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Copyright © 2021 by Dave Brose

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First edition

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Are you stuck in a rut? Are you having difficulties with finding
purpose? Happiness? Fulfilment? I remember when I was in
that spot, with nothing really giving me complete satisfaction.
You’re either happy, but not productive enough, or you’re
micromanaging every second of your day and not having a spare
hour to drink your cup of coffee and relax. I’m here to tell you
that it’s never too late to seek second, or third, or fourth chances.

Changing jobs like socks was my routine. I worked in online

sales, digital marketing, book authorship, coaching, and even
pizza delivery. Everybody has to start somewhere. Usually,
that’s a corporate nine-to-five job with barely any space for
improvement. In the beginning, nobody really looks for a
job that will make them happy or make them feel fulfilled,
everybody’s priority is money. Nobody can say that it isn’t
important. Basically, you sell your soul and you numb your
creative parts and dreams to have some sense of financial
security. Nobody likes to think about what tomorrow might
bring, and if they’ll be prepared for that. People stay stuck in
their jobs just so they feel safe, comfortable. This type of comfort
zone makes us lose purpose. You lose track of what you wanted


to do with your life; you lose the will to contribute to something

bigger. The bigger mission, if you will.

We give too much attention to every minor setback and end

up trapped and miserable. We avoid taking risks when that’s
exactly what we should do. Getting a new job is a risk. Asking for
a better position at your current job is a risk. Getting a new career
is a tremendous risk. Just admitting to yourself that you’ve
wasted years doing something you don’t care much about is a
terrifying thought we avoid, because it’s simply easier not to
think about it. But believe me, when you start thinking about it,
when you give yourself a chance to actually imagine the life you
deserve, you’ll see that it’s just a couple of risks away. You might
not get it right at first, but what matters is that you continue to
try. With every step you take towards your happiness, you gain
experience. You get closer even when you fall. It’s just a matter
of time when you’ll want to embrace the change you desperately
need. The transformation you need is deep within you, waiting
to be triggered. A moment of clarity will arrive, unannounced, at
your door. So open the door, let new opportunities in, don’t sit
at your desk crunching numbers, being stressed because work
is piling up and it’s already midnight and you need to wake up
in seven hours. Don’t let bad circumstances, bad habits or bad
luck streaks stop you from making a big change.

If I were to tell you how many bad things happened throughout

my life, I would go through a big list. But this list is also a list
of reasons that drove me to success. It’s really all about the
perspective. Things are not only black and white. With every
bad thing that happens, you gain experience, and that boosts
your chances of bad things repeating in a never-ending cycle.


You learn, and that’s a good thing, embrace the knowledge from
your misfortunes.

I guess my wake-up call was waking up from surgery on my

neck. Rock-climbing accident. This event had very negative
implications for my health and future. I sustained a severe spinal
cord injury, and it was questionable if I was going to walk again
or have the use of my hands. It was certainly a bad couple of days.
It was a kind of surgery that puts you in a wheelchair for the rest
of your life, and your life expectancy is drastically reduced. I
knew my injury was bad; I didn’t know how bad, but I knew I was
going in for a very long surgery. At that moment my thoughts
were racing, but my biggest fear wasn’t for myself, it was for
my wife. What would happen to her? How will she take care of
herself? What would be the impact on her? We had been in the
US for only a couple of months. What if she suddenly had to take
care of me? I had big plans and this could shatter them. So it
was hard.

Accidents like these happen and you can’t undo them, but if
you’re willing to try, you can manage, I did. Something like this
just shocks you, makes you wonder about every choice you ever
made, about every single thing that you are doing. And after a lot
of internal questioning, your brain rushes to find you a solution.
That moment, when you’re under risk to lose something you’re
able to see what it is that’s really important to you. All of those
goals just seem bright and polished, and you’re ready to tackle
them by all means necessary. This is because life is too fast to
have the luxury to make yourself feel miserable over and over
again. While I was awake before the surgery, I asked a lot of
questions; I was already thinking about what my plan out of this



I remember most vividly when I woke up; I was able to push my

right arm into the air and I knew that was a really good sign. I
was really happy about that. It felt as if I’ve been coming out
of this dark fog and I was just pushing my hand through the air
while I was lying on my back. I was looking at my left hand and I
noticed my wedding ring was gone. This is all I could think about
for a while. Where’s my wedding ring? When the nurse noticed
that I was awake and obviously searching for something, she
told me that they had to cut my ring off. My hands were swelling
up so they couldn’t take it off. This was heartbreaking for me.
My wife was outside. The nurses ran me through some physical
tests. Squeeze my finger. Follow my eyes. Follow the light. Do
you feel this? Do you feel that? I knew this wasn’t good, but I
had a feeling that I was going to be okay. More accurately so,
I was convinced that it was all going to be okay. I’m alive. I
survived the surgery. I didn’t wake up with a tube up my throat.
So that’s good.

I survived the surgery even though the initial outlook was poor.
Let this be a lesson to everyone, things are not only what they
seem, even at the darkest of times. Carry a sprinkle of hope with
you at all times.

The physical therapists were not encouraging, but I didn’t want

to accept what they were saying. It took a while, but things got
better, I got better. I moved on with my life, although I had to
say goodbye to a lot of things and hobbies that I used to do, I
just couldn’t do them anymore. I usually say that I don’t care,
even though I do, but I refuse to let this be a problem. There’re


so many things to do now, so this was a good moment to try

something new. And, you know what they say, when life gives
you lemons, sell lemonade on Amazon. Kidding. Since truth
lies within every joke, this was the best time to get into online
businesses. I always wanted to be location independent. This
event got me closer to a career-type that I have always wanted.

Of course, in the beginning, it was hard having that level of a

traumatic injury and being forced to come back to regular life
with it. Definitely, the worst thing that has ever happened to me.
But at that moment my mission was very clear to me. I needed to
take care of my wife. I’m from the US, she’s not, she was new in
this country. We’ve only been here less than a year at this point,
and she was working very hard. I wanted her to be able to lean
on me; she was my motivation to achieve working from home
and just living the good life. After all, I chose not to look at this
as a bad thing that happened. People often tell me things like
“You’re so lucky that you survived.” and I’m like, if I was lucky,
I wouldn’t have fallen in the first place. I just don’t consider
that it was an accident that happened.

They had to do an MRI on me and a bunch of other pre-surgery

stuff. I was there for 24 hours before they checked me into
surgery, and a nine-hour wait until it was scheduled. They
took out a part of my neck, a disk, replaced it with titanium
and bone, from the bone bank. A lot of physical therapy was
on my schedule. I was left with some pretty severe deficits. My
left-hand functions, I have the ability to move it, but not to
any degree that will register on the scale. So, it’s effectively
zero. My right-hand functions about 5-10% of normal. Also,
I have a big loss of strength and motor functions in my upper


extremities. Some sensory deficits. Toes are probably like 70%

normal. Everything else works.

Sometimes I think about getting expelled from high school or

getting fired from a job or similar things; all of those things
seemed really bad to me at the time, but they turned out to be
things that drove me forward. Things that gave me a competitive


If you wish to retire a little early or if you’re close to retirement or

even if you’re retired already, I have some advice for you! Ladies
and gentlemen, we all go through some career issues. The stages
of our careers are the difference. Are you just starting out? Still
just tapping in circles, wondering what you want to do. Are you
in a middle career crisis? Then you must know what it feels like
when you’re not as young to take a risk and make a change on
your career path, but still not old enough to count the days until
retiring? Stuck in-between being financially secured and facing
the fact that you’re not satisfied with your career choice. Are you
a couple that keeps on fighting and money isn’t the problem?
Just unhappiness.

We all go through these challenges. Ironically, we keep on not

challenging ourselves enough to feel good. As time goes by,
this becomes a bigger problem. We tend to avoid this. We run
away from solving this problem as if it was a monster from our
nightmares. But this is only a change. A change for the better.
At one point in life, we started perceiving change as a negative
thing. This mindset doesn’t provide us with clarity to see that
we may just be in a negative place at the moment.


A lot of factors contribute to us avoiding taking a risk of genuine

happiness. The leading factor is fear. Fear of losing your current
job. Fear of being rejected by other employers. Fear of change.
It all revolves around us just being big children in suits afraid
of unknown obligations. Fear kills the possibility of getting
excellent results out of taking risks. Also, there’s a lack of self-
confidence. We can never see our potential through our own eyes.
We let new opportunities slip through our hands because there’s
a chance that we’re not good enough, that we don’t deserve them.
This kind of thinking is the reason that we are unhappy, and this
pushes us further and further away from even taking a chance
at something new. It’s never too late to pursue something new,
to pursue happiness.

I know that we fill changing careers with questions, and I know

that we lack answers. It can be quite confusing. My goal is
to simplify this process so everyone can benefit. You have no
idea how many people feel just as lost as you. Just watching
people move from corporate jobs to having their businesses and
becoming private jet rich and wondering: “How?” At one point it
seems like a simple path to follow, this path of self-enrichment
(also pocket-enrichment); you’re listening to videos like do
this, then do that and you’ll end up retiring rich and not doing
anything while your services work for themselves. When you
try following these ‘tutorials’ practically, the struggles kick
in. I lean towards seeking fulfillment because ‘happiness’ just
doesn’t cut it. You can rarely experience one without the other.

Imagine that you’re just about to retire. Now that you’ve

imagined palm trees, doing the crossword puzzles every day,
reading soooo many books, traveling, and all that, are you sure


that that’s going to play out just as it did in your mind right
now? We don’t always know what we want until we get it. What
if all these activities get boring at one point? Of course, you can
always do something else, but are you going to be fulfilled with
no purpose? Was there some cause that you’ve always wanted
to contribute to but never had the time, the money, the energy?
Why not invent your own cause? Why not use retirement wisely?

After my injury, I was able to retire at age fifty-three. I created

a successful future for myself; I ended up living the dream. No
work, living on a tropical island, drinking beer all day, playing
pool all night. I thought to myself “This is where I wanted to
be.”. All these horrible things that happened to me put me in a
situation where I had no options. For example, when you have to
worry about rent next month, you need to figure out what to do.
But when you no longer have to worry about certain things, it
becomes much harder to drive yourself forward. I took a glance
around me and I saw all these ex-pats; these fat, old guys sitting
around the bar, complaining all day how it used to be better, blah,
blah… At one point I thought to myself “This is me. I am these
guys.”. I’ve gone from having a mission to lounging around
all day. I’ve completely lost my mission, and I was so unhappy.
There was a lack of inner happiness.

I decided to refocus and seek the next big thing. When I

completed what I thought was the big thing, I didn’t have
anything else to do. I wanted more. So, this pushed me to the
next big thing and I try to maintain the cycle.




The online world is so big right now that you can’t afford to
miss out on it! It can be really convenient too. Being location
independent is a huge perk. If you get bored with working in
your living room all day, just throw your laptop in a bag and
go wherever. You can sit in the park or in nature and just relax,
without looking at walls all day. Fancy a cup of coffee? Or a beer?
I won’t tell anyone, pinky swear! You can go and work in your
favorite coffee shop. There’s no need for white noise when you
can sit by the beach and listen to the waves crashing against the
rocks. Working online can give you the mobility and the freedom
to work from anywhere. Get your businesses working for you,
spread your services worldwide, and sit back while filled with


Sometimes our academic readiness isn’t enough to find an ideal

career. You’re a rockstar in your field of work, but the pieces


don’t fit the puzzle. People usually don’t take their personality
types into account. While you’re working as a pro, something
about your workplace just bothers you. You’ll achieve crazy
amounts of success if your work is not only something you know
and love, but also something that naturally aligns with you.

There are sixteen personality types in total. I advise you to get

curious about this. Although there are a lot of them, the primary
setting is whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert. Of course,
you may be lucky to turn out an ambivert, plainly said, the best
of both worlds kind of combination. Your work environment is
something that can either make or break your success.

• Introverted type:

As an introverted person, your potential reaches its maximum

when you’re alone. You function much better on your own than
as a part of a team. Introverts are their own motivation, they
tend to be creative, empathetic, and they make great problem
solvers. You stick with a few people that you fully trust and you
avoid unimportant chit-chats and big crowds. People tend to
tire you out.

