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Organization Development

• Organizational development (commonly referred to as OD) is a

practical and systematic approach to launching and diffusing
change in Organisations.
• It is an attempt to improve the overall Organizational efficiency. It
is basically a long range programme, not a one shot deal,
attempting to change the behavioural attitudes and performance of
the total Organisation.

Organizational Development – Introduction

Organisational Development (OD) is applying behavioural science

principles and practices for organisational effectiveness.


✓ The behavioural science approach broadly speaking is

about understanding individual and group dynamics to initiate
meaningful organisational development.
✓ The study of human behaviour in the context of organisational change
is an integral part of enabling organisations to grow, adapt, and gain a
competitive edge.

OD is often associated with Human Resource Development (HRD) as it focuses

on improving organizational processes, structures, and behaviors through human-
centered approaches.

Benefits and Importance of Organization Development:

1. Improved Performance: OD helps organizations enhance their performance

by aligning systems, processes, and people with strategic objectives.
2. Enhanced Adaptability: In a rapidly changing business environment, OD
facilitates the organization's ability to adapt to new challenges, technologies, and
market shifts.

3. Increased Productivity: By optimizing processes and workflows, OD

contributes to increased productivity and efficiency.

4. Leadership Development: It supports the development of effective leaders

and managers who can drive organizational growth and development.

5. Employee Development: OD emphasizes employee growth and development

through training, coaching, and skill-building initiatives.

Process of Organization Development in HRD:

1. Diagnosis: Identify areas of improvement through data collection, surveys, and

feedback mechanisms. This helps pinpoint specific issues and areas that require

2. Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan outlining the interventions,

strategies, and goals for the OD process. This plan should align with the
organization's overall strategy.

3. Intervention:
mplement Implement the planned interventions, which could include
training programs, team-building activities, process redesign, leadership
development, and more.

4. Evaluation: Continuously assess the effectiveness of the interventions using

key performance indicators, employee feedback, and other relevant metrics.

5. Feedback and Adjustment: Based on the evaluation, make necessary

adjustments to the interventions. This could involve refining strategies,
modifying training, or addressing unforeseen challenges.
6. Sustainment: Ensure the changes are integrated into the organization's culture
and systems for long-term sustainability.

7. Continuous Improvement: OD is an ongoing process. Organizations should

continuously monitor their performance, engage in feedback loops, and make
further improvements.

Incorporating OD into HRD practices can lead to a more adaptable, efficient, and
engaged organization that is better equipped to achieve its goals in a dynamic
business landscape.

Characteristics of Organization Development:

1. Systemic Approach: OD considers the organization as a whole, recognizing

that changes in one area can impact other interconnected parts.

2. Data-Driven: Decisions in OD are based on data and analysis to identify areas

for improvement and measure progress.

3. Long-Term Focus: OD interventions are typically designed for sustainable

and long-lasting change rather than short-term fixes.

4. Collaborative: It promotes collaboration among different departments, teams,

and individuals to address challenges and implement solutions.

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