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SEW Xe IVE Feb - 2022 : Paper Code:-PCC-CE-450-G Note : Attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each Section, Question No. 1 is compulsory. All questions carry equal marks, Section-A QL. Write short notes on the following : (15) (a) Disaster mitigation. (b) Global warming. (0) Imortance of public awareness, | @ Define ‘Industrialization’. (c) Forest related disaster. Ans. (a) Disaster mitigation : Disaster mitigation measures are those that eliminate rreduce the:impacts and risks of hazards through proactive measures taken before an ‘mergency or disaster occurs. n is defined as “sustained action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to |Frvle and property. from natural hazards and their effects.” It describes the ongoing effort at fe federal, tate, local and individual levels to lessen the impact of disasters upon our families, » communities and economy. Lite Ans.(b) Global warming : Global warming is an aspect of climate change, referring *'ong-term rise of the planet's temperatures. It is caused by increased concentrations of Ersthouse pases in the atmosphere, mainly from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, iB Global Warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO,) and other air pollutants collect in hea and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off theeath’s surface. ets Tadiation would escape into space, but these pollutants, which can last for years ing aide panosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. These feat Shthetig fluo, ‘ants—specifically carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, an Prethous. ahha gases—are known as greenhouse gases, and their im pact is called the ig, Ansye . ; “a agg !mortanee of public awareness : Public awereness in disaster management “ducating and empowering the population through sharing knowledge and ba provide goods and services: and shopkeepers emerges, close to oF ficantand steady rise ‘This appears for two reasons, ‘ndustialistion and ecological an ]country hardest hit by flobds with n i Testing 345 milion Indians. ourpe has exased a signif “i : sienna es SSoumbeofesusandmsorcommi damage ‘Heavy monsobna rains in the easter par of the country often cause the Brahmaputra Riverto overtiow, with disastrous consequences, According to the2019 Global Climate Risk Index report loods account for 52% of ‘be total calamities affecting India, claiming 63% ofthe matesal damage and 32% fosses reported as natural disasters. Onan annual average, 7.500.000 hectares are flooded, and 1,600 lives are lost. Earthquakes : The probability of an earthquake the teritory being classified as a moderate to severe seismic risk zone. According to seismologists, the Himalayas, one of the regions most exposed to arthquakes, should one day suffer a mega-shock caused by the pressure accumulated in subsoil of the Himalayan are. The last earthquake to date occurred in 2015, Witha magnitude of7.8, killed 9 000 people and injured more than 20 000 others. More than 600 000 homes were also destroyed by the tremor. Cyclones : Located inthe inter one of the regions most affected by cyc! kilometers accounts for nearly 10% emerge over the Bay of Bengal and st Onaverage, six to eight dept tropical cyclones. A major cyclone (category 3 or more) de ind occurred in June 2019, claiming the lives of 50 peopie in 24 faves which generally occur between March and June. idual Impact catenin Sate POP a ‘mentally and emotionally. Na “on human fife austriatization O° \ Joba urces, security an: ange * ions rise» ie lonsin esser-developedcauntieg Ee = 2011-202 ‘concent ‘on record. Sine ‘Community Impact: a 7 ity Impact : Communities that experi ae papain ne perience anata dase mustalso absoeb ‘Fesources that recovery becomes difficult, if not almost imp ose so much: yg ocean, Cyclone: 1, Such storms often d ina devastated New Orleans a Mississippi gulf coast, InNNew Orleans alone, more than 200,000 h oer 70 percent of the resident pop greater New Orleans‘area. Inad city and surrounding region. loss of infrastructure’ expense of reclamation efforts, and lossof can also stir destructive sand and dust, ‘expand \g enough water on a ‘within one year of the disaster asa direct result of the hurricane and its impact international porti Environment : Justas anatural can change the landscape of our personal ‘aS aspects of