.889 0.506481 0.484071 0 0.0889
15.2762 0.889 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
14.5482 0.889 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
13.8139 0.889 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
13.1311 0.889 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
12.4484 0.889 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
11.8304 0.889 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
11.2111 0.889 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
10.4488 0.889 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
9.68653 0.889 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
8.92426 0.889 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
8.162 0.889 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
7.39973 0.889 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
6.63746 0.889 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
5.87519 0.889 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
5.11293 0.889 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
4.35066 0.889 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
3.58839 0.889 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
2.82613 0.889 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
2.08 0.889 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6 0.0889
1.33388 0.889 0.360004 14.9476 1.20742E-6 0.0889
0.587752 0.889 0.469579 15.7017 1.20742E-6 0.0889
-0.150228 0.889 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Page 60 of 100
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.0889 0.171539
0.0889 0.100081
0.0889 0.027408
0.0889 -0.0663533
0.0889 -0.131044
0.0889 -0.177343
0.0889 -0.223642
0.0889 -0.255055
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.265546
0.0889 -0.155971
0.0889 -0.046396
0.0889 0.063179
0.0889 0.171558
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 6

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation

0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8408 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cable 1 assignment 7
General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cable 1 assignment 7
0.0762 0.172754 0 0.0762
1.778 -0.081246 18.288 1.778
4.4958 -0.265546 18.288 4.4958
13.5001 -0.265546 0 13.5001
16.4846 0.172754 0 16.4846

Projection angle = 0.0

Rotation angle = 0.0

Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Page 61 of 100
ber 05, 2023

axation Shrinkage Force

8.44913 18.4632 261.202
8.46776 18.4632 261.929
8.48668 18.4632 262.667
8.64228 18.4632 268.735
8.9208 18.4632 279.597
9.06931 18.4632 285.389
9.09425 18.4632 286.362
9.21869 18.4632 291.215
9.44173 18.4632 299.914
9.56736 18.4632 304.813
9.59389 18.4632 305.848
9.62034 18.4632 306.879
9.64673 18.4632 307.909
9.67305 18.4632 308.935
9.69931 18.4632 309.959
9.7255 18.4632 310.981
9.75162 18.4632 312
9.77768 18.4632 313.016
9.80368 18.4632 314.03
9.82961 18.4632 315.041
9.47754 18.4632 301.31
9.45398 18.4632 300.391
9.43048 18.4632 299.475
9.4073 18.4632 298.571





0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
0.0889 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cable 1 assignment 7

X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
16.4767 -0.0889 0.577939 0 0 0.0889
15.9979 -0.0889 0.506481 0.484071 0.853774E-6 0.0889
15.511 -0.0889 0.433808 0.976373 1.14987 0.0889
14.783 -0.0889 0.340047 1.71037 2.30477 0.0889
14.0486 -0.0889 0.275356 2.44757 1.1549 0.0889
13.3659 -0.0889 0.229057 3.13189 0 0.0889
12.6831 -0.0889 0.182758 3.8162 0.969297 0.0889
12.0652 -0.0889 0.151345 4.43495 1.93971 0.0889
11.4458 -0.0889 0.140854 5.0544 0.97041 0.0889
10.6836 -0.0889 0.140854 5.81667 0 0.0889
9.9213 -0.0889 0.140854 6.57893 0 0.0889
9.15904 -0.0889 0.140854 7.3412 0 0.0889
8.39677 -0.0889 0.140854 8.10347 0 0.0889
7.6345 -0.0889 0.140854 8.86573 0 0.0889
6.87223 -0.0889 0.140854 9.628 0 0.0889
6.10997 -0.0889 0.140854 10.3903 0 0.0889
5.3477 -0.0889 0.140854 11.1525 0 0.0889
4.58543 -0.0889 0.140854 11.9148 0 0.0889
3.82317 -0.0889 0.140854 12.6771 0 0.0889
3.0609 -0.0889 0.140854 13.4393 8.35467 0.0889
2.31477 -0.0889 0.250429 14.1935 1.20742E-6 0.0889
1.56865 -0.0889 0.360004 14.9476 0.853774E-6 0.0889
0.822525 -0.0889 0.469579 15.7017 0 0.0889
0.0845447 -0.0889 0.577958 16.4476 0 0.0889
Prestress Losses - cable 1 assignment 7
Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 129.035 49.8506 8.44913
0.484071 0.745406 127.544 49.8506 8.46776
0.976373 1.50227 126.03 49.8506 8.48668
1.71037 7.72595 113.583 49.8506 8.64228
2.44757 18.867 91.301 49.8506 8.9208
3.13189 24.8073 79.4202 49.8506 9.06931
3.8162 25.8048 77.4253 49.8506 9.09425
4.43495 30.7825 67.4699 49.8506 9.21869
5.0544 39.704 49.6269 49.8506 9.44173
5.81667 44.7294 39.576 49.8506 9.56736
6.57893 45.7903 37.4542 49.8506 9.59389
7.3412 46.8485 35.3378 49.8506 9.62034
8.10347 47.9041 33.2267 49.8506 9.64673
8.86573 48.957 31.1209 49.8506 9.67305
9.628 50.0072 29.0204 49.8506 9.69931
10.3903 51.0549 26.9251 49.8506 9.7255
11.1525 52.0999 24.8352 49.8506 9.75162
11.9148 53.1422 22.7504 49.8506 9.77768
12.6771 54.182 20.671 49.8506 9.80368
13.4393 55.2191 18.5967 49.8506 9.82961
14.1935 87.8986 0.174623E-12 49.8506 9.47754
14.9476 88.8409 0 49.8506 9.45398
15.7017 89.7808 0 49.8506 9.43048
16.4476 90.7081 0 49.8506 9.4073
Tendon Summary - cs beam 1 assignment 1
Page 62 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

ricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z


Shrinkage Force
18.4632 261.202
18.4632 261.929
18.4632 262.667
18.4632 268.735
18.4632 279.597
18.4632 285.389
18.4632 286.362
18.4632 291.215
18.4632 299.914
18.4632 304.813
18.4632 305.848
18.4632 306.879
18.4632 307.909
18.4632 308.935
18.4632 309.959
18.4632 310.981
18.4632 312
18.4632 313.016
18.4632 314.03
18.4632 315.041
18.4632 301.31
18.4632 300.391
18.4632 299.475
18.4632 298.571
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Design code
Initial tendon force
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses
Wobble factor coefficient
Duct friction coefficient
Long term losses
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient
Creep coefficient
Stress at transfer
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 1 assignment 1
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 1 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
2.77556 0.0780464 0.31115 0 0
2.68164 0.469275 0.31115 0.402346 0
2.58676 0.864456 0.31115 0.808755 0
2.49189 1.25964 0.31115 1.21516 0
2.39701 1.65482 0.31115 1.62157 0
2.30214 2.05 0.31115 2.02798 0
2.20726 2.44518 0.31115 2.43439 0
2.11239 2.84036 0.31115 2.8408 0
2.01752 3.23554 0.31115 3.24721 0
1.92264 3.63072 0.31115 3.65362 0
1.82777 4.0259 0.31115 4.06003 0
1.73289 4.42108 0.31115 4.46644 0
1.63802 4.81626 0.31115 4.87285 0.853774E-6
1.54314 5.21144 0.31115 5.27926 0.853774E-6
1.44827 5.60662 0.31115 5.68567 0.853774E-6
1.35339 6.0018 0.31115 6.09208 0.853774E-6
1.25852 6.39698 0.31115 6.49849 0.853774E-6
1.16365 6.79216 0.31115 6.9049 0.853774E-6
1.06877 7.18734 0.31115 7.31131 0.853774E-6
0.973897 7.58252 0.31115 7.71772 0
0.879971 7.97375 0.31115 8.12006 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 1 assignment 1

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8804 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3985 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
Page 63 of 100
Value Units
467.0E3 N
461.58 mm²
200.0E6 kN/m²
Jacking at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
Value Units
3.3E-3 1/m
Value Units
2.5 %
36.0E-9 m²/kN
15.0E3 kN/m²

0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
-0.486995E-15 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06541 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29477 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90822 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 1 assignment 2

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 1 assignment 2
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 1 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
6.43316 0.0780464 0.31115 0 0
6.33924 0.469275 0.31115 0.402346 0
6.24436 0.864456 0.31115 0.808755 0
6.14949 1.25964 0.31115 1.21516 0
6.05461 1.65482 0.31115 1.62157 0
5.95974 2.05 0.31115 2.02798 0
5.86486 2.44518 0.31115 2.43439 0
5.76999 2.84036 0.31115 2.8408 0
5.67512 3.23554 0.31115 3.24721 0
5.58024 3.63072 0.31115 3.65362 0
5.48537 4.0259 0.31115 4.06003 0.853774E-6
5.39049 4.42108 0.31115 4.46644 0.853774E-6
5.29562 4.81626 0.31115 4.87285 0.853774E-6
5.20074 5.21144 0.31115 5.27926 0.853774E-6
5.10587 5.60662 0.31115 5.68567 0.853774E-6
5.01099 6.0018 0.31115 6.09208 0.853774E-6
4.91612 6.39698 0.31115 6.49849 0.853774E-6
4.82125 6.79216 0.31115 6.9049 0.853774E-6
4.72637 7.18734 0.31115 7.31131 0.853774E-6
4.6315 7.58252 0.31115 7.71772 0
4.53757 7.97375 0.31115 8.12006 0

Page 64 of 100
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28

lue Units
7.0E3 N
1.58 mm²
0.0E6 kN/m²
cking at end 1 None
lue Units
3E-3 1/m
lue Units
5 %
.0E-9 m²/kN
.0E3 kN/m²

0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.608744E-15 -0.09525
0.243498E-15 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Prestress Losses - cs beam 1 assignment 2

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation

0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 1 assignment 3

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 1 assignment 3
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 1 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
10.0904 0.0780464 0.31115 0 0
9.99644 0.469275 0.31115 0.402346 0
9.90156 0.864456 0.31115 0.808755 0
9.80669 1.25964 0.31115 1.21516 0
Page 65 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28

E3 N
8 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
3 1/m

-9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²

0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.608744E-15 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
9.71181 1.65482 0.31115 1.62157 0 0
9.61694 2.05 0.31115 2.02798 0 0
9.52206 2.44518 0.31115 2.43439 0 0
9.42719 2.84036 0.31115 2.8408 0 0
9.33232 3.23554 0.31115 3.24721 0 0
9.23744 3.63072 0.31115 3.65362 0 0
9.14257 4.0259 0.31115 4.06003 0.853774E-6 0
9.04769 4.42108 0.31115 4.46644 0.853774E-6 0
8.95282 4.81626 0.31115 4.87285 0.853774E-6 0
8.85794 5.21144 0.31115 5.27926 0.853774E-6 0
8.76307 5.60662 0.31115 5.68567 0.853774E-6 0
8.66819 6.0018 0.31115 6.09208 0.853774E-6 0
8.57332 6.39698 0.31115 6.49849 0.853774E-6 0
8.47845 6.79216 0.31115 6.9049 0.853774E-6 0
8.38357 7.18734 0.31115 7.31131 0.853774E-6 0
8.2887 7.58252 0.31115 7.71772 0 0
8.19477 7.97375 0.31115 8.12006 0 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 1 assignment 3