This personality type seeks possibly home-based jobs. Any

job that gives you the freedom to work alone. The online
world is the introverts’ dream. There’re so many positions you
could consider, for example, content writer, software engineer,
graphic designer, etc.

• Extroverted type:


As an extroverted person, the peak of your potential is when

working within a team. You love social engagements, you’re
friendly, you can’t wait for the opportunity to meet new people.
When you’re alone, you can easily get anxious. You feel happier
by every person that enters the room (So, the extrovert unit is
+1happy on the mood bar/person). Your problem-solving skills
are based on communication.

You’re a rockstar when the spotlight is on you. Your ideal job

requires a team-like structure. A great fit for an extrovert could
be the following: event planner, financial advisor, hairstylist,

• Ambivert type:

As an ambivert person, your potential can be high when sur-

rounded by people, but it can also be low if it’s a group of people
that aren’t a great fit for you. You enjoy your ‘me’ time, but after
a while, you do miss being around people. You’re able to adapt

Your ideal career consists of having your alone time to create

and then sharing your project with people. Ideal careers for you
are teacher, virtual assistant, salesperson, etc.

These are three default types. As I’ve mentioned, there are

sixteen in total according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
When taking this test there are four categories, each of them
has two traits.

1. Sensing (S) or Intuition (I)


2. Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

3. Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)
4. Introversion (I) or Extraversion (E)

By selecting the traits, you identify with you’ll end up with a

four-letter result, one letter from each category. You should get
curious about this. After all, maybe you’re wasting away your
potential because your environment isn’t a good fit for you. You
have an option to take this test online for free so get curious, it
just might help your current situation.



My goal is to ensure you seek fulfillment. Once you get a taste of

contributing to things that matter to you, you truly experience
peace and happiness. If everyone believed more in the potential
they carry within themselves, that would make a tremendous
impact on the world. One of your ideas may be a solution to a
problem that many people face. Wouldn’t you feel better if you
embraced your knowledge and transformed it into a service that
people would be thankful for? Set your goals and little by little
you’ll achieve success and one unique journey!

I’ve made all kinds of mistakes! With that being said, I direct my
aim to the things you shouldn’t do. The things that don’t work.
I remember at the age of forty-five I thought I’ve made every
mistake a middle-aged guy could make. I was quite proud of
that. Most careers have a time frame in which they’re suitable
for you. I had a variety of careers and I’m not an expert in every
one of them. I dabbled here and there. Even when I messed


up, I’ve gained experience. I really want you to understand

that we all made mistakes. Look back and think about what
you’ve learned from your mistakes. The authentic experience
comes from managing your own crisis. We’re all going to make
many mistakes in our lives, but you need the perspective and
the strength to extract gold from these mistakes. Errors are
contributing to your experience as well. The type of experience
that will prevent us from repeating our slip-ups and learning
how to maintain work even within a crisis.

If you ever wanted to do more, but you were frightened to make

that crucial step towards your mission, know that you’re not
alone. A corporate job is much more tolerable when you know
that something greater is waiting for you on the other side. It’s
a simple you want this-you need that kind of plan.

I’ve always wanted to have enough money to create a dog shelter.

Volunteering just wasn’t enough. I’m very familiar with the
feeling of wanting to do more. Depending on your financial
state, you can contribute to causes you find inspiring or helpful.
Over time, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture. You’ll want to
do more and more. Why contribute when you can create? When
you open your eyes and see beyond your nine-to-five job, you’ll
see that there are bigger things than just becoming an employee
of the month.

Create your bigger mission, impact the world. Imagine all the
things that you can be capable of and the influence you can
spread. Doesn’t that thought give you a drive towards your




You should really listen to me because I’ve made all kinds of

mistakes. Every time I did something new is because I screwed
up the previous thing I was doing. My journey has taught me to
look past my mistakes and seek the best new thing. I want to
share my journey with you and hopefully, give you the incentive
to start your grand journey and hit your goals!

Set missions for yourself. Drain the potential out of yourself and
make amazing things. Paint your perspective in gold, sit back,
and enjoy your achievements.

I did big things on my journey, but I could’ve handled them less

difficultly. If I was aware of the concept of the bigger mission, I
could’ve done so much more. It took me a while to find what I
was passionate about and what I wanted to achieve, and I made
that my mission.

Therefore, I want to pick your brain. I sincerely want you to

think about your goals and missions. As soon as you got your
mission figured out, you will do whatever’s necessary to carry it
into effect. Don’t waste time. Make the most out of your ideas.
Use your creativity. Just visualizing your idea and organizing
the steps towards bringing it to life is half the work. Once you
have the strategy, everything else comes along.

I’m someone who did incrementally bigger things in life after

many setbacks. Emergencies drove me forward as opposed to
me having a bigger vision. I made some things work; I messed


some up, but I still made successes out of all of them. I’m not
an expert in what I’m doing, but I can call myself successful.

One of the key things is to learn to identify business opportu-

nities so you can achieve new financial goals that will finance
your missions. I worked in everything from digital marketing
to book authorship to online sales to coaching. I’ve achieved a
level of understanding and a level of success in all these areas.
Real estate was my prior career, now I coach real estate agents.
While I was in business, I used to coach sales managers, I would
create a PowerPoint that would teach agents proper tactics to
manage their activities better. I have a Shopify store that took
a lot of time, effort, and learning in the beginning, but now it
makes money and it pretty much runs itself.



People usually give up right before their moment of success.

Your business just needs to exist for a certain period so it can
eventually succeed. If you’re starting a new business and you run
into a bump on the road, don’t give up, odds are if you survive
the first few bumps, you’ll start cruising.

There’re a lot of negative voices surrounding us. When we’re

just starting out, we’re pretty insecure, just hoping everything
will turn out as we planned and every comment that’s filled
with doubt just shakes our insecurities. In these stressful times
full of anticipation, you need to be with a group of supportive
people. You need believers, not doubters. Lovers, not haters.
You need people that will make you feel good, people that are


positively charged. Because when your surrounding is positive,

the workflow is just off the charts and that will help you survive
any hurdle on the way!

I don’t know why people randomly give themselves the right to

judge what others are doing. They have the audacity to get in
your head with their negative comments or endless corrections.
They act as if they know best, just to get on your nerves and
bring you down. You should never give them the satisfaction to
do this, to get in your head. Shut down all the haters. Whenever
you start something new, you won’t be able to fully commit if
there’s toxicity around you.

Taking risks is hard enough as it is. You don’t need people who
are going to make this process harder for you. When there are
opinions flying around, it’s normal for anybody to get confused.
To start reevaluating everything. Contemplate. Now you already
have a thousand questions in your head thanks to the doubters,
and since you are in a state of confusion, you have zero answers.
This is how you get into a problem without actually having a
problem. You get into a state where you can’t think straight.
This is how people decide that it’s easier to give up and throw it
all away. They are just driven by gossip and doubtful comments
from know-it-alls. These people aim at your insecurity. When
making these enormous, life-changing decisions, remember
to listen to what your heart tells you. If you’re starting up a
business, you did all the planning and the thinking and the
reconsidering. You know what you’re doing, be aware of that.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t take advice from some people,
by all means, do, it can be useful. But, learn how to listen to


advice, keep it in mind, but make a decision on your own.

A lot of mistakes are driven by our emotional state. If we’re

feeling even a little insecure, we prevail to make them. Fear is
the leading emotion that prevents us from success. Of course,
everybody encounters fear, it’s normal. But, in business, you
need to set fear aside.

We’re constantly afraid that people are not going to like us, that
we’re going to fail, that people will ridicule our failures. These
are normal feelings, but we contribute more attention to them
than we should. Learn how to cancel out negative and toxic
people, mute their voices. The voices of haters shouldn’t have
an impact on the world you’re creating. We easily let people
bring us down, mock our ideas and eventually, our insecurities
kick in.

Step aggressively towards fear and it will disappear quickly. You

just need to get the courage to take that step, and any form
of human toxicity will evaporate. Our fears can sometimes be
described as a tiny dog. It barks loudly so we’re afraid to walk
past it. But, as soon as you walk past it, it stops barking, and it
didn’t bite you. So, you realize there was no need to be afraid;
it was just the anticipation of what might happen. If you don’t
gather the courage to face your fears, you’ll end up stuck in one

The spot we all like to call the comfort zone. After a while, you’ll
realize that it gets less and less comfortable. There’s no moving


Believe me, facing your fears is so rewarding, just tackle them to

proceed onto the path of success. Get good, positive people
around you, because they will make your uncertainties fade
away. Unmalicious people will give you the right advice and
their honest opinions. Good people are there to celebrate your
success. They want you to blossom. They want you to succeed
and they will give you the courage to do so. They’ll hold your
hand through the whole process. So by all means, create a circle
of all your dearest and your nearest and get excited about what
you’re doing. Don’t let anybody rain on your parade!

Also, you need to dig deep and find a bigger mission. Without it,
you’ll give up easily because there will be no personal connection
between you and your goals. You need this connection because
even when things are not going as you’ve planned, you will have
the drive to carry on, to gain success.

If I discovered the concept and the importance of having a bigger

mission earlier I would have done many more big things. Believe
me, it makes sense, we just never think about it. We’re just so
obsessed with our day-to-day runarounds that doing something
meaningful doesn’t even pop into our minds. It’s easier to turn
a blind eye to a lot of things, but that’s just not right. Because
that blind eye sticks with you. You’re basically forcing yourself
not to think about something that your brain wants to think
about. Beating all the passion and compassion you carry within
yourself isn’t the answer. You force yourself not to care. Feeling
numb is not good, and eventually, that will happen.

The funny thing is, you have a choice to be either happy and
fulfilled or to become numb over a period of time. Keep your


eyes wide open. Don’t pretend you don’t see all the things that
you could contribute to. Let your emotions flow. Embrace them.
Even if this is something to be sad or angry about, even if this
carries any type of negative emotions, open your eyes and your
heart to it. These emotions will get you to act immediately. The
emotions that you feel towards a cause of your own choosing
will lead you to achieve your bigger mission. Your emotions are
the gold coating that will strengthen the connection between
you and your future achievements. They are your triggers.

All of your hard work can be so much more than just monetary
value. Almost all my work success at one point was with the
goal of financing my missions, making them come true. I want
to invest in more than just material things. The feeling of
fulfillment is an investment you can’t pass upon. It’s a feeling
so rewarding that nothing really adds up to it.


We all have that mission inside, that cause we want to participate

in, but we keep on burying it with our boring and stressful
daily activities. When you choose the path of great things, good
things follow you all the way through it. We have a tradition
of delegating meaningful tasks and chasing instant pleasures.
This tradition should be reversed.

Of course, we live in a world that’s surrounded by all sorts of

immediate pleasures. And, of course, we succumb to them. It
has never been harder to resist procrastination. The internet
became a world of its own, a virtual world in which we take
pleasure. With no trouble at all, we spend hours and hours living


virtually. Surely, this has pros and cons. We just never lay them
out on that yellow legal pad.

By abusing the endless options that the internet provides, we

sometimes abuse our reality. The digital era has come, and
it’s hard to resist all the temptation. All that information.
And everything is just so convenient. At first, we were given
an option to satisfy our curiosities. As time passed by, we
became less and less curious. This is because it’s all out there.
Everything. Information is available for you anytime you want it.
So when knowing that something will forever be there waiting
for you to learn it, see it, listen to it, you snooze it. When you put
your curiosity to snooze once, it’s easy to do it again and again,
and the cycle keeps on repeating until we don’t care anymore.
The saying “Thrill of the chase.” applies to this, describes the
situation perfectly. The more available information is to you,
the scenario that is more likely to happen is that your interest
will be drastically reduced.

First, you lose interest in one topic, then another, and then
you’re just not interested at all. You can get interested anytime
you want. Odds are that you’ll just push information away
because you have the power to do so. Information is waiting for
you. Still, you lack it. This is how we get trapped in a cycle of so
many different options. It’s difficult to make a good choice.

A good choice requires work and effort and time has to pass
before we can actually feel good about something we’ve done.
Instant pleasures are, well, instant. That’s why we can’t get
enough of them. You can play so many games and just waste
hours doing just that. There’s always new music that you can


listen to. Movies you can watch. Time flies with Netflix, right?
Always getting messages, notifications, likes. Getting involved
in various discussions and endlessly commenting on something.

