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Ba le of Hydaspes

The ba le of hydaspes, also known as the ba le of Jhelum, took place in 320

BCE. Between the forces of Alexander the great of Macedonia and the king
Porus of Paurava Kingdom.
 A er conquering Persia, Egypt, and the vest territories of central Asia,
Alexander aimed to extended his empire into the Indian sub-con nent.
 King Porus ruled over the region of Punjab, which was an important part
of Alexander’s ambi ous.
 Alexander’s army crossed the Indus river and encountered King Porus
and his force near hydespes river (now known as Jhelum river).
 Porus was known for his bravery and his well-equipped army, which
consist of infantry, cavalry, and war elephants.
The Ba le
 The ba le took place in 320 BCE, and the exact details are not well
 King Porus fought fiercely on the ba le field but ul mately, his force was
overwhelmed by the Macedonian Army.
 Despite being defeated, Porus gained respect from Alexander for his
bravery and leadership.
 Alexander spared Porus life and even appointed him as a governor in his
2. First Ba le of Panipat

The 1st ba le of Panipat was fought on 21st April 1526, between the forces of
Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of Delhi Saltanate, and Babar the founder of Mughal
Ibrahim Lodi ruled over Delhi Saltanate and faced opposi on from various
regional rulers. Babar who already established his rule in Kabul and had set his
sights on expandin his territory into northern India.
The Ba le
 Babar’s army consist of 12,000-15,000 soilders faced Ibrahim Lodi’s
larger force about 1,00,00 troops.
 Despite being outnumbered Babar army deployed superior ar llery and
tac cs, including the use of firearms and cannons.
 Ibrahim Lodi was defeated and killed in the ba le.
 Babar victory and control over Delhi laid the founda on for the Mughal
empire in india
3. Third Ba le of panipat

The 3rd ba le was fought on 14th Jan 1761 between the Maratha empire, led by
Peshwa Balaji Baji Rao, and the Durrani Empire led by Ahmad shah Durrani.
 The Marathas had become a dominant power in India , Controlling a
large part of sub -con nent.
 Ahmad shah Durrani, the ruler of Afghanistan, sought to reestablish his
authority in the region and launched a campaign against Marathas.
Ba le
 The ba le was fiercely fought, with both sides having heavy casual es.
 Marathas had large forces es mated 1- 1.5 lakh.
 While Durrani Empire had around 75,000 troops.
 The ba le resulted in a victory for Ahmed shah Durrani and the Durrani
 The defeat weakend the Maratha and impacted their control over
northern India.
4. India Pakistan War 1971

The India – Pakistan war in1971 was a significant in the crea on of Bangladesh
(former east Pakistan) as an Independent na on.
Here is the over view of the war :
1. Background:
A er the 1947 par on of India, east bangal became a province of
Pakistan and was called east Pakistan. The east and west Pakistan
were not only separated geographically, they differed in language,
culture, etc also.
2. Causes:
Language controversy
 In 1948 Jinnah declared that Urdu will be the official language and the
people of east Pakistan were sided, who were bangle speaking.
 This led to widespread protest in east Pakistan and the “Language
Movement “began for the right of Bangali’s to use Bangla as their official
Cultural Difference
 West pak was dominated by the Panjabi and Pashtun ethnicity.
While east pak (Bangladesh) gave more importance to the Bangali
ethnicity over religious iden ty.
 The popula on of Hindu was also more in east pak then west,
hence they considered less loyal by west pak administra on.
 The Bengalis took great pride in their culture and language, which
was unaccepted to the west pak elites because they assumed it as
hindu culture influence.
Poli cal Imbalance
 The pak administra on was dominated by west pak and the Bengalis had
no say in the process
 East pak had more popula on then west pak but recived lower budget
 Bengali’s were unrepresented in every aspect of administra on and
3. Event leading to war:

 In 1970, general elec on were held in Pakistan, and the Awami

League, led by sheikh Mujibur Rahman, won a majority in East
 However ruling military junta, based on west pak refuses to
recognize result and a acked on the Awami League, triggering
Widespread protests and violence in east pak.
4. The conflict

 On 25th march 1971, the pak military launched brutal a ack east
pak, aiming to supress the growing movement for power and
 The war led to widespread human rights abuses including mass
killing, rape and displacement resul ng in massive refugees into
neighbouring India.

5. India’s Involvement

 India under the leadership of Indira Gandhi provided shelter and

support to the million refuges who fled from east pak to India.
 India military involvement began in Dec 1971.
 The Indian ARMY along with Muk Bahini (Bengali Guerilla Fighter)
launched coordinated a acks for capturing key ci es and towns.

6. Surrender and Independence

 On December 16, 1971 the Pak forces in east Pak surrender to the joint
forces of the Indian Army and Muk Bahini.
 This led to the crea on of Bangladesh as an independent na on.

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