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 1 assignment 4

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 66 of 100
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 286.241
18.4632 286.845
18.4632 287.455
18.4632 288.064
18.4632 288.671
18.4632 289.278
18.4632 289.885
18.4632 290.49
18.4632 291.094
18.4632 291.698
18.4632 292.301
18.4632 292.903
18.4632 293.505
18.4632 294.105
18.4632 294.705
18.4632 295.304
18.4632 295.902
18.4632 296.499
18.4632 297.096
18.4632 297.691
18.4632 298.28

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg
3 1/m

2.5 %
-9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 1 assignment 4

Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 1 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
13.748 0.0780464 0.31115 0 0
13.654 0.469275 0.31115 0.402346 0
13.5592 0.864456 0.31115 0.808755 0
13.4643 1.25964 0.31115 1.21516 0
13.3694 1.65482 0.31115 1.62157 0
13.2745 2.05 0.31115 2.02798 0
13.1797 2.44518 0.31115 2.43439 0
13.0848 2.84036 0.31115 2.8408 0
12.9899 3.23554 0.31115 3.24721 0
12.895 3.63072 0.31115 3.65362 0
12.8002 4.0259 0.31115 4.06003 0.853774E-6
12.7053 4.42108 0.31115 4.46644 0.853774E-6
12.6104 4.81626 0.31115 4.87285 0.853774E-6
12.5155 5.21144 0.31115 5.27926 0.853774E-6
12.4207 5.60662 0.31115 5.68567 0.853774E-6
12.3258 6.0018 0.31115 6.09208 0.853774E-6
12.2309 6.39698 0.31115 6.49849 0.853774E-6
12.136 6.79216 0.31115 6.9049 0.853774E-6
12.0412 7.18734 0.31115 7.31131 0.853774E-6
11.9463 7.58252 0.31115 7.71772 0.853774E-6
11.8524 7.97375 0.31115 8.12006 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 1 assignment 4

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Page 67 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

2.31323E-15 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525
0 -0.09525

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Summary - cs beam 2 assignment 1

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 2 assignment 1
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 2 assignment 1
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
2.77556 0.0780464 0.50165 0 0
2.68164 0.469275 0.50165 0.402346 0
2.58676 0.864456 0.50165 0.808755 0
2.49189 1.25964 0.50165 1.21516 0
2.39701 1.65482 0.50165 1.62157 0
2.30214 2.05 0.50165 2.02798 0
2.20726 2.44518 0.50165 2.43439 0
2.11239 2.84036 0.50165 2.8408 0
2.01752 3.23554 0.50165 3.24721 0
1.92264 3.63072 0.50165 3.65362 0
1.82777 4.0259 0.50165 4.06003 0
1.73289 4.42108 0.50165 4.46644 0
1.63802 4.81626 0.50165 4.87285 0.853774E-6
1.54314 5.21144 0.50165 5.27926 0.853774E-6
1.44827 5.60662 0.50165 5.68567 0.853774E-6
1.35339 6.0018 0.50165 6.09208 0.853774E-6
1.25852 6.39698 0.50165 6.49849 0.853774E-6
1.16365 6.79216 0.50165 6.9049 0.853774E-6
1.06877 7.18734 0.50165 7.31131 0.853774E-6
0.973897 7.58252 0.50165 7.71772 0
0.879971 7.97375 0.50165 8.12006 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 2 assignment 1

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8804 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
Page 68 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

E3 N
8 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
3 1/m

-9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²

0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0 0.09525
0 0.09525
-0.486995E-15 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
3.24721 4.97756 93.3985 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06541 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29477 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90822 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 2 assignment 2

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 2 assignment 2
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 2 assignment 2
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
6.43316 0.0780464 0.50165 0 0
6.33924 0.469275 0.50165 0.402346 0
6.24436 0.864456 0.50165 0.808755 0
6.14949 1.25964 0.50165 1.21516 0
6.05461 1.65482 0.50165 1.62157 0
5.95974 2.05 0.50165 2.02798 0
5.86486 2.44518 0.50165 2.43439 0
5.76999 2.84036 0.50165 2.8408 0
5.67512 3.23554 0.50165 3.24721 0
5.58024 3.63072 0.50165 3.65362 0
5.48537 4.0259 0.50165 4.06003 0.853774E-6
5.39049 4.42108 0.50165 4.46644 0.853774E-6
5.29562 4.81626 0.50165 4.87285 0.853774E-6
5.20074 5.21144 0.50165 5.27926 0.853774E-6
5.10587 5.60662 0.50165 5.68567 0.853774E-6
5.01099 6.0018 0.50165 6.09208 0.853774E-6
4.91612 6.39698 0.50165 6.49849 0.853774E-6
4.82125 6.79216 0.50165 6.9049 0.853774E-6
4.72637 7.18734 0.50165 7.31131 0.853774E-6
4.6315 7.58252 0.50165 7.71772 0
Page 69 of 100
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28

E3 N
8 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
3 1/m

-9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²

0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.608744E-15 0.09525
0.243498E-15 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
4.53757 7.97375 0.50165 8.12006 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 2 assignment 2

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 2 assignment 3

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area 461.58
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1 8
Jack angle at end 1 0
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss 2.5
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 2 assignment 3
Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 2 assignment 3
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile Eccentricity from beam in y
10.0904 0.0780464 0.50165 0 0 0.608744E-15
9.99644 0.469275 0.50165 0.402346 0
Page 70 of 100
0 0.09525