The line between the pros and the cons of the internet is very
thin. It’s so easy to get sucked into the whirlpool of the internet.
Instant gratification can really downgrade the quality of your life.
It can make you lose track of meaningful things. You become a
slave to the reactions of other people. And, as we’ve said, this is
just not good for business. Not good for life, in general.

Why cook something when you can order basically anything you
want? It rarely crosses your mind to try to make something you
love to eat, maybe make it even better, add some spice to it. ™ it.
Naah. That takes time and effort. Why read a book when there’s
someone explaining the plot? See where I’m going with this?
It’s a really thin line.

But the upsides are amazing if you’re willing to use the internet
and all the information it provides correctly. Don’t be a slave to
the internet and all the instant options it offers, operate with it,
make it function for you. Apart from all the bad habits, we tend
to make, the internet offers many good opportunities as well.
Business opportunities are everywhere. The barriers to entry
are low. This can be perceived as a good and a bad thing; it just
means that everybody’s transporting their business online. It’s
the way forward for people.

Say you have a plumbing business, people will always want to

do business with the people they know and like; you just need
to reach out to them in the digital world. Make your business


available digitally, make it visible. Worldwide visible. Every

service can be and will be digitalized. You don’t necessarily have
to work harder to separate yourself from the crowd, you just
need to work smart. Don’t try to cram as many things into a
short period of time. You’ll find yourself performing the wrong
activities. Learn how to manage your activities better. Stop
multitasking. This is a mistake that people repeat, especially
in stressful times. For example, if they have a deadline or
something like that. In the end, all your tasks are half-assed, if
done at all. And the stress levels are through the roof.

Multitasking usually strikes when we procrastinate instead

of doing work. As soon as the panic kicks in, we jump to
multitasking. It’s not a sustainable solution. So, make sure
your road towards getting your business online is a road made
out of smart steps.

You really can’t afford not to have your business online at the
moment. There’s always going to be room for niche providers
in the online and the offline world. Social media is a great way
to advertise your services for free. Get people acquainted with
your products or services. Branch out your business. It’s the
perfect time for it.

Use the power of the internet wisely. Buying, selling, trading,

it’s all happening. Things that require time are now done in a
matter of seconds. One of my friends built a successful shopping
store from zero. She was literally able to start a shopping store,
and she made it successful in a couple of months. She didn’t buy
any inventory, she literally just bought one of something, took
a picture of it, and made that her store. When she sold that one


thing, she bought two other different things, sold both of those,
and kept going in that manner. This involved a lot of walking
because she couldn’t afford to take a taxi. She was walking to
the wholesaler and back. Instead of buying boxes for products,
she made them out of scrap boxes. She had to do everything on
the cheap. Still, with a lot of hard work, effort, and improvising,
she became successful and her business is growing.

For example, there are thousands and thousands of people

selling on Amazon and making millions of dollars. You never
heard of them because they are selling under a specific umbrella.
There’s also Shopify from Canada and Shopee from Asia. There
are so many opportunities for everyone to sell their products
and offer their services online. Don’t let your business hang on
a wire, attach it to the wire!


Take small, but carefully calculated steps on your online journey.

This, of course, applies to the offline world as well. You need to
be prepared to make changes, be prepared to admit to yourself
when things are not working. Alter your plans, but don’t go in
over your head. Don’t make giant corrections. Changes take
time and if you hurry the process and make a huge change right
away, odds are you’re going to mess everything up. So, take
your time, and think about tweaking your business rather than
altering it completely. Make small, constant changes. Learning
to make tiny changes is key, it’s easier to maintain control when
you implement smaller corrections.

Face problems with an open mind. Don’t lose your cool and do


something reckless, take a moment to think about the necessary

adjustments. The world isn’t going to end because something
went wrong and neither is your business. It’s not always up to
us, businesses evolve. Everything is in one state today, another
state tomorrow. There are always new ways of doing things,
new versions, etc. You need to stay updated at all times.

Don’t look at change as if it was a necessarily bad thing. You

tried something, and it worked; you tried something else, and it
didn’t. We are just trying things out so we can actually expand
our knowledge and find solutions that suit our businesses. When
something doesn’t work, be honest with yourself. At the end of
the day, you learn something new from messing up as well.

I’ve hit all these barriers. I didn’t even recognize some of them
before they took a toll on my business. This is why I want to share
my experience with people so they don’t have to go through all
these mistakes. Let this be a huge warning sign. Do not do this.
Just try to avoid these obstacles and things will just fall into
place. Wisdom is the thing that you receive five minutes after
you really need it. I want to share some of this wisdom with you
before, so you don’t get to the point where you need it.

There were times where I was knee-deep in all the wrong choices
I’ve made. Especially in my real estate career. I was running
out of money to finance my missions, so I picked up some extra
work. I was working as a pizza delivery guy at night and I was
doing rideshare driving. People didn’t understand what I was
doing driving people around and delivering pizzas. They were
confused because I told them I worked in real estate. I just had so
many projects and I had to finance them somehow. It may have


been difficult, but I’m glad that I actually did the hard thing. I
wanted to push myself to the limit and not give up on my goals
by any means necessary.

From time to time, you’re going to need to do the hard things.

You need to be willing to do them. If I’ve recognized these
potholes earlier, maybe I wouldn’t need to do as many hard
things that I did. But this is the miraculous performance of
the bigger mission. Having it is so important that you would
do all sorts of hard things just to complete your mission. You
won’t stop until you’re satisfied with the work you’ve done.
Your mission will supply you with crazy amounts of energy and
motivation. With a head full of visions and a bright attitude,
you’ll feel as if you can conquer the world.


The number one key to success is finding a bigger mission and

knowing what it is. A good way to get ideas out of your mind
and into the real world is by writing. Release the clutter that’s
in your thoughts and transfer it to paper. This works because
it’s visible, and the paper is tangible. It feels like your ideas are
just a step away. And they are. Now all you need is to add action
to accomplish all your written goals. Aim high, but be willing to
correct along the way.

When you set yourself up for big things, good things start to
happen. Celebrate all small wins. Because each particle counts,
it brings you closer to fulfilling your mission. After every single,
small step it gets easier and every little victory motivates you
more and more. Be aware of your small wins. Be proud of them.


This is the golden rule. Do you think that military men are
trained to make their bed every morning because that’s useful
on the battlefield? Nope. It’s little habits that form our routine.
Depending on the habits, we either have a good routine or a bad

So, we can have a bad day every day just full of clutter and
mess, or we can have a good, organized day with our headspaces
rested and fresh to tackle new challenges. I think the perfect
balance is to have big goals and take small actions towards them.
These small successes become your habits. For example, let
your first task be making your bed. Wouldn’t it feel great to
know that you just woke up, made your bed, and you’ve already
scratched that off your list? Your eyes are barely open, but
you’ve already accomplished something. It gets easier every
day because completing tasks becomes a habit. Your next one
can be brushing your teeth. That’s two wins already. Everybody
can use that top-of-the-morning motivation.

It’s a great way to start a great day. I have my daily checklist in

front of me at all times. Just feels great checking something and
then seeing how there are fewer and fewer tasks. You feel like
you’re this big go-getter, like just taking a task, dominating and
moving like it’s no big deal! I put the coffee on my daily checklist.
I put mycelium, it’s a fibre I take, I put my morning walk on the
list as well. I used to print the checklists every morning, but
that didn’t work for me, so I’ve started printing them every two
weeks or so. Staple them together and conquer the day! Have
your morning ritual written down, and then when you sit down
at some point in the morning, you’ll see that you’ve done like
five things already. Boom! That will get you good and ready for


the rest of the day. When we do small things consistently, they

tend to give us success in the long run.


Let’s expand on points that are valuable for you to succeed. Pack
this psychology lesson in your suitcase and off to succeed you


One of the biggest truths lies in the saying, “The only thing to
fear is fear itself.”. Fear is able to make uncontrollable effects on
our lives. Even when it’s completely irrational, it can paralyze
us and shake our very cores. This is a normal emotion, although
it can grow along with us. It can live in our shadows for so long
without us even being aware of it. When we finally become aware
of the fears that we face, it seems almost impossible to let them
go. They get stuck with us like they’re our invisible Siamese

How do we get to the point where we let fear dictate our

decisions? Our fear becomes responsible for all our negative
outcomes. How do we get stuck in a seemingly never-ending


cycle of “What If?” questions?

Business-wise, we can’t afford to get bitten by the fear bug.

There are so many decisions that you need to make on a daily
basis. It can seem pressuring from time to time. You need to
be able to make quick decisions, you need to be able to make a
change without a blink of an eye. So, you can see how fear can
affect your business and take a massive toll on it.

We can find fear in any situation; it’s always lurking around.

So, why is it so easy to become a victim of fear? In business,
you can either succeed or fail. Being in an idle state is not
moving forward, and that can lead to failure as well. Now,
the question is do we fear success or do we fear failure? This
petrifying emotion flows both ways. In both cases we tend to feel
anxious, depressed, lost, insecure, pressured, guilty, etc. We
get a cocktail of emotions that nobody wants, and quite frankly
nobody needs. Fear never comes alone. As soon as we notice
it and admit it, it brings its psychological fellows so they can
torture us all together. In the end, we’re the ones hosting our
own pity parties. How do we say ‘no’ to these emotions? How
can we reject them and replace them with emotions that make
us feel good?

First of all, we need to go deep in order to see where this fear

is coming from. It’s not enough to notice fear when it occurs,
you need to seek the reason why it’s present (now that’s a lousy
gift) in your life. Your fear could be linked to, basically, any
unpleasant experience you’ve ever had. The range begins at
your childhood and stretches from all embarrassing or traumatic
experiences you may had to your life today. Depending on the


case, this range can also stretch from your life today to your
future. Future is a scary tense. Ironically, it also makes us feel

Things that we buried in our past can easily rise above the ground
and blossom at stressful times. Stress is like sun rays to our little
poisonous plant. The more stress we undergo, the more buds
our plant has. Basically, toxic emotions rise above the ground
and into our system they go.


So, let’s go through the fear of failure first because this is a

common fear. Obviously, no one likes the idea of failing. There
are plenty of reasons that explain why we can’t and shouldn’t
stand failure. Life is made out of ups and downs, and it is our
obligation to accept that, whether we like it or not. The ideal
scenario is that we look at failure as a problem which it is, accept
it, and work on finding a solution. Instead, we usually either
fear it or accept it with no action and wallow in self-pity.

Self-pity is a waste of time. You find yourself wasting a lot of

energy on feeling sorry for yourself, yet you don’t take any action
to better your mood. If you indulge in this kind of behavior,
you’ll only increase the probability of you failing at one or
more areas in your life. Self-pity attracts more pity. Over time,
you’ll start intentionally succumbing to failure just so you can
continue the endless cycle of self-pity. You’ll just start stabbing
yourself in the back. Self-pity prevents you from dealing with
your other emotions because it prevents you from accepting
things as they are. This emotion will only let you see the dark


side of life and you won’t be aware of how much you’re actually
missing out on.

Let’s go back to school days…what does F stand for? So, in a

way, we were taught that failing is bad, as it is. Nobody wanted
the dummy hat, nobody wanted to be separated from other kids,
nobody wanted to have a future with a question mark in it. These
are all general things. The difference is that this system worked
for some; motivated them to succeed and just tackle life, while
for others it may have left a fear of an uncertain future. To
a kid that can seem like this big thing, this future, this life of
yours; it’s in your small hands, you’re responsible for everything
that may or may not happen to it. While this can be a boost
for some kids, to others it may just cause negative feelings of
pressure and responsibility. To a kid that can’t yet understand
the entire concept of failing these emotions will probably get
him to delegate things out of fear of the unknown future, he/she
may have. This kid grows up. Walks tall with his/her suitcase
that’s full of workbooks and some uncertainty towards life. If
you lacked support at your early ages, there are chances that
you’ll carry all your insecurities into adulthood.

We are all different; we perceive the same things differently;

we have different values and different definitions of the world
around us. This was just one example of how deep the roots
of fear can go. Over time, self-doubt and self-sabotage sprout
out of this root. It just gets more difficult to cope with these
emotions. Self-doubt can be caused by a long-term lack of self-
esteem. Doubting ourselves can be good to a small degree; it
means that we’re aware that we can do better. Doubt also helps
us to demarcate the things we can and the things we can’t do.


