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Name- Siddharth Meshram HDFC Bank

PRN- 1062220062

Year Stock Prices Returns X Index price Retuns Y X-X̅

2013 341.15 - 5553.25
2014 360.65 5.72 6776.3 22.02 -12.90
2015 494.4 37.09 8780.35 29.57 18.47
2016 566.17 14.52 7713.05 -12.16 -4.10
2017 773.25 36.58 9150.8 18.64 17.96
2018 972.15 25.72 10331.6 12.90 7.11
2019 1,158.72 19.19 11643.45 12.70 0.58
2020 1,001.80 -13.54 8083.8 -30.57 -32.16
2021 1,412.30 40.98 14834.85 83.51 22.36
2022 1,384.60 -1.96 17784.35 19.88 -20.58
2023 1,687.60 21.88 17820 0.20 3.27
18.62 15.67

Returns Of X 18.62

return of Y 15.67
Variance X 286.5988
Variance Y 803.1379
S.D of X 16.92923
S.D of Y 28.33969
Covariance 318.774
ß 0.396911
CAPM 10.44
Y-Y̅ X-X̅^2 (Y-Y̅)^2 (X-X̅)*(Y-Y̅)

6.35 166.42 40.36 -81.96

13.90 341.12 193.31 256.79
-27.83 16.81 774.31 114.08
2.97 322.53 8.82 53.33
-2.77 50.50 7.66 -19.66
-2.97 0.33 8.84 -1.71
-46.24 1034.20 2138.41 1487.12
67.84 499.96 4602.60 1516.95
4.21 423.44 17.74 -86.66
-15.47 10.67 239.33 -50.54
2865.99 8031.38

Risk free
rate of
return 7.00

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