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Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp

Mole Concept
PNS - 04
NCERT Workbook
Q 1. Nagarjuna was a great Indian scientist. His work Rasratnakar deals with the formulation of
(a) Aluminium compounds
(b) Mercury compounds
(c) Sodium compounds
(d) Copper compounds

Q 2. The drug Azidothymidine is used for

(a) Cancer treatment
(b) AIDS treatment
(c) Bronchitis treatment
(d) Ulcer treatment

Q 3. The three states of matter are interconvertible by the changing the conditions of
(a) Temperature
(b) Pressure
(c) Volume
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Q 4. The constituents of a compound can be separated by

(a) Physical methods
(b) Chemical methods
(c) Both of these
(d) Cannot be separated

Q 5. The S.I. unit of luminous intensity is

(a) Kelvin
(b) Ampere
(c) Candela
(d) Kilogram

Q 6. Which of the following is not the fundamental scientific quantity?

(a) Volume
(b) Mass
(c) Time
(d) Length

Q 7. The S.I. unit of volume is

(a) Litre
(b) (meter)3
(c) (cm)3
(d) dm3

Q 8. The S.I. unit of density is

(a) g/L
(b) g/mL
(c) g/m3
(d) kg/m3

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04

Q 9. Which one of the following sets of units represents the smallest and largest amount of
energy respectively?
(a) J and erg
(b) erg and cal
(c) cal and eV
(d) eV and L-atm

Q10. Many countries use the Fahrenheit scale for expressing the temperature of the atmosphere.
If the temperature in any such country is measured at 41°F then what is its value in the
Celsius scale and would you expect a hot or cold atmosphere in that country?
(a) 15°C, cold
(b) 25°C, normal
(c) 5°C, cold
(d) 41°C, hot

Q11. Given P = 0.0030 m, Q = 2.40 m, and R = 3.000 m, significant figures in P, Q, and R

(a) 2, 2, 1
(b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 4, 2, 1
(d) 4, 2, 3

Q12. The number of significant figures for the three numbers 161 cm, 0.161 cm, 0.0161 cm are
(a) 3, 4 and 5 respectively
(b) 3, 4 and 4 respectively
(c) 3, 3 and 4 respectively
(d) 3, 3 and 3 respectively

Q13. In the final answer to the expression

29.2−20.2 1.79×105
the number of significant figures is:
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Q14. Arrange the numbers in increasing numbers of significant figures.

0.002600, 2.6000, 2.6, 0.260
(a) 2.6 < 0.260 < 0.002600 < 2.6000
(b) 2.6000 < 2.6 < 0.002600 < 0.260
(c) 0.260 < 2.6 < 0.002600 < 2.6000
(d) 0.002600 < 0.260 < 2.6 < 2.6000

Q15. If the true value for an experimental result is 6.23 and the results reported by three
students X, Y and Z are:
X: 6.18 and 6.28
Y: 6.20 and 6.023

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
Z: 6.22 and 6.24
Which of the following options is correct?
(a) X precise, Y accurate, Z precise and accurate.
(b) X precise and accurate, Y not precise, Z precise
(c) Both X & Z are precise and accurate, Y not precise.
(d) Both X & Y are neither precise nor accurate. Z is both precise and accurate.

Q16. A sample was weighted using two different balances. The results were
(i) 3.929 (ii) 4.0 g
How would the weight of the sample be reported?
(a) 3.93 g
(b) 3 g
(c) 3.9 g
(d) 3.929 g

0.02858 ×0.112
Q17. Using the rules for significant figures, the correct answer for the expression 0.5702
(a) 0.005613
(b) 0.00561
(c) 0.0056
(d) 0.006

Q18. How many significant figures are in each of the following

(i) 4.003; (ii) 6.023 × 1023; (iii) 5000
(a) 3, 4, 1
(b) 4, 3, 2
(c) 4, 4, 4
(d) 3, 4, 3

