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Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

This is Kinnan’s farm. Write the missing letters to form the names of animals
that you can see on his farm.

• We see different types of animals around us. All types of animals are
different in appearance, shape and size.

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

• Just like other living things, animals also need food and shelter.
• Depending upon their places of living, animals are divided into different

• Depending upon their places of living, animals are divided into different

Domestic Wild Pet

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

Domestic and Pet animal
• Man tames or trains a few animals because they are useful to him.
Such animals are called domestic animals.
• For example, cow, goat, hen, dog, sheep, horse, etc.
• These animals are kept at farms.
• Animals provide us with food, raw material for making clothes, help as
means of transport, carry heavy loads for us, etc.
• We keep some animals like cats, dogs, parrots, etc. as pets at home.
• They are friendly animals, for e.g., dogs guard our homes and cats
chase the mouse away.

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

Wild Animals that live on land
➢ The animals that live in the jungle/ forest are called wild animals.

➢ These animals are different from domestic animals because they

cannot be tamed and kept in our house.
➢ They need open space to live.
➢ For e.g. elephant, tiger, monkey, bear, lion, giraffe, zebra, deer, etc.
➢ You can see some of these animals in zoos or wildlife sanctuaries.

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

• Animals that live in water
Many animals like sharks, whales, octopuses and a variety of fishes live in
the water. These animals have special organs like fins to swim in the water.

• Animals that can live both on land and in water

Some animals live in or near water. Animals like crabs,

crocodiles, tortoises, ducks, etc. can live on land as well as in

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot


Birds fly in the air. They have feathers and wings to fly. Birds have
beaks. They do not have teeth. Some examples of birds are parrots,
crows, sparrows, eagles, etc.

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot


Insects are very small creatures. They are found everywhere. All insects
have six legs. Some examples are honeybees, cockroaches, grasshoppers,
mosquitoes, butterflies,

Do you know that animals differ from each other in

the food they eat and the place they stay?

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

Based on their food habits, animals can be divided into 4


1. Plant Eating 2. Flesh 3.Animals eating 4. Animals eating

Animal Eating Animals plants and flesh dead animals.

1.Plant-eating animals
Animals like deer, elephants, rhinoceros,
giraffes, monkeys, zebra, cows, goats, etc.
eat only leaves, grass, green plants and
fruits. These animals are called
herbivorous animals.
Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot
2.Flesh-eating animals
Animals like crocodiles, lions, tigers, leopards,
etc. eat only the flesh of other animals. These
animals have to hunt for themselves. They are
called carnivorous animals.

3.Animals that eat plants and flesh.

Animals like bears, dogs, crows, etc. eat both plants as

well as the flesh of other animals. They are called

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

4.Animals that eat the flesh of dead
Some animals eat the flesh of dead animals.
They help to keep the forest clean. They are
called scavengers. Vultures, jackals and
hyenas are scavengers.

Just like you and me, animals also have homes. Take a look at the
different kinds of animal homes.

Natural shelters

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

1.Natural shelters
Examples of some natural shelters are trees, hollow tree
trunks, grass, dens, etc.
-Some animals live under rocks, heaps of stones or in
water too.

2.Shelters built by animals

Nests, honeycombs, burrows, etc. are some

of the shelters that animals built by

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

3.Shelters made by man for animals

Sheds, stables, kennels, pens, pigsties, coops, etc. are

some of the shelters that man builds for domestic and
pet animals.

Std. & Subject: II EVS SPS, Rajkot

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