It helps us with not taking a bite that’s too big for us, helps us
to gradually improve until we reach a point of certainty. But
when doubt is present in a higher percentage, it can only bring
us down and make us feel incapable of doing certain things.
The best way to deal with this is not to avoid help from others.
Whenever you feel indefinite of something, seek reassurance,
seek feedback, advice. There’s no shame in asking for help. You
can’t do everything on your own, it’s normal to feel insecure
from time to time. In these times, seek help from your loved
ones. Support will do you good. As long as you’re doing a good
job, you’ll receive positive feedback and that will boost your

Stop sabotaging yourself. Stop preventing yourself from being

happy. We self-sabotage ourselves because we lack the belief
in ourselves. Procrastination and destructive behavior can only
push you down in the dumps. You sabotage yourself just so you
can feel like you’re in control. Making peace with a negative
outcome in your future isn’t the kind of control you need nor
want. This type of behavior is just a mask that covers the things
that are really holding you back from achieving your goals. Take
off this mask and take a good, hard look at every little thing
that might be on your way. When you’ve identified a concrete
problem, you’ve done ninety-nine percent of the work. Now
that you know what’s in your way, head towards solving the
problem, and with every step of the way you’ll get closer to your

We’re all familiar with the fact that there’s good and there’s
better. Since there’s a better version of everything, sometimes
we find ourselves unsatisfied with ‘just good’. And thus, good


becomes bad. For no reason at all, good is not good enough

anymore. This kind of thinking can lead to perfectionism. We
become these meticulous beings, obsessed with everything
being just right with constant improvement. Although this
sounds like a good thing, like a thing that can drive us forward,
we actually start nitpicking over every tiny detail. This is a
feature of us that can only get on peoples’ nerves. At the
end of the day, we can never really be satisfied. We start to
quibble a bit here and there, and then suddenly we’re up in
everybody’s business. Clearly, nobody can stand a nitpicker.
We start wasting energy on every little unimportant detail. This
can push us further away from the things that actually matter.
Our attention splits in two and we focus on the stuff that’s
completely irrelevant. All of our values convert into partially
unrealistic ones and insignificant ones.

Now, let’s combine self-doubt and perfectionism. These two

terms are difficult to apprehend because they are contradictory.
Imagine the scenario where you want something to be done to a
certain degree, but you also don’t think that you’re able to do it.
This is an enormous problem that leads us to the state of being
idle. Now you’re dealing with a problem that you can solve, but
not to a degree that you’ll be satisfied with the solution. This
comes back to good not being good enough. From this point on,
we tend to do nothing at all. What’s the use? The mindset that
we build goes from getting things done to if something isn’t
done perfectly, it isn’t done at all. Might as well not do it. Why
bother? These thoughts can turn into an infinite circle, and it’s
very hard to break it. Our newly born problem now is not doing
anything. We get in a state where we just stop doing things. This
can easily lead to depression.


It’s insane how fast problems can pile up and another thing is
how long for we can avoid dealing with them. Your self-worth
declines fast and you can barely look yourself in the mirror. This
is the point where self-sabotaging can kick in. If you can’t be
the best version of yourself, why don’t you try being the worst?
Since we start avoiding productivity, we have a lot of time on
our hands to think. Thinking, rethinking, and that leads to
overthinking. When you’ve reached the stage of overthinking,
your thoughts don’t make any sense at all. You’ve recycled
one thought so many times that it became pointless. So many
questions, so many scenarios, and of course, panic kicks in.
When you think too much about something, you’ll probably
miss the obvious solution and complicate your problem to the
point of no return. At least it feels that way. Now you feel fear
flow through every part of your body. It clouds up your judgment
and you can’t think straight. This can feel like you’re a hundred
feet underground and like you’re never going to escape from
this hole.

Even though this hole is a terrible place, it becomes comforting

as time goes by. Nothing is expected of you anymore, and you
start to perceive that as a good thing. You start being unaware
of the problem that you are so deep in. You’re one step away
from wearing pajamas all day round and eating the family pack
of ice cream alone. After a couple of monotone days, you feel
like you’re starring in the Groundhog Day movie. You start to
wonder how you ended up on the hamster wheel.

So, how do you get off it? You don’t feel like you’re able to
aim high, so you get yourself doing some basic things at first.
Gradually moving up the ladder. Just moving feels like progress.


Make your bed in the morning and be sure to leave the pajamas
on it. You need to be dressed for your long-awaited comeback.
Set a goal and make the path towards it out of small steps. Small
and constant achievements. Count your every milestone. In
a few days, it will be much easier to get up in the morning.
You’ll start to acknowledge a sense of purpose in the air. Right
then you’ll realize how much you’ve missed it. On your way to
repairing your spirit, you’ll concentrate on the main goal and
not every little detail around it. You’ll see that what matters is
to keep on doing things rather than pouting because they are
not done perfectly.

In the beginning, it feels like you’re building yourself up from

scratch. It’s important to commit to starting over. There’s no
shame about it. You need to be able to see when things aren’t
working out. You need to be able to admit that a change needs to
be made. Most importantly, you need to be ready to make that
change. All your small tasks once again form a habit, and soon
enough you’ll be able to function like before. This time, without
so many doubts and fears.

Now that you’ve seen what fear can do to you, where it can take
you, you’ll do anything not to fall into its pits again. Learn
from your experience. Try to avoid falling into a black hole
because you’re scared to fail. Better to fail and pick yourself up
immediately than to fall so deep that no ladder is high enough.


… Better to fail and pick yourself up immediately than to fall so

deep that no ladder is high enough. While on the subject of high,


how great does it feel to be in a higher position? Or in the highest

position? Some would disagree. Fear of succeeding is also an
obstacle people can encounter. Even though it doesn’t happen
as often as fear of failing, it’s still an enormous bump on the
road. For some, the concept of fearing success is quite confusing.
Since success is a great thing, why do people feel negative about
it? With success comes satisfaction, so why would we reject it?
What are the factors that make us question our need for success?
Success comes with changes, so maybe we’re actually afraid
of changes, or changing? Maybe we’re scared of how people
are going to react to our success. How people will perceive us.
If you’re a people-pleaser, you can say goodbye to the idea of
succeeding. Unless you have parents that are dictating your
life for you. In that case is your success for you, or for them?
There’re so many reasons why a person could fear something.

Once again, let’s visit your childhood. Were you, by chance,

getting straight As? Some kids may have perceived you as a
nerd or a know-it-all. Maybe you were bullied because you were
successful. It’s understandable how the first thing that pops
into your mind is to downgrade your academic performance just
to avoid getting picked on. Also, to feel like you fit in. A kid
wouldn’t realize that he/she is fitting in with the wrong people.
Nobody likes the feel of judgment on their skin. If this is the
case, you were too young, and you didn’t know how to stand up
for yourself, so this behavior became a part of who you are.

Maybe you have all the tools you need to succeed, but you are just
shy. You can’t stand the attention, the looks, and all the people
talking about you. People get concerned about what others are
thinking about them. You put the opinions of other people on


a scale and measure your self-worth. In the end, it looks as if

everybody’s opinion is more valuable than your own. This could
be the case of the complex of lesser value. We tend to compare
ourselves to other people and depending on the referent person,
we can feel like we’re not as good. Instead of bettering ourselves
to be satisfied, we downgrade our self-image by constantly
paying attention to what other people are doing.

Usually, we don’t even make realistic comparisons. If you’re

going to play the comparison game, you should at least compare
yourself to a real person. Don’t be unfair to yourself. Let’s say
you’re thirty years old and you run a successful business; you
couldn’t compare yourself to a fifty-year-old billionaire that
has worked three times as much as you did. You’re making
yourself miserable for no reason at all. Unrealistic goals blind
you to the point where you can’t even see how much success
you’ve already made and how you’re doing just fine. The key to
measuring success is comparing yourself today with yourself
yesterday. That’s all the comparison you need. Be your own
referent value. Don’t undermine your successes because some
people have it better than you do. The attention should be on
you. You do you. Whatever other people are doing, more power
to them. You can try to listen to their advice or try some of their
tactics in order to improve yourself in a certain field, but there’s
no need for comparing. The spotlight is already yours. Just do
what’s necessary to keep the light bulb on.

Another way that people can have an impact on our success is if

we see them as obstacles. Let’s say you want to start your own
business, but first, you have to quit your current job. You’re
quite fond of your colleagues, and you’re afraid that you’ll fall


out of touch when you leave. There was nothing wrong with your
job, you liked it and you are very good at it, you just thought it
was more sustainable to use your knowledge and be your own
boss. So, now you hesitate whether to chase your own success
or to continue to chase success for your current boss. You’re
aware that you’re using your knowledge and doing good work,
but you’re doing it for someone else. Wouldn’t it be better and
more profitable to do good work for yourself? But you’re used
to your office, you love the lunch breaks, the coffee breaks, the
chit-chats… all of a sudden, you feel nostalgic about leaving your
job. You’re in a high position, so it’s not that you’re unsatisfied.
Maybe if you started your own business, you would’ve succeeded,
but not in the long run. What would you do then? Would your
current boss take you back? Even if he would, would you have to
start all over again? You’re in a high position now… why risk it?
You think to yourself that the devil you know is better than the
devil you don’t know… are you sure? This example ends with
you missing out on having something of your own. You miss
out on this great opportunity because you feared that people
would reject you because of your success. You took a trip into
the future just to justify your decision, even though you didn’t
even consider the fact that you might succeed. That those people
probably wouldn’t leave you; on another note, even if they did,
at least you would see that you’ve been wasting your time on
people who are clearly not your friends. You didn’t think about
all of those awesome new people you would hire. Or about so
many new people that you’ll partner up with and do business.

These kinds of decisions are made entirely out of fear. You’re

ready to sacrifice your success because you’re afraid of all
the change that comes along with it. You comfort yourself


with thinking that success may not even be that great. More
responsibility, more work, less time… You’re overlooking the
fact that fear of success is often a mask for fears that you
unconsciously have. Most commonly, we are actually afraid
of how people are going to react to our success. Are we all of a
sudden going to sound too braggy, too full of it? Are we going
to change into those arrogant, rich people we can’t stand? All
these fears block the execution of our potential.

If we let fear take over, we’re slowly going to start delegating

responsibilities. After that, we’ll get in touch with procrastina-
tion that we all know and love. Just manipulating ourselves that
we’re actually interested in some other things at the moment,
but all we really are doing is avoiding responsibilities. Basically,
we’re handicapping ourselves by stalling more and more, until
we’re procrastinating twenty-four-seven. We set low goals so
we can barely put any effort into achieving them. Constantly
avoiding challenges gets us to the point where we do as little
as possible, just for the sake of doing. This is a classic case of
self-sabotage. You’re tripping on your own leg. Unintentionally
you go out of your way to manipulate yourself into believing
that you’re not capable of accepting a challenge. In time you
start to believe that you’re really incapable of doing harder tasks,
so you satisfy yourself with doing effortless work. Gradually,
we manipulate ourselves into lowering our standards like it’s a
game of Limbo. How low can we go? The answer is - very.

Somewhere along this way, we’ll pick up various self-

destructive behaviors that will eventually lead to us quitting
whatever it is that we wanted to do. Giving up sounds much
easier after all this psychical torment. How do we win a


battle when we’re battling ourselves? Start a war with the

bizarro version of yourself. First, try to reveal what it is in
the success that you’re so frightened of. When you make this
discovery, everything will be easier because you’ll have a dose of
understanding for yourself. Try to recall every moment that fear
manifested and think about what you could’ve done differently.
Think about how things could’ve turned out. Expand your
window of options and outcomes that follow. Try looking at the
same issue from a different angle. Try another perspective, it
just might suit you better.

Where there’s a trial there’s an error, but learn from your mis-
takes. Experiment, improvise; there’s a fifty-fifty chance you’ll
succeed, and the fact that you’re trying to make a difference
is a success already! Remember, it’s key to do your own thing,
the best way you can, and don’t get discouraged by how other
people are doing it.


