NUR 102 (Activity 1) Lecture

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Name: Mary Lean M. Aque Section: B4


1. How crucial it is for a person who has a medical diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus who
could not maintain his/her carbohydrate intake? And why is it that person who has this
kind of medical condition should maintain and monitored his/her dietary intake?

Answer: Carbohydrates have the greatest impact on blood sugar levels compared to protein and
fats. Maintaining the carbohydrate intake would help prevent from complications. It is worth
noting that each individual's dietary needs may vary, and it is important for those with diabetes
to work with a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, to create an individualized
meal plan that suits their needs and helps them manage their condition effectively.
2. Does the nutrition care process is important in the field of nursing profession? Why?

Answer: It serves such a big role in the field of nursing because it provides a structured
approach for nurses to assess, diagnose, intervene, and evaluate the nutritional needs of their
patients. By integrating the nutrition care process into their practice, nurses can contribute to improved
patient outcomes, such as better wound healing, reduced risk of complications, enhanced immune
function, promote faster recovery and overall improved health.

3. Explain the differences between monosaccharide and disaccharide as part of the

different sugars of carbohydrate.

Answer: Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates and are often referred to as
single sugars. They consist of a single sugar unit and cannot be hydrolyzed into smaller
carbohydrates. On the other hand, disaccharides are composed of two monosaccharide units
joined together through a glycosidic bond. They are formed when two monosaccharides
undergo a condensation reaction, resulting in the release of a molecule of water

4. When was the time that you ate a lot of foods that is high on carbohydrate? and what
was that kind of food? What was your realization after digesting those large volumes of
food that has a high on carbohydrate?

Answer: I remembered I was really craving for some French fries and I think I’ve had such a
great amount of it. After I ate, I had constipation and I felt really bloated. I realized that even if
it is a carbohydrate rich food it doesn’t mean that we over consume because there are also
complications that you might experience.
5. If given a chance to create a food that is healthy but high on carbohydrate, what would
that be? And do you think it is healthy enough to eat that kind of food? Why?

Answer: If given a chance to create a food that is healthy but high in carbohydrates, one option
could be a whole grain-based dish such as quinoa salad. Quinoa is a highly nutritious grain that
is naturally gluten-free and packed with complex carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients1.
The salad can be prepared with a variety of colorful vegetables, lean protein sources like grilled
chicken or tofu, and a light dressing made from healthy fats like olive oil or avocado. Whether
this food is healthy enough to include in a balanced diet would depend on various factors, such
as individual dietary needs, overall calorie balance, and personal health goals. Carbohydrates
are an essential macronutrient and serve as the primary energy source for our bodies. However,
it's essential to consider the overall balance of the diet, ensuring adequate intake of other
macronutrients (protein and fats) and essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

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