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The Tokyo Toilet

Toto 2023 ISBN 9784887064041 Acqn 34037
Pb 19x26cm 280pp col ills £34

In the past, public toilets in cities may not have left a good impression due to sanitary and safety
concerns. Inclusive design qualities were usually lacking in such facilities. Public toilets should be
accessible, comfortable, and anxiety-free for everyone at all times. With this concept in mind, the
project team considered what sort of public toilet would be safe, clean, and comfortable for
everyone to use. Seventeen existing toilets in the streets and parks of Shibuya in Tokyo were
renovated accordingly, all of them gender-free, fitted with the latest sanitation equipment, and
able to accommodate wheelchair users and ostomates. This book shows just how truly beautiful a
toilet can be.

See All This 32 - Bijoy Jain

See All This 2023 no ISBN Acqn 34089
Pb 21x27cm 192pp col ills £21.50

Home is where life is held. It is the womb, the room, the world where we make our mark. A space
that we have breathed life into and where that same life lingers even after we have left. For this
winter issue, See All This explores the definition of home - should such a thing exist - with the
help of artists, writers, travellers and architects, who understand the value of a place to call one's
own. Experience belonging in its every facet, guided by the ultimate homemaker, architect and
artist Bijoy Jain, founder of Studio Mumbai.

A.MAG PT 03 - Joao Mendes Ribeiro

A.Mag 2023 ISBN 9789895390694 Acqn 34032
Pb 24x32cm 112pp col ills £29

Architect Joao Mendes Ribeiro's practice follows from his university teachings to his presence in
national and international exhibitions, including multiple appearances at the Venice Biennale.
Besides projects, renovations, and set and object design, Ribeiro's work is recognised for its
great precision and deep respect for both the preservation of historical and cultural heritage and
the establishment of new realities. Ten projects were selected to represent his work in this issue,
covering different contexts, scales, kinds, and applications. These include the Centre for Visual
Arts in Coimbra, the Torre de Palma Wine Hotel in the Alentejo region, and the Roman Baths in
Sao Pedro do Sul.

AMAG 32 Atl Ordinaire - EGR - JC Quinton + AMAG PT 03 (special limited offer pack)
A.Mag 2023 ISBN 9789893530405 Acqn 34065
Pb Pb 24x32cm col ills £58

Receive a free copy of the third issue of 'AMag PT', a new series exclusively dedicated to
Portuguese architecture, together with the purchase of 'AMag' 32. Issue 32 features eighteen
works by three French studios located in three cities - two collectives and one singular office -
which have both essentially and formally different approaches, intervention contexts, and
languages. Atelier Ordinaire develops its small-scale projects using vernacular knowledge and
mainly natural, local materials. Atelier EGR focuses on large-scale projects that often entail social
impact and collective use. Paris-based architect Jean-Christophe Quinton primarily seeks
opportunities to make a qualitative contribution through his work. Depending on the context,
scale, and function, this can shift between an individual or a collective point of view. Issue 03 PT
features Joao Mendes Ribeiro, an architecture practice based in Coimbra (PT).

Arquitectura Viva 258 - Neri & Hu

Avisa 2023 no ISBN Acqn 34033
Pb 24x30cm 120pp col ills £24.25

With its babelic chaos and constant mutation, Shanghai is one of the world's new frontiers, a
reality which Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu learn from to produce rigorous works that pursue
order without ignoring their urban and cultural contexts, as shown by the six buildings now
featured in Arquitectura Viva, which bring the spirit of China's most cosmopolitan city to other
parts of the country. For its part, this issue's dossier presents three funerary spaces that illustrate
different ways of engaging with the beyond, and Andres Jaque examines the real-estate
development that Silvio Berlusconi chose for his last public appearance.

a+u 638 11:23 Junya Ishigami From the First Work

Shinkenchiku-Sha Co. Ltd. 2023 Acqn 34034
Pb 22x29cm 208pp col ills £28.25

Junya Ishigami introduces this monographic issue with a personal essay entitled "My Practice".
Before establishing his own firm in 2004, he worked with Kazuyo Sejima at SANAA. The issue
traces Ishigami's diverse career, highlighting numerous projects in Japan, Asia, and elsewhere
around the globe. Featured are the 2019 Serpentine Pavilion, the Japan Pavilion at the 11th
Venice Biennale of Architecture, KAIT Plaza at the Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Vijversburg
Visitor Centre in the Netherlands, Yohji Yamamoto New York Gansevoort Street Store, the
proposed public artwork Cloud Arch in Sydney, Kinmen International Passenger Centre in
Taiwan, and much more.

