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Feb - 2022 Paper Code:-PEC-C 1-403-G/PEC-IT-407-G Ee a such Section. Note : Attempt five questions In all, selecting, one question front ie Question No. 1 Is compulsory. AU questions carry cegueal marks. Tr Q.1.(a) Explain V-process Model. ae 1 The V- Ans. V-Process model : V- model means Ve feaion and Validation roe ated Shaped life cycle is a sequential pth of exec nT PES. ending | Before the next phase begins, Testing of the product is planned in parallel wi | phase of development, f Tester’ s Life Cycle ot | Dermen Lie Cpe (Walidation phase) | [pps@itiness req : _ | Recepanee testing _[ seecitication) a I Aes DP } Fy 4 Af System testing . ‘System integration ED i(iligh level ‘ ED aie ans LED (Low level design) ‘Coding |} ————>| Unit testing CODE V-Process Model ~ z Q.1.(b) Risk management in software development. (2.5) ‘Ans, Risk management isan essential component of project planning, Risk management insoftware engineering entails identifyingain estimating the likelihood of risks in order of thei impact on the project. Who is software project manag. ot) : ftware project manager is the most s. AS A project manage In fact, the job responsi ‘uations to accom ot cost est ingand control, software configuration management, risk management, manager Q.1.(f) Who is stake holder ? 23) ‘Ans. These are people who havea stake or interest in the project. I ‘ed as early as possible, because you need to Set up adequate commit noteverybody yybe ident s nels wth them right from the start. The projet eaderalso jn be aware t oisinvolved with a projecthasthe same motivation and obj prance, be concerned about the ease of use ofthe system aff savings the new system their managers (iv) Jmtegrated management: In this method risk management made an i m agement is made an in s phase, the risks are racked continu temal othe project team, external 22. Whats software projeet? Explain various types dtsoftware projets. 15) Software project is the process of computer s. Software Project ing and documenting, testing, and bug fixing involved in cre: orks resulting ina sofiware product. Software development 1 the source code, but ina broader sense it includes all he conception of the desired software through {I manifestation locaton, revenue, improved produc izations must first establish their desired the software, sometimes inaplanned and structured. process, Therefore, software development 5 ductivity orbetter brand recognition, They ihe goal, Tray include research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse re-engineering, i They then mst es thatresultin software products. ‘needed to each that goal, maintenance, or any ‘Various types of software projects are as follow! ) Desktop project management software gives in face. Desktop applications normal ers orstore their data ina ce stored onanetworked drive, 2444) Discuss Cost mana Ans, Cost managements fer af fal users the mostresponsive a business, des col and only one user accesses it at any give! Tech Saisie Solel a app oo az sect management sofarecan beaccessed ject mana ed ph J advantages and disadvan 6 nd has ll the usual ing a web browser and has al 5 pres ed from any type of computer without installing sofware = Establish methods of commun 2 cessed from any ype IWentify proj rojects are rarely initiated in a vac, rginfrastructureinto whichthe projectcan fit. The projet 7 about this structure needsto find out ts precise nature, relationship baween, jon needs to be maintained compared to desktop tems work on is ay be used in sna les a simple, easy to cal Popular. Unfortunately suff na by banks (or any other of project spat are produced. Itdoes so by discounting future cash flows by a percent ate. ape (CBA), so! ‘Ans. Cost-benefit anal} analysis (BCA), is a systematic approach fo estimating ? teratives foresample intransactions, activities, functional business requirements to determine options that provide the best approach to achieve benefits risk in projects ? How lating and comparing benefi savings. The CBA is also defined asa systematic process fo cl F and costs ofa decision, policy (with particular regard to government policy) or (in general) ived and implemented ? project. 2 roadly, CBA has two main purposé ‘an investment/decision issound (justfication/feasil ies: Risk management must not be allowed to beco! Risk Management Acti “helfware”. The process must be a part of regularly scheduled periodic prod irequires ide aseso techniques: )) Net profit : The net profitof' projectis the difference between the total costs and 1e above risk management act : The payback period investment. Normally, the project Wi chosen on the basis that an organization ‘The advantage of the payback peri recasting errors. Its disadvantage as a selection techniuqu the overall profitability of the project-in fact the project has broken even. 7 (3) Return on investment ecklist of common risk database of | investment required. There are some variations on the formula used to cal investment buta straightforward common version is ~The tisk drivers are ks are the root causes ofthe ris ye determined by asking the question why? and: ingtofigueouvtat merhne risk. Several root causes may lead tothe same risk. (# Estimate risk exposure ~The isk exposureisa measure ofthe probability and consequence of a risk item. The consequence cat also be sated in terms of loss (or mple life, money, property, reputation). (6) Evaluate against criteria Each sk item s evaluated using the predefined important for the specific project. Criteria may be stated in terms o is information is used to pri \n helps the project focus spose its most severe Fig.