BookingsList As On 25-Mar-2023

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Booking Date Modify Date Cancel Date

25-Mar-2023 10:06:15
A 10:06:15 AM (WIB)
Arrival Date: From Date : 26-Mar-2023
Booking No Booking Itinerary no Channel Ref Id Source

268600000010386 920007865 Agodaycs

To Date : 26-Mar-2023
Point Of Sale Payment Type Contact Name

agodaycs Channel Collect Harjiatno Harjiatno

Status Room Type Package

Confirmed DELUXE BALCONY QUEDeluxe Double with Balcony - Double - Room Breakfast,
Promocode SmartPricing DiscouSmartPricing DiscouArrival Date

th Balcony - Double - Room Breakfast, 26 Mar 2023

Departure Date Room(s) Total night(s)

29 Mar 2023 1 3
NoAdult NoChild NoExtraAdult

2 0 0
ExtraAdultRate NoExtraChild ExtraChildRate

0 0 0

Including Cancellations
Actual Revenue
Deposit Amount Total Amount Total Tax Component

0 1974224 0

0 1,974,224.00 0
0 1,974,224.00 0
Commission Total Tax (Inclusive) Total Tax (Exclusive)

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
Total Amount: (All InclusivInternal Comments BE Text Box



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