We’re surrounded by infinite digital space, and everybody has a

virtual cottage. All it takes is a couple of minutes of boredom and
on the line, we are looking in the virtual gardens of other people.
You’re able to know almost everything about a person today,
it’s all out there. So, let’s say you run into a picture of your old
colleague; he’s somewhere in Europe, drinking, living the life
accompanied by close friends and you’re in your room, bored to
death, no one to hang out with and you feel like you’re missing
out. This feeling is very common, especially with the extensive
use of social media in our day. Looking at all the photos and the
videos and just reading about successful people can make you


feel as if whatever you’re doing is not as significant. This feeling

can be aroused by the smallest things.

Imagine you’re at work, at your coffee break, you scroll through

Facebook and see that your friends are in a coffee shop. They are
drinking coffee just as you are, but it looks as though they are
having a better time than you’re. Obviously, you’re at work, so
there’s no competition. But you still feel bad about the situation
where they are in a coffee shop and you’re stuck in your office.
And the picture looks so good, you would love to be on it right
now. They are dressed just lovely, and you wore this shirt three
days in a row. Seems like every little detail is important and it
hits you. Even though it’s just a photo, it looks so much better
than what you’re doing. Envy appears. You’re aware of how
stupid it is, but the envy is still there, you still feel it. Let’s say
you’re free to join your friends after work, but you wanted to go

You feel as if something amazing is going to happen while you’re

stuck at work. You’re going to miss all the amazing things. This
thought becomes more and more suffocating. Fear actually
strikes. You’re afraid that you’re missing out, that everybody
else is just doing life better than you are. The level of comparison
here is just over the roof. This becomes a huge problem, and it
gets harder not to subject to the influence of envy. Over time,
you just feel bad and exhausted.

Fear can really tire a person out. Never mind the fact that your
fears make little, if at all sense. Meaning that in a way, you
actually think that your presence might affect the probability of
something out of the ordinary happening. Try to lower this fear


by accepting the fact that things happen everywhere and that

you can’t be present at all places, all events, all the time.

Another thing you probably aren’t thinking about at the moment

you’re influenced by fear is that something can actually happen
in your office as well. Maybe someone else will miss seeing that?
Also, cutting back on social media might be a partial solution.
Everything looks great on social media. Great beyond the level
of reality. So, don’t take everything you see on social media as
serious, and don’t let it bother you. As soon as you face the fact
that it’s all make-up in order to attract people and get them
to react, the better. Always face your fears, I can’t stress this
enough. Real life begins when you’re fear-free.


You’re all familiar with the phrase ‘comfort zone’. People use
this phrase often to describe the state that they are in. The
comfort zone is a psychological state in which we feel safe. A
state where our minds are at ease. It sounds like a lovely place
where everything is velvety and peaceful. Unfortunately, it only
sounds good. It’s a place in our minds, something like a storage
unit, in which we push all of our regrets while pretending that we
don’t have any. A place where risk-taking is strongly forbidden.

While sojourning in this zone, there’s only one rule to fol-

low—repetition. Every task that makes you comfortable is a
task you’re going to repeat over and over again. Everything
different is a zone you don’t want to step into. So, you repeat
these selected tasks to the extreme. This represents living in
monotony at its finest. No experimenting, no changes, no risks,


only the sure thing. There are no surprises. Everything you do,
you do like it’s according to a manual of some kind, you start
living automatically. Every day is predictable, and that gives you
a sense of control. Just the thought of you losing control over
your daily routine makes you anxious. You justify living idly by
having the power to control your life. What you don’t see and
you don’t want to see is that you’re sitting on rocks. No matter
how many pillows you put on them, they are still rocks. This kind
of habit-oriented behavior is our handicap, halts our success in
life. How can you succeed when you’re stuck in your nine-to-
five job? How can you even think about becoming successful
if you don’t want to change anything in your day-to-day life?
Things can’t be different if you don’t want to embrace change.

Since thinking is an idle state, why not start with at least

thinking about exploring your potential and see where that
leads you? The thoughts can be panicky and satisfying at the
same time. Deal with thinking at first, so that the doing will
come easier. Do some hard, hard thinking and you’ll see all the
surrounding opportunities. You can’t reject them forever. You’ll
see that there’s much more to life than your plane routine. Your
house can be beautifully arranged, but that’s no reason to stay
in it forever. That’s no reason not to step outside and make a
beautiful garden for yourself. That’s no reason to avoid skipping
the fence and seeking the beauty beneath your zone. Every step
you take will be filled with overthinking, panic and anxiety, but
the path that you’ll follow will be the path of great things. So, put
on your comfy shoes, and let’s take a walk. It’s important that
every individual reveals the mysterious path towards fulfillment
and outstanding achievements. Let’s go through the how-to
and the benefits of stepping towards the unknown zones.


Achieving your full potential requires stepping out of your

comfort zone. By stepping out, you’ll give yourself a chance
to self-actualize. Marching out of your comfort zone in order
to strive for growth doesn’t mean that your comfort zone is
gone. You’re welcome to come back to it anytime you want. It’s
important to balance through the zones, achieve your goals, and
with them, you’ll create new comfort zones.

When setbacks become learning opportunities, our potential

becomes infinite. Leaving your comfort zone is adopting the
growth mindset. This will bring us more confidence and more
focus. Your productivity will go through the roof and you’ll be
doing things that you never thought were possible. Investing in
personal growth is a process so fulfilling. When you take a step
out of your comfort zone and try to extend your potential, you’ll
attract people that can help you. Get eager to listen and learn.
Share your knowledge and expand it with the help of others.

While we can control our routines to some degree, we can never

be in total control of things that are happening around us.
Sooner or later, something will not play out as we planned it
would and we will need to act unpreparedly. Although moments
like these are stressful, improvising is a great way to step out of
your comfort zone without actually realizing that you’ve stepped
out. When there’s a crisis, there’s no time to think about what
you’re doing and what you’re comfortable with, there’s only
time for doing. When the stress levels come down, you’ll see that
you’re capable of many things when you’re not obsessed with
having everything under control. If you give yourself a challenge,
it’s more likely that you’ll measure up to the expectation. This
will inspire you to reach your potential and perform at your apex.


You know you’re on your way to success when you’re taking

a risk at something you might fail at. Healthy risks are key
for your growth, without risking you can never know what
achievements you’re capable of. Shaking things up can open
you to the experience of which you can never have plenty. Get
out of your own way, get all your fears out of the way and step
into a new zone, make it comfortable and move on. Act as if
you were a house decorator; get inside the cold hole that is
the zone of the unknown, get used to it, throw some lights,
some comfortable chairs, maybe a rug and move on to the next
house. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. You’ll just learn
to develop new-level comfort zones along the way. This may
sound absurd, but think about all the comfort discomfort can
provide. Think about all the positive things that can come out
of you taking a leap of faith. Let those positive things be your
wings so you can fly over your comfort zone without looking

There’s a thin line between experiencing stress and experiencing

excitement. Why don’t we choose to be excited rather than
afraid? Seems like a better way to handle things. With a
good attitude and a can-do mindset, your potential breaks free.
Having specific goals might help you. Don’t expect that you’ll
jump from your comfort zone three zones over; those are not
only high but also unrealistic expectations. Don’t intentionally
disappoint yourself. Be real. Set a goal from your current zone
to the next one. Map out the steps you’re required to take and
get ready, steady, go! Stop talking about what you want to
accomplish, start doing. We can talk for years, but that doesn’t
do anything for our success. Start doing and learn along the way.
Talking is just being passive. Be sure to define metrics so you


can measure your progress and be aware of how far you’ve come.
Take a moment to be proud of yourself and celebrate every small

Be careful not to push yourself too hard. Take small steps in

leaving your current comfort zone behind. Take the time to get
comfortable in your new zone. If you jump from one zone to
another, there’s a chance that you’ll get to the tipping point
where you won’t be prepared for all the next-level stress and
anxiety which will lead your ability to perform to freeze and
you’ll feel paralyzed. Take small steps to grow accustomed to
the new zones which are before you. In conclusion, if you want
to be comfortable, buy a new blanket!


Did you ever pay attention to the invisible link between your
point of view and the things that are currently happening in your
life? Two different people can go through the same situation,
and both of them are going to experience the situation in one
unique way. This is the power of our perspective, and how it
controls our outlooks on life. Whatever scenario life throws at
you, you have a choice to perceive it as a positive or as a negative
thing that happened.

Our perspective depends on a lot of factors. People that sur-

rounded us while we were growing have an enormous impact
on our worldview. Parents, friends, teachers, co-workers, etc.
We do things today based on our previous experiences. Some of
us learn the hard way, some of us repeat mistakes repeatedly.
We’re constantly searching for a manual that we can live by.


Searching for approaches that work for us, trying to avoid the
ones that don’t work. This is an exhibition everyone goes
through in order to find simple solutions to living life enjoyably.
We tend to soak up particles of perspectives that people close
to us live by. All of these particles combined form our beginner
perspective. As we experience new things, our perspective
becomes wider, it expands. While we’re still developing our
perspective, everything around us can influence it. This is why
we tend to forget that we have control over it, not vice versa.

If our attitude is positively charged, our results tend to be

positive as well. Even though we can find ourselves in a variety
of negative situations, a positive attitude prevents us from
absorbing the negativity of the event. Wherever there’re good
things, there’re also bad things. We make a difference by
concentrating on one or the other.

Of course, our state of mind and our state of emotions can

alter our perspectives. When we feel pressure and when we
find ourselves under a lot of stress, it gets hard to maintain
positivity. It takes constant effort to fill and refill our tanks with
bright thoughts. We constantly gather additional information
and processing it takes a lot of energy. There are days where
we lack energy and when we get struck by massive amounts
of new information, our headspaces can get cluttered. If our
minds aren’t tidy, our brain struggles with all the information.
This leads to us getting tired more and more frequently. We
usually connect this feeling to the work we’re doing; ignoring it
and thinking that it will go away when we get some proper rest.
This is our brain being tired, and it shows it through our entire
body. This can affect the quality of our work, our perspective


in general, and of course, our quality of life. As it all slowly

decreases, we feel a bit off.

We justify the lack of willpower, motivation, and overall pos-

itivity as if we’re having a few of those bad days. Everybody
encounters them. That’s all normal. But this is us assigning fault
to the wrong things and ignoring the actual problem. It’s really
important to follow every little change around us and about us.
It’s important to get curious. Ask yourself questions, get to the
bottom of what’s really going on. In order to see such miniature
things and prevent them from becoming problems, you need
to look at these things from every point of view, until you have
them figured out. Don’t let yourself go metaphorically blind. If
your point of view is narrow, you’ll encounter everything as a
potential problem and you won’t see a solution. There’s nothing
worse than feeling trapped in your thoughts. The worse thing
is that there’s a door with an exit sign and you just don’t see it.
Your perspective is too narrow that it doesn’t cover the whole

What’s also troubling is that you don’t see all the potential
solutions and all the potential opportunities because you’ve
blocked them from your view. Imagine all the things you’re
missing out on because you’ve put a blindfold on yourself. The
wider your perspective is, the more solutions you have on your
disposal. So, how do we change this, how do we expand our
perspectives? When is the right time to act upon this?

Let’s say you have a perfectly mapped out plan towards your
goal. I can say with certainty that you’ll encounter a lot of bumps
and roadblocks along your way to success. The beauty is that you


have the ability to define these roadblocks. You can either see
them as bad things and give up or you can see them as challenges,
as tests. This could be a test that will show how far you are
willing to go to get what you want. It will show how important
your goal is to you. It will show if your goal consists of deeper

When you’re only concentrated on a problem, you can’t see the

bigger picture. The bigger picture consists out of a problem, a
solution, and a result. If you’re looking at the problem, you’ll
just get overwhelmed and start panicking. If you look at the
whole picture, you’ll see that the problem is just a step towards
your goal and you’ll be eager to solve it. When you’re aiming
for important and personal goals, you’ll be driven to find all the
solutions you need just to get closer and eventually achieve it.
You need to take the responsibility for your outcomes, after all,
you’re in charge of them. Remember that you always have a
choice and it’s up to you to make it. When things are happening
out of your control, you can still choose how to react to them.
The only person that can deprive you of your options is you if
you’re unwilling to see them.

