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Babatunde Aremu

(1) What is the poet's perspective on fashion?

The poet looks down upon the modern-day fashion trends that completely
change a person from who they truly are. He calls it a crazy act of destruction in
the name of fashion. The natural beauty that God has given is us perfect, and we
should not doubt the creation of God.

(2) What is his perspective on altering natural beauty

The poet expresses his contempt at these ever-changing fashion trends that
encourage people to stray away from their natural selves. He calls it a destructive
and crazy act that shows man's insatiable thirst for looking 'beautiful'. Humans
can do all sorts of irrational things to change their body's true form. He says that
trying to change our natural beauty is being dissatisfied with God's creation.

(3) Comment on the animal imagery used by the poet?

The poet begins by using animal imagery to show how animals are comfortable
in their skin. The lions, peacocks, birds also flaunt their god-given beauty and do
not complain about what they have. Even a snail is content with what it has
received. He uses animals as a comparison to indicate that only humans are
confused about their looks and constantly look for more thanwhat God has given
to them.

(4) Comment on the gender associations made in the poem.

The poet continually uses the word 'man' which reveals a sexist attitude towards
women in general. Most of the 'beautification' processes he mentions in the
poem are commonly used by women to meet the society's standards of beauty,
yet he uses the word 'man' to symbolise the entire humankind. The poet also
refers to the peacock as 'her' which indicates that beautiful and gentle features
are termed as feminine whereas strong and brittle features like that of a lion are
termed masculine.

(5) What is your take on appearance altering procedures?

After reading the poem, I agree with the poet's view on appearance altering
procedures. The society needs to change it's standard of beauty. Rather, society
should not set a standard for beauty to become comfortable in their own skin.
These procedures are unnecessary and also interfere with our body's natural
processes, which can also be toxic and harmful.

(6) What do you think influences the adherence to fashion trends.

Substantiate your answer with reference to the poem
Humans adhere to fashion trends as they have systematically been taught to
look acceptable and presentable in society. As the trends keep on changing,
people also change their lifestyle to fit in. They brighten their teeth and get face-
lifts and implants because they might make a person seem more desirable,
especially to the opposite sex. Women face much more pressure than men and
are expected to look their best. Fashion and clothing should be about comfort
and conforming to toxic ideals.

(7) Comment on the language structure of the poem, keeping in view the
poet's African ancestry.

The poet starts the poem by using beautiful adjectives to describe animals which
shows his appreciation for natural beauty. As he begins to give his views on
humans and their fashion, his tone becomes sarcastic. There are grammatical
errors and misspellings, may be due to his Nigerian descent and not an English
speaking country. His language also seems to be informal compared to the
Western manner, but this unusual usage of English might be common to people
of African origin

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