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28

E3 N
8 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None


9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²

0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

0.608744E-15 0.09525
0 0.09525
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
9.90156 0.864456 0.50165 0.808755 0 0
9.80669 1.25964 0.50165 1.21516 0 0
9.71181 1.65482 0.50165 1.62157 0 0
9.61694 2.05 0.50165 2.02798 0 0
9.52206 2.44518 0.50165 2.43439 0 0
9.42719 2.84036 0.50165 2.8408 0 0
9.33232 3.23554 0.50165 3.24721 0 0
9.23744 3.63072 0.50165 3.65362 0 0
9.14257 4.0259 0.50165 4.06003 0.853774E-6 0
9.04769 4.42108 0.50165 4.46644 0.853774E-6 0
8.95282 4.81626 0.50165 4.87285 0.853774E-6 0
8.85794 5.21144 0.50165 5.27926 0.853774E-6 0
8.76307 5.60662 0.50165 5.68567 0.853774E-6 0
8.66819 6.0018 0.50165 6.09208 0.853774E-6 0
8.57332 6.39698 0.50165 6.49849 0.853774E-6 0
8.47845 6.79216 0.50165 6.9049 0.853774E-6 0
8.38357 7.18734 0.50165 7.31131 0.853774E-6 0
8.2887 7.58252 0.50165 7.71772 0 0
8.19477 7.97375 0.50165 8.12006 0 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 2 assignment 3

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Tendon Summary - cs beam 2 assignment 4

General Value
Design code BS5400-4:1990
Initial tendon force 467.0E3
Tendon area
Modulus of elasticity for tendon 200.0E6
Jacking Jacking at end 1
Slip at end 1
Jack angle at end 1
Instantaneous losses Value
Wobble factor coefficient 3.3E-3
Duct friction coefficient 0.55
Long term losses Value
Relaxation loss
Shrinkage coefficient 0.2E-3
Creep coefficient 36.0E-9
Stress at transfer 15.0E3
Page 71 of 100
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Shrinkage Force
18.4632 286.241
18.4632 286.845
18.4632 287.455
18.4632 288.064
18.4632 288.671
18.4632 289.278
18.4632 289.885
18.4632 290.49
18.4632 291.094
18.4632 291.698
18.4632 292.301
18.4632 292.903
18.4632 293.505
18.4632 294.105
18.4632 294.705
18.4632 295.304
18.4632 295.902
18.4632 296.499
18.4632 297.096
18.4632 297.691
18.4632 298.28

E3 N
461.58 mm²
E6 kN/m²
g at end 1 None
8 mm
0 deg

2.5 %

9 m²/kN
3 kN/m²
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13

Tendon Profile (original input) - cs beam 2 assignment 4

Segment type X Y
Start 0.0762 0
Straight 8.20439 0
Minimum radius = 0.0

Smoothing type: Cut corner

Tendon profile (sampling points) - cs beam 2 assignment 4
X Y Z Distance along profile Angle change in profile
13.748 0.0780464 0.50165 0 0
13.654 0.469275 0.50165 0.402346 0
13.5592 0.864456 0.50165 0.808755 0
13.4643 1.25964 0.50165 1.21516 0
13.3694 1.65482 0.50165 1.62157 0
13.2745 2.05 0.50165 2.02798 0
13.1797 2.44518 0.50165 2.43439 0
13.0848 2.84036 0.50165 2.8408 0
12.9899 3.23554 0.50165 3.24721 0
12.895 3.63072 0.50165 3.65362 0
12.8002 4.0259 0.50165 4.06003 0.853774E-6
12.7053 4.42108 0.50165 4.46644 0.853774E-6
12.6104 4.81626 0.50165 4.87285 0.853774E-6
12.5155 5.21144 0.50165 5.27926 0.853774E-6
12.4207 5.60662 0.50165 5.68567 0.853774E-6
12.3258 6.0018 0.50165 6.09208 0.853774E-6
12.2309 6.39698 0.50165 6.49849 0.853774E-6
12.136 6.79216 0.50165 6.9049 0.853774E-6
12.0412 7.18734 0.50165 7.31131 0.853774E-6
11.9463 7.58252 0.50165 7.71772 0.853774E-6
11.8524 7.97375 0.50165 8.12006 0

Prestress Losses - cs beam 2 assignment 4

Distance along profile Friction & Wobble Anchorage Creep Relaxation
0 0 103.354 49.8506 9.09116
0.402346 0.619643 102.114 49.8506 9.10665
0.808755 1.24471 100.864 49.8506 9.12228
1.21516 1.86894 99.6158 49.8506 9.13788
1.62157 2.49233 98.369 49.8506 9.15347
2.02798 3.11489 97.1239 49.8506 9.16903
2.43439 3.73662 95.8805 49.8506 9.18457
2.8408 4.35751 94.6387 49.8506 9.2001
3.24721 4.97756 93.3986 49.8506 9.2156
3.65362 5.59679 92.1601 49.8506 9.23108
4.06003 6.21519 90.9233 49.8506 9.24654
4.46644 6.83276 89.6882 49.8506 9.26198
4.87285 7.4495 88.4547 49.8506 9.2774
5.27926 8.06542 87.2228 49.8506 9.29279
5.68567 8.68051 85.9927 49.8506 9.30817
6.09208 9.29478 84.7641 49.8506 9.32353
6.49849 9.90823 83.5372 49.8506 9.33886
6.9049 10.5208 82.312 49.8506 9.35418
7.31131 11.1326 81.0884 49.8506 9.36947
7.71772 11.7436 79.8664 49.8506 9.38475
8.12006 12.3477 78.6583 49.8506 9.39985