Our perspective is meant to be understood. We have the choice to

alter it until we’re satisfied with it. As long as we’re developing,
it will develop along with us. A good perspective will lead you
to happiness, gratitude, and fulfillment. On the other hand, a
bad perspective will mess up every field of your life and leave
you feeling angry and bitter - always blaming destiny for your

When it comes to changing your perspective, you need to


understand why you’re going along with the change. You need
to know the benefits that this change will bring. Figure out what
you were doing wrong and how you can better that. There’s no
room for complaining. Remember that you’re trying to get rid of
unsatisfying emotions, so explore other solutions, listen, focus
on understanding the change you want to implement.

When you’re negative, your negativity spreads around with the

speed of light, the same goes to when you’re positive. Seek
things that make you experience positive emotions. When
you’re happy, you see everything in the best light. Therefore,
when a problem occurs, you’ll solve it easily, without wasting
a lifetime on being furious because a problem exists. Even if
you fail at something, don’t succumb to your old ways. React
differently to failure. In the end, that’s all you’re capable
to do at the given moment. Your failure can just mean that
your approach to a certain problem wasn’t correct. Learn
from the mistake. This is a positive thing in a negative event.
You acquired knowledge and with it, you can try to solve that
problem from another angle. Believe in yourself. Give yourself
a second chance. Start over. Be kind to yourself. If you believe
that, you’ll do good eventually you will. If you believe that you
are a mess and that you don’t deserve to start over, you’ll be the
only roadblock on your way to success.

Pay attention to everything people say to you. Whether it’s good

or bad. You need to be able to take criticism and be grateful for
it. Everyone can manage hearing compliments. But criticisms
are sometimes hard to take, especially if you’ve put a lot of
effort into something and if you’re proud of that. This comes
along with the perspective change. Criticisms are perceived


as a bad thing, but why not have a positive reaction to them?

After all, that’s just someone telling you how to better your work
or yourself. By taking these criticisms as advice, you just may
see that things can turn out for the better. When it comes to
you, your opinion is what really counts. You’ll do things, work
on things, improve things to the degree of your choosing. A
little advice never hurt anyone though, so might as well listen
to it. Accept it, and maybe you’ll hear an idea that you didn’t
even think about. We’re all different and we perceive things
differently, and that’s why we have so much knowledge to offer.
You can always learn or hear something new from a person that’s
different from you. If we were all the same, there wouldn’t be
any knowledge circling around.

Focus on the things you have and the things you’re grateful for.
Don’t concentrate on the things you lack, that can only bring
you down. Get yourself thinking about the things that matter to
you. This way your brain will be positively charged to get you a
solution to any problem on your journey. Throughout the day
you’ll feel useful because you’re doing something meaningful.

If your main focus is everything you lack, you’ll just stay bitter
and do nothing. How do you expect to feel better then? We’re
living lives in the fast lane. Always busy, busy, busy… When our
lives consist of constantly running from point A to point B, we
tend to forget about the things that matter.

To make sure you’re not going to forget all of your small

successes, all the obstacles you’ve handled, you can write them
down. Writing is good because we raise our own awareness of
how many things we should be grateful for. This way when


we’re feeling blue, we can read about our successes to remind

ourselves that the roads to those successes were filled with
obstacles in the beginning as well. If we faced them then, we can
face them now! All you need is a little positive reinforcement
from time to time.

Don’t ignore the needs of others. You’re not alone in the world.
Helping someone will feel so rewarding, and you’ll just spread
positivity. And there’s no such thing as too much positivity!
Always challenge yourself, even when there are negative events
in your life. It’s easy to fall back in the pits of negativity.
Remember not to throw it all away when times get difficult. With
a brighter perspective, you’ll realize that difficult is only a scary
sounding word. Do your best to maintain a positive perspective
on life. You can never experience joy without opening yourself
up to the possibility of experiencing pain.


Isn’t it wonderful when everything you do runs smoothly? It’s

great when you’re barely feeling that you’re doing work because
motivation drives you. Motivation is a key factor in doing
business successfully. In doing anything at all. Motivation
aspires us to do more, to aim higher, to achieve bigger goals,
and of course to feel good. Basically, it’s the force behind our

There are two types of motivation; extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic motivation is a force that pushes us to take action
towards a certain goal in order to gain something, while intrinsic
motivation is a force that pushes us to take action in order to


experience the pleasures of solving a certain problem.

Staying motivated helps us with so many features of our lives.

It helps us to defeat the obstacles that are on our way to
happiness. The process of being motivated can be crunched
down to activation, persistence, and intensity. First of all,
we need to decide to execute a certain action. After we’ve
taken action, we need to make constant efforts to reach our
goal, knowing that there will be barriers on our way. Intensity
represents the concentration of effort that you’re putting into
reaching your goal.

Basically, motivation is a tool that everybody needs. So, what

happens when we lack it? At first, everything seems just a bit
more difficult. This is because our interest in the task we’re
working on suddenly decreases. When tasks get less interesting,
we have troubles to complete them. What is the reason for one
task to be interesting one day and then so boring the next day?
How does our motivation evaporate into the air without us even
realizing that? There’re plenty of reasons why we sometimes
lack motivation. Everyone has some personal issues that are
interfering with their day-to-day life. The lack of motivation
can set us way back from our goals and happiness. This is
a problem you need to address right away. As time passes
by, it only gets more difficult to do the basic things. At one
point, getting out of bed feels like such a drag. The enthusiasm
disappears, everything you love, be that your job, or your hobby,
everything just feels like an obligation. Obligations sound pretty
stressful and pressuring, so might as well avoid doing them.
Eventually, we give up on doing what we don’t have to do, and
what we do have to do, we do only out of necessity. We’re not too


thrilled about that either. So, let’s run through some common
scenarios that explain why we suddenly feel no motivation at

Monotony can be a real mood killer, and over time it affects our
motivation levels. Is it the time to spice up our daily routines?
Are we bored with our daily activities? If you’re feeling sick and
tired of your daily tasks, it might be the dullness that’s wearing
you out. Experiment with your routine a bit. Add some new
activities. Make more time for yourself. Sometimes all we need
is a little change. Try to start your day with a walk to the coffee
shop instead of hitting the stove right out of bed. Walk to your
job. Integrate some miniature changes into your daily routine
and tweak them until you’re satisfied.

When you lose a sense of purpose, motivation follows it through

the door, leaving you confused. Everyone goes through a phase
where they question everything they’re doing and why they’re
doing it? It’s easy to get lost along the way. Don’t worry the
answers are there and they are valid you’re just in a state of mind
where your judgment is frozen. The way out of this is to divide
your goal into small steps. This way you can think about each
step and why it’s significant to the goal. If there’re steps that
have a weak link to your goal, feel free to exclude them. Don’t
let your mind get cluttered up. When you have a million things
to think about, it’s easy to get confused and lost. Take every
single step, one step at a time.

Also, if we tend to grasp for perfection, we’ll fall short. Perfec-

tion is unreachable. If you’re a perfectionist, you’re just wasting
time. You’ll lose motivation along with your goal because


you’ll never feel completely satisfied with the work you’ve done.
There’s no such thing as perfect, but it can be the best version of
something that you could offer, and that’s good enough. Doing
the best you can is a real version of something done perfectly.

Maybe you have a difficult project coming up? A kind of project

that makes you stressed all the time, overwhelmed, and it leads
you to a state where you don’t know how to start or what
to do. This could be self-doubt interfering. If a project is
very important, we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves.
Sometimes other people put pressure on you too, so that’s
double trouble. This leads to you wondering if you’re capable
of completing this project. Nevertheless, pressure can only
freeze us in a state of panic. What we should be doing is acting.
Break the process into smaller processes and you’ll start doing
the work. Each time you complete your mini task, you’ll feel
motivated to tackle the next one. Simplification is key.

In order to be motivated, you need to do something that you find

interesting. There needs to be a deeper connection. Do things
in which you find meaning. Do something that inspires you. If
you’re doing something you don’t care about, you can’t expect to
be motivated. You shouldn’t brute force your activities. Explore
your reasons for doing that job, or playing that instrument, or
achieving that goal. You need to have a clear answer to why
you’re doing something.

Feeling unmotivated and eventually giving up can be caused

by setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. We all want to
do big things, but these things have to be possible to do. How
could you stay motivated if you want to do something that’s just


impossible? Our environment and the people in it are a big part

of our motivation percentage. If we’re in an environment full
of negativity, it will be hard for us to stay positive and overall
motivated. It’s hard when you’re the only one with a lightbulb
and you’re trying to light up everyone’s way. Eventually, you’ll
tire out, your lightbulb will stop shining and you’ll find yourself
in the dark with the others. Since we’re talking about lightbulbs,
I remembered that there’s also one more important thing here;
don’t lose your purpose while trying to change just so you’ll
appeal to others. You can’t make everyone happy, and quite
frankly that’s not your job. Your job is to carry your sense of
purpose with you at all times, so it can keep you motivated to
achieve great things. If you don’t value yourself enough, you’ll
struggle with being motivated.

Be careful how you talk about yourself. This may sound silly,
but if you’re not kind to yourself, you’ll convince yourself that
you’re a lesser person than you really are. Talk kindly of yourself,
be honest with yourself, most importantly love yourself. You
know you have many values, so stop ignoring them.

One of our characteristics that diminishes motivation is impa-

tience. We can all relate to wanting everything and wanting it
right this second. That inability to wait. You can’t be motivated
with this feature of yourself. Because you seek immediate results.
Success can’t be done overnight. This is a process with no
instant gratification. No wonder you can’t stay motivated when
you’re expecting something to happen instantly and it’s just not
happening. It feels like you’ve put all your effort into nothing.
The good thing is that somewhere in the back of your head you
understand that impatience is causing a problem. You know and


believe that something’s going to happen, you’re just unable

to bear anticipation. The only way to conquer this is to stay
grateful. Every step you take on your road to success is a small
victory and be grateful for each one.

Remember, when it comes to chasing after motivation, every

person has their unique approach. Listen to advice, try some
techniques that are out there, but don’t get disappointed if that
doesn’t work for you. You need to experiment and try different
approaches so that eventually you’ll find one that suits you.
Work on your own solutions within certain guidelines. Also,
forget about quick fixes. Don’t expect an immediate change.
Don’t give up because you’re impatient. After all, patience is a
conquering virtue. Give yourself time to refurbish and to get out
of this process with a positive experience and a positive attitude.


Isn’t it amazing how your mindset can paint a picture of your life
and eventually turn it into reality? With positive thinking, your
life quality will be in high definition! When you let happiness
enter your home, your life keeps on getting better and better.
What’s the secret of cheerful people? Optimism. Fortunately for
us, a learnable quality.

The power of positive thinking is just amazing, and it makes

a tremendous impact on our lives. If you adopt the ways of
optimism, you’ll soon experience bigger quantities of joy in
your life. What separates an optimist from an average person
is a clear path towards a goal. Talking about what you want to
achieve and focusing on how to achieve a certain goal gets you


excited. By inducing positive emotions, you’re also keeping your

mind on what matters, your goal.

Also, optimists are well known for their persistence when it

comes to problem-solving. Whatever the difficulty might be,
they keep their eyes on the prize. They are not afraid to get
challenged, quite the contrary, solving a problem brings them
more joy and a sense of accomplishment. This is a good way to
boost your self-confidence as well. Dive into a project with the
‘I can to it’ mindset, don’t let anything get in your way! Another
thing is learning from difficulties, while it would devastate
some of us to hit a bump on the road, optimists search for
something good and valuable about that bump. Whenever
you’re searching for something good, you’ll find it, whatever
the situation might be. If your mind can focus on one particular
thing at one moment, why not make that one thing something
that will boost your mood? Try to make a habit out of this. Think
happy thoughts. If a negative thought occurs, either reject it or
replace it with a positive response. Happiness is a choice, so why
shouldn’t you make the decision of keeping a positive attitude?

Your first test will be the first unpleasant event that you witness.
It’s easier to keep a positive mindset when nothing is bothering
you, but when there’s a crisis, you’ll need to try your best to
maintain a positive attitude. Seek for anything good in the crisis,
seek and ye shall find.