(1) : Risk Management A ioniscaried outas a team pragesewsing biainstornting. To ist of risk types can be used. The end product of t risks that Could occur and affect the product, the processor the business. iesoceur. The mai imation of the risk’exposure due to each risk item, which can run from 0.1 ther thought) through 10 (stand back, here itcomes!. Br reegostne’ ively the risk should be tac having atleast one dimension rated @)Risk control: Risk controls the process of ma sutcomes, Risk control process involves the following a 7 ategies identify strategiesto deal with risk. These strategie ___ Risk Analysis: When the risks have been i , gi js The purpose ofthe risk analysisisto assess the loss probabi tiskitem, ‘The inputs the risk statement and context d “output of this phase ‘he description, probability, consequence and context The ma (1) Group similar risks -Detet duns identified risks into categories, plicates and find new risk items by. ‘and magnitude of ea leveloped in the identification phase. The ranking ofthe risks and a further analysis of toreduce the probability of ar stop supporting the project or identifying organizations that may system incase the el ae: development project backs o1 igation is aplan that would reduce or 1at should be done and wl When arisk has oceurre sxccutonoftheplas for dealing witheach i resolve the risk al ae ready hae plies The prjst mnge aso respond ___ A project manager has to respond project manager also needs ig epor progress aga The input to this phase is t I Riskstaus 0 Acceptable iss D1 Reduced rework, 1 Corrective action and Problem preve already trigger and execute the action plan, The pres plat and correet for devi isk action plan and the outputs are: Risk status isthe} thei Progress ofthe isk f ierbteniet nee Management. Acceptable risks are the ones that oring : Risk monitoring is ti ‘monitoringisthe continually reassessing of risks as Proceeds and conditions change, For example, successfi cor that the risk of the: EAE satusare reported pro f 2 perly as part of informa about risks documented together withthe i ‘as name of the risks, a risk statement, context, ec ‘The risk management ss toard may occur less frequently butte frequency of reporting should provide these individuals to judge the changing nature of th : ‘of risks and progress Risk Profile : Displays planned, actual and projected progress in reducing risks. Unit-1 Q.6, Deseribe Resow jon, Also discuss the nature of resources and as) resource Fequirementsin det ‘Ans. Resource allocati company deciding scarce resources should be resource can be considered any factor of prodi ‘goods or services. Resource allocation techniques located when they are used to pro swvest possible lost of product. E jsand services. location begins at strategic planning when & and strategic goals are Resource allocation isa process and strategy involving he production of goods orservices. A jing used to product juction, whichis some rn economist’s perfect world resources are duce goods and services that match consumer Jency of product on means fewer optimally needs and want resources are expended in producing good: (1) Strategic Planning : Resource company formulates its vision and goals for the jevement of obj ice you have set your objective you isoftenama then need to allocate er of project. Budgeting 1 example the compa er need and wants for computer tablet many for product & (3) Resource Aloe nd embedded software de "The discussions divides intotwo pats: Resources allocationalgorthms. tributed resources allocation. ion the resource last rele (i) Hottest hottest first resources allocation "ased is socio resorcerequrest. To implement this best in frst out IFO type of allocation, ‘The list of ree resources is maintained asastack. coldest first resources allocation the resource not allocated for inaqueue. pleresource groups load balancing used. A resource group is controlled by a local resource controllers. In this techniques the resource allocator first determines the highly loaded resource group. Gv) Funire Resource Booking : Here each resource allocation is for a specified time, ‘The resource allocation is oily valid tithe specified tie reached the resource is considered tg be tre. Thus the resource does not neéd to be treed explicitly. Nature