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Synthesis of Sentences Worksheets

1. Rewrite the sentences, keeping in mind the three types of sentences, without changing the
meanings of them.
Question 1.
He hurt his foot. He stopped.
Having hurt his foot, he stopped.
He hurt his foot, therefore he stopped.
He stopped because he hurt his foot.

Question 2.
I was walking along the street one day. I saw a dead snake.
While walking along the street one day, I saw a dead snake.
During my walk along the street one day, I saw a dead snake.
I was walking along the street one day and I a the dead snake.

Question 3.
The magician took pity on the mouse. He turned it into a cat.
Taking pity on the mouse, the magician turned it into a cat.
The magician took pity on the mouse, so he turned it into a cat.

Question 4.
He was weary of failure. He emigrated to Africa.
Being weary of failure, he emigrated to Africa.
He emigrated to Africa because he was weary of failure.

Question 5.
I was returning home. I saw a man. He was lying by the roadside.
While returning home, I saw a man lying by the roadside.
While I was returning home, I saw a man who was lying by the roadside.

2. Rewrite the sentences, keeping in mind the three types of sentences without changing the
meanings of them.
Question 1.
Jawaharlal Nehru died in 1964. He was the first Prime Minister of India.
Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, died in 1964.
Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the first Prime Minister of India, died in 1964.
Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India and he died in 1964.

Question 2.
The word of command will be given. You will fire.
At the word of command, you will fire.
You will fire as the word of command will be given.

Question 3.
The judge gave his decision. The court listened to it silently.
The court listened silently to the decision given by the judge.
The judge gave the decision which the court listened to silently.
The court silently listened to the Judge’s decision.

Question 4.
He amused us very much. He sang a funny song.
He amused us very much by singing a funny song.
He sang a funny song and amused us very much.

Question 5.
It was a very hot day. I could not do any work properly.
It being a very hot day, I could not do any work properly.
I could not do any work properly because it was a very hot day.

3. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Question 1.
The king died. His eldest son came to the throne.
After the king’s death, his eldest son came to the throne.

Question 2.
His father was dead. He had to support his widowed mother.
His father being dead, he had to support his widowed mother.

Question 3.
I will speak the truth. I am not afraid of any consequences.
I will speak the truth without being afraid of any consequences.
Since I am not afraid of any consequences, I will speak the truth.
Question 4.
He must apologise. He will not escape punishment otherwise.
He must apologise to escape punishment.
If he wants to escape punishment, he must apologise.

Question 5.
He cannot afford a car. He is very poor.
He is too poor to afford a car.
He is so poor that he can not afford a car.

4. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Question 1.
He wants to earn his livelihood. He works hard for that reason.

Question 2.
He is very honourable. He will not break his word.

Question 3.
I accept your answer. I do it without reserve.

Question 4.
He was obstinate. He refused to listen to advice.

Question 5.
He preserved. He was not deterred by obstacles.

5. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

Question 1.
He does well. He is nervous at the start.
Despite being nervous at the start, he does well.

Question 2.
It is raining heavily. I will take an umbrella with me.
It is raining heavily so I will take an umbrella with me.

Question 3.
I am in the right. You are in the wrong.
I am in the right but you are in the wrong.
Question 4.
Sheena is a good student. Sheena is a good singer.
Sheena is not only a good student but also a good singer.
Apart from being a good student, Sheena is a good singer too.

Question 5.
He was fined. He was sent to prison.
He was fined and sent to prison.
He was not only fined but also sent to prison.

6. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings.

Question 1.
The train was wrecked. No one was hurt.
The train was wrecked but no one was hurt.
No one was hurt although the train was wrecked.

Question 2.
Ram is ill. He still attends school.
Ram is ill yet he attends school.
Ram attends school despite being ill.

Question 3.
I shall not oppose your plan. I cannot approve of it either.
I shall not oppose your plan, however, I cannot approve of it.

Question 4.
He is a rich man. He did not earn his wealth.
He does not appreciate the value of money.
He squanders it.
He is a rich man but as he did not earn his wealth, he does not appreciate the value of money and
squanders it.

Question 5.
The storm abated. The sun shone. The ship wrecked could see no sign of land.
The storm having abated, the sun shone, but the ship wrecked could see no sign of land.

7. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

Question 1.
He is poor. He is honest.
In spite of being poor, he is honest.
Though he is poor, he is honest.

Question 2.
Her father died. She heard the news. She fainted.
On hearing the news of her father’s death, she fainted.

Question 3.
Marco Polo made many discoveries.
The discoveries were wonderful.
Marco Polo made many wonderful discoveries.
Marco Polo made many discoveries which were wonderful.

Question 4.
I have some duties. I must perform them.
I have some duties to perform.
I have some duties that must be performed by me.

Question 5.
The police arrived. The crowd disappeared.
The police having arrived, the crowd disappeared.
As soon as the police arrived, the crowd disappeared.

8. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

Question 1.
It must be done. The cost does not count.
It must be done at any cost.

Question 2.
I have read Bacon. It profited me greatly.
Reading Bacon has profited me greatly.

Question 3.
He is a bad boy. It is certain.
It is certain that he is a bad boy.

Question 4.
He kicked the goal keeper. It was his intention to do so.
He kicked the goalkeeper intentionally.
Question 5.
He was not at the meeting. His absence was unavoidable.
His absence at the meeting was unavoidable.

9. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

Question 1.
The storm ceased. The sun came out.
The storm having ceased, the sun came out.
Hardly had the storm ceased when the sun came out.

Question 2.
The bugle sounded. The weary soldiers leapt to their feet.
The bugle having sounded, the weary soldiers leapt to their feet.
No sooner did the bugle sound than the weary soldiers leapt to their feet.

Question 3.
He must confess his fault. He may thus escape punishment.
He may escape punishment by confessing his fault.
He may escape the punishment if he confesses his fault.

Question 4.
He set traps every night. He cleaned his house of rats.
He set traps every night to clean his house of rats.

Question 5.
Arohi has won Miss Mumbai crown. She will give us party today.
Having won Miss Mumbai crown, Arohi will give us a party today.

10. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Question 1.
Sonia asked a riddle. I was unable to solve it.
I was unable to solve the riddle asked by Sonia.

Question 2.
John helped Thomas. Thomas will always be grateful.
Thomas will always be grateful for John’s help.

Question 3.
Rajan is a great Cricketer. He is also popular.
Rajan is a great popular cricketer.
Question 4.
Adnan sang a wonderful song. It became a hit.
Adnan sang a wonderful hit song.

11. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Question 1.
My grandfather is very old. He is very active.
My grandfather is very old still he is very active.

Question 2.
Mala is not in the classroom. Mala is not in the library.
Mala is not in the classroom nor in the library.

Question 3.
She was so excited about her performance. She could not sleep at night.
Since she was so excited about her performance, she could not sleep at night.

Question 4.
Mumbai is densely populated. It is one of the major cities in the country.
Mumbai is densely populated as it is one of the major cities in the country.

12. Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.
Question 1.
This is the hospital. I was born here.
I was born in this hospital.

Question 2.
The children have been sick for a week. They were unable to go to school.
The children were unable to go to school for a week on account of sickness.

Question 3.
Mrs Kumar has been a teacher for thirty years. She will now retire.
Mrs Kumar will now retire after teaching for thirty years.

Question 4.
We have had no respect for nature. Now we are suffering from the effects of global warming.
We are suffering from the effects of global warming for disrespecting nature.

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