Page 72 of 100
Thursday, October 05, 2023

0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z

2.31323E-15 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525
0 0.09525

Relaxation Shrinkage Force

9.09116 18.4632 286.241
9.10665 18.4632 286.845
9.12228 18.4632 287.455
9.13788 18.4632 288.064
9.15347 18.4632 288.671
9.16903 18.4632 289.278
9.18457 18.4632 289.885
9.2001 18.4632 290.49
9.2156 18.4632 291.094
9.23108 18.4632 291.698
9.24654 18.4632 292.301
9.26198 18.4632 292.903
9.2774 18.4632 293.505
9.29279 18.4632 294.105
9.30817 18.4632 294.705
9.32353 18.4632 295.304
9.33886 18.4632 295.902
9.35418 18.4632 296.499
9.36947 18.4632 297.096
9.38475 18.4632 297.691
9.39985 18.4632 298.28
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 -0.909495E-15 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 -0.909495E-15 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
Page 73 of 100
1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0 -0.149632
0 40.5741
0 0
0 0
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
0 6.81811
0 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0.34737E-12 -10.2046
-0.34737E-12 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 -77.3553E-15
0 77.3553E-15


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
-0.322851E-12 -0.149632
0.322851E-12 40.5741
0 0
0 0
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
0 6.81811
0 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0 -10.2046
0 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 -77.3553E-15
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
Page 74 of 100
0.618842E-12 77.3553E-15


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0 -0.149632
0 40.5741
0 0
0 0
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
0 6.81811
0 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0 -10.2046
0 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 0
0 0


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0 -0.149632
0 40.5741
0 0
0 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0.454747E-15 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0.454747E-15 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0.454747E-15 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0.454747E-15 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
Page 75 of 100
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
-0.194936E-12 6.81811
0.194936E-12 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0.173685E-12 -10.2046
-0.173685E-12 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 0
0.309421E-12 0


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0.161426E-12 -0.149632
-0.161426E-12 40.5741
0 0
0 0
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
-0.194936E-12 6.81811
0.194936E-12 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0.173685E-12 -10.2046
-0.173685E-12 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 -77.3553E-15
0 77.3553E-15


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0.113687E-15 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0.227374E-15 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0.113687E-15 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0.113687E-15 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading Cable 6 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09828E-3 0.0889 0.344054 -215.509
5.78206E-3 0.0888251 0.344054 -0.60477
0.0260733 0.0856642 0.344054 -3.11492
0.0468307 0.0759626 0.344054 -4.17405
0.087457 0.0506418 0.344054 -2.14635
0.128083 0.0253209 0.344054 -0.987197
0.16871 0 0.344054 -5.61437
0.203985 0 0.344054 -19.6603
0.250189 0 0.229754 -17.8044
0.296392 0 0.115454 -1.00426
0.342596 0 1.154E-3 -1.0017
0.388799 0 -0.113146 -13.6768
0.435578 0 -0.113146 -9.69292
0.482356 0 -0.113146 0.927605
0.529135 0 -0.113146 9.21347
0.575338 0 -0.0543637 8.32412
0.621542 0 4.4185E-3 0.871699
0.667745 0 0.0632008 0.869494
0.713948 0 0.121983 3.85885
0.752111 0 0.187132 3.13464
0.790274 0 0.252282 1.97105
0.831278 0 0.309517 5.18565
0.872484 0 0.34146 5.27694
0.878057 0 0.344054 7.85638
0.925986 0.04445 0.344054 6.25379
0.973915 0.0889 0.344054 4.88983
0.99489 0.0889 0.344054 236.357

Page 76 of 100
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0 -0.149632
0 40.5741
0 0
0 0
-42.3219E-15 21.8827
1.23677E-15 -0.639475
0.129514E-15 -0.0669656
0.129186E-15 -0.0667962
-56.6418E-15 6.81811
49.2979E-15 -0.323126
3.66798E-15 -5.19979
0.391872E-12 -10.2046
-0.34737E-12 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 -77.3553E-15
-77.3553E-15 77.3553E-15


1.42562 -2.16359E-12
0.60717 2.16359E-12
4.1542 0
2.22063 0
0.0807767 0
0.0371526 0
-8.52554 0
0 -37.6148
0 -2.65958
0 -0.150014
0 -0.149632
0 40.5741
0 0
0 0
0 21.8827
0 -0.639475
0 -0.0669656
0 -0.0667962
0 6.81811
0 -0.323126
0 -5.19979
0 -10.2046
0 -5.02354
-13.86 -7.1765
0.350212 0
13.5098 -77.3553E-15
0 77.3553E-15
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826099
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.909495E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 0 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 0 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 0 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974753
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948117
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945609
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943106
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826099
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.909495E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 0 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 0 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 0 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974753
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948115
Page 77 of 100