of resourées : A resource is any ite of person required for the execution of miZ talone draw up aschedule fortheir use! ‘standard office supplies, forexample, need not normally he the concem of the project manager ensurin there is alwaysan adequate supply is he role ofthe office ‘manager, ‘The project manager must concentrate on those resources’ f.will be required for the duration ofthe software developer, might be required forasingle le vital tothe succcess of the project, does not require the same level of vidual programmers, for example, In general, (@ Labour : The main iterms in this category will be members of the developn Project team such asthe project manager, systems analysts and software developers. Equally important will be the quality assurance tam and other support staff and am Review overa it ies. (or deliverables) | serene ee \piTechia Semester Solvedipapers Dea2022 ty network ideal to take into account need for stages and checkpoints. Step te effort foreach activity = Camry out bottom-up estimates ~ Revise planto create controllable activities Step 6: Identify activity risks = Adjustoverall plans and estimates to take account of risks Step 7:. + Review quality aspects of project plan = Document plans and obiain agreement :xecute plan and lower lev ‘under way, plans will needto be drawn up in greater det planningofthe later stages will have tobe delayed because more informat available nearer the stat of the'stage, Of course it is necessary to make provisional plans for the more distant tasks, because thinking about what has to be done can help unearth potential ‘problems, butsightshould note lost of the fact that these plansare provisional. ce the projects Unit-1 * Q4. What is Risk management ? How the risk management act derived and implemented ? context of software projects, negative it schedule, a “Thecbjectiveofriskmanagementistoavoidorminimize theadverse effets of unforeseen events by avoiding the risks or drawing up contingency plans for dealing with them. Risk Management: management must not be allowed to become “ shelfvare”. The process must be a part of regularly scheduled per ipod mesg Itrequires identifying and managing risks routinely throughout Petter “Theriskmanagement process hassevera ative haar lustatedinFig() 3s that theres an adverse effect on cost, quality or Perrier sees Fisk Controt + Planning Resolution ontoring Fig 1) : Risk Management Activities. Allthe above risk management activities ae discussed below : @ Risk Identification G@, RiskAnalysis strategies (bth succesful and unsuccesfil) Joutasateam proces using brainstorming. To Pet eo beused. The end product of this step of sks that could occur and affet the product the processor the b Within the identifi i "Thensing of tisksis pro __ Q) Define risk anributes: Afr th 190d of occurrence (proba tions whichare analysed morein the next phase. = @) Document: The risks ae then documented. Together withthe name ofthe rsks,a isk statement and context are to be specified, In this initial phase the description of the risk fied in subjective terms. ieate: Spreading the knowledge to the project members. | -d by askinig the question why? and trying to figure out what may have ; Several root causes may lead to the same risk. (4) Estimate risk exposure —The risk exposure is a measure of the probabilituy and the consequence ofa risk item. The consequence can also be stated in terms of loss (for ‘example life, money, propery, reputation). (5) Evaluate against criteria— Each i ‘hich are important forthe specific project. Criteria may be stat ‘occurrence, the consequence and the timeframe. Tiss h can run from 0.1 (don’tgive it (i) RiskMonitoring, : . planningisto identify strategies to deal wit @ RiskMininia (Gi) RiskContinguency plans Risk planning strategies are discussed below: Risk Avoidance :Riskavoidance sone way o deal with risk: don't do therisky hing! ‘Wermay avoid risks by not undertaking certain projects, or by relying on proven rather than cuttingedge technologies. __ Riskavoidance attempts toreduce the probability ofa risk. Forexample, prototyping reduces the isk that users wi it tion attempts to reduce the impact ofarisk, For example, cross-training members of the development team reduces risks resulting from team ‘members leavingthe organization: isk contingency plans preparations for dealing witha isk ingaltemate sources of funding in case financial backers plan that would reduce or -done and who isresponsible ‘The mitigation plan includes a description of the act the red rated riskand assigns a primary handler Risk Resolution: When risk has occur execution ofthe plans for dealing with each sk, resolve the risk already had taken place, The project man chalked out plan of how to resolve the risk, Aree feeai oe to the trigger and execute the action plan. The , eds to report progress against the plan and correct for deviation. There phsestherskacton planand ie ouputsare: @ Acceptable rists Gi) Reduced rework, () Corrective