our community, so too can different types of disasters drast environment. The cyclones that occurred in Myanmar in 2008, or the ‘ain 2009 are examples of how areas of land that detail wh ly damaged or transformed from asingle disaster event Onalargersal he yate change and the r Loss of speci the ocean. These risks i farther punctuated bs nations. Furthermore, could deprive the world of 30 percent or more’ eefs from the same cause would put numerous 6288 re surges. : ny otertie in recorded human ottecomingextine thin thenet er decade, Foret pess and seats are among many testes IIbe able to relocate and survive, but others wi ‘not. : lechange. Some species: ness. The loss of resources, secur rs . : Security and access og ead to massive population migrations in lesser-developed cou oy * str, mary ndvdals develop severe pos sess disorders withdrawn stesof depron, Othe develop negation ee resources that recovery becomes di ‘opportunity in the aftermath ofa disaster to rebuild better and stronger com ‘Communities must often recognize popu the impact of the natural disaster on thei Economic Impai a devastated New Orleans and the ississippi gulf coast, InNew Orleans alone, more than 200,000 homes were destroyed 70 percent ofthe resident popul ‘greater New Orleansarea. Inad jump startrecovery efforts in the ci billion in reduced tax Fevenue loss ‘one year ofthe disaster asa direct result ofthe international portcity. a aspects of our community, so too can different types of disasters drast environment. The cyclones that occurred in Myanmar in 2008, or the Jn 2009 are examples of how areas of land that det whole ecosystems Onalargerscale, the further punctuated by nations. Furthermore, the rapid des could deprive the world of 30 percent or more of reefs from the same cause would put numerous coastal regions in jeopardy of edible fish supply, and the loss of coral dal waves and surges. cout iqehotter. Temperatt ‘More severe storm regions. As tempet ooding, causing more destru ted by the warming oct inthe At : a which exacerbates tof amore regions. Global warming exacerbates waters andisleadingtoan increased risk of agricultural droughts affecting crops, a of ecosystems. Droughts can also stir destructive sand and dust Deserts are expanding, reducing wing enough water on a ingspecies arate |,000 ory. One milion species are [ESTES REPAIIE both rural and urban have by by migrant workers, 25, gig workers have been gone enews. These workers eg, 5 ip of th Moving from the econor Children being out of school for impact their leaming capacity. So, what is the benefit of nearly 100% enrolment ratio at primary level edu Despite one of the greatest achievements in enrolling the student ‘topping us to reap its benefits in the coming future. ‘With any pandemic or any situation which impact the society at lange comes the prob. of psychological trauma. The lockdown has proved that “man is @ continuous lockdown for about four m ummers, with colossal loss of vegetation cover of = without a brief discussion, sien iste Feb DOE sectors. Disaster management isthe organization lessen sms, Inaddition to that, decisions can only b= formation System layers. Management and jasrous conditionsare curently useful, withthe help {Geographic Information Systems. the 1g risk from natural disasters is achieved. pponse and the recovery ofthe disaster are inreistion to ate the processis. This helps the governmentin the pervs follow up scion. i mnderstand the geography’ iroducing a forest fuel modification system at strategic points. ‘ Seaceete a ty and the level of severity. An Unit-1V |. The usage of drones, ipin finding the answers ind GPS. Also explain remotesensing.(5) planned, effective and ‘Management : Al fers are spat les the capability to integrate mnces that happen as acci ts, Further ae tions. disasters are unavoidable in nature and affect all aspects ofthe human sectors from the ‘ih Wing the damage caused effectively formation required at hand. Geographic sae eer! a Giseeee ion process. For agenc! providesa rapid method o in an area post disaster ‘emergency management willbecome increasingly more commonplace. Q.9. Explain the scope and responsibilities of NDMA and NIDM in India. why public awarenessis India on 23 December 2005. NDMA is responsible for far and best-practices for coordi jonofitseffects ‘Coordinate tne enforcement and impleme itmay cons 10) Lay down broad policies an