Q19. The formation of CO and CO2 illustrates the law of

(a) reciprocal proportion
(b) conservation of mass
(c) multiple proportions
(d) constant composition

Q20. Which of the following is the best example of the law of conservation of mass?
(a) 12 g of carbon combines with 32 g of oxygen to form 44 g of CO2
(b) When 12 g of carbon is heated in a vacuum there is no change in mass
(c) A sample of air increases in volume when heated at constant pressure but its mass
remains unaltered
(d) The weight of a piece of platinum is the same before and after heating in air

Q21. In an experiment, 4 g of H2 combine with 32 g of CO2 to form 36 g of H2O. In another

experiment, when 50 g of H2 combine with 400 g of O2 then 450 g of H2O is formed. Above
two experiments follow
(a) The law of conservation of mass
(b) The law of constant composition
(c) Both (a) and (b)

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Q22. Irrespective of the source, pure sample, of water always yields 88.89% mass of oxygen and
11.11% mass of hydrogen. This is explained by the law of
(a) conservation of mass
(b) multiple proportions
(c) constant composition
(d) constant volume

Q23. The percentage of copper and oxygen in samples of CuO obtained by different methods were
found to be the same. They illustrate the law of
(a) constant proportions
(b) conservation of mass
(c) multiple proportions
(d) reciprocal proportions

Q24. Which one of the following pairs of compounds illustrate the law of multiple proportions?
(a) H2O and Na2O
(b) MgO and Na2O
(c) Na2O and BaO
(d) SnCl2 and SnCl4

Q25. Two samples of lead oxide were separately reduced to metallic lead by heating in a current
of hydrogen. The weight of lead from one oxide was half the weight of lead obtained from
the other oxide. The data illustrates
(a) law of reciprocal proportions
(b) law of constant proportions
(c) law of multiple proportions
(d) law of equivalent proportions

Q26. In compound A, 1.00 g of nitrogen with 0.57 g of oxygen. In compound B, 2.00 g of nitrogen
combines with 2.24 g of oxygen. In compound C, 3.00 g of nitrogen combines with 5.11 g of
oxygen. These results obey the following law
(a) law of constant proportion
(b) law of multiple proportions
(c) law of reciprocal proportion
(d) Dalton's law of partial pressure

Q27. The molecular weight of O2 and SO2 are 32 and 64 respectively. At 15°C and 150 mm Hg
pressure, one litre of O2 contains 'N' molecules. The number of molecules in two litres of
SO2 under the same conditions of temperature and pressure will be:
(a) N/2
(b) 1 N
(c) 2 N
(d) 4 N

Q28. 10 dm3 of N2 gas and 10 dm3 of gas X at the same temperature contain the same number of
molecules, gas X is
(a) CO2

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
(b) CO
(c) H2
(d) NO

Q29. Equal volumes of two gases A and B are kept in a container at the same temperature and
pressure. Avogadro's law is invalid if
(a) the gases are reactive
(b) the gases are non-reactive
(c) gas A has more number of molecules than gas B
(d) none of these

Q 30. 100 mL NO2 and NH3 were kept at the same temperature and pressure. What is true
about the number of molecules
(a) NO2 > NH3
(b) NO2 < NH3
(c) NO2 = NH3
(d) NO2 + NH3 = 1 mole

Q31. In 1808, Dalton published

(a) 'Journal de physique'
(b) 'A new system of chemical philosophy
(c) 'On the constitution of atoms and molecules'
(d) None of these

Q32. Dalton proposed that

(a) Matter consists of the atom which is divisible
(b) Matter consists of the atom which is indivisible
(c) Chemical reactions involve reorganization of atoms
(d) Both (a) and (c)

Q33. Dalton's theory failed to explain

(a) law of conservation of mass
(b) laws of chemical combination
(c) laws of gaseous volumes
(d) both (a) and (b)

Q34. Atomic mass is defined as the

(a) mass of one atom compared with the mass of one molecule
(b) mass of one atom compared with the mass of one atom of hydrogen
(c) mass of one atom of any substance compared with the mass of one atom of C-12
(d) none of the above