Frank Lloyd Wright and the World

Kajima Institute Publishing Co 2023 ISBN 9784306047068 Acqn 34035
Pb 18x26cm 254pp col ills £30.50

Marking the centennial of the completion of the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo in 1923, this retrospective
of the architectural work by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) explores this central attribute of his
oeuvre. Wright was notable for his efforts to integrate unique elements of culture from Japan and
other Asian countries, and from Mesoamerica and the Indigenous groups of North America, with
European influences and his own architectural vocabulary. Human culture, in its many hues and
forms, was central to Wright's organic architecture, respecting as it did the unique circumstance
of when and where a building was constructed, who would inhabit it, and how it would be used.

AV Proyectos 119 - Manuel Cervantes

Avisa 2023 no ISBN Acqn 34039
Pb 21x30cm 80pp col ills £14.75

Based in Mexico City, Manuel Cervantes is a member of a generation that embarked on a quest
for architecture deeply rooted in context and respectful of modern tradition. Since starting his own
office in 2004, Cervantes has been recognised for his commitment to technique, rigour, and the
given context of the site. Nine exemplary projects are presented, among them collaborations with
other architects such as Nicholas Preaud, Hector Esrawe, Jorge Ambrosi and Hector Barroso,
and Alberto Kalach. In addition, the issue includes a feature on the competition for the Dallas
Museum of Art, with designs by Nieto Sobejano, Johnston Marklee, Diller Scofidio + Renfro, and

Architects Draw
Architectural Publisher B 2023 ISBN 9788792700483 Acqn 34040
Pb 17x24cm 208pp col ills £39

After Sue Ferguson Gussow's 'Architects Draw' had been sold out from its original publisher for
several years, a group of peers initiated a reissue. Gussow's book is widely used as a source of
inspiration and a textbook in schools around the world. It encourages architects to maintain their
drawing practices throughout their lives and reminds them that drawing is the best tool to connect
the hand, the eye, and the mind. 'Architects Draw' includes more than twenty exercises that
explore the most unexpected subjects to train the architect's eye, hand, and mind and is
illustrated with more than two hundred inspirational student drawings and examples from
postgraduate architectural practices.

El Croquis 223 - Tunon y Albornoz (2013-2023) Sound and Sense

El Croquis 2023 ISBN 9788412532388 Acqn 34041
Pb 25x34cm 360pp col ills £80

Emilio Tunon and Carlos Martinez de Albornoz have been working together since 2004, when the
latter joined the practice of Mansilla + Tunon. Since the initial period following the death of Luis
Moreno Mansilla in 2012, Tunon and Albornoz have reimagined their approach to architecture,
circling back in some ways to their beginnings but also pushing forward in new directions. This
monographic issue concentrates on their evolution, featuring numerous recent projects across a
diverse range of typologies, from museums and concert halls to a health science facility, a winery,
and houses, plus a conversation with the Madrid-based architects and illuminating essays.

Archives 10 - Mauricio Rocha

C2C 2023 ISBN 9788412659139 Acqn 34043
Pb 17x24cm 396pp col ills £31

This instalment of 'Archives' features Mexican architect Mauricio Rocha. Born into a family that
enabled him to look at the world through different disciplines, he attended one of the most
politically progressive schools and has spent his entire life in the company of photographers,
sculptors, musicians, artists, and architects. This upbringing is reflected in Rocha's work today,
from his early association with Gabriel Orozco to his later interest in Gordon Matta-Clark. This
volume presents a total of eleven works completed between 2009 and 2023, including the
Anahuacalli Museum in Mexico City, the Fabrica de San Pedro Cultural Center in Michoacan, and
the School of Plastic Arts in Oaxaca.

Francisco Mangado - Congress Palace and Palma de Mallorca Hotel

C2C 2023 ISBN 9788494767845 Acqn 34049
Pb 16x23cm 322pp col ills £44

A monograph on the congress centre of Palma de Mallorca, designed by Francisco Mangado and
completed in 2017. Located along the route into the city from the airport, the building takes on the
role of a marker of one's "arrival". The complex can be interpreted further in terms of two large
lines that run along the northern and southern limits of the site, which faces the sea. Two walls
made up of a dense vertical framework, deprived of physical density but endowed with functional
intensity and architectural significance. Besides detailed plans, drawings, and photographs, the
book features a text by Mangado and a conversation between the architect and Llatzer Moix.