0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805265
-0.0310898 -0.123662
-0.0777934 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
-0.371756E-12 2.05732
0.371756E-12 -0.149095
0 5.04987
0 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
0 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212039 -0.132715
-0.0211478 -0.132364
-0.0210918 -0.132014
-6.43655 2.25347
0.744685E-12 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805265
-0.0310898 -0.123662
-0.0777934 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
-0.371756E-12 2.05732
-2.66778E-15 -0.149095
0.374424E-12 5.04987
0 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
0 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212039 -0.132715
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945606
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943103
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826099
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.909495E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 0 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 0 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 0 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974753
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948113
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945605
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943104
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826098
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.909495E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 -0.454747E-15 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 -0.454747E-15 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 0 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
Page 78 of 100
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210918 -0.132013
-6.43655 2.25347
-0.744685E-12 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805265
-0.0310898 -0.123662
-0.0777934 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
-0.371756E-12 2.05732
0.371756E-12 -0.149095
0 5.04987
0 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
0 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212038 -0.132715
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210918 -0.132014
-6.43655 2.25347
0.744685E-12 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805264
-0.0310897 -0.123662
-0.0777934 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
-0.185878E-12 2.05732
0.185878E-12 -0.149095
-0.189925E-12 5.04987
0.189925E-12 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974753
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0.454747E-15 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948113
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945604
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943101
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826098
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.909495E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 -0.909495E-15 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 -0.909495E-15 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 -0.454747E-15 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974753
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0.454747E-15 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948113
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945605
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943103
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826096
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
Page 79 of 100
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
-0.187734E-12 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212038 -0.132715
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210917 -0.132013
-6.43655 2.25347
0 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805264
-0.0310897 -0.123662
-0.0777934 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
0 2.05732
0 -0.149095
-0.189925E-12 5.04987
0.189925E-12 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
-0.187734E-12 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212038 -0.132715
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210918 -0.132013
-6.43655 2.25347
0 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805264
-0.0310896 -0.123662
-0.0777933 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.189482 -0.909495E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.795808E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 -0.454747E-15 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 -0.227374E-15 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 0 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974754
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 -0.113687E-15 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 -0.227374E-15 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 -0.113687E-15 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948113
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945604
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943101
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 5 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.09356E-3 -0.0889 0.342835 -242.873
0.0260733 -0.0889 0.29088 -5.0529
0.0601245 -0.0676771 0.206464 -5.37941
0.0941757 -0.0464542 0.122049 -0.826096
0.128227 -0.0252314 0.0376328 -2.06708
0.147952 -0.0129374 -8.25933E-3 -6.8546
0.189482 -0.934406E-15 -0.0853555 -9.44877
0.20953 -0.803677E-15 -0.113176 -5.90406
0.250658 -0.535578E-15 -0.164005 -1.99789
0.291785 -0.26748E-15 -0.214834 -3.40713
0.332818 -6.91784E-33 -0.252846 -7.64171
0.373965 0 -0.265546 -7.25469
0.418955 0 -0.265546 -3.04419
0.463945 0 -0.265546 -0.979559
0.508936 0 -0.265546 -0.977153
0.553926 0 -0.265546 -0.974754
0.598916 0 -0.265546 -0.97236
0.643906 0 -0.265546 -0.969972
0.688897 0 -0.265546 -0.96759
0.733887 0 -0.265546 9.52092
0.781892 -0.01778 -0.154261 7.42945
0.829898 -0.03556 -0.0429756 0.948113
0.877904 -0.05334 0.0683096 0.945604
0.925909 -0.07112 0.179595 0.943101
0.973915 -0.0889 0.29088 3.32106
0.994894 -0.0889 0.342835 284.485
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Page 80 of 100
4.94818 6.65343
-46.1002E-15 2.05732
45.8026E-15 -0.149095
-1.35644E-15 5.04987
94.9624E-15 10.4438
0 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
-0.187734E-12 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212038 -0.132715
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210917 -0.132013
-6.43655 2.25347
-0.186171E-12 -42.5399


0 -36.3176
-9.33055 -0.795429
-0.202451 -0.805264
-0.0310896 -0.123662
-0.0777933 2.0499
4.69371 6.50493
4.94818 6.65343
-2.2894E-15 2.05732
-0.786401E-15 -0.149095
-1.3411E-15 5.04987
0.111713E-12 10.4438
2.95879E-30 5.43184
0 -0.116123E-15
0 -37.3659E-18
0 -37.2742E-18
0 -37.1826E-18
0 -37.0913E-18
0 -37.0002E-18
0 -36.9094E-18
6.66615 41.7235
-0.166154 -1.03996
-0.0212038 -0.132715
-0.0211477 -0.132364
-0.0210917 -0.132013
-6.43655 2.25347
11.6357E-15 -42.5399

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888275
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.760501
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.36762E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Page 81 of 100
15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471055 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.75043E-12 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721695 0.0618596
0.274326E-3 -0.235137E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471054 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721695 0.0618596
0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
12.4739 -10.6919
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888275
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.760501
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
Page 82 of 100

15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471054 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721695 0.0618596
0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471055 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.375215E-12 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.37084E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.37083E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
Page 83 of 100
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721694 0.0618595
0.274446E-3 -0.23524E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471054 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.375215E-12 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721694 0.0618595
0.274446E-3 -0.235239E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471054 -0.0403761
-0.500829 -0.0345682
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.37083E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 4 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 -0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 -0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888272
0.0965468 -0.152139 -0.243551 -0.760498
0.100707 -0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 -0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 -0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 -0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 -0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 -0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 -0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 -0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 -0.114312 -0.211128 7.37081E-3
0.974973 -0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
Page 84 of 100
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.562823E-12 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721694 0.0618595
0.274446E-3 -0.235239E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


15.0869 -12.9317
0.0471053 -0.040376
-0.500829 -0.0345681
-3.68078 3.1498
-6.46736 6.49204
-3.91297 3.36478
-0.572113 0
-48.9687E-18 0
-40.5766E-18 0
-40.4729E-18 0
-40.3694E-18 0
-40.2662E-18 0
-40.1633E-18 0
-40.0606E-18 0
-39.9582E-18 0
-39.856E-18 0
-39.7542E-18 0
-39.6525E-18 0
-39.5512E-18 0
-39.4501E-18 70.3528E-15
-2.99494 -70.3528E-15
-6.14294 10.4448
-3.26411 0.185483
-0.0721694 0.0618595
0.274445E-3 -0.235239E-3
12.4739 -10.6919