action and (¥) Problem prevention. Risk status isthe progress of the risk management, Acceptable risks are the ones that are not tobe solved. Reduced rework is ameasure of the benefit of using risk management. ‘his has to be calculated to determine whether the risk management works. Corrective actions are procedures that wn solutions ifa problems occur and are generally accepted within || the project or organization. Problem prevention occurs when trying to avoid problem and thereby eliminating th Risk Monitoring proceeds and conditions: F and report its measures of risks to levels of senior managementand the anning by Software Project Manager(18) ‘Ans. Software Project Management consists of many activities, that includes planing decidingthe scope of product estimation ofcostin diffrentterms, scheduling of activities areas follows ject planningand Tracking (2) Project Resource Management (3) Scope Management (4) Estimation Management (5) Project Risk Management © Scheduling Management + Create a project team and assign respor toevery team member ~ Developing a resource plan is derived from the project plan, Itisa set of multiple processes, or We can say tht. (1) Peer Plain aes ed before the const " a Gps ieee describe the scope ofthe project. Scope managemen important bezauseitclearl defines what would doand what would not. Scope Manage creatthe projet o conn estrited and quantitative tusks, which may merely be document and successively avoid price and de (6) Estimation manageme imation because Wheneyep ‘we start to develop software, but wealso figure out their: of code), efforts, timeas ye ascost. fwertakaboutthe size, then Line ofcode depends upon user or software requirement talk about effort, we should know about the sizeof the software, because bceg ‘estimate how big team required to produce the software. time, when size and effort are estimated the time requiedto develop the software caneasily determit ‘Aid we talkabout cos, itineludesall the elements such as: ~Size of software Quality = Hardware Communication ‘~ Training Additional Software and tools ~Skilled manpower (4) Scheduling Management: Scheduling Management in software refers activities to complete in the specified order and wi compulsory He tasks and correlate them, its stages and different terms a Divide time into units, ~Assignthe: " it i could be inthe form of ignthe respective number of work-units for every job. ae ~Caleulate the total time from start to fit elements to0's.a"d inguse of extemal service sustomet” ‘Supply the new system but to also operate itonthect s behalf. ee — Siggy lean ise She papers. Dee 2025 A RAN SOfttare | Various Stages in Contract areas follows: (@ Requirementsanalyss: The requirement dcumentnghypicalyhave sections withthe heading shown in’ ‘ ‘Table : Main sections ina requirements document bespoke system thats, asystem thatjs created fom sratch specifica | forone i “as is" - this is someti (Introduction ios Deeper ace ene eee ‘Shrink. ® A description of any existing systems and the current environment wraps zi D : (Gi) customized off the shel COTS) sofware—this isa basi core system, whigy,. | ii) Theeustomer's i strategy or plans ‘modified to meet the needs of a particular customer. his (jw) System requirement ‘Where equipments being supplied then, in eee desirable () Deadlines (0) Additional information required from potential suppliers ‘The requirements define carefully the functions ofthe new application andallthe necessary inputs and outputs for these functions. They also tate any standards that apply, and the existing systems with which the new’ system should be compatible. There will also need tobe operational quirements, concerning such matters the required response times, reliability, contracts signed. The customer knows that ifthere are no. isthe price tobe paid on the completion ofthe work. In order ‘Customer’s requirement has to be known ‘and fixed at the out er words, {utastistoconstuctasftar syste, the detailed requirements ust already have qianearied out Once the developments unde way, the customer wil note able change Tenens wihorngung te pect contact and material contracts: With his type i = Sty fixed rate per unt of effort, for exam istype of contract, the customer is chargedst® Se ee ee ett ple, perstafPhour. At the start ofthe project, the supplie™ be specified anditis oped that by ‘normally fic 2 Provides an sina ofthe overall cost based on their curentundertancingof he customer’s requirements, bu thi STSAORPT MG us contract document may need tobe dep, Med, ee ee Forexamy tact ofsale, lease, ora licence y canthesubjectof the conzactsuchas.licenceousea software package, be trate? another party? Goods andservices to be supplied : Equipment and software to be supplied. Ty, sbouiinciudeanacal ix ofthe individual pews ofequipmentto be delivered, complete yg the specifiemodel numbers. ‘Servicesto be provided. This would cover such thingsas: ‘Ovenership ofthe software : Who has ownership