One of the key things is to embrace all of your emotions. Con-

template about how each emotion affected your life. Negative
emotions can become a habit. Remember not to put blame on
yourself or others for experiencing negative emotions because


blame will only keep you thinking about the past, and what you
want to do is to think how you’ll do better in the future.

An excellent exercise is writing down negative things that hap-

pened to you and how you reacted to them. If you’re not pleased
with your reaction to a certain event, try thinking of other ways
you could’ve reacted. Think about the whole situation as well
because sometimes we react negatively towards other people
because we had a bad day. The negative approach to them has
absolutely nothing to do with them. When you distinguish the
negative approach to someone that had nothing to do with us
being negatively charged and the negative approach because we
soaked in somebody’s negativity, you’ll acquire a better sense
of empathy. Empathy is important, empathy is what makes
us human. This is an emotion that gets us to think about the
feelings of other people for a change. Maybe you lashed out on
someone without even noticing. Writing down negative events
will give you insight into the situation so you can look at it from
another perspective when you’re cold-headed. At least this way
you can apologize if you’re at fault. This will help you with
your personal relations, you don’t need to be recognized as ‘that
grumpy person’.

Mindfulness can inspire you to accept your emotions. Don’t

force emotions, don’t deny them, just accept them as they are.
Don’t judge them. You need to be comfortable with yourself and
you can accomplish that by being honest with yourself about
the emotions you’re experiencing. Try keeping a thought log
for a couple of days. Write down the negative thoughts that race
through your mind. Evict them from your mind and leave them
on the paper. Paper can put up with anything. You, on the other


hand, don’t have to. Fill your head with positive thoughts to
convince your inner self that it’s all okay.

Don’t undermine the positive around you. Admire nature, pet

your dog, have a cup of coffee in your favorite coffee shop. There
are wonderful things around us and we rarely take a moment to
admire them. You’re not in that much of a hurry, smell those

Keep in mind that being an optimist doesn’t mean that bad

things don’t exist. Be happy, not naïve. Try decorating your
house using colorful papers with positive affirmations written
on them or some quotes you find inspiring. Put these papers
somewhere where you’ll encounter them every day. The bath-
room is obviously a great spot. These affirmations are a great
way to remind ourselves of all the positivity around us. Reading
something like this is a great way to start the day. You get this
strength; you leave the house with a big smile on your face, ready
to tackle the day. By practicing gratitude you’ll avoid falling into
an endless pit of negative comparisons. Focus on what you have,
some people consider you lucky, so stop yapping about how
others have it better than you do. It’s easy to be envious, give
yourself a challenge, be grateful! You can even try writing down
all things you’re grateful for. When you find yourself obsessed
over lacking something, take a look at everything you have, and
remember how lucky you actually are. Good things aren’t a given
and we tend to forget that.

Try to change your perspective in at least one part of your life.

We succumb to negative thinking when we feel like we’re losing
control over our lives. So, make a change in order to reassure


yourself that you’re capable of control and while at that, make

an improvement to some segment of your life.

Wear your smile like you’d wear diamonds! You’ll actually feel
happier and people can give you positive feedback. Keep the
positivity circle running! Find a cause to participate in. It feels
great to be a part of something. Especially if this is a cause that
matters to you. Take a look around you and find something that
you don’t like and contribute to improving that. Give yourself
meaningful projects. Work on projects with different people,
embrace new ways of doing things.

Rearrange your furniture, throw away things you don’t need,

get rid of the clutter. It’s easier to break habits if you change
your routine, so get to it. Take on a concrete goal that’s in
correlation with your current environment, this will prevent
you from creating a goal that isn’t realistic.

Try imagining your life without something you love or without

an achievement. Now, remember what were the things that
made your achievement possible. Think about how your life
would turn out if these things didn’t happen. Think about every
single thing that could’ve happened to make your achievement
not occur. Now that you’ve imagined life without something
that’s clearly important to you… snap back to reality! This is a
great way to practice gratefulness.

Practice changing your reactions and interpretations of negative

situations by writing a couple of things that made your day
good in a way and then write the things that got on your nerves
and briefly describe the situation. The catch is to find the


silver lining; find at least three things that made this negative
situation a little bit brighter.

Spend time on things you enjoy. Don’t cut back on ‘you’ time!
Try to adopt a healthier lifestyle and do some exercises, because
exercising is a natural mood enhancer. If you have people
that bring you down, people that radiate with negative energy,
detaching them may be better than soaking up all the negativity.
Spend time with the people that love you and support you.
Encourage people to smile. All it takes is one smile to get
everybody else to hop aboard on the happy train. It’s infectious.
The more positivity you radiate, the easier it gets to maintain
this beautiful mindset.



We all have those moments where we struggle with being

inspired. Lucky for us, the world around us is full of inspiration.
We just need to let go of our narrow world views and keep our
eyes wide open. Another good thing is that we ALL struggle
with it sometimes so the internet is just loaded with ideas on
how to break this creativity block. Rather than just wasting time
being bummed about how you can’t get inspired, look into ways
to get your creative juices flowing. Negative emotions such as
pressure or boredom can blindfold us so we’re unable to see all
the surrounding solutions.

So, rather than being stuck, try to take some action. Only acting
will set you free. Doing sounds hard, but when you actually start
to do things, you’ll see that everything just flows as it should.


First of all, focus on one thing. Don’t even try to tackle multiple
things at one moment. Better to be virtuous at one thing, than
to suck at all things equally. When you feel like your house or
your office is just suffocating you, change environments. Just
grab the necessary things and leave the house, pronto! A new
environment will inspire you because your brain will focus on
the new things it sees. Also taking any kind of trip, traveling is
known to be mood-lifting. Go, explore the unknown. Surprise
yourself pleasantly while exploring other cities or villages. The
thought of experiencing an unfamiliar environment will get you
psyched up. Especially if you decide to give nature a chance.
Nature is just amazing and we tend to take it for granted. All the
colors, the beauty… nature draws a peaceful image for your eyes
and for your brain as well. How can you not be inspired when
at peace? While in nature, you can try meditating. Focusing
on only one thing, in this case, breathing can clear your mind
from clutter and make space for new, amazing ideas. Your DVD
with white noise can’t compare to the soothing sounds of nature.
Give yourself a chance to refresh. Give yourself an ideal day. You
deserve it. When you feel fulfilled, you’ll feel inspired as well.
Enjoy a cup of coffee at your favorite café. Or go to that one place
where you always wanted to go but never had the time. That’s
one small adventure crossed off your bucket list, doesn’t that
feel great? Also, by all means, create a bucket list. Don’t let
yourself forget about your wants and needs. Write everything
down and experience the pleasure of crossing the things off your
list and adding new ones.

Build positive anticipation. Whenever you feel astonished by

the view you’re experiencing, be sure to have a camera ready.
Take a picture because a picture is going to last. A picture to


remind you of all the beauty in life and with that, the endless
inspiration will start to flow. You can try painting something
from nature that you find inspiring. Take a moment to admire
nature-based art. Don’t give yourself a hard time because you’re
lacking inspiration.

Everybody faces this problem, you’re not alone. It’s a normal

thing, so focus on approaches to arouse inspiration at your times
of difficulty. Don’t rush the process, take a break and refocus.
If you need a day to yourself, that’s fine as well. Inspiration
can strike when we least expect it, so feel free to give yourself
permission to have a lazy day from time to time. Watch a movie
and who knows, maybe you’ll see something inspiring in it. So, it
doesn’t have to mean that your day will turn out as lazy as you’d
thought it would. Take a moment to read that book that’s been
catching dust since you bought it. Maybe even visit a bookstore.
All those interesting titles and pictures can get you inspired.

Create a vision board with all the things you want in life on it.
Start imagining how it would be to acquire them. This could
motivate you and inspire you to take immediate action towards
the life of your dreams. Think about the challenges you’re facing
and try to find suitable solutions. Always brainstorm for new
ideas. Share your knowledge with the people around you. By
sharing any kind of knowledge, you become more certain in
what you know. It’s a well-known technique of repetition. Also,
you’ll feel the drive to learn more and expand your knowledge
on a certain subject. Whenever you have the time, invest it in
learning something new. You’ll feel amazing every time you
expand your knowledge, even by a tiny bit. Learn a few foreign
words, who knows, maybe you’ll end up falling in love with


another language.

Get interested in the history of your work. For example, if you

like cryptography, how and when did it originate? How did they
do it then and how did it evolve over years? Get curious to see all
the challenges people faced before. Take a peek at what other
people in your field are doing. Maybe their projects will inspire
you to make something bigger. Talk to your friends, mentors,
co-workers, family members about their current projects. Share
thoughts, learn something new from them. Keep an ear out for
some valuable life lessons they might share with you.

Open yourself up to the wisdom of others. Their experiences

might be filled with inspiring adventures that are just waiting
to be heard. Speak less, listen more. Ask people what they’re
grateful for today. Be ready to answer that question on your own.
Pay attention to these small blessings. Watch people closely
while they’re talking about something they’re passionate about.
You’ll see their faces form a shimmering smile. What can be
more inspirational than genuine human emotions? Look at
things from new perspectives, try to see how people experience
their passions. Try to understand their emotions. Sometimes
you can get inspired by looking at the world through the eyes
of a child. Us, adults, lack the innocence and happiness. When
spending time with children, pick up on that carefree attitude,
at least for a little while. Listen to their views on certain things.
If anything, kids are honest, they talk about things like they see
them. It feels nice to just sincerely laugh, mesmerized by their
simple yet authentic world views.

Always have a notebook on you. You have no idea when inspira-


tion will strike, so be prepared. If we don’t write these inspiring

thoughts when they occur, we tend to forget they ever happened.
Stop relying on the ‘I’ll remember it’ sentence. Don’t be lazy,
write everything down, who knows what those small, short-
term thoughts can be evolved in later on. Journal your thoughts,
your mind is your space in which you can be completely free, so
take advantage of that.

Try to express yourself in a new way. Don’t let your field of

creativity be a boundary to you. Be open to new things. Get out of
your comfort zone. By breaking your daily routine, you’ll boost
your inspiration levels. Try something you secretly wanted to
do but wasn’t confident enough. Don’t sell yourself short, give
yourself a chance. Trying counts as well. Embrace new habits.
Be open to implementing changes in your life. Start small and
build big, positive effects on your life. Search for your inner
qualities and acknowledge them. Digging deep can have a great
impact on your self-worth.

Remind yourself of all your previous work, take a moment and

be proud of yourself. Celebrate how far you’ve come instead of
obsessing over how much further you need to go. Stop using
words that can negatively affect your progress (can’t, won’t,
impossible, hate…). Always make time to improve and practice
your work. View your work as a craft. It has nothing to do with
talent. Don’t fall into the pits of misconceptions that your work
is a given, it’s the daily devotion that makes you, and your work

Take the time to reassess all the things that mattered to you and
get to the core of why you left them behind. Inspiration from


your old passions can be turned into your new-new passions.

Old is the new new. Recycle your old passions. And don’t be
afraid to let go of things that are bothering you if they’re just
not important. Assign no space to clutter. Lastly, use the power
of the internet and social media to follow people that inspire
you. Read inspiring articles, words are filled with ponderosity
and extract power from them.

Read autobiographies and biographies of lives greatly lived.

Learn from the minds that you admire. Get into a different
headspace. The internet is full of amazing quotes that can give
you a pick-me-up when you need it most. You can consume
value in any format; if you don’t feel like reading, put on a pod-
cast, or watch a TED talk. There are just so many brilliant minds
sharing golden information, explore them. Join forums and
discuss a variety of topics with other people. You can help them
learn something from you and in return when you experience
difficulties you can just ask and learn something new from them.
Share your challenges as well as your accomplishments with

Try writing your own blog posts and get people to engage.
Contribute to the worldwide spreading of knowledge. Search
for organizations that make a difference in this world. Choose a
cause and contribute. Join in one organization that inspires
you and become a part of the change. If you’re still having
difficulties getting the inspiration flowing, just start working
on your project. Sometimes you just need to start doing it in
order to discover how much you have to offer.


When you gather all the traits from above, you’re ready to
conquer your new online business opportunities! Make your
nine-to-five job an investment for a brighter future. You don’t
have to drop everything and insecurely risk things you’ve gained
so far; take each step at your own pace. To avoid the feelings of
insecurity and all the panic attacks, implement slight changes
when you feel you’re ready for them. If you’ve been walking
the same old path to and from your job for the last couple of
years, and you’re still not financially ready to make miracles,
get yourself to transfer to an online career first!

