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Arriola, Kurt Rafael L. Ar.

Nolan Philip De Castro

ARC - 4102 Planning 2

A Reaction Paper

“Planning 101: Community Planning” is a video discussion by the speakers from the
Planning4LA. It was streamed on March 18, 2029 via Youtube. The speakers want to tell people
the importance of planning in one community and how these plans work together. Also, how the
plan of the community where we reside affects us and gets us involved. Living without knowing
is just like eating without getting full thus it is important for us to know how our community helps
us and the planners.
Some people just simply do not think outside the box. They started to throw nonsense
questions everytime they knew something that was against their likes. Just like asking “how can
the city think that they can just tell us what to do with our private property?” In every city or
community, planning does always exist. Community Planning exists because it helps to maintain
the character of a neighborhood and regulates where certain land use should be built in an
area. The extent of importance of a community planning is for a long-standing basis as this
ensures that the proposed projects are compatible with the zoning regulations.
It was also discussed in the video the numerous goals that a community planning
attempt to achieve. Through community planning, it can balance the neighborhood properties,
enhance, preserve the built environment through a long range planning, shape and improve the
communities to plan for and accommodate change in growth and the future development of the
community. An action without purpose is nothing but less. People should always know what the
purpose of things is as this is one of the keys to achieve what they aim to achieve. Furthermore,
it was also said in the video that a general plan is required to provide a land use element that
addresses what can be built in a community.
A community plan cannot be done without its component and it is true that residents of a
community are one of the major components of a plan aside from the planning department who
makes all the plans because residents are the one to decide and approve what can be built in
their place. Also, inside a community plan, the goals, policies, programs and aspirations were
stated. THese goals are the main driving forces in conducting the plan because these describe
the outcome of the plans, and how they want the community to look after. In addition to that, I
also agree that before planning, make sure that you have browsed the general plan land use
map of an area as this dictates the specific regulations about what can actually be built in a
community and what broad categories of land used will be located in the community. Keeping in
mind that zoning is the tool used to implement the goals and policies of the plans. I agree that
with the help of zoning, it helps us and the planners to determine what can be built and done on
any given parcel of land; knowing what are the required setbacks, maximum and minimum
height, floor area ratio, etc.
We cannot deny the fact that community planning helps the community planners in
giving us a safe area to live in by regulating the design and location of new and proposed
developments. New developments are good as long as it was studied overtime and was looked
after by the planners. The true essence of planning comes from the great thinking and approach
of the planners and other concerned departments.

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