-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.37083E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Page 85 of 100
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.375215E-12 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721694 0.0618595
-0.274446E-3 -0.235239E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919


-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721695 0.0618596
-0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Page 86 of 100
-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721695 0.0618596
-0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919


-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721695 0.0618596
-0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.36761E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888274
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.7605
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
Page 87 of 100

-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721695 0.0618596
-0.274326E-3 -0.235136E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919


-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471054 -0.0403761
0.500829 -0.0345682
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
-0.140706E-12 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93827
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.36926E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 3 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
0.0250141 0.0893167 -0.189703 -284.497
0.0605432 0.12052 -0.216449 -0.888272
0.0965468 0.152139 -0.243551 -0.760498
0.100707 0.155662 -0.246683 -3.04611
0.125764 0.171379 -0.260827 -7.00974
0.15085 0.177669 -0.265546 -6.42375
0.155025 0.1778 -0.265546 -2.93185
0.201861 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.33639
0.248697 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10736
0.295533 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10453
0.342368 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.10171
0.389204 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09889
0.43604 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09608
0.482876 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09328
0.529712 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.09049
0.576548 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.0877
0.623384 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08492
0.670219 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.08215
0.717055 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07938
0.763891 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.07662
0.810727 0.1778 -0.265546 -1.82886
0.831278 0.174633 -0.265546 -5.44495
0.851815 0.165136 -0.254691 -5.81181
0.893026 0.139724 -0.23291 -1.93826
0.934237 0.114312 -0.211128 7.37081E-3
0.974973 0.0891929 -0.189597 335.013
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
Page 88 of 100
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721695 0.0618596
-0.274387E-3 -0.235189E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919


-15.0869 -12.9317
-0.0471053 -0.040376
0.500829 -0.0345681
3.68078 3.1498
6.46736 6.49204
3.91297 3.36478
0.572113 0
48.9687E-18 0
40.5766E-18 0
40.4729E-18 0
40.3694E-18 0
40.2662E-18 0
40.1633E-18 0
40.0606E-18 0
39.9582E-18 0
39.856E-18 0
39.7542E-18 0
39.6525E-18 0
39.5512E-18 0
39.4501E-18 70.3528E-15
2.99494 -70.3528E-15
6.14294 10.4448
3.26411 0.185483
0.0721694 0.0618595
-0.274445E-3 -0.235239E-3
-12.4739 -10.6919


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
-0.375449E-12 4.9461
0.375449E-12 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907831
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900645
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900648
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
Page 89 of 100
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
0.364608E-12 -0.132268
-0.364608E-12 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0.379945E-12 -0.228828
-0.379945E-12 4.67985
-0.433955E-12 9.65589
0.433955E-12 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
-0.364608E-12 -0.132268
0.364608E-12 -43.4481


0.491442E-12 -38.6119
-0.491442E-12 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907831
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900645
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907833
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900646
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
Page 90 of 100
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
-0.364608E-12 -0.132268
0.364608E-12 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-0.375286E-12 47.4393E-15
0.375286E-12 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
0.364608E-12 -0.132268
-0.364608E-12 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
-0.189972E-12 -0.228828
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900649
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900649
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 2 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 -0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 -0.0889 0.100081 -0.724334
Page 91 of 100
0.189972E-12 4.67985
0.216977E-12 9.65589
-0.216977E-12 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-0.187643E-12 47.4393E-15
0.187643E-12 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
0.182304E-12 -0.132268
-0.182304E-12 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-0.375286E-12 47.4393E-15
0.468202E-12 44.778
-2.20844E-15 -1.06428
-0.276653E-15 -0.133324
0.720549E-15 -0.132268
-91.152E-15 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.10811
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
0.0634031 -0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 -0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 -0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 -0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 -0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 -0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 -0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 -0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 -0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 -0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 -0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 -0.0889 -0.046396 0.907835
0.950334 -0.0889 0.063179 0.900646
0.994895 -0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907831
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900645
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Page 92 of 100
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
6.78054E-15 9.65589
-6.78054E-15 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-5.86384E-15 47.4393E-15
5.86384E-15 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
0 -0.132268
0 -43.4481


0.491442E-12 -38.6119
-0.491442E-12 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
-0.375449E-12 4.9461
0.375449E-12 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
0.364608E-12 -0.132268
-0.364608E-12 -43.4481

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900648
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907831
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900645
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Page 93 of 100
0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0.379945E-12 -0.228828
-0.379945E-12 4.67985
-0.433955E-12 9.65589
0.433955E-12 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
0 -0.132268
0 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
0 47.4393E-15
0 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
0 -0.132268
0 -43.4481

Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907833
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900646
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 5 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900649
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Page 94 of 100
0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
0 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-0.187643E-12 47.4393E-15
0.187643E-12 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133323
0.182304E-12 -0.132268
-0.182304E-12 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
-0.189972E-12 -0.228828
0.189972E-12 4.67985
0.216977E-12 9.65589
-0.216977E-12 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
-0.187643E-12 47.4393E-15
0.187643E-12 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
0.182304E-12 -0.132268
-0.182304E-12 -43.4481
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 6 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724332
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907836
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900649
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cable 1 assignment 7 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
5.0928E-3 0.0889 0.171539 -258.7
0.0340021 0.0889 0.100081 -0.724334
0.0634031 0.0889 0.027408 -4.09992
0.107361 0.0889 -0.0663533 -9.58438
0.151703 0.0889 -0.131044 -8.73752
0.19293 0.0889 -0.177343 -3.37444
0.234156 0.0889 -0.223642 -3.19551
0.271469 0.0889 -0.255055 -7.1059
0.308868 0.0889 -0.265546 -6.84154
0.354896 0.0889 -0.265546 -2.96708
0.400924 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03306
0.446952 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.03046
0.492979 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02787
0.539007 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02529
0.585035 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02271
0.631063 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.02015
0.677091 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01758
0.723119 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01503
0.769146 0.0889 -0.265546 -1.01248
0.815174 0.0889 -0.265546 9.63024
0.860227 0.0889 -0.155971 7.24698
0.90528 0.0889 -0.046396 0.907835
0.950334 0.0889 0.063179 0.900646
0.994895 0.0889 0.171558 295.849
Page 95 of 100

