4 Content Tips

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Types of content and 5 easy

ways to get started creating it

Say a thousand words. I don't just like posting photos unless they have words/quotes on too, I think you always need
to give it some context, but with a photo your written copy doesn't have to be too long.


Best way to make content at the moment, most are watched in silence so you should have subtitles. Great way to
show your whole personality, build trust and be more personable. will take time to build up viewer time.


Best used for posts where you are explaining a problem, challenge or learning. People will take the time to read your
post, if it grabs them early and they see it's got good engagement so far, or they like you.
"My top 3 tips


3 is the magic number. Starting a post with this, or focussing your content
around this is always a winner. Your solidifying your knowledge and experience,
but you're sharing it with the world and adding value to the many people who
will benefit. People enjoy these as they are concise and offer quick, direct value.

e.g "My top 3 tips for speaking with vendors", "The 3 ways I get D2V deals",
"The 3 things I did this week to further my business", "3 Ways you can profit
from SA"
This is a daily thing, especially on

People want an insight into your life, trust me. We are so busy, doing 101
things in Property that most people are not doing. Property always interest
people, at dinner, on the street, at events, so indulge this! Things you do like
searching for properties, doing viewings, spreadsheet calculations etc are
fascinating to someone who's where you were X many months ago. Think
about it, when you started you'd find this insight SO useful, and many will.
People also want to see your growth from 0 to 60, it allows them to connect
with you and build trust. Trust is key to getting Investors.

Set a reminder to post on your Instagram story every few hours, and watch
your account grow. Here's some examples:
Shocking houses on viewings
Results of todays viewings/offers
Structural damage on a house
Funny carpet/wallpaper
Searching on Rightmove YOUR COMPANY NAME
Preparing a revaluation pack
Buying SA goods
"I learnt..."
One of the easiest types of

Everyday is a school day, I guarantee you, you will learn

something new in property every day. So, share this with
people. We are all on different paths, working on varying
things and learning, so this is a very easy way to share a
key learning from your day/week/event/experience. These
posts go down very well, as again it's direct quick value.
Make sure your post sticks to the point and is well explained.

e.g "Did you know asbestos has to be removed by a

specialist? why?....X Y Z" "Today I learnt that plastering a
wall takes X many days because of X Y, Z and this means
XXX" "My builder told me about X process which makes Y
happen, this is important in your business for Z" TEJ TALKS
"Here's my latest

You don't have to buy a house to post this, although when you do, always post
about it. Each property gives you 100s of opportunities for content from it,
everything is a lessons for you or someone else. Talk through the figures, the
end val, the refurb, the costs of purchasing, how you found it, what's it like,
share pictures, do a video walk through, and then each of the above can break
off and be its own bit of content.

e.g "I just viewed this house and put an offer in, if I was to purchase it, this is the
price Y, the refurb would be X, costs would be about Z. It's a lovely 3 bed in the
town centre, it's got 2 bathrooms and a huge garden. I think the end value
would be Z, because of the comparable data, ....."

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