disaster. Itworks closely with the svelops practices, delivers y son disaster management, (2)Approve the National Plan, G)Approve plans prepared by the Ministries or Departments, India in accordance with the National Plan, Lay down guidelines to be followed! teAutly 5 (§)Lay down guidetnestobe followed bythe Sate Auhotsindravngupthe Se PIMs Urns Plan. (5) Lay down guidelines tobe followed by the different Min ies or Departments of Prevention of disast management. (Recommend provision of funds forthe purpose of mitigation, (6) Provide such support to other counties affected by major disasters as maybe determined by the Central Government. (9) Take such other measures for the prevention of disaster, ‘preparedness and capacity building for dealing wit asitmay consider necessary. (10) Lay downibroad policies and gui of Disaster Management. I! name the NDMA and its formation year? (2.5) name of COVID-19? @s) a i 25) New york city (USA)-2001 {types of disasters and their potential risks as widely a possible so that peopl at appropriately when adisaster happens. ; The key to reducing loss of life, personal injuries, and damage from natural disasters widespread public awareness and education, People must be made aware of what 3s. They should know in vance what ‘a hurricane, earthquake 5) ple migrated from rural tion makes iteasier for lead to better soc ‘areas lack social benefits and services, so people are migrating to urban ——> .2,(a) What do you mean by Geolo, Mention its eauses and remedi ‘Ans. The term“ bedefinedas the do gical man movement oF land disasters > ludesall varieties ofmass moverient ofhill slopes ndeen ward and outward movement of slop forming inaterialscomposedot | nofallthese materials along surfaces ofseparationty | ly orquickly from one place to anothe | 6 Newel Facto: « | (> Gray Cy Woss ore slopes may also be vulnerable, (6) Geological fac sands and gravelsabove impermeable layers of through the upper materials and accumulates on the top ofthe und groundwater levels. Groundwater spell. As water tables, rise some sl¢P= ‘The conditions com” eo epend Tose vole sees erode tural practices on steep slopes, cuting & deep excavations inappropriate disposal of debrisafter excavations ‘onslopes for bulidings roads, canals & arvexamples. ate drainage: ir bounding adopted to preve drainage drainage of excess storm water during hi ‘uber & deep excavations on slopes for buildings, roads, canals & constuction of buildings, oad cutting, embankments, eutand age, loading of eritical slopes and withdrawal to oe support prom (©) Change is slopefland use pat steep slopes : Deforestation and cult Improper land use practices such as heavy’ n, defores n of seasonal crops: research. Through land use planning, discourage new construction or evelopment identified hazard areas without firstimplementing appropriate remedial measures, Educate the public about signs hata so that personal safety measures maybe taken not typically been wet before. -@ ‘New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street pavements or sidewalks: ___@) Soil moving away from foundations, and ancillary structare suchas decks and Patios tikingand er moving relative tothe house. G) Sticking doors and windows, and visible open spaces. (9) Broken water lines and other underground utilities. (4) Leaning telelphone poles tres, taining walls or fences. (S)Financial Mechanisms : Suppor the establishment of landslide insurance. (Legal and Policy : Legislation to directa governmental or private program to reduce fandslide losses should be strengthened. w itis effected human life ? (7.5) ings suchas isaster and Q.2.(b) What is atmosph ‘Ans. Atmospheric disaster-Atmospheric disaster caused ies, dusts, chemical vapors, welding fumes, fogs, andn totransport and utilize oxygen, or eto the Before entry into most confined spaces, a multi-gas met determine levels of oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, combustible gas. Other types of meters and sensors are available to detect cones needed. fet associated with confined spaces are: (1) Oxygen Deficiency (2) Oxygen Displacement (G) Flammable Atmospheres (4) Toxic Gases (1) Oxygen Del ‘oxygen during open flame operations such as welding, ‘manholes that are located 25. sowed papers Dee "2022 Ce a eee i ace before the nitrogen was properly | pare mtsare necessary foran atmosphere wn Some confined spaces my contain jon. In order foran