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NAME : ANITA NUR NIM : 202001108

- The maternity unit

Childbirth is the process of expelling the products of conception or what we usually call a fetus or
baby in the womb. The process can be a happy thing because it is the end of a 9 month wait.

- Paediatrics

Pediatrics is a branch of medical science that focuses on the health problems of babies and children.
Pediatricians are doctors who have competence in examining, diagnosing and treating children's
health, physically, mentally and socially.

- Cardiology

Cardiology is a branch of internal medicine. The role of a Cardiologist and Vascular Specialist is to
diagnose and treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
affect the heart, blood vessels, or both

- The renal unit

The kidneys are vital organs in the body which function as excretory organs in the body which are
shaped like beans and are located behind the stomach or abdomen. The kidneys are located to the
right and left of the spine, below the liver and spleen.

- Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is a study that studies eye diseases. Another source explains that ophthalmology is a
medical specialty that concentrates on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eye damage,
injury and disease for all individuals of all ages.

- Gyaecology

Meanwhile, gynecology is a branch of medical science that focuses on a woman's body and
reproductive health from puberty until adulthood. As is known the female body has many different
biological functions

- Hematology

In the medical world, hematology is a branch of medical science that studies all matters related to
blood and blood disorders. Through hematology, doctors can diagnose and treat blood disorders,
such as anemia, leukemia, or blood clotting disorders.

- Accident and emergency (A&E)

An accident is a legal event of transportation in the form of an event or disaster, which is not desired
by the parties, occurs before, during or after the implementation of transportation due to human
action or damage to transportation equipment, causing material, physical, life,

Urgent means life-threatening, while emergency means the need to receive immediate treatment or
action to eliminate the threat to the victim's life. So, an emergency is a life-threatening situation that
requires immediate action to avoid disability and even death of the victim.

- Oncology
Oncology is a branch of medical science that treats and diagnoses cancer. One of the actions taken to
treat cancer is oncological surgery. This procedure can only be carried out by a specialist surgical
oncologist with the assistance of adequate equipment, of course.

- Hepatology

Meanwhile, Hepatology is a field of medicine that deals with liver function and disorders. As part of
the treatment, doctors in the specialty also consult and work with a team of other specialists from
various fields, to determine the most appropriate treatment for the patient's needs.

Menjelaskan tugas

1) Anesthetist : Anesthetists play an important role in assisting surgeons and working together
with nurses in preparing various things before surgery, monitoring the patient's condition,
providing anesthesia during surgery, as well as carrying out post-operative observations and
ensuring that the patient's condition does not worsen.
2) Cardiologist : diagnose and treat various diseases related to the heart and blood vessels or
3) Lab technician : Carry out laboratory management both in the technical and administrative
fields. Maintain laboratory cleanliness. Maintain and care for all equipment in the laboratory.
Assist in all activities in the laboratory, both research, service and development.
4) Midwife : maternal and women's reproductive health services; family planning services;
infant and child health services; and public health services.
5) Pediatrician : who has competence in examining, diagnosing and treating children's health,
physical, mental and social.
6) Paramedic : prepares for immediate emergency care, crisis intervention, life-saving
stabilization, and transports sick or injured patients to emergency care and surgical facilities
such as hospitals and trauma centers when possible.
7) Pharmacist : provide pharmaceutical services needed by patients according to disease
8) Physiotherapist : tasked with diagnosing, repairing and treating and maintaining various
health disorders that affect the body's movement and maximum functional ability.
9) Porter : Duties of the main gate porter: - Supervise the inspection of people entering at the
gate; - Supervise and organize the work of security service company employees who carry
out incoming inspections; - Registration of incoming and outgoing employees; - Registration
of vehicles entering and exiting the embassy grounds; - Guest registration
10) Radiologist : Radiology has several main tasks, namely: Determining the most effective and
safe imaging test methods for participants. Carrying out radiological examinations with a
radiographer (radiology technician). Analyze, evaluate, and read out the results of participant
radiology examinations
11) Receptionist : This receptionist is to receive and research information on guests who come to
visit, listen to guest complaints, manage administrative files relating to incoming or outgoing
guests, and receive and forward incoming letters to the intended parties.
12) Scrub nurse : Scrub nurses or in Indonesia also known as instrument nurses are operating
room nurses who are responsible for managing the operating area and sterile area for each
type of surgery.
13) Surgeon : surgeons can provide medical advice to care for the patient's health. The surgeon
will check the condition of the patient if he needs surgery. The purpose of surgery can be to
establish a diagnosis, and can also treat the disease the patient is suffering from.

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