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Question Bank (Lec.

1. What is the definition of diarrhea?
a) Passage of one or more loose stools per day
b) Passage of two or more loose stools per day
c) Passage of three or more loose stools per day
d) Passage of four or more loose stools per day

2. Diarrheal disease is a significant cause of child mortality and morbidity

worldwide, often resulting from what?
a) Airborne pathogens
b) Contaminated food and water sources
c) Genetic predisposition
d) Climate change

3. The most severe threat posed by diarrhea is:

a) Abdominal cramps
b) Nausea and vomiting
c) Dehydration
d) Fever

4. Which of the following bacteria is NOT a common cause of diarrhea?

a) Escherichia coli
b) Shigella
c) Streptococcus
d) Salmonella

5. E. coli belongs to which bacterial family?

a) Enterococcaceae
b) Enterobacteriaceae
c) Escherichiaceae
d) Enterobacteriales

6. Which type of E. coli can cause diarrhea primarily in infants and young children
in developing countries?
a) Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)

b) Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
c) Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
d) Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)

7. What is a common symptom of EHEC infection?

a) Respiratory distress
b) Severe abdominal pain
c) Rash
d) Bloody diarrhea

8. What is the primary characteristic of E. coli's morphology?

a) Round shape
b) Rod-shaped
c) Spiral shape
d) Stellate shape

9. Which toxin can EHEC produce that is associated with severe diarrhea?
a) Staphylococcal toxin
b) Shiga toxin
c) Botulinum toxin
d) Tetanus toxin

10. What type of flagella arrangement does E. coli have?

a) Monotrichous flagella
b) Lophotrichous flagella
c) Amphitrichous flagella
d) Peritrichous flagella

11. Which type of E. coli is commonly associated with traveler's diarrhea?


12. What is a potential complication of severe or untreated E. coli infection?

a) Pneumonia
b) Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
c) Meningitis
d) Gastric ulcers

13. Which type of E. coli is increasingly recognized as a cause of both acute and
chronic diarrhea in various populations?

14. All these types of E. coli are pathogenic EXCEPT

a) Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
b) Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
c) Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
d) None of the above

15. Which of the following symptoms is typically associated with diarrhea?

a) High fever
b) Muscle pain
c) Nausea and vomiting
d) Skin rash

16. What is the shape of Shigella bacteria?

a) Spherical (cocci)
b) Rod-shaped (bacilli)
c) Spiral (spirochetes)
d) Cuboidal

17. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Shigella?

a) Non-motile
b) Gram-negative
c) Facultative anaerobe
d) Motile

18. What is a common symptom of Shigellosis?
a) Joint pain
b) Diarrhea with blood
c) Sore throat
d) Hair loss

19. Shigellosis is more common in which population?

a) Elderly individuals
b) Adults with good hygiene
c) Children in crowded environments
d) Rural communities

20. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of non-typhoidal Salmonellosis?

a) Abdominal cramps
b) Headache
c) Loss of appetite
d) Skin rash

21. Typhoid fever is characterized by:

a) Gradual onset of high fever
b) Rapid recovery without treatment
c) Mild gastrointestinal symptoms
d) Severe muscle pain

22. What is the unique motion of Campylobacter due to?

a) Multiple flagella
b) Cilia
c) Cork-screw motion
d) Tumbling movement

23. Which of the following is true about Campylobacter's oxygen requirement?

a) Strict anaerobe
b) Requires high oxygen levels
c) Microaerophilic
d) Oxygen-independent

24. What condition can result from Campylobacter infection?
a) Malaria
b) Cholera
c) Campylobacteriosis
d) Tuberculosis

25. What is the most common symptom of Campylobacteriosis?

a) High fever
b) Abdominal pain
c) Joint inflammation
d) Skin rash

26. What is the shape of Clostridium difficile?

a) Spherical
b) Rod-shaped
c) Spiral
d) Cuboidal

27. Which type of stain is used to identify Clostridium difficile?

a) Gram-positive
b) Gram-negative
c) Acid-fast
d) Negative stain

28. How does Clostridium difficile survive in harsh conditions for prolonged periods?
a) It is highly motile
b) It forms spores
c) It has peritrichous flagella
d) It has a thick capsule