concentration theeoncentration isabove the upper explosive (a) Toxic gases : Toxic gases can be prese! ; manufacturing process uses toxie substances as part of the production process, or bi reakdown’ ofthe product being stored inatank, and from maintenance activities ) being performed inthe confined space. ‘Common lypesoftoxie gases encountered in confined spaces are: sewer gas”a colorless gas with the odor of rotten eggs. Excessive ce to many confined space deaths. Hydrogen sulfide causes a loss of .yxiation, red by burning carbon transport oxygento all ‘an odorless, colorless gas. based fuels (gas, wood). Carbon monoxide inhibi partsofthe body. i eFe8t Approaches Cowards disaster m proaches to the management of disasters, § Feentric approach, : includes post dias, aperoach before the DM Actof 200s, tS oF The comprehensive : © resilience of a ¢ communi Y of the community towane, 'Y towards rrangements and plans and provide ‘odeal effectively with such emergencies reparediness arrangements and plans fo putin iesand disasters ifand when theydo occur. sshich asssta community fected byan emergency or disaster infrastructure and restoration of emotio me of agenci primary sole in only one of the programs of PPRR (Prevs cparedness, Recovery) programs, but most can be expected to have a secondary role (or support ole) in involved in preparedness, response and Ip groups. Local voluntary aster management arrangements, can designed to ensure thatthe efforts sean be coordinated effectively of all relevantorganisations, agencies and communi inthe development of a safer community. Management. (75) peau? Seite Solved pps, Deo 2022 B rin cadingto drought orth abundance thereof lang floods). Chemical manuficuring ott near set/ements and incorrect agricultural techniques, can also been seen as hazards E to poss unable o cope usingts own esourees. Disastersare only disasters because they impactand affect the way in which we live. They can be caused by the impact of a natural ian beings or by human beings themselves. From the above definitions, it ‘and important part of disaster managemer Disaster Mitigat ster ‘measures that are undertaken. \n refers to structural and non-structural yeadverse impact of natural hazards, environmental degradation and technological hazards on vulnerable areas, communities and households. These pres 7 Sosa Saved Pape DE AOD 2 Stan pasion: Rverbets become stl doeto sedimentation The wer a oe da aaltsed eben et clea foes and causes flood. generated Sexwavés of abnormal height spreads the waterin October 1994 Orissa cyclone generated severe floods and Fekveiiinse bein ocrsend anna: Preparedness : Preparedness connibusss to disaster riskreg hm inadvance tp ensure effete responseto the impact of eSioeche ery warrings end he temporary evar of people planned ‘canals et. hampers the flow of waterand the er: Meanders and change in the course of the reseroirsin the courses of rivers could stores extra ST ogi Sten Solve are. ‘Dic 222 LE es effects Of Ozone Layer + The depletion of the ozone layer has harmful environment. Let us seethe major effects of ozone layer depletion on man and effeasonihe i a Se Digisler Ma ‘Some compounds release chlorine and bromit nie on exposure ‘which then contributes to canoe layer depletion. Such: ‘Substances (ODS). me Direct exposure to ultraviolet radiations leads to skin and eye snment: Strong whraviolet rays may lead to minimal growth, rts. The foress also have to bexr the harmful effec of be ons are greatly affected by the exposure to harmful food chain. ithe planksonsare destroyed. the ane some points that would help in preventing this problemata global evel: educe the use of ezone depleting subsmnces. Eg avoid the use ozone layer. 1 of some main 0200 Refrigerators, air-conditioners, solvents. 