ofthe software ? There may be to ‘eyibouss here fir, whether the customer can sll the software to othersand, second, whether ‘the supplier can ell the software to others. Ervrarmert: Where physical equipment istobe installed, the demarcation line| between the supplier'sdnd customer's responsibilities wth regard to such matters as accommodation snd electical supply needsto bespecifid. Where software isbeing supplied, the compatiiliy ofthe sofiware with the existing hardware and operating system platforms would need to be ‘confirmed. Cestomer comminents : Even when works caried out by 4 ; by extemal contractors, evelopment project still needs the participation of the customer. The! ‘custom: ‘Provide eccommodation forthe suppliers and perhaps other fact such See pecans ?Good practices to accepta delivered syst Passes ests Pat ofthe contract would specify such details asthe iad "vet conduct the tests, deliverables upon which the acceptance tests depends Procedure for signing offthetstngas completed. Sandards : This coversthe sandiards with whichthe ISO 12: ward e. and payment method : Obviously tie price decision points (or milestones) ‘already done and make decisions about the future direction ofthe project. The project could require representatives ofthe supplierand customer to interact at key points in the development cycle-for example, users may need to provide ‘One way of ing the decision points is todividea large projectinto increments. Foreach increment there could be an interface design phase. and the customer might need to approve the: designs before the increments built. There could also be decision points between increments. -Foreach decision, point, the deliverables from the supplier, the decisions tobe made es nced tobe defined. These decision points have ‘Thecustomeralsohas, should notbe delayed agreed changes need to be documented. changes, the supplier's agreement 0 % a example, the customer caus intermediate products. Ifo acti ‘customer in fact condones the fa company deciding scarce resources should be use : resource can be considered any factor of production, which is something used to prodyey ‘goods orservices. : In an economist’s perfect world resources are sroduce goods and services that match consumer 9f product. Efficiency of product on means fever optimally allocated when they are needs and wants at the lowest possi (1) Strategic. *gic planning whena ‘company formulates tegic goals are accomplished through achievement of objectives, 2) Budgetin /ou have set your objective you will then need to allocate suliient resource to accomplish t In practical terms this is often a matter of project. Budgeting ‘nourexample the company will allocate money for market research to determine unmounls ‘consumer need and wants for computer tablet many for product desi seers wy forp fesign and development, ) Resource Allocation Patterns : Resource management i i ( wgement isa very important pat f a of real time: ‘and embedded software desi is article discusses commonly used resource allocation patems. The discussions divided into two parts: © Resourcesallocation algorithms, @ Distributed resources allocation, Resource Allocat | resource allocator first determin a ES g70ups load balancingis used. Aresource group is co i eaagiesne (iv) Future Resource Be s ‘Theresource allocation is only valid till the specified time the project. This covers many things - from paper we would wish to itemize every resource required, letalone draw up a schedule fo Stationery and other standard office supplies, for example, need not normally he the concem of the project manager ensurin theres always an adequate supply is the role ofthe office manager. ‘manager must concentrate on those resources where there isa possi ning, they might not be suficiently available when required. be required for the duration of the vital to the sucecess ofthe project, docs not require the same level of be committed o working portant to book their ime well in advance. In general, is category will be members ofthe developments analysts and software developers. Equally port staffand any employees ofthe and other computingand ipment such as desks and (i) Time : Time is resource that a bein, Project time scales can sometimes be reduced by : sometin increasing other resources and will almost certainly be extended itheyaré unexpectedly reduced. (vil) Money : Money isa secondary resource willbe consumed as other resources ae used, lis available ata cost inthis caseinterset charges ig ofSet against the other primary resources isused to buy other resources and to other resources in th (ii | STREP Serieiien Solved papers. Dee Q.7.