You still lack the resources to bring your dream job to reality, but
you’re really sick of getting up early in the morning and doing
the same old, same old… Try to mix things up by transferring
your work online. This can be a positive change. And don’t get
me started on how important it is for you to embrace changes
from time to time. So, start early. Get used to changes, so when
you have a business of your own, you will be able to see when
changes are a necessity and you’ll make them without hesitating.
Get comfortable ruling your work from your living room. Give
yourself all the little perks. Start working when you want, work
until you can. The great thing is that if the work is done, nobody


cares when you started working. If you’re a night bird, you can
sleep all day and be lazy and nobody will know nor care as long
as you manage your night-shift correctly.

There’s so much freedom in the online world. Having an

important conference call, perhaps a meeting? Shirt up, sweat-
pants down. Enjoy the comfort that working from home pro-
vides. Compared to getting up with the roosters, not having
enough time for coffee or proper rest, losing time in traffic,
and eventually finishing your eight-hour shift, the online work
opportunities are a revolution! You’re the boss of your current

Transferring from offline to online is a big change, but it works

in your favor. Why shouldn’t you make things easier for yourself
while earning money to start your own business and liberate
yourself from dependence? While on the subject, think about
the money you’re saving by switching online. No transportation
fees. You can make yourself anything you want to eat, so you
don’t have to run around restaurants and fast-food places to
grab a quick bite. No need for Starbucks when your home
offers everything you need. If you’ve done the ‘I work at home’
shopping, you probably have a variety of teas, coffees, juices,
and other liquid-form likeables. Saving money isn’t the only
beautiful thing about this; next time you go to Starbucks or grab
a bite to eat away from your house, you’ll enjoy it more. When
you’re at work, you’re always in a rush because there’s an eight-
hour frame in which certain things have to be done, so most of
the time you can’t really enjoy your coffee or your lunch break.
This way when you head out, you’re heading out with a mission
to treat yourself with something for the sake of enjoying, not for


the sake of cramming it in your face as fast as possible so you

can get back to work. Positive change brings on more positive
change. So don’t hesitate to start.

Most of us just want to jump from an accountant job to an

executive chair, but it doesn’t work that way. Every step towards
your business will be a step that makes your current business
state a bit easier. Give the online world a shot. Offer your
services, use your knowledge, look for opportunities to expand
your knowledge. Who knows, maybe you’ll find a career path
more suitable for you along the way. Get acquainted with various
career fields and find out which one of them suits you best.


My prior career was in real estate. This is an excellent field to

get into. There are lots of investments to be made, and this job
is just full of variety. You’ll get to meet many people and work
with many people, so this career choice presents itself to be a
new job, heck, a new challenge every day. There’s no way you’ll
be bored.

Getting a real estate license is a process that’s fast and econom-

ical. You can find all the required information online. The next
step is to take a pre-licensing course, then the licensing exam,
and you’re done. Building a career in real estate takes some
money and some time, but it’s a career worth investing in. It
provides you with the flexibility to choose when you want to
work with your clients and when you want to relax in your own
estate. You can work part-time or full-time; the choice is yours.
But as it goes for any other career, the more time and effort


you put into real estate, the more your career will blossom and
the more benefits it will bring to you. The key to getting the
maximum out of this career is to be available to your clients.

Property values tend to rise, so it’s a great time to be a real estate

agent. Buying, selling, doesn’t matter, you always have your cut
of the cake. There are four types of real estate properties:

1. Commercial properties consist of structures that produce

income; like stores, banks, hotels, etc.
2. Industrial properties consist of structures that work in
production such as factories.
3. Residential properties consist of structures for domestic
4. Land properties consist of no structures or few structures,
such as farms, vacant land, etc.

By following the real estate market, you’ll help people sell or

buy a property at the right moment for the right worth. In this
business, it’s important for you to be quick and efficient.

As a real estate agent, you’ve probably dabbled in every type

of real estate property. One of these types is your specialty.
So rather than juggling, pick one type that you’re really good
at, focus on that and drive it to success. Also, the industry is
mostly divided into agents that sell and agents that buy. Sellers
assist in final negotiations in which they do their best to get
you the highest price. Your property gets compared with a list
of recently sold properties so you can agree on a price. They
also help with decorations and minor details that will make
your property value go up. Buyers are acquainted with the local


market, so they know what you’re looking for and where to find
the best possible property that’s up to your criteria. Buyers take
on the negotiating process and provide reasons for the sellers
to lower their prices. They are usually in charge of all the legal

When you’re buying or selling a property, you’re partially

investing in real estate. Once you get through one of these
processes, you’ll want to make this your career, at least for a
moment! It’s a risky business, but a fun one as well. You need to
think way ahead; you need to imagine all the possibilities. What
will affect the rise or fall of your property? You need to look at
not just the property, but the neighborhood as well. Depending
on your client’s needs, you need to look at the whole picture. If
it’s a family home with little children, are there schools nearby?
What’s the reputation of the school? What is the neighborhood
like? Are there children around? Is it a safe neighborhood? If
you want to buy a property and open a hair salon, is the location
not crowded with the competition? Is the place in the center
of the city where it’s realistic to expect people to come in? Is it
vacant land where your client wants to build a shopping mall?
Is it too far away from the city? Will people want to come to that
location? Is the property in a good enough shape so that when
your client invests in it and repairs it to his/her liking it will still
be affordable? Real estate is like chess, you always need to think
a couple of steps ahead.

Many people invest in houses and then flip them. It’s a genius
plan to find some old property in the middle of nowhere, buy
it for cheap, fix it up and turn it into a family vacation house.
You can either repair it and sell or if you know quite a few people


that could be interested, rent it. This could be a fun way to make
good money. You find something that’s rotting away and you
improve it. It’s also amazing to see all the transformations.
Uncle Freddy’s farm with destroyed corncobs and withered
sunflowers is now a family house with chickens running around.
You can really play with your imagination here and put your
potential to the test.

Even though all of this sounds great, you still need to be careful
when it comes to choosing the property that you’re going to
invest in. Not all of them are invest-worthy. You need to know
when not to take a risk at something; you need to calculate and
to know ahead of time what could pay off for your client and you.
Don’t recklessly invest wherever you can, choose one property,
but invest wisely. Even when you’re risking, you can choose the
ultimate risk game, or you can risk but for a sure thing. When
you work in real estate, you’ll know all the outcomes from zero
to a hundred percent. So, your risk isn’t necessarily a risk, it’s
just an outcome you’re not fully satisfied with. Always take
EVERYTHING into account.

If you’re thinking of taking on this career, you need to keep up

with market activity, with industry news. You need to research
all listings, keep all your documents in order, organize open
houses, meetings with other agents, meetings with new clients…
You need to create your marketing methods, to always be
available and always be updated. A lot of agents have assistants
because it’s hard to tackle all the little and all the big things.
No matter the size of the task, in real estate, it’s all of great


Also, when selling you need to be able to sell yourself before you
sell the property. Confidence is a must in this field. You need to
be certain in everything that you’re telling your potential clients.
When buying, you need to be resourceful and quick; you need to
be persuasive so you can get the best for your client. Negotiate
a price like you want to buy a property. You need to generate
leads wherever you go. It can start from your social and family
contacts and expand from there. You’ll always be among people,
so your marketing needs to be top-notch in order for people
to separate you from other agents and eventually choose your

The great thing about being a real estate agent is the fact that
after years of experience and money-saving, you can make your
own investment. At this moment you have the experience to
invest wisely, so why not put all your knowledge to the test
and benefit? Pick a great location and rent a property! You
will have a steady income. Depending on the rent and on how
many properties you’re renting, you can save up to retire early.
For example, owning a rental property can give you long term
financial security. Who wouldn’t want that? Investors get all
sorts of tax breaks, and if you have tenants, you don’t have to
worry about mortgages. When inflation strikes, pop a bottle of
champagne because inflation has nothing on you! When living
costs go up, so does your cash flow! Real estate appreciation is
why agents stick to this career in the long run. As time passes,
your property gets more and more valuable.

The benefits are amazing and if you’re good at Monopoly, give

this career a shot. There are so many job opportunities in real
estate! From gross development to marketing to selling/buy-


ing/renting, to analytics to legal procedures, and much more!

I believe that you can recognize yourself in at least one of these

fields. I went from an agent to a real estate coach. I’ve gained
experience over the years and I give people some of my tips
and tricks. The strategy in this career is very important. Your
strategy can make or break your success in real estate.

So, if you were ever considering working in this field, but hadn’t
had the courage to take the tests and the exams feel free to
contact me. I’ll get you through it. If you want it hard enough,
don’t hesitate, you can make wonders out of this career, your life
can be a dream! If you’re uncertain about investing, anything,
feel free to talk to me. I know where you’re coming from.


This may be a strong statement but I stand by it, I don’t believe

that anyone in the United States of America can’t retire wealthy.
There’s just no excuse.

In the middle of my real estate career, my goal was to show

people the method that I was using and how retiring wealthy is
achievable. Don’t listen to people that are telling you otherwise.
Almost everybody I know made a fortune in the real estate
business just by following a simple, proven system. I was
explaining this system in person and my goal was to teach a
thousand people to do it, but I kind of lost my way on that. I
was getting people to start to invest in real estate and even if
they wouldn’t use my exact system, they could retire without
any worries. Maybe not be private jet rich, but they wouldn’t
have to worry. I remember, one of my colleagues, he was such
a hard-working agent. He was quite a few years younger than
me; we had similar backstories. A tremendous moment for me
was when he called me to tell me that he bought his first family
house. He worked hard, and he used my system, and I was so
happy to see him succeed. It felt so rewarding, and I would love
for each and every person to have the opportunity to make small


wins and then celebrate enormous wins like this one.

In case you fill like life is slapping you in the face over and over
again, in case you feel like you are lagging behind, guess what?
That still is not your cue to give up! If anything, that just means
to work smarter rather than harder. Stick to your job until you
feel like you need it or stick to it in case it gives you the sense
of security and stability, but I also want you to know that there
are so many other things you could be doing. You can consult
or coach, you can do digital marketing or affiliate marketing,
you can do e-commerce, you can sell on Amazon, and in case
you are wondering how to do that? There are all these courses
and mentors you can hire and become a certified coach yourself
for the thing that you are passionate about. Or you tap into
marketing and online selling, whatever it is - it can be yours. All
it takes is just a little determination and embracing the fact that
we are the tailors of our own future.


I want all of you to feel as if you were my colleagues and I want

you to believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Think and say this
to yourself …“I can do this, whatever it is, I can tackle it, I’m
heading towards success.” Believe just a little bit more every
day, get excited about your goals. Cleanse yourself of negativity
and start over. Feel renewed. Wherever you are, you can always
hit that restart button. Don’t be afraid to start all over, it’s a
new game, go get that finish line! Embrace the passion towards
a new start, get that drive and get that fear out of the way! Fall,
burn down, get a second or a third or a fourth chance and rise
up from the ashes, like the beautiful, mighty Phoenix you are!
Ashes can be literal, virtual, financial, emotional, but whatever
they’re made of you can still be reborn. Don’t you forget that.

Do me a favor, make a list; schedules aren’t scary. Integrate a

checklist in your day-to-day and, believe me, you’ll do wonders!
Anticipation is scary, the doing is not! It’s like a band-aid, just
rip it off. As soon as you do it, you’ll see that there was nothing
to be frightened about. Succeed, then continue to do so, then
call me, e-mail me. I like to talk, I’ll be glad to know how your
life turned around! I want to hear from you, doesn’t matter if


you failed or succeeded, tell me what you need. Don’t be shy.

Asking for help isn’t a taboo topic. I want to do more, I’ve been
where you’re now and I want to help you, I want you to get a feel
of the good life because everybody deserves it. Like clean air and
water. I see it as a basic human right.

Get in touch with me through one of the following channels:

Get off the treadmill, get out of that rat race because that’s not
life. Experience fulfillment and you’ll see that happiness is an
understatement. Get a taste of real success and the inner wealth
it provides. Break the ice, even better yet, let’s break it together!


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