00" leaningagents, etc. [ reciien s | Toners s0ents fire extinguishers, air-con papers, Dec =2022 33 jons were not enough o stop the spread of COVID-19. ththe UK enforcinga stay-at-home ‘we take an indepth look € tthof March. Many European countries implemented their own national lockdown current effonsto curb the spread ofthe disease bal COVID-19 cases had shot upto 1 und thi 7 spe seriousness ofthe pandemniceame e.and govermensdid jHeyenul to postpone the spread ofthe vias before vaccine could be declared sae for use case me onthe leased guidance on mask-wearing, as more evidence SS anes ae teganto hight cosols in the spread ofthe disease. named 2019-nCoV, as the cause of these cases. ‘Newvau ange the course of the pandemic: esis late. WHO declared the pidly spreading COVID-19 outbrakasaPubig _saropincases, hospitalization and deaths dustotheresietons ei eae ae ‘Health Emergency of Intemational Concem on the 30th of January 2020. It wasn't toprevent the spread of te virus, However, towards the end of the summer, in August of 2020, {following month, however, on the lIth of February tha the novel coronavirus got the Lambda var sams ~ COVID-19. Nine days later, the US Centers for Disease Cont least 29 countries, accord (CDC) confirmed the first person to die of COVID-19 inthe country. The ‘Aionth ater, the Alpha var ‘msn nhs fifties who lived in Washington state, fscovery of these variants was significant Desaring COVID-19apandem Spoancan)dbasouteomes erchangng Esiencehas shown foresampe atthe ‘chores, goveriment agencies, and the Se ied risk of poor COVID-19 outcomes. He ts xd bow it would impact everyday life. On sence of these new variants, eases of COVID-19 began to rise again in million in funds to support ptember 2020, there had been symptoms and dis ID-19 response. 000. Several days after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the W! being asevere problem seemingly confined to Cl overnight, By this time, the situation in Wuhan had been diffused fo ‘unprecedented measures to contain the virus. At the beginning ‘eporting thousands of new cases per day, onthe other hand, eases were rising Unprecedented 250 deaths inthe 24 hour result, on March I3ththe WHO declared that Europe had becom On the same day, the US declareda state of emergency. ‘The race to develop a vaccin Pt in place around the world. Social distancing a in March, along with advice on proper ‘ere predicted to only slow the spread pande best ways to protect yourself ‘outside your home — soap and water for20 seconds, or use an alcchol- idly day'by day. esand wash your hands immediately BGT LISS SRS Dissiter Managemen And Mitigation Seccies tn yowrimmune system o quickly ecoprise and gets ofthe cei Sencha ness Vachs tmp isspiintCOVID. Dando, $@ generais en immune response specific to the COVID-19 coronavirus. (6) Ftasea dsoncing:Prsial isancing sate used io describe how usb ecp your distance from people. Physical dssencing helps reduce the risk ofa virus being ransmited and includes, _Svoiing crowds and mass gatherings whersitishard tokeepa reasonable ding ‘from others (about 1.5 metres) soi small eberings inenclosed spaces ~Frsping I.5 metres between you and other people ~potshakinghands hugging orkissng ~not visiting vulnerable people, such as those in aged care orpeople with weakened immune systems (5) Prepare your home :Ifyou or someone in your house! ‘youshould have some supplies ready, Having some essentials, like tissues, masks, gloves and pain lief medication, will help ‘Yoube beter prepared. oF hospitals, babies does yet COVID-i9, Unit—11 6 Writea detailed note on COVID-19 history and steps taken by NDMA to Prevent its spread. (5) pei Sai Solved pra Dee 2022 Eos - Kerdareceived overtwosndatalftimes morerainfilthan Augus’saveage Between ‘Aspst and 19, the state reccived 758.6 mm of precipitation, compared o the average of 27min or 164% more. This was 42% more than during ts entire monsoon season. “The unprecedented rainfall was caused by spell oflow pressure over the region. AS aresul here was a perfect confluence ofthe soh-west monsoon windsysizm and the two lim pressure systems formed over the Bay of Bengal and Odisha. The low-pressure regions pullinthe moist south-west monsoon winds, increasing their speed, es they then hit the Wester (Ghats, travel sky wards, and form rain-bearing clouds. ‘were left homeless in the 3.200 underwater, snarling up roadsand Disaster Man = pre pe Semester, Solved papers, Dec-2022 f (9) Donotrun. In mostof the (i) Do not use the elevator 36 ide than to try to leave. ig by the stairs during the ‘Some Indians have opened up their homes for people inothercites boeause ofthe Moods. there, and movingaway of posts tress and buildings. stay sitand uy to falling objects. 