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[5 marks]

Questions 1 to 5
Read the text carefully in each question. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C. Mark
the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

1 Matilda is looking for a pen pal who

A plays the flute.
B lives in Toronto, Canada.
C can share new recipes with her.

2 This signboard can be probably seen at a

A theatre.
B market.
C swimming pool.

English Year 5 (2023) 2

3 What time is the choir performance?
A 10.30 a.m.
B 11.00 a.m.
C 12.30 p.m.

Miss Ng: Today, we’re learning about some wild animals from the cat family. Did you know
that cheetahs are the fastest land animal? They have spots on their bodies.
Ganesh: That’s amazing!
Miss Ng: Another animal from the cat family is the tiger. Tigers have stripes on their bodies
but no two tigers have the same stripes.
Ganesh: Wow, that’s cool! What about lions? Do they have stripes too?
Miss Ng: No, they don’t. Male lions have manes while female lions don’t have any mane.

4 Which animals have spots on their bodies?

A Lions
B Tigers
C Cheetahs

English Year 5 (2023) 3

5 What were Najmi and his new friend doing in the photo?
A They were eating at the canteen.
B They were playing football at the field.
C They were drawing and painting in art class.

English Year 5 (2023) 4

[4 marks]

Questions 6 to 9
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each blank. For each blank, choose the correct
answer A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

I’m Matthew. I’m from Kuala Lumpur. It’s (6) ______ city in the west of Malaysia. There are
many exciting things to see here. There aren’t any beaches, but there (7) ______ many art
galleries and museums. The (8) ______are tall, and there are many huge shopping centers. My
favourite place is the cinema.
There are also some interesting nature places here. For instance, there’s an old forest reserve
named the KL Forest Eco Park. There’s also (9) ______ park called Taman Tugu.
However, the crime rates in Kuala Lumpur are higher than in other states. I think other states
are safer, less noisy and less crowded than Kuala Lumpur.

6 A a B an C some

7 A am B are C is

8 A cafes B buildings C zoos

9 A any B some C a

English Year 5 (2023) 5

[5 marks]

Questions 10 to 14
Read the text below and answer the question that follow. For each question, choose the correct answer
A, B or C. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

My Family
Hi, I’m Saiful and I come from a big family. I have got a mother, a father, two brothers and three
sisters. Although there are many of us but we’re very organised. Every Monday to Friday, my
siblings and I get up early to go to school. We wake up at 6.00 a.m. We always go to school by
bus at 7.00 a.m. My parents both work in an office. They go to work at 7.30 a.m. by car.
Everyone is home by 6.00 p.m. My father often prepares dinner while my mother
sets the table. My siblings and I usually help to do the washing-up and sweep the floor after
dinner. All of us do homework together at 8.30 p.m. Then, we sometimes watch TV or read
books after doing homework. At 10.00 p.m., we go to bed. We never go to bed late.
On Saturday mornings, we usually play badminton. Sometimes, my brothers and I
wash our parents’ cars while my sisters and parents do some gardening. In the afternoon, we
sometimes play video games or board games. On Sundays, we normally go to the shopping
centre. My parents buy groceries while my siblings and I sometimes watch films at the cinema
there. I love spending time with my family.

10 What time do Saiful and his siblings go to school?

A 6.00 a.m.
B 7.00 a.m.
C 7.30 a.m.

11 How do Saiful’s parents go to work?

A By bus
B By car
C By train

12 Who often prepares dinner?

A Saiful’s father
B Saiful’s mother
C Saiful’s brother

13 What do Saiful and his siblings sometimes do after doing homework?

A They sometimes play video games.
B They sometimes sweep the floor.
C They sometimes watch TV.

English Year 5 (2023) 6

14 Which of the following is true?
A Saiful and his family sometimes play badminton on Saturday mornings.
B Saiful and his family never go to the shopping centre at the weekend.
C Saiful and his family usually watch films at the cinema on Sunday.

English Year 5 (2023) 7

[6 marks]

Questions 15 to 20
Read the texts about three different bedrooms. For each question, choose the correct bedroom (A, B or
C) which fits the description. Mark the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

A Anjali’s Bedroom
I’ve got a bed, a cupboard, a bookshelf and a desk in my room. My bed is small.
It can only fit one person. It is between my desk and the bookshelf. My
bookshelf is huge though. There are many interesting books on my bookshelf. I
love reading them in my free time.

B Balqis’s Bedroom
There is a bed, a desk, a beanbag and a cupboard in my room. My desk is old. It
was my sister’s old desk. My beanbag is new though. I just bought it last week.
It’s my favourite colour blue. I love sitting on my beanbag while watching
videos on my mobile.

C Chee Eng’s Bedroom

There are many things in my bedroom. I’ve got a big desk, a comfortable bed
and a small cupboard. My laptop is on my desk. It is a cool laptop because it is a
gaming laptop. I love playing video games on it. Sometimes, I chat online with
my friends. I also have a mini speaker on my desk. It was a gift from my uncle.

A Anjali
B Balqis
C Chee Eng

0 This person has got a gaming laptop. C

15 This person has got an old desk.
16 This person has got a huge bookshelf.
17 This person has got a gaming laptop.
18 This person has got a small bed.
19 This person has got a mini speaker.
20 This person has got a new beanbag.

English Year 5 (2023) 8

[5 marks]

Questions 21 to 25
Read the description of some words about animals.
What is the word for each one?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each letter in the word.

0 An African wild animal like a horse with black and white zebra
21 A brown or cream-coloured animal with one or two humps on c____
its back, lives in the desert.
22 A reptile with a long, thin body with no legs, some have s____
poisonous bites called venom.
23 A large bird that eats other animals, it has sharp eyes and can e____
fly really high.
24 A sea animal with a rounded body, eight long arms and o______
bulging eyes.
25 The tallest living animal, has a short body but a very long g______
neck and legs.

English Year 5 (2023) 9

[10 marks]

Your friend from another country is interested in your school. He wants to know more about your
school. Write an email to him

In your email,
● give him some information about your school
● share with him about the subjects you learn

Write about 30-50 words.

Write your email below.

Subject My school


English Year 5 (2023) 10

[10 marks]

You have just received a birthday party invitation from your classmate. Write a message to your other
classmate, Vivy and say why you’re excited for the party and invite her to go with you.

Write a message to Vivy in about 60-80 words.


English Year 5 (2023) 11


English Year 5 (2023) 12





15. A B C
No. Blacken your answer
16. A B C
1. A B C
17. A B C
2. A B C
18. A B C
3. A B C
19. A B C
4. A B C
20. A B C
5. A B C

6. A B C

7. A B C
No. Write your answer
8. A B C

9. A B C 21.

10. A B C 22.

11. A B C 23.
12. A B C
13. A B C
14. A B C

English Year 5 (2023) 13

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