29. In terms of oxygen requirement, Clostridium difficile is classified as:

a) Obligate aerobe
b) Facultative anaerobe
c) Obligate anaerobe
d) Microaerophile

30. What clinical condition is Clostridium difficile a major cause of ?
a) Pneumonia
b) Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
c) Tuberculosis
d) Malaria

31. What are the common symptoms of Clostridium difficile infection?

a) Severe cough and chest pain
b) Watery diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain
c) Joint pain and muscle weakness
d) Skin rash and headache

32. What severe complications can result from a Clostridium difficile infection?
a) Pseudomembranous colitis and toxic megacolon
b) Kidney stones and hypertension
c) Liver cirrhosis and pancreatitis
d) Lung abscess and septic shock

33. What is the characteristic shape of Vibrio bacteria?

a) Spherical
b) Rod-shaped
c) Comma-shaped
d) Cuboidal

34. Which of the following is NOT true about Vibrio bacteria?

a) Highly motile with a single polar flagellum
b) Gram-negative
c) Facultative anaerobe
d) Forms spores

35. What are the typical symptoms of cholera?

a) Sudden onset of severe watery diarrhea
b) High fever and joint pain
c) Cough and shortness of breath
d) Skin rash and vomiting

36. How many serogroups of Vibrio cholerae cause outbreaks?
a) One (O1)
b) Two (O1 and O139)
c) Three (O1, O2, O139)
d) None of the above

37. What is the standard method for diagnosing bacterial causes of diarrhea?
a) PCR
b) Microscopy
c) Serology
d) Stool culture

38. When might microscopy be used in the diagnosis of bacterial causes of

a) When the patient has watery diarrhea
b) When the patient has bloody diarrhea
c) When the patient has a skin rash
d) When the patient has joint pain

39. What is the advantage of using PCR in diagnosing bacterial causes of diarrhea?
a) It is more cost-effective
b) It can identify the DNA of specific bacteria quickly
c) It requires a large stool sample
d) It is less sensitive than culture

40. What does serology measure in the diagnosis of bacterial causes of diarrhea?
a) The patient's blood pressure
b) The body's antibody response to infection
c) The levels of white blood cells in the stool
d) The patient's heart rate

41. What is the purpose of antibiotic susceptibility testing in diagnosing bacterial

causes of diarrhea?
a) To identify the bacteria causing diarrhea
b) To see which antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to
c) To determine the patient's blood type

d) To assess the patient's immune system

42. Which of the following is crucial for preventing the spread of many diseases?
a) Washing hands once a day
b) Using only water to clean hands
c) Washing hands with soap and water regularly
d) Using hand sanitizer once a week

43. What can help prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by bacteria like
Clostridioides difficile?
a) Taking antibiotics frequently
b) Avoiding unnecessary use of antibiotics
c) Taking double doses of antibiotics
d) Using antibiotics as painkillers

44. Which bacterial infection can be treated with fluoroquinolones?

a) Malaria
b) Myocarditis
c) Campylobacter and Shigella infections
d) Tuberculosis

45. What is recommended regarding feeding during a diarrhea episode?

e) Fasting until the diarrhea stops
a) Feeding spicy foods
b) Drinking soda
c) Returning to a normal diet as soon as possible

46. Patients with diarrhea should seek medical attention promptly if they show signs of:

a) Mild hunger
b) Light headache
c) Severe dehydration or bloody stools
d) Sleepiness after a meal

47. Clostridioides difficile infections usually require specific antibiotics like

a) Metronidazole, and vancomycin.
b) Garamycin and azithromycin
c) Clindamycin and linezolid
d) Ceftriaxone and levofloxacin

48. Which of the following is NOT a common mode of transmission for bacterial diarrhea?

a) Contact with contaminated food or water

b) Person-to-person contact
c) Airborne transmission
d) Contact with animals or their environment

49. What is one of the most common ways that diarrheal bacteria are spread?

a) Person-to-person contact
b) Airborne transmission
c) Contact with contaminated food or water
d) Vector-borne transmission

50. Which of the following bacteria is commonly associated with traveler's diarrhea and
diarrhea in children in developing countries?

a) Shigella
b) Salmonella
c) Campylobacter
d) Escherichia coli

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