6) Most cite your tense or sth bling, sy there snd ne s . A est face interaction is most effectivein generat DB Kacey way brs Cangerens cijcss and protect yourself agai Oe nln the neal people are mare weneno® re ae cod Es re interdependent in disaster management. They human sufferings due to natural disasters. The should cooperate with ead eommunity should work sormal life quickly back after the disaster. They should also appreciate the | govemment and available resources. +The concept of self-reliance and self-help in the disaster management should be ‘ukkad-Nataks’-Street plays + Group discussions and Debates + Social gxherings orin community functions, +Door to Door campaign fesources for disaster prevention, preparedness and relief can be 1y be more transparency between government programmesand the disaster management usually edueates the people as well as the strength and weakness of any public awareness ‘onelectronic media asi done for family planning, literacy 0 programmes. Forradio and T.V., special programmes/serials can be prepared on various natal lisasters to educate people regarding: + What basic preparations can be made in the pre-disaster period? as wellas in area of disaster management. about the sae places at the time of early Waring, lear instructions about do's and dont’s in particular disaster: he type of actions that should be taken by the con sk zones and necessary preventive te areavplaces. ee a 40 Disaster Manage solved papers, Dec -2022 (vi) other disaster related education in suitable form such + photographs + exhibitions + films, documentaries. vere are many other ways o cominunicate disaster awareness {ng short message or slogan on: Leaflets + Tickets (Bus tickets, Cinema tickets) *+Shopping bags + Banners + Other methods of displays at Pu fais ete. tions oron sport events, country Q9. Define GIS. What are the applications of GIS is diaster management?(IS) fs, manages, analyzes, jon data (where hings communication and efficiency as wells better management and decisio plications of GIS in Disaster Management : All disasters are sp Mostof the time, they are unplanned occurrences that happen as accide disastersare unavoidable in nature and affect al aspets ofthe human sectors i mand management infarc een provieia he Geographic oman Syemscseieg ace beasaccustae posible hecaogisusedinprovilngustlora ce ‘Whenever an emergency occurs. : ao Disaster Management And Mitigation (©) Providing live data : In the past, solving a disaster required the use of intuition and most of the decisions, which were taken during disasters, were taken based on prior information, and not the live information, which has been provided. This is different from recent times because live data is provided on many factors suchas infrastructures, the geography of the location, the Population of the affected individuals and the topography. This is impostantin the response and recovery step. The application of Geographic Information Systems is important because it helps in integrating data obtained from various sources, and makes the accurate and readily available for stakeholders in disaster management. Inaddition to that, the applications of GIS helps in Providing the information required in atimely manner in cases of emergencies, The data that is provided has the capability of rapid exchange that is easy to understand dnd act on. The relevant authorities then visualize and analyze this information for the purposes of making an informed decision. Consequently, the decisions that the management could have arrived at hel; p in providing timely and accurate information such as where they should take shelter and evacuation routes among others. (7) Flood Mapping : This is one of the most frequent and costly natural disasters al! over the world. Floods occur because of economic loss and the hardship that human beings have to go through. Lately, the flood management team has increased its interest in obtainii wa reliable flood map. The preparation of these flood maps is the latest concern of any flood management team. Various approaches have been already taken for possible flood mapping. The most important indicator of the management of floods is the depth of the flood, Consequently. identifying the flood depth helps in formulating Geographic Information Systems, which will turn, be essential in determining the depth and the level of harm that flood has caused. In addition to that, using GIS in this scenario helps in saving more life because human presence will not be needed in the disastrous area. GIS provides real-time data which is essential in Tesponse, recovery and decision makitig. information gathered ——~

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