Charts 1.3

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To Create a Bullet graph

1. Excel File name: Data for Bullet

Sheet name: Bullet Graph
Highlight cells C2:F9 Click on Insert (Menu)  Recommended charts All Charts
Column Stacked Column

***Note**** In case your stacked bar does not look like the above chart, instead the
Horizontal axis contains “60% to target , Actual Sales & Target instead of the
names(Amy, Sheldon….Raj) then Click on Design Tab in menu  Switch Row /
Column. Else ignore this step.

2. Click on the “Target” stack on the chart  Ensure all the target stacks are selected
Right click  Change Series Chart type

Changed Target’s Stacked column to Line with markers. Also activate secondary axis. Click Ok
Chart looks as below screen shot.

3. Click on Target line. Ensure all dots are selected  Right click mouse  Format data

Click on Fill & Line  No line Marker  Marker options Built in  Type 
Choose Hyphen (The longer one)  Size to 15  Color to Black  Border, Choose “No
The resulting image is pasted below

4. Click on Actual Sales in the stack. Ensure All the orange stacks are clicked (Actual Sales)
Right click mouse  Format data series

Make sure above controls appear. If not click Series option  Secondary Axis  Gap Width to
Chart appears as pasted below.

5. Click on Blue Band “60% of target” and ensure all bands are chosen Right click 
Format data series  Fill & Line  Color to Light Grey.


Click on secondary axis  Delete

Final view of bullet.

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