(0) Cost monitoring. Ans. Cost monitoring: Costmoitoringisaninportarcom ¢ Notonly in itself, but also because it provides an indication, oftheefon ter project control, project. A project might be on oie, than originally budgeted. Acurnulative expenditure chart such thatesshen simple method of comparing actual and planned expenditure, By itself ‘meaningful. Fig. illustrate a project thats running ate or one thats one substantial cost saving. Pianned cost _- Actual cost = Cumulative ost (%)_) “Time (weeks) “Fig. : Tracking cumulative expenditure Unit-1V. Q.8. Explain the importance of software quality during software development and explain ISO 9126 in brief. as) know whethera particular task ina project has been completed satisfact results ofthese tasks can be made the developers produce ‘deliverables’ that can be examined for ng errors during software development : AS computer system made upaof'a numberof steps where the output from one steps the development x thenext, the errorin the earlier deliverables will be added to those inthe later steps lea ral, ina projectthat an errors found the , because the number of errorsiin the system ig re particularly diffi 1809126 standard was published in 1991 totackle of software quality. This 13 page document was designedasa bebuilt ‘Which retates tothe capability ofthe software to maintain is level of Gi Usability: Which relatesto the effort needs to use the software; Gv) Efficiency : Which relates to the physical resources used when the software is executed; (9) Maintainabilty: Which retates tothe effort needed to the make change to the software; (i) Portability : Which relates tothe ability ofthe software to be transferred toa different environment. 1809126 suggestes sub-characteristics for each of the pethaps indicative ofthe difficult are outside the main standard and are given in the doc Useful as they clarify what is meantby the main chéracteri Characteristic Functionality Interoperability Compl Security Reliability Maturity: Faulttolerance Recoverability Usability | j (Bech Fi Seiesien Soleed pavers, DUAL eT Efficiency ‘Time behaviour Maintiinabiity Portability Replaceability Q.9.(a) Discuss different software quality measures. 5) Ans. Parameters for measuring the quality of software project : Different parameters for measuring the quality of software projectareas follows: oO rhis might be measured in tenis of interval thata system is usable; ided by the numberof failures; ot be available atthe time mean time berween failures: ~ failure on déinand : the probabi percent vit gthe software from scratch, tage of the normal productivity when developing the so a ‘ 7 re quality of software project areas follows: each other's code, ae Tre atra rene: Every ose te solver developer yes cily laid down steps. nediate stages : Emphasis on checking the correctness of work at ges itsearlierconcept — Inspection : The principle of inspection can be extended to any document that jg produced at any stage in the development process. When a piece of work is completed, Copies of the work are distributed to co-workers who then spend some time going through the work noting any defects. —Formal methods : It uses techniques that are unambiguous, mathematically baseq and specification language. They are used to define pre and post conditions for each procedure, Pre-conditions define the allowable states before processing of the various items of data thata procedure is to work upon. Post conditions define the state of those data items after the procedure 7 has been executed. — Software quality circles : A quality circle is a group of four to ten volunteers working in the same area to identify, analyse and solve their work related problems. —The GQM approach : A number of metrics will need to be identified as needing collection in order to answer the question. Q.9.(b) Techniques to enhance software quality. (7.5) Ans. Techniques for enhancing the quality of software project are as follows : — Increasing visibility : Weinberg encouraged the simple practice of software programmers looking at each other’s code. —Procedural structure : Every process in the software development cycle has carefully laid down steps. —Checking intermediate stages : Emphasis on checking the correctness of work at its earlier conceptual stages. * —Inspection : The principle of inspection can be extended to any document that is produced at any stage in the development process. When a piece of work is completed, copies of the work are distributed to co-workers who then spend some time going through the work noting any defects. —Formal methods : It uses techniques that are unambiguous, mathematically based and specification language. They are used to define pre and post conditions for each procedure. Pre-conditions define the allowable states before processing of the various items of data thata procedure is to work upon. Post conditions define the state of those data items after the procedure has been executed, : ~Software quality circles: A quality circle isa group of fourto ten volunteers working inthe same area to identify, analyse and solve their work related problems. ~The GQM approach : A number of metrics will need to be identified as needing collection in order to answer the question. $———>

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