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Connective Tissue

· Basic type of
t issue that provides structural &

metabolic support for other tissues & organs

throughout he
Contains vessels & mediate of
blood the
nutrients , metabolites & waste products between


All C T
contain isolated cells surrounded by extracellular

material "matrix"

viscosity and strength vary according to the arrangement of their

extracellular matrix fibrousamorphous components


Omnipresent in te
body ; every organ is composed of some C T .

↳ They bind epithelia hissues to the structures of

he body & hold the parenchymal epitulid
calls together to form he

↳ They bind skeltel muscles

togather and attach tur to bones
by tendons or attach boneslobones

by ligaments

↳ They form robust capsules of organs ; liver spleen

↳ They surround the CNS

by a sheath and some exist in a around

Peripheral nerves a gargalia

↳ Other specialized C T -
= bone ;
cartilage ; peripherd blood


↳ Bind tissues & organs of

↳Provide physical support (dermis) & source of tensile strength

Cligaments & tendons

↳ Metabolic roles ; storge of fats (white adipose) ; regulation of body to

in newborn (brown adipose)

↳ Form major parts of he body's delences against pathogenic organisms

↳ Involved in processes of tissue repair


· All C.T consist of cells

extracellular libers & amorphous 2 S

Types of Cells :
alls for
1) synthesis & maintenance of extracellular materia

· Fibroblasts , Chondroblasts ,
Osteoblasts , don toblasts

They produce libers & G S .

2) Cells for storage d metabolism of fact

3Cells with defence & immune functions

· Mast alls , macrophages ; mononuclear phagocyte alls ;

Plasma alls ; WB

unspecialized&are capable of diffrentiation into all C T .


Irregular shape with delicate branching cytoplasmic extension

· Oval nuchi


· Stellate Shape

contain large nucleus with promenant nuclolous

mature Fibroblast or Librocyte :

· smaller than active libroblast

long all with thin cytoplasm

Nuckus is elongated in the

direction of Collagen Libers

Thy maintain he
integrity of

~ supporting
2) Reticular Fibers

· Consist of collagen fibrils

Composed of type III collagen & type IV (4)

loosely packed ;
thin fibrils bound togather by small interfibrillar bridges

Arranged in a mesh-like pattern or network in loose C . T , around glands , smooth muscle , bone marrow

& lymphoid organs

3) Elastic Fibers

composed of 3 elaunin elastic

types Oxytalan , ,

Arranged as fibers or discontinous sheets in the extracellular matrix particulary of

skin , &
lung blood vessels

· Thinner than Collagen Libers Ground Substance of C T


GS amorphous transperant material that occupies the space

between the
alls& libers Glycoproteins
of different

- types

of the form

Highly hydrated ; mixture

glycosaminoglycans in

of hyaluronic acid a proteoglycans

. T Classification


General C .
T Special C T

Supporting C T

1) Loose(areolar) 1) Adipose 1) Cartilage

2) Dense C T
2) Reticular 2) Bone

regular 3) Elastic 3) Peripheral blood

Irregular 4) Mucous

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