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This is to certify I Michael Kuma Ackah on behalf of Madam Ada Omoarukhe of

hause Number FR 34 of community 19 Regimmanuel Estate have collected an
amount of Fifteen Thousand Ghana Cedis (Ghc 15,000)
from .................................................................... as part payment for two
(2)bedroom apartments at a house Number FR 34.
The agreed rent monthly per month for (2)two years totally Forty Eight Thousand
Ghana Cedis (Ghc48,000) effective 01/01/2024, he promised to pay a balance of
Thirty Three Thousand Ghana Cedis (Ghc 33,000) before the end of December,
Landlady’s Witnesses
Mr. Michael Kuma Ackah ................................
Bro. Michael Mensah Vormewor ............................

Tenants Witnesses
1 Name. .........................
2 Name. .........................

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