0 -38.6119
0 -0.108109
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
0 9.65589
-45.0954E-15 5.00569
-0.44252E-15 1.54882E-15
-0.154073E-15 0.539257E-15
-0.153686E-15 0.537902E-15
-0.1533E-15 0.536551E-15
-0.152915E-15 0.535203E-15
-0.152531E-15 0.533858E-15
-0.152148E-15 0.532517E-15
-0.151765E-15 0.531179E-15
-0.151384E-15 0.529844E-15
0.187492E-12 47.4393E-15
-47.8157E-15 44.778
-2.20844E-15 -1.06428
-0.276653E-15 -0.133324
-44.8554E-15 -0.132268
-45.576E-15 -43.4481


0 -38.6119
0 -0.10811
0 4.77913
0 9.8822
0 4.9461
0 -0.228828
0 4.67985
-6.78054E-15 9.65589
6.78054E-15 5.00569
0 1.54882E-15
0 0.539257E-15
0 0.537902E-15
0 0.536551E-15
0 0.535203E-15
0 0.533858E-15
0 0.532517E-15
0 0.531179E-15
0 0.529844E-15
5.86384E-15 47.4393E-15
-5.86384E-15 44.778
0 -1.06428
0 -0.133324
0 -0.132268
0 -43.4481
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 1 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0 -0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 -0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 -0.486995E-15 -0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 -0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 -0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 -0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 -0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 -0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 -0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 -0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 -0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 -0.09525 -0.14047
0.59816 0 -0.09525 -0.140282
0.647239 0 -0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 -0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 -0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 -0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 -0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 -0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 -0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 -0.09525 69.5634

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 1 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0.608744E-15 -0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0.243498E-15 -0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 -0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 -0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 -0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 -0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 -0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 -0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 -0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 -0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 -0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 -0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 -0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 -0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 -0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 -0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 -0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 -0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 -0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 -0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 -0.09525 69.5634

Page 96 of 100

278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585885 0
0.5851 0
0.584317 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0


278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 1 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0.608744E-15 -0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 -0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 -0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 -0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 -0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 -0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 -0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 -0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 -0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 -0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 -0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 -0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 -0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 -0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 -0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 -0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 -0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 -0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 -0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 -0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 -0.09525 69.5634

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 1 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 2.31323E-15 -0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 -0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 -0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 -0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 -0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 -0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 -0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 -0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 -0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 -0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 -0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 -0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 -0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 -0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 -0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 -0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 -0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 -0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 -0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 -0.09525 -0.138278
0.990307 0 -0.09525 69.5634

Page 97 of 100

278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0


278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575969 0
-289.752 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 2 assignment 1 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0 0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 -0.486995E-15 0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 0.09525 -0.14047
0.59816 0 0.09525 -0.140282
0.647239 0 0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 0.09525 69.5634

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 2 assignment 2 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0.608744E-15 0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0.243498E-15 0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 0.09525 69.5634

Page 98 of 100

278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585885 0
0.5851 0
0.584317 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0


278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 2 assignment 3 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 0.608744E-15 0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 0.09525 -0.138277
0.990307 0 0.09525 69.5634

Loadcase Load Factor

PT load
Long term
Prestress Force Components - Loading cs beam 2 assignment 4 applied in loadcase 8, loadcase 9
Parametric distance along beams Eccentricity from beam in y Eccentricity from beam in z PX
9.69304E-3 2.31323E-15 0.09525 -66.8922
0.058282 0 0.09525 -0.141654
0.107362 0 0.09525 -0.142176
0.156442 0 0.09525 -0.141985
0.205521 0 0.09525 -0.141795
0.254601 0 0.09525 -0.141605
0.303681 0 0.09525 -0.141415
0.352761 0 0.09525 -0.141226
0.40184 0 0.09525 -0.141036
0.45092 0 0.09525 -0.140847
0.5 0 0.09525 -0.140659
0.54908 0 0.09525 -0.140471
0.59816 0 0.09525 -0.140283
0.647239 0 0.09525 -0.140095
0.696319 0 0.09525 -0.139907
0.745399 0 0.09525 -0.139719
0.794479 0 0.09525 -0.139532
0.843558 0 0.09525 -0.139345
0.892638 0 0.09525 -0.139158
0.941718 0 0.09525 -0.138278
0.990307 0 0.09525 69.5634

Page 99 of 100

278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575967 0
-289.752 0


278.626 0
0.590031 0
0.592205 0
0.591411 0
0.590619 0
0.589827 0
0.589036 0
0.588247 0
0.587459 0
0.586671 0
0.585887 0
0.585103 0
0.584319 0
0.583536 0
0.582754 0
0.581973 0
0.581193 0
0.580414 0
0.579636 0
0.575969 0
-289.752 0
Half joint v0.3 Thursday, October 05, 2023
Date saved 04-Oct-23 15:49:13
Loadcase Load Factor
PT load
Long term
Page 100 of 100
d Factor

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