From Within - The Architecture of Helena Arahuete

ArtEZ Press 2023 ISBN 9789491444746 Acqn 34052
Pb 17x24cm 192pp col ills £31.50

The first publication on the life and work of the Argentine-American architect Helena Arahuete
explores how she is one of the few architects who still practice the original principles of organic
architecture, pioneered by Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Sullivan over a century ago. The book
expands the scholarship on organic architecture by illuminating Arahuete's personal philosophy
and integration of this tradition with the current discourse on sustainability. With contributions by
Alan Hess, Silvia Perea, and Mimi Zeiger, the catalogue appears with an exhibition on her work
and influence at the Art, Design & Architecture Museum at the University of California, Santa

Kracauer's Architecture - The Ornamental Nature of the New Capitalist Order

M Books 2023 ISBN 9783944425214 Acqn 34074
Pb 10x15cm 132pp col ills £13

Siegfried Kracauer's texts are a widely investigated field of sociology and media studies. It is less
well known that Kracauer was a graduate architect, practised during World War I and was
awarded his PhD after writing a thesis in 1915 in the field of architectural history. After the war,
Kracauer published numerous critiques with a special focus on the architectural developments of
the time. They document an interest in architectural phenomena ranging from a reflection on his
own experiences to a general perspective on the subjectivity of the modern architect, as well as
more universal social phenomena. In essence, this essay claims that the lack of ornamentation in
modern architecture can be grasped as an ornamental concept of the new social order of

Glass Scenographies - Notes on Spaces of One's Own

M Books 2023 ISBN 9783944425269 Acqn 34075
Pb 10x15cm 144pp col ills £13

In the first half of the 20th century, when architecture and literature dreamed of transparency,
glass was the material these dreams were made of. However, the historiography of both fields
usually focuses on a few canonical works by male authors to tell the story of this shared
fascination. Departing from this imbalance, this essay takes the opportunity to explore the glass
culture of modernity through the lens of female projects whose stories often take place
simultaneously on different continents. While the former silent film actress Evelyn Word Leigh
builds a glass house for herself in Nyack, New York, artists and writers based in Europe - like
Claude Cahun, Anais Nin, and Hilda 'H.D.' Doolittle - flesh out imaginary glass domes as
construction sites of artistic subjectivities. Whether homes or domes, these creative women used
glass environments to question and renegotiate their assigned places in Western societies,
challenging the boundaries of female agency.

Ad Hoc Baroque - Marcel Raymaekers' Salvage Architecture in Postwar Belgium

Rotor vzw 2023 ISBN 9789464776652 Acqn 34063
Pb 21x30cm 196pp col ills £49.50

Marcel Raymaekers was a household name in much of Belgium from the 1970s to the 90s. More
than an architect - though technically he wasn't qualified as one anyway - he concocted and sold
dreams of nobility to Belgium's growing middle class through his business empire Queen of the
South, an implausible mix of antiques salvage yard and nightclub/restaurant/ 'estaminet'/jazz
venue. For nearly 50 years, Raymaekers bought and restored thousands of tons of antique
building components and reused them in hundreds of buildings of his own design. These
elements, without exception impressive in their craftsmanship and materiality, were - and still are
- a testimony to past material cultures and the staggering amountof buildings demolished in
Belgium since the end of the Second World War.

How is Life? Designing for our Earth

Toto 2023 ISBN 9784887064058 Acqn 34091
Pb Pb 15x21cm 364pp col ills £40.50

We have come to enjoy plentiful lifestyles in the 21st century, yet we are also facing issues such
as climate change, social inequality, epidemics, and the shifts in global dynamics brought on by
these things. 'How is Life?' takes another look at the various facets of our everyday lives,
reframing architecture as something that serves to make people's lives better and exploring ways
in which design can be employed to achieve prosperity not premised on growth. By introducing
projects that offer possibilities which depart from traditional conceptions of architecture and the
city, the book sparks a fresh awareness, inspiring you to explore new perspectives for living
together with our Earth.

Scape #02 / 23
Blauwdruk Publishers 2023 ISBN 9789492474759 Acqn 34094
Pb 17x24cm 176pp col ills £26.50

This special issue explores the magic of darkness, something which seems more elusive than
ever nowadays. The illumination of our cities entails a harsh reality: the disastrous damage that
all this light does to the world of insects, animals, and the entire ecological system, not to mention
the human cycles of day and night, sleep and activity, and illness and well-being. Lighting
designers from around the world and dark sky advocates from the United States and New
Zealand offer insight into how to better manage and design our surroundings. Besides a photo
dossier on stargazing, the issue features innovative ways to approach lighting design, essays,
portraits, and more.

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