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Name:Ahood ID:1906271

Mohammed Almalawi
Section: XBR Group:3

Title:Preparation and analysis of double salt diammonium disulfato

nickel(ll) hexahydrate Ni(NH4)2(SO4)2.6H2O

The preparation equation and the type of the reaction:

NiSO4.6H2O + (NH4)2SO4 —> [Ni(NH4)2(SO4)2].6H2O

Addition Reaction


No Reagent Concentratio Volum Calculations

. n e
1 BaCl2 5٪ 100ml Wt= 5×100/100 = 5g

2 NH4OH 4:1 100ml on 80ml of NH4OH and 20ml of


3 NH4OH 1:10 50ml on 5ml of NH4OH and 45ml of


4 DMG 1٪ 100ml on Wt= 1×100/100 = 1g

The chemical name and formula of the complex:

Double salt diammonium disulfato nickel(ll) hexahydrate


The chemical structure of the complex and its geometry:

There is no structure for the double salt

The calculations of Yield & % Yield:


2.461- 0.3 =2.161g

The experimental Analysis:
1) Analysis of Metal:



2) Analysis of Ligand:



3) Calculations


17.3/58.69=0.29 52/96=0.54 9.12/18=0.51 21.28/18=1.18

0.29/0.29=1 0.54/0.29=2 0.51/0.29=2 1.19/0.29=4

The empirical formula is Ni(NH4)2(SO4)2.4H2O

Ratio is 1:2:2:4




Theoretical % of H2O = 100% - Ni% - SO4% - NH4% =

=100-14.85-24.30-4.55 = 56.3%
Questions & Answers:

1-White powder after it crushed with

smell of ammonia
2-Red after the oven with no smell

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