Q35. The average atomic mass of neon based on following data is:
Isotope Relative abundance
Ne 0.9051
Ne 0.0027
Ne 0.0922
(a) 0.33 u
(b) 20.187 u

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
(c) 6.729 u
(d) 18.058 u

Q36. What is the average atomic mass of bromine from the following data: (abundance is in %)
Isotope Mass Abundance
Br 78.9183361 50.69
Br 80.916289 49.31
(a) 79.9
(b) 76.6
(c) 75.9
(d) 69.9

Q37. What is the mass of an atom of oxygen (in g)?

(a) 2.656 × 10-23
(b) 1.567 × 10-22
(c) 2.0 × 10-22
(d) 3.5 × 10-23

Q38. If the mass of the one atom is found to be 2.324784 × 10-23 g, then this atom can be?
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon
(c) Fluorine
(d) Nitrogen

Q39. Mole was introduced as ________ base quantity for the amount of a substance
(a) sixth
(b) seven
(c) eight
(d) second

Q40. One mole is the amount of a substance that contains as many particles or entities as there
are atoms exactly
(a) 12g of 12C isotope
(b) 12g of 13C isotope
(c) 12g of 14C isotope
(d) None of the above

Q41. The mass of one mole of a substance in grams is

(a) Molar mass
(b) Molecular mass
(c) Atomic mass
(d) Gram molecular mass

Q42. The volume occupied by one molecule of water (density = 1 g/cm) is

(a) 9.0 × 10-23 cm3
(b) 6.023 × 1023 cm3
(c) 3.0 × 10-23 cm3
(d) 5.5 × 10-23 cm3

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
Q43. Find which of the following compound can have mass ratio of C : H : O as 6 : 1 : 24
(a) HO–(C=O)–OH
(b) HO–(C=O)–H
(c) H–(C=O)–H
(d) H3CO–(C=O)–H

Q44. CH4 g + O2 g ⟶ CO2 g + H2 O g

1 mole 2 mole 1 mole mole= ?

(a) 3 mole
(b) 2 mole
(c) 1 mole
(d) 4 mole

Q45. CH4 g + O2 g ⟶ CO2 + H2 O g

22.7 Litre 45.4 Litre 22.7 Litre mol= ?

(a) 22.7 Litre

(b) 90.8 Litre
(c) 45.4 Litre
(d) 181.6 Litre

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04
Answer Key

S 1. Ans. (b)

S 2. Ans. (b)

S 3. Ans. (d)

S 4. Ans. (b)

S 5. Ans. (c)

S 6. Ans. (a)

S 7. Ans. (b)

S 8. Ans. (d)

S 9. Ans. (d)

S 10. Ans. (c)

S 11. Ans. (b)

S 12. Ans. (d)

S 13. Ans. (c)

S 14. Ans. (a)

S 15. Ans. (d)

S 16. Ans. (a)

S 17. Ans. (b)

S 18. Ans. (c)

S 19. Ans. (c)

S 20. Ans. (a)

S 21. Ans. (c)

S 22. Ans. (c)

S 23. Ans. (a)

S 24. Ans. (d)

S 25. Ans. (c)

Neutron NEET 2024 Chemistry Sankalp
Mole Concept
PNS - 04

S 26. Ans. (b)

S 27. Ans. (c)

S 28. Ans. (b)

S 29. Ans. (d)

S 30. Ans. (c)

S 31. Ans. (b)

S 32. Ans. (d)

S 33. Ans. (c)

S 34. Ans. (c)

S 35. Ans. (b)

S 36. Ans. (a)

S 37. Ans. (a)

S 38. Ans. (d)

S 39. Ans. (b)

S 40. Ans. (a)

S 41. Ans. (a)

S 42. Ans. (c)

S 43. Ans. (a)

S 44. Ans. (b)

S 45. Ans. (c)

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