WS1 Module 3 Exploring Spreadsheets

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Name ___________________________________________Grade__________ Date ________

Module 3: Exploring Spreadsheets

Worksheet #1

Q1. Fill in the blanks.

1. A spreadsheet consists of ___________________, rows and cells.

2. The name of the cell is the combination of the column _______________ and row

3. A cell having a thick black border around it is called an _______________ cell.

4. The default alignment is ___________ for text and _______________ for numbers.

5. A ____________ is a single box in the grid in a spreadsheet.

6. _______________ are vertical lines in a spreadsheet, represented by letters.

7. _____________ are horizontal lines in a spreadsheet, represented by numbers.

8. A small square at the bottom right corner of the cell is called a


9. A formula must start with an _______________ sign.

10. A _________________ is a piece of text that describes what is being entered.

11. You can use the _________________ button instead of typing the formula.

12. To change the ___________________ of the columns, drag the line between the column

13. Each cell has a ____________________________.

Q2. Choose the correct option.

i. Which of the following options is a formula?

a. =SUM(A1:A7) b. Subtract (A1 ; A7) c. Add A1- A7

ii. A cell having a thick black border around it is called _____________________ cell.

a. inactive b. name c. active

iii. Which one of the following options CAN be used in an Excel spreadsheet formula?
a. ; (semi-colon) b. : (colon) c. # (hash)


iv. In Excel, text is aligned to the ______________ side.

a. left b. right c. center

v. Which one is not a function in MS Excel?
a. MAX b. AVG c. SUM

vi. In order to save a new document in Microsoft Excel you must select which one of the
following tabs?

a. Edit b. File c. Format

Q3. State whether it is True or False.

1. A bar chart is called a column chart in Microsoft Excel. True / False

2. In a spreadsheet we do not type the numbers in a formula.
We use the cell reference (for example, A1) True / False
3. You can enter only numbers into a spreadsheet. True / False
4. In a spreadsheet you cannot copy formulas. True / False
5. You can use a spreadsheet to create a graph and charts. True / False
6. When you copy a formula, it does not change the cell references that it uses. True / False
7. The X-axis is vertical, and the Y-axis is horizontal. True / False
8. We can use a semi-colon (;) instead of a colon(:) in a formula True / False
9. Data can be text or numeric. True / False
10. We can use the SUM formula if the cells are not in a sequence. True / False
11. Graphs can be found under the View tab. True / False
12. The Fill Handle is useful when you need to copy a formula lots of times. True / False
13. The name of the cell is the combination of the column number
and a row letter. True / False
14. All cells in a spreadsheet have the same cell reference. True / False
15. The default alignment is left for text. True / False
16. We have to write a #(hash) sign in the beginning to do any calculation. True / False
17. You can use the Σ AutoSum button instead of typing the formula. True / False
18. Columns are horizontal lines in a spreadsheet, represented by numbers. True / False
19. A small square at the bottom right corner of the cell is called a Fill Handle. True / False


Module 3: Exploring Spreadsheets

Worksheet #2

Q1. Answer the following.

1. What is a spreadsheet? Why do we use spreadsheets?





2. What is a formula?


3. What is a cell reference?



4. What is a fill handle?



5. What is the cell reference for the active cell?



Q2. Choose the correct word to match the definition.

AVERAGE Replicate SUM Function

Calculate Numeric MIN Label MAX

to mathematically work out the result.

data that is made up of numbers, eg 22, 4 , 16

a piece of text that describes what is being entered; eg. it might

be a heading or a title.

a set of instructions that are followed when a keyword is


a function in a spreadsheet that adds together several

numbers that are next to each other. You could not use this
formula if the cells are not in a sequence.

finds the average (mean) value from a list.

finds the minimum (or smallest) value from a list.

finds the maximum (or largest) value from a list.

to make a copy of something, eg, a formula

Q3. Identify the type of chart.

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